NFL Draft 2017


Habe mir auch fest vorgenommen es anzuschauen, habe nämlich Freitag frei. Chat wäre ich dabei, aber hier ginge auch, mir egal :D


Fan of Underdogs
Für mich schwer. Einzig ich schaffe es mal paar Stunden früher als so aufzustehen u. würde vor der Arbeit mich hier einfinden, aber dann sicher erst ab Pick 20 :D Wenn ja melde ich mich. :D

Ansonsten schon einmal viel Spaß allen u. viele richtige tipps für unser Tippspiel. :D

Max Power

Bin auf jeden Fall heiß. Mein Steelers-Big Board würde so aussehen:

1 - ILB Haason Reddick, Temple
2 - OLB Derek Barnett, Tennessee
3 - CB Marlon Humphrey, Alabama
4 - OLB T.J. Watt, Wisconsin
5 - S Obi Melifonwu, Connecticut
6 - CB Kevin King, Washington
7 - ILB Jarrad Davis, Florida
8 - OLB Takkarist McKinley, UCLA
9 - S Budda Baker, Washington
10 - CB Tre White, LSU

Die ersten 3 fallen sowieso nicht, aber die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. Hoffe sehr auf Watt oder Melifonwu, aber mit den anderen auf der Liste könnte ich auch gut leben!


Moderator Non-Sports & Football
Bei mir ist nicht einmal morgen das Problem, da hab ich frei, sondern ob ich lange genug durchhalte. :D Aber ich bin derart heiß, dass das in Verbindung mit noch mehr Kaffee als sonst irgendwie klappen sollte. ;)

Leider geht aktuell ein (Gerüchte-)Gespenst durch Philadelphia. Das Gespenst des Dalvin Cook in der ersten Runde. :panik: Aus den schönen Fragen "Wird es Davis? :love: Wird es Ross? :thumb: Wird es Charles Harris? :cool3: Wird es Darek Barnett? :)" würde da leider bitterer Ernst werden. Wäre einfach sehr schlechter value und das kann ich gar nicht ausstehen.

Die Conley Gerüchte sind da sicher auch Gift. Hört sich aktuell ja eher so an, als wäre nichts passiert (laut Conleys Anwalt dauerhaft Zeugen im Zimmer, angeblich auch ein Video), ich hoffe da wird noch Klarheit geschaffen. Entweder vor den Eagles (was vor den Gerüchten ja wahrscheinlich war) oder von den Eagles.

Bei einem Tradedown an #25 (bspw.) könnte ich auch gerade so mit Cook leben. Aber an #14 wäre der nahe am (realistischen) worst case. Problem am Trade Down ist, dass sehr viele Teams versuchen, herunterzutraden, weil der Draft sehr tief ist, aber nicht gerade top heavy. Da musst du dann erst einmal einen Trade Partner finden. Angebot und Nachfrage.

Bzgl Chat: ich würde vorschlagen, dass wir einen Live Thread eröffnen. Dieser Thread hier ist weiterhin für Vor- und Nachbesprechung gut, im Livethread wird dann quasi gechattet. Ist besser für den Forentraffic und außerdem kann man, wenn einem furchtbar langweilig ist :D, den Thread in ein paar Jahren durchstöbern und "ungefilterte Live Reaktionen" nachlesen. ;) Übersichtlicher sollte es auch sein. Dazu kein Problem mit finden, anmelden usw.


Finde die Idee mit einem Live-Thread auch gut:thumb:.

Denke bin auch dabei, habe mir extra frei genommen, allerdings ist die Frage bei mir auch ob ich nicht irgendwann einfach einschlafe.:D


Fan of Underdogs
Mayock hat seinen Mockdraft heraus. Bin leider bei tuv usw daher kein Link. Unabhängig das er auch sich schwer tut in der Historie hat er ein gutes Gefühl uber wer ungefähr wo landet(Position nicht teams). MCC bei dein Panthers halte ich trotzdem nun auch für fix. CBs werden drei genommen. Hier erwarte ich weiterhin, dass man hier wirklich auch dritte Runde noch was bekommt.

Conley fliegt ganz aus der ersten Runde.
Charlton u Cunningham sind ebenfalls heraus. Beides Spieler wo die Scouts einfach erste Runde Grade schwer tun. Ich mag sie trotzdem. Harris ist brutal gestiegen. Verstehe hier die Attraktivität für die Nfl, aber bißchen was fehlt mir in natural Pass Rush ability.
Um liberalmente etwas die Angst zu nehmen. Cook hier an 27.

