Orlando Magic - Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen


Fro schrieb:
Heute geht's dann gegen die Heat, wo Wade uns 34 Punkte einschenken wird. Damit haben wir nach dem heutigen Tag mit den Raptors gleichgezogen, was die Bilanz angeht.

Knapp daneben, waren dann doch 38 Punkte sogar. :D


NY will wirklich Steve Francis. Das muss ich unbedingt sehen. Marbury und Francis in einem Backcourt. Aber wer weis vllt. funktioniert es ja.

Hoffentlich geht der Milicic Deal mit Top 7 Protection des Picks durch.


Der zweite Insider berichtet gerade folgendes im Forum. Wie immer, ohne Gewähr oder Garantien für Richtigkeit. Just food for your thought. ;)

As I told you for a few days and Otis Smith confirmed the Darko deal is pretty much a done deal. As you well know anytime a GM makes a comment about a trade on the table they do so knowing it is a done deal and not much they can do to mess it up. Like I said it is just tying up the loose ends. Furthermore, IF the Magic were willing to Part with Battie, it was on the table for a Dako/Battie even swap. This should tell you how the Magic feel about Battie. My guess is once the trade is complete the Magic will put it in the press about Battie being wanted and how they want to keep him and resign him. If they do DD2K owes me an apology. No J/K.


So without getting me in to too much trouble, I thought I would put out there what I was told as a sign to come.

1st the Darko deal is the first domino in the scheme of things. Once that deal is complete, there are several deals out there that have not been reported anywhere. A couple of the hot deals depends on IF we give up Deiner in the Detroit trade. Furthermore, Darko will get a lot of minutes and it will probably seal the fate of Mario Kasun. I was told that Mario's agent recently asked for a long term deal in the neighborhood of 2.5 million per year.

2nd Francis will more than likely be gone to Denver assuming the Knicks work things out in the KMART deal. But for a moment lets assume that deal does not effect anything that is on the back burners now, because wether Francis is traded or not, a PG would come back in return (Watson).

****I can not be too specific here because of the pending deal with the Pistons and the other deals that will be effected by it.****

However, I will use the word assume lightly and you can surmise what I am trying to say based on your knowledge of who I am and what I have told you the Magic plans were.

There are a few opportunities that are out there once the Magic have a glut of Point Guards. I will not tell you which guards are sought after once certain trades happen, but I will tell you the players that are on the table. NOT IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER

The T-Wolves want to trade Jaric to the Magic for a PG. The Magic see him as a spot PG but want to play him at the 2 because of his defense.

The Sonics have let the Magic know they will do just about anything to trade Fortson for a PG. Including packaging him with a first round pick to get a deal done. This is assuming that a proposed Reggie Evans for Nate Robinson deal does not work out.

JUST RECENTLY, the Hawks have let the Magic know they would be interested in a 2 for 1 swap for Harrington. The 2 for 1 would be for a PG & SG for Harrington. I was told that the Hawks want to play This PG they want as a starter along with Johnson, Smith, Williams and Zaza as their starters. The debate among owners is that by Keeping Harrington they are stunting the growth of J SMith, Johnson & WIlliams as a core group. From what I understand the Hawks are in the process of making a lot of steps to ensure the they get the most value out of Harrington.

Then there are a couple of fringe deals that do not effect anything.

The Nets have inquired to the Magic as well as other teams about a back up PG.

The Clippers inquired about Garrity's availability.

The Hornets have inquired about Battie, but I was told there is a good chance Kasun could get dealt there.

Now those are the fringe deals that have just started to simmer.

Now back to Francis. A new team entered the Francis discussion recently, the Cavs. They are really interested in Steve-O but the Magic told them they were not interested in taking back the contracts the Cavs have to offer. However, I was told that there is a possibility of a 3 team deal between the Hawks, Cavs and Magic where the Magic would send Steve to the Cavs and the Hawks would absorb most of the salaries back in the trade. The Magic would be trading for Harrington at that point. Mainly because the Magic do not want Gooden Back. This would involve 4 players (Gooden, Jones, Snow & Newble) being sent from the Cavs to the Hawks, with the Magic sending Francis and and a player to the Cavs and the Hawks sending Harrington & a player to the Magic. This trade proposal is a little further out of reach than the Denver trade. As you can assume, Otis has his hands quite full at the moment.

The one thing I have learned about NBA trades is that usually a team will put an idea on the table as a skeleton idea. Then the two teams will massage the idea back and forth for a while just to see how serious the discussion gets. In most cases it is 2 men (the GM's) just talking and keeping a dialogue between the two teams open for the future. Because I would say 90% of all trade talks never happen. I have seen the importance of a good front office with good relations with other GM's. I have seen deals get done that fans scratch their heads on but in the back room it was done as a favor from a previous trade, etc. These are things that any NBA front office would never tell the NBA fan. Gabe referred one time to it in the papaer about how "no team wants to help out the Magic". Well as dumb as that statement sounds, it is a very true understanding of how many deals eventually work themselves out. It is why you see a lot of teams constantly make trades between each other. Then add the agents in to the mix and you get a picture how trades transpire. Agents work the phones just as hard trying to get their client traded to a team of their choice and a lot of times are more successful than the GM's in working out deals between 2 teams.

Side note, can you imagine a team of James, Francis & Hughes as your back court with Big Z and Marshall in your front court. Not that I am a Cavs fan, but would love to see that line up just to see if it would work.

EDIT: I was told that the Magic will not listen to offers for Howard or Nelson and that unless they get overwhelmed with a proposal, they want to Keep Garrity, Battie, Hedo and Hill. They plan on doing everything necessary to resign Garrity and Battie in the offseason. I was told this, but I did not think Garrity was a FA...is he???? Furthermore, the "PLAN" for the next few years should show itself once the Magic decide what is the best deal they can get for Francis. God help the Magic with this Darko trade, I really feel he is a bust in the making.

