L.A. Lakers - Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen


Wobei man auch sagen muss, dass Jason Terry in der Postseason nur bedingt überzeugen konnte. Zwar gab es Spiele, in denen er brilliert hat, aber genauso Phasen, in denen er nicht sichtbar war und nicht wirklich zum Vorschein kam. Desweiteren hat sich Devin Harris in de Playoffs auf der Eins bewiesen, so dass Terry auf die 2 verdrängt wurde. Und dort haben die Mavericks ja bekanntlich noch Griffin, den zurzeit verletzen 'Quis Daniels und Jerry Stackhouse. Ich will keine Prognose wagen und empfehle den Lakers "JET" auch nicht wirklich, jedoch kann ich mir gut vorstellen, dass Terry - sofern das Angebot stimmt - die Mavericks verlassen könnte. Die Betonung liegt auf dem Konjunktiv. ;)

The Documentary

:) ....ich kenn nur sexual chocolate und das is der hier

:laugh2: :laugh2:

benny blanco


The Documentary

Das 1.Video mit Changes gefällt mir aber gegen türkei.
HMM abwarten,ich hätte gerne einen Euopäer im Lakers Kader. Ich mein wieso nicht? Das ist mal was anderes und frischer wind!


The Documentary schrieb:
Das 1.Video mit Changes gefällt mir aber gegen türkei.
HMM abwarten,ich hätte gerne einen Euopäer im Lakers Kader. Ich mein wieso nicht? Das ist mal was anderes und frischer wind!

wenn es so ist wie heiko&benny sagen dann hilft dieser junge uns wohl wirklich kein stück weiter!seine pässe auf dem tape waren zwar extraklasse aber sein body:cry: wir brauchen einen point-guard mit defense und die war auf diesen tapes nicht dabei aber wenn es die beiden sagen dann glaub ich das mal!nee nee lieber banks oder cassell nach lala-land lotzen,wobei cassell schon da ist:)

außerdem haben wir mit sasha schon einen europäer im team;)
und turiaf is der kein franzose?

The Documentary

Stimmt wir haben 2 . Wobei ich Ronny nicht als franzose ansehe hehe:confused: :)

Zu Rodriguez: Seine Pässe/Skillz gefallen mir aber sehr. Ist jedoch ein Jose Calderon besser? Das ist die frage?!

Man könnte Rodriguez ja durch Muskelaufbau trainiren.

The Documentary

Detroit News - Kelvin Cato, acquired from the Magic in February, will not be re-signed.

The Pistons likely will look to trade Delfino, who wants to be moved to a situation where he has a chance to play.

Was haltet ihr von den beiden?
Cato kann man doch fürs Minimum signen,als Backup für Kwame oder? In Houst fand ich ihn immer gut.

Carlos Delfino tut mir leid. Ich denke aber das das so ne sache wie mit Darko ist nur weniger an qualität.
Delfino als 3.Backup wenn nicht 2.Backup für Kobe wäre doch auch mal was schönes.


in letzter zeit kommen ja immer wieder gerüchte auf dass verschiedene teams probieren werden hochzutraden um einen besseren pic zu bekommen...die draft ist doch bald warum also tut das niemand?hatte noch kein team interesse oder darf man es einfach noch nicht?

ab wann geht die heiße phase denn los?:)


KingKobe schrieb:
in letzter zeit kommen ja immer wieder gerüchte auf dass verschiedene teams probieren werden hochzutraden um einen besseren pic zu bekommen...die draft ist doch bald warum also tut das niemand?hatte noch kein team interesse oder darf man es einfach noch nicht?

ab wann geht die heiße phase denn los?:)

Die General Manager der Teams werden jetzt sicherlich schon in irgendeinerweise Kontakt zueinander haben, aber ich meine, dass die Trading-Phase erst offziell in der Nacht des Drafts beginnt.

Und außerdem würde es für viele auch keinen Sinn machen jetzt schon zu traden, denn man weiß ja nie, ob der Wunschspieler sich noch verletzt oder ob er noch einige Draft-Plätze einbüßt. Kann ja alles passieren.