Aber auch Mayock schreibt von outstanding tape. Man kann ja mal suchen bei wie vielen Projects er schreibt. Am Ende wird immer davon gesprochen es werden Football Spieler gesucht u dann ist einer da, dann sucht man lieber doch ungedopte Gewichtheber.
Gibt Prospects wo ich definitiv mehr concerns habe. Da stelle ich nämlich die Grundsatzfrage. Ist das Spiel Nfl kompatibel. Ich nenne es Tim Tebow Syndrom.
Für Philly sehe ich Cook aber auch zwiespältig. Da sehe ich schon andere Needs.
Buh hart auf dem Handy zu tippen.:D


Hoffe nach wie vor das die Colts irgendwie an Reuben Foster kommen! Notfalls auch mit Uptrade. Kucke nicht wirklich viele College Spiele, aber bin dann irgendwann schon fast zum Alabama Fan mutiert, und das nur weil ich ihn einmal zufällig gesehen hat. Hat mich unfassbar überzeugt. Ich ignoriere hier auch völlig das Theater beim Combine, die verwässerte Urinprobe ist imo sowieso ziemlich lächerlich und sagt garnix aus.

Bin auf jeden Fall gehypt und erwarte ziemlich viel heute, da ich Ballard für einen hervorragenden talent elevator halte, und nach den unsäglichen Jahren mit Grigson, (als ich vom Draft nie was erwartet habe) endlich mal was kommen muss aus dem Draft.


Fan of Underdogs
Ach ja ein Punkt bzw. zwei noch. Wisst ihr wie lange die erste Runde dauert? Also falls ich doch irgendwie hochkomme am Ende, wann müsste ich das schaffen? (wird aber total schwer, merke schon. :D)

Mayock hat nun auch vier RBs in seinem Mockdraft in der ersten Runde. Daher war die Frage von mir, ob mehr als drei RBs genommen wurden(in unserem tollen Tippspiel(!)) nicht von ungefähr genommen. Dafür gibt es eine berechtigte Chance.


Moderator Non-Sports & Football
Wisst ihr wie lange die erste Runde dauert? Also falls ich doch irgendwie hochkomme am Ende, wann müsste ich das schaffen? (wird aber total schwer, merke schon. :D)

32 Teams, 10 Minuten Zeit pro Pick. Der Extremfall sind also 320 Minuten, also 5 Stunden und 20 Minuten. Wäre 7:20 Uhr deutscher Zeit. Gar so schlimm wird es schon nicht werden, weil ja nicht jedes Team jede Sekunde ausreizt. Aber Teams picken auch nur sehr früh innerhalb ihrer Zeit, wenn sie einen klaren bpa haben und nicht einmal daran denken, zurückzutraden. Es ist grundsätzlich einfach klug, zu warten, man weiß ja nie, was für ein last minute Tradeangebot reinflattern könnte. Unvergessen da für mich die Raiders 2013, als sie eiskalt an #3 Hayden gepickt hätten. Ein oder zwei Minuten vor ihrem Pick kam dann das sehr gute Angebot der Dolphins, die picken Dion Jordan vor den Eagles, was für die Eagles dann Lane Johnson bedeutet hat. Rettung in letzter Minute für die Eagles. ;) Und die Raiders picken Hayden dann einfach an #12. :D Und sie haben einen 2nd rounder bekommen, mit dem sie Watson gedraftet haben, der seitdem häufiger verletzt als auf dem Feld stand. Ergo: ein Trade, zwei Verlierer und der große Gewinner waren die am Trade unbeteiligten Eagles. :crazy:

Weiß übrigens nicht, wie es ist, wenn es Draft Day Trades gibt. Kann sein, dass das tradende Team dann ~ 3 zusätzliche Minuten bekommt. Habe das irgendwie so im Hinterkopf.

Mayock hat nun auch vier RBs in seinem Mockdraft in der ersten Runde. Daher war die Frage von mir, ob mehr als drei RBs genommen wurden(in unserem tollen Tippspiel(!)) nicht von ungefähr genommen. Dafür gibt es eine berechtigte Chance.

