Zum Thema positiver Test bei Betreuern/Athleten: da sollen wohl nach Möglichkeit keine Teams gleich ganz rausgenommen werden. Bin da aber gespannt auf die Praxis....komplett nÀheren Kontakt untereinander lÀsst sich doch nicht vermeiden, wenn man teamweise zusammen unterwegs ist. Da hockt man doch auch mal gemeinsam auf den Zimmern.
If someone has suspicious symptoms, they will be isolated and examined. If the test is positive, the person will be referred for treatment and will not be able to return to the competition until the next test shows a negative result. At the same time, efforts will be made to identify who may be potentially infected among those who have had contact with the sick person. However, we will try not to act rashly.
If a competitor or a coaching staff member tests positive, we will not automatically exclude all his compatriots, but only those with a risk factor such as sleeping in one room or sitting next to him during the journey. Our goal is to ensure maximum safety for everyone, but on the other hand, we must ensure that our discipline does not suffer significantly, informs the successor of Walter Hofer.
Vielleicht gibt es da ja unterschiedliche Vorgehensweisen bei den VerbĂ€nden und das war eine VorsichtsmaĂnahme, das Team erstmal daheim zu lassen.