NBA Draft 2009

Stevie Pine

Kinder, die watt wollen... ;)

Schön, dass dieKnicks so viel *wollen* - Problem nur, dass sie so wenig *haben*, um das was sie *wollen* auch *bekommen zu können*. ;)

Würde wohl Gallinari kosten. Vielleicht Duhon + Gallinari + #8 für Milicic + #2...

Gelöschtes Mitglied 534

Kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass die Knicks es wirklich schaffen, Rubio zu akquirieren. Wäre aber ein Traum!

Shakey Lo

Mêlée Island
Riecht mal stark nach Lee + Knicks-Pick. Aber wieviel die Grizzlies von Lee beeindruckt sind ist die andere Frage.
Wenn Memphis David Lee möchte (ich hoffe nicht), dann können sie ihn auch verpflichten ohne ihren Pick zu verschenken.
Kinder, die watt wollen... ;)

Schön, dass dieKnicks so viel *wollen* - Problem nur, dass sie so wenig *haben*, um das was sie *wollen* auch *bekommen zu können*. ;)

Würde wohl Gallinari kosten. Vielleicht Duhon + Gallinari + #8 für Milicic + #2...
Wieso Darko? Der einzige noch leicht nervige Vertrag gehört Marko Jaric... aber ich denke nicht, dass die Knicks ein Paket schnüren können, bei dem man aus Memphis-Sicht unbedingt zuschlagen *muss*. Auch Duhon (talentmäßig beschränkt, evtl. mit Backup-Spot unzufrieden) und Gallinari (pure Offense, soweit ich das einschätzen kann) beeindrucken mich nicht wirklich. Am ehesten noch Chandler + First Round Pick 2010... dumm nur, dass der - glaub ich - an Utah geht.

Stevie Pine

Wie auch immer. Als Quaterback für McMillans Shootaround-Offense eignen sich sowieso nur wenige Pointguards mehr als Rubios dezent älterer Landsmann. Und den gibts für deutlich weniger. :smoke:


Das Land, wo Milch und Honig fließen.
Ein Bericht aus Minnesota

Today I was at the Timberwolves practice facility to watch their private workouts for Tyreke Evans, Jonny Flynn, Ty Lawson, Brandon Jennings, Jrue Holiday, and Jeff Teague.

First off, I want to openly admit that I have been a big critic on the idea of drafting Tyreke Evans at 6, for a number of reasons...after today, however, one thing became very clear to me, Tyreke Evans is going to be one Hell of a player.

Evans is HUGE. He showed an incredible combination of size/speed/athleticism/jumping ability/pure bull strength/defense/shooting ability that I have not seen from any prospect since, dare I say, this one really tall muscular guy that one a big award this past year. Again, I have been very critical of Evans, but this guy looked like a mini Lebron out there. He dominated in the one on ones, finishing at the rim time and time again after showing very impressive moves and ball handling along with his explosive athleticism. He dominated every single point guard there, jonny flynn was really the only one who stopped him once or twice, and it was more Evans just missed than him stopping him. In the 1-on-1s, the players would have to work to get open for an in-bounds pass, and then had four seconds to get a shot off...most often they received the ball between the top of the key and half court, and evans would get to the rim with ease, bull rushing, juking, spinning, whatever he wanted to do, he did. He made Jennings basically fall down a couple times, and hit 3s in the face of lawson and flynn that drew pretty big Ohhhhs from the small crowd watching on.

Evans hit a handful of 3's in the one on ones and 3-on-3 drills, Including a game winning 3 in the face of i believe Ty Lawson to end the workout. He was simply a man amongst boys today. Tyreke definitely shot better than I had imagined, that will not be an issue down the road.

Flynn was very impressive also. Very strong with the ball, by far the best ball handler there, and a very smooth jump shot. He will be a very good point guard...good guy, hard worker and just gave off a good leadership kind of vibe.

Lawson was good in the one on ones and everything, nothing really stood out though. He made a few shots but overall is was an average showing for him. Didn't seem as fast as the other guys.

Holiday shot the ball very well, seems a little underdeveloped physically, obviously, but his shot is real good. He was good in the open floor and played pretty good defense.

Jennings and Teague just blended in. Jennings is extremely fast and quick on his feet but he got beat on Defense all day and his shot is really ugly. Along with that, he was slamming the ball down, complaining about not getting fouls and letting the "F" bomb go...right in front of Kahn...great idea...

Teague shot the ball well but otherwise he was a sideshow.