Kamara, Mixon und Cook werden halt generell als early 2nd rounder gesehen. Da ist es logisch, dass die auch an das Ende der 1. Runde sliden können (im Falle von Cook sind die Buccs finde ich ein logisches Team, mit dem RB Need, Florida location und Winston, aber außer den Eagles und den Buccs sehe ich kein Team, das Cook in den Top 20 nimmt). In den Top 15 kann ich mir maximal 2 RBs vorstellen (wenn die Eagles vernünftig sind...).


Mich beschleicht zwischenzeitlich das unschöne Gefühl, es wird heute Solomon Thomas bei uns. Natürlich kein schlechter Spieler, aber irgendwie auch kein "sexy" Pick...


Finaler Mockdraft von Todd McShay.
Das können die Browns nicht ernst meinen, da einen QB mit dem #1 zu draften. Dass muss doch irgendwie ein Smokescreen sein oder? Oder?
**** ich kanns kaum noch abwarten, es muss jetzt endlich los gehen.

1. Cleveland Browns

Mitchell Trubisky, QB, North Carolina

Everything I hear suggests the Browns like Trubisky the best among the QBs. It's unlikely he drops to No. 12, where Cleveland picks again. So the questions become: Take Myles Garrett here and try to trade back up for Trubisky? Or take the QB and address pass-rusher at No. 12? Fascinating dilemma.

2. San Francisco 49ers

Myles Garrett, DE, Texas A&M

I keep hearing the 49ers want to trade back, but Garrett unexpectedly falling to them would be a slam dunk for a team that needs more pass-rush help.

3. Chicago Bears

Jamal Adams, S, LSU

Adams is the No. 2 player on our board and one of the cleanest prospects in a class full of character and durability question marks. He'd be an impact player from day one for this defense.

4. Jacksonville Jaguars

Leonard Fournette, RB, LSU

I would love this pick if it ends up happening. Take some pressure off of QB Blake Bortles, run the football and play defense. If Fournette were off the board at this point, Alabama TE O.J. Howard would be in play. I've also heard rumors of potential interest in Clemson QB Deshaun Watson.

5. Tennessee Titans (from Rams)

Marshon Lattimore, CB, Ohio State

The Titans will try to shop this pick -- and shop it even harder if both Adams and Lattimore are gone. But the way the board fell, Tennessee gets the best man-to-man cover corner in the draft. According to many teams I've spoken to, Lattimore's hamstring injuries don't pose as big of a risk as initially thought.

6. New York Jets

O.J. Howard, TE, Alabama

The Jets can't afford to whiff on a top-10 pick like they did back in 2013 with Dee Milliner. Howard is one of the safest prospects in this draft. He's very similar to Greg Olsen: big, athletic target who can cause issues down the seam and contribute as a blocker. The Jets have had just 26 catches from tight ends in the past two seasons, by far the fewest in the league (Arizona is second worst with 97).

7. Los Angeles Chargers

Solomon Thomas, DT, Stanford

Los Angeles is another sneaky landing spot for Deshaun Watson, but would the Chargers be able to pass up the value of Thomas here (he's the No. 3 player on our board)? He'd add another great pass-rusher to Los Angeles' front.

8. Carolina Panthers

Christian McCaffrey, RB, Stanford

My intel says that Carolina wants Fournette -- and they might be willing to trade up to get him. But the Panthers also are big fans of McCaffrey. He has outstanding intangibles and would give Carolina a young RB who can run between the tackles and be a threat as a slot receiver.

9. Cincinnati Bengals

Jonathan Allen, DT, Alabama

Cincinnati likes Tennessee DE Derek Barnett, and Alabama LB Reuben Foster also could be in play here. But I think Allen will be the pick if he falls this far. He's a ferocious interior pass-rusher. Long-term concerns over the health of his shoulders could cause him to fall a bit on Thursday.

10. Buffalo Bills

Reuben Foster, ILB, Alabama

Foster is one of the five best pure football players in this draft. He could drop because of concerns about whom he surrounds himself with. But he's a true three-down linebacker, with the speed to cover and the tackling ability to stuff the run

11. New Orleans Saints

Charles Harris, OLB, Missouri

Harris is a hot name right now because of his ability to get after the quarterback. New Orleans has to find a way to get better in that area.

12. Cleveland Browns (from Eagles)

Derek Barnett, DE, Tennessee

Barnett finished his career with 33 sacks. He's not the longest or twitchiest athlete, but he plays with great technique and a consistent motor.

13. Arizona Cardinals

Malik Hooker, S, Ohio State

Hooker had three different surgeries this offseason, which could cause him to fall farther than expected. This would be a blessing for the Cardinals, who lost safeties Tony Jefferson and D.J. Swearinger in free agency. Hooker is the best ball-hawking safety in this draft class.

14. Philadelphia Eagles (from Vikings)

Mike Williams, WR, Clemson

The Eagles picked up Alshon Jeffery on a reasonable one-year deal this offseason. Williams -- who's basically a clone of Jeffery from when he came out of South Carolina -- would benefit from not having to be the focal point of an offense from day one. His route running is still pretty raw.

15. Indianapolis Colts

Haason Reddick, LB, Temple

The Colts love Alabama LB Reuben Foster, but he didn't fall to them in this scenario. Reddick has elite athleticism and showed the ability to play in space during a superb Senior Bowl week.

16. Baltimore Ravens

Forrest Lamp, G, Western Kentucky

The Ravens are hoping Reddick falls to them here. They also need offensive line help, which is where Lamp comes in. He started all four seasons in college, and he has great feet.

17. Washington Redskins

Dalvin Cook, RB, Florida State

The Redskins could trade back and try to still get Cook. He fills a huge need on their offense and has game-breaking ability. The two concerns: his history of shoulder issues and the people he surrounds himself with.

18. Tennessee Titans

Corey Davis, WR, Western Michigan

Davis wasn't able to run the 40-yard dash prior to the draft after having offseason ankle injury. But he plays like a 4.4 guy and is a really smooth route runner. Marcus Mariota needs more weapons on the perimeter.

19. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Marlon Humphrey, CB, Alabama

The Buccaneers really like Cook, but with him off the board, Humphrey would be enticing. He has the physical skill set to be a really good player; the only concern is his lack of ball skills

20. Denver Broncos

Ryan Ramczyk, OT, Wisconsin

Ramczyk showed elite pass-protection ability in his one season at Wisconsin, and the Broncos have to find a way to keep their quarterback upright next season. He has the skill set to start early in his career, provided his hip heals fine from offseason surgery.

21. Detroit Lions

David Njoku, TE, Miami (Fla.)

As TE Eric Ebron enters what could be the final year of his contract, don't be surprised if the Lions take advantage of a very deep tight end class. Njoku has the athleticism to cause all sorts of problems for defenses in the red zone.

22. Miami Dolphins

Takkarist McKinley, DE, UCLA

McKinley has the best motor of any defensive player I've watched all year. He has an elite first step and would give Miami a high-upside player to develop opposite of Cameron Wake.

23. New York Giants

Garett Bolles, OT, Utah

Ereck Flowers hasn't gotten the job done at left tackle since the Giants selected him No. 9 overall in 2015. Bolles, who's the most athletic lineman in this class, has the ability to be a starting left tackle.

24. Oakland Raiders

Kevin King, CB, Washington

While King's tape is closer to that of a second-round prospect, his rare combination of length, speed and agility could very well land him in Round 1.

25. Houston Texans

Deshaun Watson, QB, Clemson

Watson isn't ready to start from Day 1, and with Tom Savage in Houston, he wouldn't have to. Watson needs to improve his deep accuracy, but he has the physical tools and rare intangibles to grow into a good NFL starter.

26. Seattle Seahawks

Cam Robinson, OT, Alabama

Robinson is an elite run-blocker and his long arms give him a chance to eventually develop into a starting left tackle. He could play either tackle or guard for the Seahawks in the interim, as they have needs at several positions along their O-line.

27. Kansas City Chiefs

Jarrad Davis, ILB, Florida

The Chiefs love Davis and would be thrilled if he fell here. Derrick Johnson is 34 years old and coming off his second torn Achilles in the past three seasons. Davis has the athleticism to excel in the modern NFL, which forces linebackers to cover a lot of ground.

28. Dallas Cowboys

Tre'Davious White, CB, LSU

I've been hearing Kevin King buzz with the Cowboys, but with him off the board, Dallas could be enticed by a safe prospect like White. He started 47 career games at LSU and showed great instincts in coverage.

29. Green Bay Packers

Adoree' Jackson, CB, USC

Jackson has the second-best ball skills in this DBs class (behind Malik Hooker), and the Packers really struggled at cornerback late in the season. Jackson is a natural playmaker on defense (five picks last season) and special teams (eight career return TDs).

