Osaka nach dem Match (spricht an was
@L-james schon im Live-Thread sagte das sie gegen ne 15-jährige verloren hat)
“This one hurts a little bit more,” she admitted afterwards.
“It’s just tough. I love her, but I don't like this feeling of losing to her. You don't want to lose to a 15-year-old. I think it's because I have an age problem. I don't like losing to people that are younger than me, and there is hardly (any) people that are younger than me. I took this very personally.”
Sie nimmt es sehr persönlich!
“I don't really have the champion mentality yet,” she mused. “Which is someone that can deal with not playing 100 per cent. I have always wanted to be like that, but I guess I still have a long way to go. It's just something that I think some people are born with, and some people have to have really hard trials and stuff to get it.”
Sie sagt selber das sie noch keine Champions-Mentalität hat
Das sie so etwas sagt trotz zweier Grand Slam Titel ist schon sehr erstaunlich.
“I feel bad for my entire team,” she said. “We came here to win the tournament, and I'm sort of the vessel that everyone's hard work is put into. And I wasn't able to do what I was supposed to do. And also my dad and my mom were here, so that kind of hurts more.”
Pressekonferenz nach dem Match: