Orlando Magic - Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen


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Fro schrieb:
Ansonsten deuten immer mehr Gerüchte in Richtung Musselmann als neuen Coach. Kann ich mit Leben, ein disziplinierter Coach der was von den X's and O's versteht ist genau daß, was dieses Team braucht. Wie er vor seiner ersten Saison in Golden State mit den Spielern gefahren ist hat mir sehr gut gefallen (er ist in der Off-Season zu jedem Spieler gefahren und hat diesen gefragt, wo und wie er den Ball am liebsten in der Offense haben will und danach sein System entwickelt).
Ich hoffe aber, daß man auch noch sowas wie Plan B hat. Saunders, Silas usw. sollten auf jeden Fall Optionen sein, die man nicht von vornherein ausschließt.

Musselmann finde ich auch OK, eine gute Wahl, falls es soweit kommen sollte. :)
Vor allem ist seine Basketball Philosophie sehr ansprechend. Nix mit 15 sekunden mit dem Ball um die Zone dribbeln und dann irgendeinen Misst Pass spielen, weil der Weg zum Korb versperrt ist.

Plan B...bei Mischbrod :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Gelöschtes Mitglied 141

Look for Boston to try to deal Pierce and probably let Walker and Gary Payton go.


Toastbrod setzt dich in den 1ten Flieger am 1 Juni, fliege nach Boston, pack Francis gleich mit ein und bring PP mit nach Disneyland! :jubel:


Jungs es heisst Türkoglu und Turkoglu. Die Amis haben keinen ü darum nennen sie ihn so.

Wollte es nur anmerken ;) :wavey:

Gelöschtes Mitglied 141

Ein sehr interessanter und lesenswerter Artikel.

By The Numbers: Francis As a Core Player
Marten Liebster - 13th May, 2005 2:17 AM


M-W.com: "a central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature"

Recently, I started a topic asking our board posters who did they consider to be the core. This referred to the players the team should build around for the next couple of years. Just about all respondents said they'd include Dwight Howard, who was a no-brainer pick, considering the kind of a player this kid could become. Most would also include Jameer Nelson in that group, but a good number of posters decided to exclude Francis. Hedo omission was probably a result of the "out of sight out of mind" outlook.

In the relatively short time I've been a poster on the Magic board, a lot has been discussed about about Francis. During the season, quite of few people bemoaned his amount of turnovers. Curiously enough, many of the same posters were silent when he had games like the one against the Knicks on 3/4 - 9 assists and 2 TO. But that's a completely different article all together.

Throughout the season people have been impressed with little Jameer's progress. Many cheered when he was moved into the starting lineup following the All-Star break. He went on to start 21 games, 17 of which were alongside Francis.

Recently, ORL pleaded with me... well maybe not pleaded, he begged me... ok, ok he mentioned in passing that I should write an article using the stats I've collected. So, I started out gathering stats to prove the arguments I wanted to make.

But in looking over the stats, one thing started to stand out to me: in the games they both started in the same backcourt, the numbers of Francis and Nelson were strikingly similar. Despite my original intentions, this has become the basis of this article.

The stats shown below were gathered and parsed out from the ESPN.com play-by-play data. They only cover the 17 games when both Francis and Jameer started.

One way a PG's performance is measured is through the Assist-to-Turnover ratio. Interestingly enough, during those 17 games when they started together, Nelson and Francis both averaged 1.8 assists per turnover.

Player Assists (% of team) Turnovers (% of team)
Jameer 4.7 24% 2.5 17.6%
Steve 6.7 35% 3.5 24.4%

Speaking of the dreaded turnover (to be referred to as TO), the percentages of the type of TOs were similar as well.

Type Jameer Steve
Bad Pass 61% 55%
Lost ball 22% 14%
TO 14% 21% (no type specified)
Traveling 2% 8%

Another way to measure the impact they had on the team is scoring. For the sake of comparison, I've added Dwight's numbers, as well.

Player PPG (% of team) FGA (% of team)
Jameer 15 16% 12 15%
Steve 19 20% 16 20%
Dwight 14 15% 9 12%

There were a few similarities in the types of shots they attempted. Of all field goals attempted by both players, 44% of them were categorized as Jumpers, and about 10% of them were "Driving Layups." Steve had a few extra categories of points scored which Jameer doesn't generally do in-game - Tip Shot, Slam Dunk, Driving Dunk and Dunk. Another difference was that 27% of Jameer's shots were from beyond the arc, whereas 3 point attempts made up on 7% of Steve's shots.