30. Pittsburgh Steelers

Evan Engram, TE, Mississippi

Engram is the model for a new-age tight end. He ran a 4.42 40-yard dash at 234 pounds, which is just ridiculous. With his ability to stretch the field vertically and make big plays after the catch, Engram would be the perfect matchup piece for offensive coordinator Todd Haley's scheme.

31. Atlanta Falcons

John Ross, WR, Washington

When he's healthy, Ross is the top big-play wide receiver in this class. His 4.22 speed is no joke: When you watch his tape, he's noticeably faster than other really speedy guys.

32. New Orleans Saints (from Patriots)

Patrick Mahomes, QB, Texas Tech

Here's the deal: I think Mahomes will go in the first round; there just wasn't a great spot to put him without being able to account for trades. I suppose he could be in play for the Saints, who need to start planning for life without Drew Brees, but there's a good chance Mahomes is off the board at this point. Other teams to keep an eye on for Mahomes if the board falls differently tomorrow: Arizona and Kansas City. There's also the possibility that a team could trade back into Round 1 to take him.


Moderator Non-Sports & Football
Ich muss mich für heute Nacht abmelden. Das pack ich nicht mit dem wach bleiben. Lieber aufnehmen und in Ruhe sowie vor allem im Vollbesitz meiner geistigen Fähigkeiten schauen. ;)

Habe aber soeben den Livethread eröffnet. Euch allen viel Spaß! :)


Mel Kiper gleich noch hinter her. Die ESPN Insider Leute tippen also geschlossen auf Trubisky als #1. :mensch:

1. Cleveland Browns
Mitchell Trubisky, QB, North Carolina | Watch highlights

How's this for a curveball to begin the night? The thinking is the Browns get antsy about Trubisky being available at No. 12 and don't find any takers to trade up. Could Cleveland ownership get involved and insist on a QB here? Remember, the Browns passed on Carson Wentz last year and really need a franchise-changer at the position. Myles Garrett is my No. 1-ranked prospect.

2. San Francisco 49ers
*Myles Garrett, DE, Texas A&M *| Watch highlights****

The 49ers might run to the podium if Garrett is available here, assuming they can't find any takers who want to trade up to take Garrett. He is a brilliant, natural pass-rusher with elite size and athleticism.

3. Chicago Bears
Solomon Thomas, DL, Stanford **| Watch highlights**

If Adams doesn't make it to the Bears at 3, the versatile Thomas could be the pick. He'd play end in Chicago's 4-3. After snagging Leonard Floyd in last year's first round, the Bears are building a solid front seven.

4. Jacksonville Jaguars
Leonard Fournette, RB, LSU **| Watch highlights**

When new Jaguars executive vice president for football operations Tom Coughlin was Jacksonville's coach, he had Fred Taylor as his workhorse back. I think Coughlin will go and get another guy who can pile up carries -- and hopefully touchdowns, for the sake of Jaguars fans -- to help Blake Bortles.

5. Tennessee Titans (from Rams)
Jamal Adams, S, LSU **| Watch highlights**

This is a potential trading spot for teams trying to jump in front of the Jets and take Mitchell Trubisky. General manager Jon Robinson already has shown that he isn't afraid to deal -- he moved out of the No. 1 pick, then moved up to No. 8 last year. Adams is simply the best prospect left on the board and a steal at No. 5 overall. Top cornerback Marshon Lattimore is another possibility if the Titans keep the pick.

6. New York Jets
O.J. Howard, TE, Alabama **| Watch highlights**

With Mitchell Trubisky off the board, the Jets go with the draft's best tight end and one of the safest prospects in the class. Howard is an all-around player who is a great blocker and receiver. This is another potential landing spot for Marshon Lattimore.

7. Los Angeles Chargers
Deshaun Watson, QB, Clemson **| Watch highlights**

This could be the shocker on Thursday night. The 35-year-old Philip Rivers has taken a lot of hits over the years, and the Chargers could want a fresh start after moving to L.A. Another name to watch is Malik Hooker, the best center fielder-type safety in this class.

8. Carolina Panthers
Christian McCaffrey, RB, Stanford **| Watch highlights**

This is a perfect fit. McCaffrey is more than a running back -- he'll also help in the receiving and return games. That's just another weapon for Cam Newton & Co.