Ok this is my longest post in a long time. I figured I needed to build up some credibility and I was getting tired of telling my coworkers about the Magic since they are basically interested in West Coast teams. Flame On...........


Otis Smith ist ja ein richtiges Arbeitstier :) . Der hat ja zig Deals angeblich auf dem Tisch. Ich bin gespannt. Und irgendwas wird doch passieren, hoffentlich.


oh gott, die wollen den p-gimp doch nicht wirklich halten. spot-up-shooter in allen ehren. aber den saftsack muss man doch loswerden...am besten noch 'nen dicken vertrag.

ansonsten klingen die trade-vorschläge interessant. harrington würde ich gerne bei uns sehen. dwight weicht auf center und harrington auf power forward. er hat ja ein ganz anständiges midrange-game...naja mal sehen, was otis so alles auf die reihe kriegt.

aber hauptsache er tradet unsere pussy (francis)


bloss nicht harrington der ist doch sowieso weg nach der saison!! ein big man seines kalibers bekommt doch zig angebote über 10 millionen pro jahr, dazu ist er auch noch unrestricted. da kann man genauso gut für hardaway traden!!


basketball.de Mitarbeiter
Was mir generell zusagt ist die Tatsache, dass tatsächlich versucht wird, etwas zu verändern. Ich möchte dabei den Begriff "versucht" erst einmal ausloben, bevor ich Lorbeeren verteile.

Ist ja eine Menge Holz, was der "Insider" dort bietet. Die Einwände gegen Harrington kann ich auch nachvollziehen, da ja nicht gewährleistet ist, dass er auch bleibt.

Die Geschichte mit Kasun will mir auch nocht nicht so recht gefallen, da ich ihn noch für besser halte als Milicic, nagut jeder ist besser als Milicic, aber das ist ein anderes Thema.

Warum man Garrity halten will, ist mir ebenfalls ein Rätsel.


Kasun besser als Milicic :gitche:

darko hat doch während seiner zeit in der nba noch garnix gespielt. bis auf 2-3min garbage-time.

also ich würde darko nicht unterschätzen und glaube wenn er mit howard die 4-5 besetzen würde hätten wir da einen ganz netten frontcort.

also weg mit cato und her mit darko + arroyo

und NY wird sich francis schon noch "schnappen" :D


Altes Haus/Neuhausen
Garrity ist der Piblikumsmagnet in Orlando, schon den Dunk über Sammy vergessen?
Außerdem passt er gut zu Howard, denn gefährliche Distanzschützen ziehen immer die Defense auseinander und schaffen Freiräume für die Big Men.
Ich würde mich im Übrigen extrem über den Darko-Trade freuen und hoffe wirklich stark, dass der über die Bühne geht.


die Sachen die der Insider da geschrieben hat hört sich gar nicht schlecht an!

Ich hoffe nur das der Drakotrade funktioniert!!!!! Er könnte sich gut entwickeln!

und mit Ayorro und Nelson haben wir ein gutes junges PGDuo, da brauchen wir dann kein Francis mehr! und den könnte man dann gut traden, scheint ja genug abnehmer in der liga zu geben die ihn haben wollen!

Leider ist es mir unverständlich wie man eine Werfende PUssx wie Garrity
halten will, wenn die Clippers wirklich nach Garrity angefragt haben dann soll man ihn da hintraden für nen Pick oder egal was!

So wie der insider geschrieben hat will Seattle einen Pg von uns, gib ihnen dooling und wir bekommen dafür Evans die Sonics haben sowiso einen bigMen überschuss da sie ja noch Wilcox bekommen haben!

Aber erst mal schauen was die GMs von unserem Team so machen!


@ ....f....

unsinn, selbst wenn garrity publikumsliebling ist...er bringt nichts. wenn er gelegentlich mal was vorne trifft, kriegt er es hinten doppelt rein.

nur weil er gegen dalembert die pflaume gestopft, sit das doch noch lange kein grund die flasche zu halten. lol, da muss ich mich echt amüsieren drüber :p


Oh man... Eine Radiostation in Orlando berichtet von einem Franchise/Battie für Penny/Crawford/Ariza-Trade, der jeden Augenblich vollzogen wird. WTF?


damit New York noch einen ego-playmaker hat. Solange Craw nich kommt, is des gar nich so schlecht für Orlando


I'm listening to Stephen Smith right now as I'm typing and NY wants Francis now and Francis, Cato or Battie for Crawford, Penny, Ariza is on the table for Orlando. He also said that Orlando is having meetings to get a deal done with someone but they very well might wait until the last minute to get a better deal. Nothing is done. Nothing is offical besides that Orlando is working feverishly to change the roster.

Außerdem soll Francis gesagt haben, er möchte unter keinen Umständen nach Denver.


Orlando muss noch einen Deal PG für PF oder so auf dem Tisch haben ansonsten kann ich mir nicht vorstellen das man Battie abgibt.

Dann hätte man (inkl. Darko Deal) ja nur Milicic, Howard, Kasun unterm Brett. Eventuell noch Bo Outlaw, aber eher nicht.
Für mich heißt das das eventuell wirklich was an dem Seattle Rumor um Evans dran ist.

BTW... dann müsste ich auch mein Benutzerbild mal ändern. Hat jemand ein schönes Foto von unserem neuen Franchise Player Pat Garrity?? :D


Marc Stein berichtet gerade, der Deal mit den Pistons wird innerhalb der nächsten Stunden perfekt gemacht.
Außerdem wird Francis nach New York getradet.