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Unfortunally you are absolutly right Marre...

In teamcomp it will be even the best if they would be 9th.... This is for the future
Otherwise it will be in Sotchi :n8:


linker Spinner
Pansendorf im Bumsland

das hört sich aber nicht gut an in Sachen Havus Knie....

Ach warum warum warum immer Finnland?
Habs auch schon gelesen...Allerdings sagen es die Einen so, und die Anderen meinen, dass es doch nicht so schlimm ist. Jetzt ist ja erstmal ein bisschen Luft bis zu nÀchsten Wettkampf. Und ich denk, dass vielleicht versucht wird so wenig Spruenge wie möglich zu machen (nicht mehr als an einem Weltcup-Wochenende). Jedenfalls war das ein Kommentar von meinem Schwiegervater. :hmpf:


In teamcomp it will be even the best if they would be 9th.... This is for the future
Otherwise it will be in Sotchi :n8:

That is true. And especially Havu's success has nothing to do with the new system and training. It's all about the talent and old training (so if any trainer should be given a credit, it's not Pekka but Löde.) With Matti Pekka has certainly done a wonderful work but even from Ville's success I would not give that much credit to him. Ville had problems last season, but he was certainly coming.

I'm also ready to admit, that only small part of Rane's and Harri's problems are due to Pekka (Rane had real motivational problems, while I'm sure that new system didn't help and while Hapa was certainly smoked out and the new system didn't help him at all, he also has a real and serious personal issues that came to the way. It's of course totally other thing how you should handle it, when someone in the team starts to show symptoms of personal/mental issues, how they went with Hapa was probably one of the worst possible ways to handle it.) With Kalle the new system had a bigger and clearer role and as I said, it at least didn't help Rane or Hapa at all.
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At least Matti found his inner Pekka
"Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Tag. Das sieht wirklich gut aus fĂŒr die Großschanze"


He is channelling his inner Pekka much better in German than in Finnish :D:

In Finnish he was happy with his own jumps, but could not be happy at all otherwise. He also said about the large hill, that it also looked good at Thursday for the normal hill but he hopes the best.

And Rane is really wanting to experience this 'Finnish ski jumping's black sheep and problem child'-thing wholly. Now he is channelling his inner Harri Olli and cursing for reporters and walking away from them because they made stupid questions. (But he did not say anything, that would get him to Norwegian telly, like Hapa did. He just told the reporter, that "you are only planning on writing pure shit, when you ask things like that" and walked away. Reporter also wasn't as provoking like the one with Hapa, he just asked that "this competition didn't give a lot worth to remember, did it?") But Rane got a news about this to MTV3 site, so it's something I guess ;)
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Hehe, well done Janne!


Don't talk to stupid reporters who are just asking stupid questions!


Warrior of Kindness
Lebanon, Kansas
He is channelling his inner Pekka much better in German than in Finnish :D:

In Finnish he was happy with his own jumps, but could not be happy at all otherwise. He also said about the large hill, that it also looked good at Thursday for the normal hill but he hopes the best.

Actually I found same statement of Matti also in English, so I think the positive version is the official international one ;)
And it sounds so much better ;)


Actually I found same statement of Matti also in English, so I think the positive version is the official international one ;)
And it sounds so much better ;)

Maybe he is one of those, who immediately feel more positive, when they are out of depressing Finnish emotional climate and that is why his channel for his inner Pekka is so much clearer in international connections :hihi:

Or he just thinks, that other than Finns would not understand his habitual self-deprecating sulking and tries to appear more positive. :zunge2:


According Ilta-Sanomat Havu's knee is a total mystery. Their physio tries to do some testing tomorrow and if it seems to go okay, Havu tries to jump tomorrow in training. But they probably have to tape the knee and because of that, also tape the healthy knee for balance and that is something Havu has never jumped with before. So they don't know how that will influence for his jumping. They also don't know can Havu jump without trying it. The knee hurts only in landing and shortly after that. Other than that, it feels normal, so they can not know, how it will feel without trying. (And trying of course is always bit risky.)

We will see.


As grey and nauseous as Pekka looked right after the competition, he did find his inner Pekka later at the evening. While he admits that yesterday is bad he is confident for the future. When Larinto, Happonen and HautamÀki are all in shape at the same time, they with Anssi can challenge all top countries and Finland will be back on top again.

May have some truth in it, but unfortunately situation, where countries all jumpers would be both totally healthy and in good form at the same time (and all the time) doesn't happen even for Austria. And I don't know if Matti has promised to continue after this season, but for him to continue untill Sotchi is still quite a long way. How Larinto's knee will heal is also something that will be seen. That kind of miracle recoveries that happened to Havu are not guaranteed.

I would feel better, if Pekka wouldn't talk like this was just the blurb and like in reality everything was just fine, but they just had too much bad luck this time.


Ilta-Sanomat sure knows how to cause heart problems for their readers :phew::
http://www.iltasanomat.fi/makihyppy... vaihtuikin sairaalaan/art-1288372420019.html

Heading is "Happonen's plans change: Not to the hill but to the hospital"

And when you get the story open and read it, you find out, that they have decided to take MRI of the knee just because they can and because they want to be sure. And because whole Finnish team has decided to skip training today anyway. There is still no pain in Havu's knee even in heavy training (outside the hill), he can for example do one leg spring off exercises with it etc., it's not swollen or has any other worrying characteristics, but because it did hurt in landing from the normal hill, they want to be absolutely sure.
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linker Spinner
Pansendorf im Bumsland
Ilta-Sanomat sure knows how to cause heart problems for their readers :phew::
http://www.iltasanomat.fi/makihyppy... vaihtuikin sairaalaan/art-1288372420019.html

Heading is "Happonen's plans change: Not to the hill but to the hospital"

And when you get the story open and read it, you find out, that they have decided to take MRI of the knee just because they can and because they want to be sure. And because whole Finnish team has decided to skip training today anyway. There is still no pain in Havu's knee even in heavy training (outside the hill), he can for example do one leg spring off exercises with it etc., it's not swollen or has any other worrying characteristics, but because it did hurt in landing from the normal hill, they want to be absolutely sure.
Hm, das ist wirklich sehr merkwuerdig. Kann man nur hoffen, dass er den finnischen Rekord nicht mit einem zu hohen Preis bezahlt hat. Oder was auch immer. Ich hoffe er steckt das auch mental ganz gut weg. Der muss sich ja beim Gang ins Krankenhauf fuehlen wie auf dem Weg zum Galgen. :(

Rising Sun

Mountain Girl
oh nein, der arme havu! aber es ist auf jeden fall besser das abzuklÀren, bevor wieder was kaputt geht..

hm, das klingt ja so als wĂŒrde pekka davon ausgehen dass matti weitermacht, hoffentlich stimmt das auch!