9. Cincinnati Bengals
Jonathan Allen, DL, Alabama **| Watch highlights**

Allen at No. 9 is all about best player available -- he's my No. 2-ranked prospect. He can play anywhere on the line. The Bengals could be tempted to take a linebacker (Haason Reddick, maybe?) or pass-rusher (Derek Barnett fits) here.

10. Buffalo Bills
Haason Reddick, LB, Temple **| Watch highlights**

This came down to Reuben Foster or Reddick, and the Bills can't go wrong. Buffalo needs speed at linebacker, even with all of the wide receivers still on the board. With last year's second-round pick Reggie Ragland slotted in at middle linebacker, I'm going with Reddick, who's more versatile than Foster and could move outside.

11. New Orleans Saints
Derek Barnett, DE/OLB, Tennessee **| Watch highlights**

With Reddick off the board, New Orleans could move on to the pass-rushers and choose from the next tier. Barnett is a Terrell Suggs-type who was extremely productive in college (33.0 career sacks).

12. Cleveland Browns (from Eagles)
Marshon Lattimore, CB, Ohio State **| Watch highlights**

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Lattimore could drop if there is lingering concerns about his hamstrings, which hampered him his first two years as a Buckeye. He's my top corner, though, even with only one season of tape, and he has all the traits of an All-Pro. The Browns could also try to trade up.

13. Arizona Cardinals
Mike Williams, WR, Clemson **| Watch highlights**

This is great value at No. 13, getting the draft's top receiver. Williams could be a younger version of Larry Fitzgerald, who turns 34 this year. Arizona will hope Williams becomes what it thought former first-round pick Michael Floyd was going to be.

14. Philadelphia Eagles (from Vikings)
Charles Harris, OLB, Missouri **| Watch highlights**

If Mike Williams and Christian McCaffrey are off the board, the Eagles could opt to go with a pass-rusher. Harris, who had 16.0 sacks over the past two seasons, is the best in the next tier.

15. Indianapolis Colts
Takkarist McKinley, OLB/DE, UCLA **| Watch highlights**

New general manager Chris Ballard came from the Chiefs, who put a premium on compiling pass-rushers and generating pressure. Robert Mathis has retired, and Indianapolis doesn't have any outside linebackers with double-digit sack potential. The speed rusher McKinley could be that guy in the Colts' 3-4.

16. Baltimore Ravens
Corey Davis, WR, Western Michigan **| Watch highlights**

Baltimore is in a good spot to choose from the top offensive linemen, but Davis would be tough to pass up. He's stellar after the catch and would help stretch the field for Joe Flacco. Former first-round pick Breshad Perriman has only 33 catches since being picked in 2015. Davis could play inside or outside.

17. Washington Redskins
Malik Hooker, S, Ohio State **| Watch highlights**

The Redskins are moving Su'a Cravens, last year's second-round pick, to safety, but he's an in-the-box guy. They still need a center fielder, and Hooker is a ball hawk. He had seven interceptions -- three for touchdowns -- in his lone season as a starter.

18. Tennessee Titans
John Ross, WR, Washington **| Watch highlights**

With Corey Davis gone, Ross is the next-best pass-catcher available. His 4.22 40 speed is his greatest asset, but he's a well-rounded receiver. He could also be an elite kick returner.

<aside class="inline float-r inline-track">

Round 1: Thursday, 8 p.m., ESPN/ESPN App
Rds. 2-3: Friday, 7 p.m., ESPN/ESPN App
Rds. 4-7: Saturday, noon, ESPN/ESPN App
Where: Philadelphia

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19. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Cam Robinson, OT, Alabama **| Watch highlights**

Tampa Bay could upgrade at right tackle over Demar Dotson. The Bucs have to protect Jameis Winston. Tight end David Njoku is also in play here.

20. Denver Broncos
Ryan Ramczyk, OT, Wisconsin **| Watch highlights**

The Broncos have to get a left tackle in this draft. I don't trust Donald Stephenson or Ty Sambrailo to get the job done. Ramczyk was great in his one year as starter at Wisconsin. Another connection: Geep Chryst, the brother of Badgers coach Paul Chryst, is Denver's new tight ends coach.

21. Detroit Lions
Jarrad Davis, LB, Florida **| Watch highlights**

The Lions have needs at linebacker, cornerback and end on defense, and Davis would be a great fit. He is a steady, reliable and versatile defensive with a nose for the football. And I love his intangibles.