Mal schauen, was Phil und Mitch machen. Bisher gab es knapp 29 Workouts bei den Lakers.

draftexpress.com schrieb:
Thabo Sefolosha, 6-7, SG/SF, 1984 International, Biella

Sefolosha arrived in the United States just a few days ago, but has been impressing everyone that has been out to see him so far. From the start of the workout, he showed off his mid-range shooting, where he elevates very nicely off the ground, and with consistent shooting mechanics throughout.

Compared with all the other players we’ve seen over the past few weeks, it was immediately evident that we are for the first time dealing with a professional player who approaches the game from a different perspective than most college players do. His new trainer Joe Abunassar explained to us just how impressed he was with the way Sefolosha has been “mentally locked in” since he arrived here, taking every drill and workout thrown at him with the professionalism you’d expect from a player who has been practicing twice a day and playing for a salary for the past 5 years.

In the mid-range shooting drills, Thabo’s footwork was very polished, and his release was nice and high. From the baseline, he was able to knock down all nine of his shots without missing once. Overall, Thabo shot 61% total in all of the shooting drills. It was a different story from the NBA 3-point line, however, where he’s only been shooting from for a few days now. Sefolosha’s release point changed a bit on his three point shot, and he struggled to get his body around square off of cuts, which lead to a lot of misses on the left side of the rim. Though his release point was different, Thabo’s form was still the same every time, and his elevation was more than acceptable. With his consistent form, it is easy to pinpoint the problem with his shot, which should make it a lot easy to fix. Thabo ended up making 50% of his shots from the NBA 3 point line, which is not terrible by any stretch for a player who is considered excellent in almost every facet of the game except for his perimeter shooting.

Sefolosha has more than enough athleticism to play at the NBA level. During the pick and roll drills and the cuts he made to the hoop, Thabo displayed his explosive ability to rise above the rim and throw the ball down with authority, not only quickly, but also from nice distances away from the hoop. His high level of athleticism and superb length will likely allow him to translate his already terrific defense from the European level to the NBA. He also looked very agile in making cuts to the hoop, and made quick movements with and without the ball. In terms of ball-handling, Thabo blew everybody in the gym away with his control over the ball. In one particular drill, the players were asked to dribble the ball like they were being pressured up the court. Here, Thabo used his superb length and feel to cross the ball over swiftly from side to side with one hand from just a few inches off the ground, often tapping it twice quickly in the same spot for good measure to further confuse his imaginary defender. Not only was it fancy dribbling, this is the type of useful move that will be very hard for defenders to stop, since it’s just not something you are used to seeing a 6-7 player execute, especially when talking about a player with his quickness and footwork. He dropped some glimpses of his passing skills as well in simple drills where he was asked to whip a 15 foot bounce pass to the left side of the low post while drifting right from behind the 3-point line, doing so crisply and accurately with the greatest of ease.

Overall, it was a very impressive workout for Thabo Sefolosha. Some of the other players in the workout seemed to be going through the motions at times, but Thabo was intense and consistent throughout. He looks a legitimate 6’7”, and has a monster wingspan along with a frame that should be able to carry enough weight. Watching him on tape is impressive enough from what you might have read on DraftExpress over the past two years, but he’s even more unique to see in person when you look at the unique way in which he approaches and plays the game. If he can improve his 3-point shooting, Sefolosha will be a very complete player in the NBA. He already has a number of workouts scheduled, with teams like Phoenix, Chicago, Cleveland, and Utah, amongst others. The only question for him will be how closely have GMs and Coaches been following the tremendous progress he’s made over the past few years, and whether they’ll be able to sneak a peak at him in the next few weeks.

Auf diesen Jungen sollte man wirklich ein Auge werfen. Er hat einen starken Mitteldistanz-Wurf. Catch 'n' Shoot aus der Entfernung ist wichtig in der Triangle. Ron Harper war auch keiner, der gut 3er geworfen hat, aber sein Midrange-Jumper war stark.

Chris Mihm - Luc Longley
Ronny Turiaf - Dennis Rodman
Lamar Odom - Scottie Pippen
Kobe Bryant - Michael Jordan
Thabo Sefolosha - Ron Harper

Phil Jackson - Phil Jackson


Striking Similarity :D