When the time winds down in the 4th quarter, with less than 5 minutes to go (referred to as "Crunch Time" in the table below), Steve has really stepped it up while Jameer... well, I'll let the numbers speak for themselves. Yet again, I've included Dwight's numbers for the sake of comparison (and he has been quite impressive). These stats are for field goals only:

Player Crunch Time Rest of 4th Quarters 1 thru 3
Jameer 7 of 24 - 29% 9 of 23 - 39% 89 of 167 - 53%
Steve 13 of 25 - 52% 12 of 29 - 41% 92 of 228 - 40%
Dwight 6 of 10 - 60% 11 of 15 - 73% 75 of 143 - 52%

Steve's rebounding ability has always been pretty good. Not surprisingly, this year many of his rebounds went to Dwight. Over that 17 game span, he grabbed 4.6 per game, which made up 11% of the teams rebounds. Let's compare that to little Jameer - per game: 4.5; percent of team's rebounds: 11%. This one really surprised me!

What does this all mean? Here's my angle on it, which I'm sure many will disagree with.

All of the stats listed in this article show that Nelson is part of the core, both now and hopefully for a long time to come. Just recently he was voted on the "got milk? NBA All-Rookie Second Team." His fellow core member Dwight Howard has been unanimously been selected to the first team. Had Hedo been healthy at the end of the season, many more would include him in their core.

Jameer's game has progressed nicely in his rookie season. But, he has only started for 21 out of 82 games. Steve's been putting up his numbers for several years, including all this past season. Jameer wasn't really given a chance really to run into the rookie wall like Dwight was.

Player Min/G when both start Min/G other times
Jameer 37.5 13.2
Francis 39.0 37.9

In a year or two, if Nelson continues at the pace he's going, he'll be a quality PG. However he is still unproven for long periods of time. To become a true "floor general," he needs a lot more game time playing alongside the starting lineup.

The talk about Francis not passing to Howard is hogwash. Of all the assists given to Dwight, 34.7% came from Steve, followed by Hill at 17.9% and with 13% was Jameer.

Steve's contract is locked in until 08/09 season. I'd like to keep him around at least until the 07/08 season starts. At that time we'll have a big expiring contract to deal - according to HoopsHype.com $16,440,000 in 07/08 and $17,180,000 in 08/09. There are always teams looking for a player and personality like Francis.

The biggest knock on Steve is that he's turnover prone. I am certain that with a new coach and a real offensive scheme, Francis will be able to cut down on his turnovers. A proper scheme will allow him to be the same type of player, but average 1 less TO per game for the season. This will bring up his assist/to value up to 2.3. That would put him in the neighborhood of the players people seem to want to trade him for.

Grant has the C on his jersey, but has not been the vocal leader. Francis is the emotional leader of the team. He's outspoken and will get on other players to improve, as well as giving them encouragement. If he were to leave, there would be a void in this area. His effect on the team in this area has been very much like the impact that Darrell Armstrong had.

Over the season, Steve Francis has time and again proven himself to be "a central and often foundational part" of this year's team, and for the near future as well. How can someone who has rankings like the following not be?

Ranks #7 in the NBA in Assists(547.0)
Ranks #7 in the NBA in Assists Per Game(7.0)
Ranks #9 in the NBA in Free Throws(499.0)
Ranks #9 in the NBA in Free Throws Per 48 Minutes(8.04)
Ranks #11 in the NBA in Free Throw Attempts(606.0)
Ranks #11 in the NBA in Free Throw Attempts Per 48 Minutes(9.77)
Ranks #13 in the NBA in Field Goal Attempts(1330.0)
Ranks #15 in the NBA in Minutes Played(2978.0)
Ranks #15 in the NBA in Assists Per 48 Minutes(8.8)
Ranks #16 in the NBA in Points(1663.0)
Ranks #18 in the NBA in Total Efficiency Points(1609.0)
Ranks #18 in the NBA in Points Per Game(21.3)
Ranks #19 in the NBA in Field Goals Made(563.0)


The insider... is back!

Well I was in Hawaii for a couple weeks and at the end of my vacation the entire family met up at one of our favorite places in the mainland. I thought I would share some things with the board.

COACHING SEARCH: Well I am sure the papers are reporting down there every step of who is interviewing etc. BUT I would no believe much of what you read. From what I understand the 3 amigo's (Weis, Tward & Smith) are so tight lipped about this that the only thing coming out of their trio is speculation. I do know however that there are still scheduled visits by Saunders & Silas as well as there is a strong belief that Carlisimo is still on the radar. From what I undersand about Phil Jackson is that there was finally some communication between the Magic and Jackson's agent. Accordingly there was no meeting due to an unsincere interest in the Magic's coaching position.

In my opinion there is a litle of a power struggle going on between Tward and Smith. All indications is that Smith wants to hire Muss or Saunders. Tward wants to wait until they can interview PJ and put a feeler out on Larry Brown & Nate McMillan. Weis wants to wrap things up in time to prepare for the draft with the entire new coaching staff. So things are sure to be interesting in the coming weeks.

