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Ich vermute seltene Kämpfe und das Verbot für andere Verbände zu kämpfen, außerdem die 'unmenschliche Behandlung der Kämpfer'.
Diese Gründe nannte jedenfalls Crocop, könnte mit denken, dass es bei Fedor ähnlich ist.
Naja, daß von CroCop zu hören ist natürlich kein Maßstab, da er jahrelang bei deutlich weniger Risiko wirklich viel Geld in Japan gemacht hat...Hätte denn Fedor bei UFC wirklich weniger Fights? ich mein in den letzten drei jahren hat er doch auch maximal zwei Fights pro Jahr gemacht, oder nicht?
Ich mein ja nur, wenn man sich Zitate von Fedor's Manager anschaut wie:
"Of course, it still doesn't imply we are ready to accept any conditions they'll throw at us," Finkelchtein said. "We want to talk to the UFC about having Fedor compete against some of their fighters, but only within the framework of co-promotional efforts with M-1 Global."
"At the moment we are in negotiations with a number of organizations who have put offers on the table. I'll be blunt in saying that the UFC offer is the most financially attractive one."
"The UFC is slightly different. They have their own ways of doing things. For example, I suggested that they have a UFC event in Russia, which I would organize for them, including financial assistance. They said that didn't suit their current development plans.
But there are other factors. The UFC is only interested in Fedor; they are not considering other Red Devil fighters. K-1 is prepared to take our boys and provide other assistance as well, in developing the team. But we're not in a huge hurry. If Fedor is not signed for a while, I will organize a match here for him.
We have the resources and audience and television rights to make a good go of it here. The first large overseas organization that properly enters into Russia will do very well. But the UFC is not interested. They are only interested in North America and a few European shows.
I've tried to explain this to Dana White, I suggested working together as I believe there is a lot of potential in this part of the world for joint ventures to be hugely successful. Apart from Russia there are other former republics of the Soviet Union which will be good sources of revenue in the future also, as there is growing interest in the sport which will only increase over time."
Da kann man doch nicht allen ernstes UFC das Fernbleiben von Fedor in die Schuhe schieben. So viel Fedor auch wert sein mag, macht es doch absolut keinen Sinn, sich dafür irgendwelche anderen Fighter aufschwatzen zu lassen und auch noch M1-Global anzukurbeln...Was bringt denn eine solche Kooperation UFC? Nichts. Natürlich wird sich wieder irgend ne Organisation finden, die darauf eingeht, und dann in ein, zwei Jahren wieder verschwindet, aber solche Forderungen sind einfach unseriös, lächerlich und beleidigend.