Ja nun, aber das ist doch wohl nicht die alleinige ErklĂ€rung. Das Skisprungleben geht einfach weiter, und man muss halt immmer wieder neu angreifen. Und wenn das aus bleibt, dann muss es seine tiefer gehenden GrĂŒnde haben....
Pekka (and Toni Nieminen) has brought this GaP thing up much. But in reality it doesn't hold water. Kuopio was super success for Finns. But it was early on the season and home hill. It's common, that every country does better on their home hills. And early on the season there is usually more unpredictable winners etc. Even next competitions were good for Matti and Ville, but others have not really been doing good before the Christmas, at 4H's or after that (well expect Anssi considering his background, but he should really be about the fifth jumper at Finnish team, not second.)
Matti has always been instable jumper. He was that before GaP, he is being that now. Others were bad before GaP, they are that now. In fact even Ville was going bit down before the GaP also. On GaP we lost Ville, but that is absolutely not enough to explain this situation now. Neither is Rane's knee operation. It was a success, took three weeks for full recovery, and he really didn't lost that much practise time because of that. Ville lost much more because his summer fall, and it didn't matter. Rane lost more time, because he was more interested and motivated about racing than ski jumping. But of course that is not as good of the excuse for Pekka to use (he really can not say that all his jumpers are lazy and unmotivated and haven't work at summer and that is why they are doing badly, and it is not his fault at anyway even though he is a coach. Or of course he could try
) And it is also probably not the real reason why Rane's jump doesn't work. He is fit enough, but his technique doesn't work.