Afterwards, Kahn invited the small crowd of season tix holders in to a private room to ask questions.
-He said we won 24 games, nobody is irreplaceable
-Said that they are actively looking to add picks/ trade picks
-When asked if he preferred a pure point guard or combo point guard, he said whatever fits the players around him best.
-Stated there is no truth to marc jackson rumors, no searching for coach will be done until after the draft.
-Said he did not view Pekovic as the tall, long rim defender at Center that he has been talking about, although he does really like him a lot.
-Confirmed his statements that Al would be 2nd best player on championship team and Love 4th if he reached potential.
-When asked who he liked the most from workouts so far, he said he REALLY like what he saw today...considering Tyreke Evans was a one man show out there, its safe to say he likes him a lot.
-If I remember any more of his private Q/A answers I will repost.

Overall I rate the prospects from today in this order:

1. Evans (BY FAR)
2. Flynn
3. Lawson
4. Holiday
5. Tie: Jennings and Teague

I am now completely on board with getting Evans, I cannot believe how dominant he was, the matchup problems that would arise from having him and Foye back there would be great. No point guard would be able to guard this guy especially if he is surrounded with the right talent. I am sold.

Jennings der Clown :laugh2:

Wo wird Ricky noch Workouts haben?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


warn die t-wolves nicht ohnehin schon vorher am meisten heiß auf evans?
glaube, der geht damit spät. an 6 weg.


Würde mich absolut nicht mehr wundern wenn Jennings der neue Marcus Williams wird und noch aus der Lottery fällt und als letzter der ganzen besseren PG-Prospects über den Tresen geht.

Sportlich hat er in den Workouts wohl nirgendswo richtig überzeugt und sein restliches Verhalten: peinlich bis dumm.


Interessant wie unterschiedlich die Meinungen bei EINEM Workout schon sein können. Henry Abbott (ESPN TrueHoop) schrieb über Jennings, nachdem er ihn im gleichen Workout gesehen hat, nämlich folgendes:

True Hoop schrieb:
I'm not comfortable saying Jennings should be the player Minnesota takes sixth, especially if Evans is available (I'm seriously impressed). But I can't think of a player in the draft with more upside than Brandon Jennings.

Dieses Jahr sind Vorhersagen scheinbar wirklich verdammt schwer, bin gespannt wer am Ende Recht hat. Und das betrifft ja nicht nur Brandon Jennings: Für Hollinger (Insider-Artikel, kann ich leider nicht verlinken) hat z.B. Ty Lawson, der ja eher in den Zwanzigern gehandelt wird, das größte Potential der Point Guards.

Bin gespannt.


Boston TD Garden
So wie es sich lesen lässt, wird Evans wohl in Minny landen. Der Verfasser des Textes scheint ja ziemlich beeindruckt von seiner Mischung aus Shooting und Driving zu sein. Ich kann zwar keinerlei Kommentar zu Evans' Passfähigkeiten machen (Pässe für Miller an der 3er Linie), aber einen Guard mit Zug zum Korb haben sich einige Wolvesfans in der '30 Days 30 Teams' Kolumne auf realGM gewünscht und mit seiner Schnelligkeit und Atlethik hat er auch sehr gute Grundlagen für solide PerimeterDefense (war auch ein Wunsch einiger Fans).


Interessant wie unterschiedlich die Meinungen bei EINEM Workout schon sein können. Henry Abbott (ESPN TrueHoop) schrieb über Jennings, nachdem er ihn im gleichen Workout gesehen hat, nämlich folgendes: [...]

Kleine Anmerkung: Nicht Henry Abbott schrieb das, sondern ein Dauerkartenbesitzer der Wolves, der das Workout verfolgen durfte. Nichtsdestotrotz ändert das nichts an der interessanten Point-Guard-Konstellation im Draft.


interessant auch der abschnitt über holiday!

und die letzten zeilen über jennings

Gelöschtes Mitglied 534

Anscheinend will auch Thabeet nicht so wirklich nach Memphis und hat sein Workout dort abgesagt, was Harden trotz schwachen Workouts eine starke Position im Kampf um die Gunst der Grizzlies gibt.

Speaking of Rubio, do we have a second player openly telling the Grizzlies that they aren’t interested in playing in Memphis? From what we can gather, it doesn’t seem like Thabeet’s camp is all that enamored with the direction Memphis is heading in, and there seems to be strong indications that he feels very good about his chances of being drafted by Oklahoma City, with one NBA source going as far as to say that the chances of him being picked there if available are “100%.”

Interessant auch, dass die Kings nicht mehr so von Rubio begeistert sind, wie es zunächst schien.

It’s looking more and more clear that the Kings are not nearly as enamored with Ricky Rubio as they once were, for a number of reasons. The official party line is that Sacramento is concerned that Rubio will struggle to assert his leadership ability on the group of players they currently have in place, due to the fact that he’s only 18 years old and not a native English speaker. One of the biggest issues Sacramento had last year was with the culture of their team lockerroom. On top of that, the Kings are worried that will Rubio will have a huge target on his chest coming into the NBA, and that other players will “try to go at him every single night.”

