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Wer war dieser Verbrecher?
Former Seattle player xxx was sentenced Friday to a year in state prison for assaulting two suburban Cincinnati police officers. xxx, 25 (der artikel ist von 1999), had been arrested Thursday when he showed up two days late for a sentencing hearing in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court. He was jailed overnight before Friday's sentencing. Judge David Davis gave xxx a year in prison for his guilty plea to aggravated assault, and a six-month sentence to be served at the same time on the conviction for assault on a police officer. In April, the judge ordered xxx arrested when he failed to show up for a court appearance. xxx arrived a week late, but Davis threw out the arrest warrant. Early Wednesday, xxx was involved in a one-car accident in suburban Cincinnati. Greenhills police said xxx told them he blacked out shortly before his car struck a utility pole. xxx, who was not seriously hurt, was cited for failure to control his vehicle and failure to display a driver's license, police said. xxx could have gotten up to 18 months in jail and a $5,000 fine for his guilty pleas to attacking the Forest Park police officers. The judge declined to fine xxx on Friday. In August 1998, xxx fought with the police officers when they arrived in response to a report of his dispute with a girlfriend at her apartment. Police said xxx was verbally abusive, resisted arrest, and broke a finger and tore tendons of one officer.