ja das sind die schlechten lickteffekte von 2k, darum leuchtet der ball auch gleich schön mit... alte 2k krankheit, nobody is perfect.
Die Krankheit wurde dieses Jahr aber geheilt.
Ich habe schon einen anderen "Firt Look" Artikel gelesen und da steht drin, dass die Lichteffekte um einiges besser aussehen als im Vorgänger.
Ich finde den Artikel gerade nicht, falls doch poste ich ihn.
War von IGN:
We only saw about 90 seconds of gameplay and a similarly-short trailer that featured the Celtics and Lakers, and neither showed any real tangible differences from the previous versions of the game. The only real visual effect we noticed that looked new was improved lighting and shadowing, with the effect of the arena lights looking really nifty on the Celtics' parquet. We didn't see any noticeable gameplay differences, with one glaring, ugly play seeing Ray Allen make a leaping, full-force bullet pass from the elbow to Kevin Garnett, three feet away at the top of the key.
Seriously, that's it -- we learned very little about NBA 2K9, which suggests that the game is still far from being completed. That's a big concern with the game's launch only three months away, and with NBA Live announcing its Dynamic DNA feature at E3, 2K already appears to be playing a game of catch-up.