Ansonsten will draftexpress die 13 der 15 Green Room Sitze bestätigt bekommen haben:

1. Blake Griffin
2. James Harden
3. Hasheem Thabeet
4. Ricky Rubio
5. Jordan Hill
6. Tyreke Evans
7. Stephen Curry
8. Jonny Flynn
9. Demar DeRozan
10. Jrue Holiday
11. Gerald Henderson
12. Brandon Jennings
13. Tyler Hansbrough
14. B.J. Mullens (potentially declining)
15. James Johnson (declining invite)
16. Eric Maynor (potentially declining)

Word on the street wie immer sehr interessant.


Wherever, Dude...
Bruce Pearl schrieb:
Hasheem Thabeet
Thabeet is a tremendous shot blocker and has been fun to watch during his time at UConn. I don't think there's a player who's come farther in terms of development in the NCAA in the last two years.

James Harden
I'm impressed with this guy, and I'm clearly not alone on this one. Harden can shoot, he can handle the ball and is super athletic.

Ricky Rubio
I think most fans who are not really familiar with Rubio have heard about his passing and playmaking ability. But it's his vision that makes him so dangerous. He'll be a fine player for whichever team scoops him up.

Tyreke Evans
I can tell you firsthand, Evans is blessed with a rare kind of athleticism that makes him a nightmare for an opponent. He is gifted with fantastic strength and is so effective as a "big" point guard.

Stephen Curry
I'm not sure how many teams have him in their top seven (prospects), but they should. He led the nation in scoring, and has improved his draft status more than any other player over the last month.

Jordan Hill
I see a really big upside in Hill. He's got tremendous length, and is very athletic for a player his size.
Interessant, wie ein College-Coach das ganze so einschätzt...


gibts da noch mehr von ihm ? Also z.b. auch negative Einschätzungen ?

Shakey Lo

Mêlée Island
The injury was the official explanation, but Chad Ford of ESPN has reported that Thabeet doesn't want to play in Memphis.


Ein Running Gag unter Grizzlies Fans. Chad Fords Propaganda gegen das Team ist eher tragisch-amüsant als informativ... aber in dem Fall halb so wild. Mayo wollte letztes Jahr schließlich auch nicht nach Memphis (hm, und wo der jetzt spielt? Wasn Zufall!), außerdem ist Thabeet sowieso die größte Bust-Gefahr unter den Top Picks dieses Jahres. Sollte der sich tatsächlich weigern wäre das also irgendwie schon ein Glücksfall ;)


Chad Fords Mockdraft 6.0:

Und die Insider-Picks (6 bis 60):

6. Timberwolves: Stephen Curry
7. Warriors: Jordan Hill
8. Knicks: Brandon Jennings
9. Raptors: DeMar DeRozan
10. Bucks: Jrue Holiday
11. Nets: Jonny Flynn
12. Bobcats: Terrence Williams
13. Pacers: DeJuan Blair
14. Suns: Gerald Henderson
15. Pistons: Earl Clark
16. Bulls: James Johnson
17. Sixers: Tywon Lawson
18. Timberwolves: B.J. Mullens
19. Hawks: Jeff Teague
20. Jazz: Tyler Hansbrough
21. Hornets: Sam Young
22. Mavericks: Eric Maynor
23. Kings: Austin Daye
24. Blazers: DaJuan Summers
25. Thunder: Chase Budinger
26. Bulls: Toney Douglas
27. Grizzlies: Omri Casspi
28. Timberwolves: Jonas Jerebko
29. Lakers: Darren Collison
30. Cavaliers: Derrick Brown

2. Runde:

31. Kings: Nick Calathes
32. Wizards: Patrick Mills
33. Blazers: Victor Claver
34. Nuggets: Jeff Pendergraph
35. Pistons: DeMarre Carroll
36. Grizzlies: John Brockman
37. Spurs: Jermaine Taylor
38. Blazers: Taj Gibson
39. Pistons: Danny Green
40. Bobcats: Wayne Ellington
41. Bucks: Ahmad Nivins
42. Lakers: Josh Heytvelt
43. Heat: Patrick Beverley
44. Pistons: Sergio Llull
45. Timberwolves: Christian Eyenga
46. Cavaliers: Rodrigue Beaubois
47. Timberwolves: Nando de Colo
48. Suns: Sergiy Gladyr
49. Hawks: Marcus Thornton
50. Jazz: A.J. Abrams
51. Spurs: Joe Ingles
52. Pacers: Jack McClinton
53. Spurs: Vyacheslav Kravtsov
54. Bobcats: A.J. Price
55. Blazers: Emir Preldzic
56. Blazers: Goran Suton
57. Suns: Tony Gaffney
58. Celtics: Bryan Mullins
59. Lakers: Dante Cunningham
60. Heat: Jodie Meeks