22. Miami Dolphins
Reuben Foster, ILB, Alabama **| Watch highlights**

Foster has some off-field concerns that could cause him to drop, but the fit is too perfect here. Miami needs linebackers to play next Kiko Alonso. Foster is one of the three most talented prospects in this class. That would make it two straight seasons Miami takes a super-talented guy who dropped on draft day (Laremy Tunsil in 2016).

23. New York Giants
David Njoku, TE, Miami (Fla.) **| Watch highlights**

The Giants struggled on offense last season, and New York is missing a playmaker at tight end. Njoku is one of the most athletic tight ends to enter the league in recent years. Eli Manning targeted Odell Beckham Jr. 169 times last season -- the second most in the league. Njoku, who turns 21 in July, could be a big-time weapon in the NFL.

24. Oakland Raiders
Kevin King, CB, Washington **| Watch highlights**

In a deep class of cornerbacks, King stands out for his size (6-3, 200). After taking safety Karl Joseph on Day 1 last year, the Raiders are still trying to improve their secondary. Corner is a gaping hole.

25. Houston Texans
Patrick Mahomes, QB, Texas Tech **| Watch highlights**

Don't be surprised if Mahomes is available and the Texans make a decision between him and the best available offensive tackle. After missing out on Tony Romo, Tom Savage and Brandon Weeden are Houston's QBs. Mahomes could be an upgrade -- in time. He is extremely raw but has undeniable arm talent.

26. Seattle Seahawks
Tre'Davious White, CB, LSU **| Watch highlights**

There's still a chance Richard Sherman leaves Seattle, and the Seahawks' other starter, DeShawn Shead, is coming back from a torn ACL he suffered in the playoffs. White, a four-year starter, is also a dynamic punt returner. This Seahawks pick could come down to corner vs. offensive line.

27. Kansas City Chiefs
Evan Engram, WR/TE, Ole Miss **| Watch highlights**

Yes, the Chiefs have All-Pro tight end Travis Kelce, but don't think of Engram as a tight end. He's a big (6-3, 234) receiver who could line up off tackle. His 4.42 40 at the combine wowed scouts.

28. Dallas Cowboys
Marlon Humphrey, CB, Alabama **| Watch highlights**

The Cowboys' secondary was depleted in free agency. Humphrey, my second-ranked corner, has elite upside. Dallas will also be keeping an eye on pass-rushers. This is a defensive draft for Jerry Jones and Co.

29. Green Bay Packers
***Forrest Lamp, OG, Western Kentucky *| Watch highlights******

This is an easy pick with the draft's top guard still on the board. The Packers lost T.J. Lang in free agency, and they'd be getting a Pro Bowl talent who could start immediately. Lamp was a four-year starter at left tackle for the Hilltoppers.

30. Pittsburgh Steelers
Budda Baker, S, Washington **| Watch highlights**

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I've said many times that if Baker were bigger, I think he'd be a top-15 pick, and I'm moving him into the first round in my final mock. His 5-10 frame is the only thing holding him back. But he has some value as a slot corner. He's that good in coverage.

31. Atlanta Falcons
Jordan Willis, DE, Kansas State **| Watch highlights**

Atlanta needs a 4-3 end who can rush the passer and also hold up in the run game opposite Vic Beasley Jr. Willis is a high-character kid who consistently beat double teams for the Wildcats. If Forrest Lamp makes it here, he'd make sense too.

32. New Orleans Saints (from Patriots)
Adoree' Jackson, CB, USC **| Watch highlights**

Jackson is still a work in progress at corner, but the tools are there. He's only 5-10, 186, but I think he could play slot corner on Day 1 in the league. He's also my second-ranked punt returner, and I wouldn't be surprised if Sean Payton gave Jackson a handful of offensive plays every game.

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Fan of Underdogs
Zu Pick 1. Trubisky bleibt Aussenseiterlösung. Ausschließen möchte ich gar nichts, da diese Draft wirklich mal unberechenbar ist. Bei bet365 haben sie die Pick 1 Wette herausgenommen. Heute früh gab noch 1.12 für Garrett.
John Ross zu Falcons Ware fur mich aber noch eine grosse uberraschung. Willis kann sein u ein naja wie oft geschrieben für mich.