My bet is that if push comes to shove, Tward supports Brian Hill if the playoffs are still going on and Smith supports Muss and the decision will come down to Weis.

THE DRAFT - There seems to be only one rule occurring right now. Besides the coaching search, Weis has Tward and Smith puting a draft board together not listing the players by position, but by talent/potential level. Looks like the thought process from last year will prevail. "Take the best player available"

FREE AGENCY - Believe it or not there is not an overwhelming consensus here. I think that Free Agency this year may be where Weis will ask the new head coach to earn his stripes. Muss is high on trying to bring in Swift to play along side Dwight. That is the only thing I found has been "leaked" from his interview. So if you take that train of thought, you have to wonder what other coaches out there have an ability to bring in a quality player for the MLE? If you are going to throw theories out there, you might start at making a list of available coaches coupled with a list of free agents available this year, next year and 07'.

I give the edge to Muss on 2 fronts trades and free agency. Free agency I already said why. Trades because the Grizzlies are in the market to make some major movement this year and they want to move some players to get a better mix. Also if there are to be any S&T's with any of the current FA, Muss is well respected league wide by players.

THE 06'-07' CAP SPACE - This is where a lot has been reported, but the idea behind stacking the Cato's, Battie's & Christie's are 2 fold and will seemed to be determined by a meeting of the minds between Weis and the new Coaching staff. It will either go let them walk and try to get the needed cap room in 07'-08' or use them as trade bait and go with a veteran players. It will come down to coaching philosophy and who is available for S&T's, trades and this years draft. So there is no garuntee that the Magic are attempting to get under the cap to swing a FA next year.



Ich hab nochmal nachgedacht was unsere Coaching-Situation angeht, und mir ist da noch ein Name eingefallen: Mike Brown, Assistant-Coach bei den Pacers und für deren Defense zuständig. Indiana spielt bekanntlich überdurchschnittlich gute Defense und vor allem deren Team- und Helpdefense ist sehr ordentlich. Wäre zwar nicht mein Topkandidat, aber jemand, den ich im Hinterkopf behalten würde, falls mehrere Stricke reissen. Der hat auf jeden Fall Headcoach Potential und wird auch schon bald sein Team in der NBA übernehmen.

Gelöschtes Mitglied 141

Wäre sicher eine Option, sollte alle Favoriten absagen.

Aber glaubst du das Toastbrod weiss wer das ist! :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:


ricard schrieb:
Aber glaubst du das Toastbrod weiss wer das ist! :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

"Mike.... Brown? Who the hell is that? Doesn't he play Safety for the Bears?"


So, ich habe es mir mal erlaubt, mir über unsere Off-Season Gedanken zu machen und habe da etwas entwickelt. Wie realistisch es ist kann ich nicht beurteilen, ich habe aber versucht, es so realistisch wie möglich zu halten.


basketball.de Mitarbeiter
Die Ideen sind fantastisch und es ist ein Konzept, welches vor allem mit Muss als Head-Coach total aufgehen würde. Als dritte Backup-Varianten würde ich da Andre Barrett und Brandon Hunter auf jeden Fall im Auge behalten, da beide noch jung sind und schon gezeigt haben, dass sie nicht nur Bankdrücker sein können.

Allerdings kommt es erstens anders und zweitens als man denkt. Von daher möchte ich mir auch mal die Gedanken über eine Komplett-Alternative machen. von daher: See ya la'er!


within a mile of home
Ist ja alles ganz schön, aber meinst du, dass Swift sich dann wieder mit der Backup Rolle zufrieden geben wird? Ich meine, es gibt ja genügend Teams, wo er einen Posten als Starter mit massig Minuten bekommen würde.
Und ob sich dann Memphis den Francis andrehen lässt, in der Hoffnung, er macht mal keinen Mist?
Aber das Konzept an sich ist toll, das stimmt.


Das ist ein sehr guter Punkt Lendenschurz, und durchaus auch fragwürdig. Ich kann es dir nicht beantworten, ich weiß nichtmal selbst, ob überhaupt angedacht ist, einen unserer Spieler zu traden. Ich würde es jedenfalls probieren, denn es geht zunächst einmal darum, die eigenen Assets zu maximieren. Wenn da ein Swift dann also vorerst auf der Bank landet, dann ist das zwar schade für ihn, aber es ist so. Er wird ja auch dafür fürstlich entlohnt.
Man könnte auch eine Rotation spielen lassen, wo alle drei über 30 Minuten spielen, oder aber, falls Dwight wirklich in die Center-Position reinwachsen sollte, würde ich Swift auf jeden Fall auf die Power Forward-Position stellen und versuchen, Magloire zu traden.
Richtig ist allerdings die Tatsache, daß ich gar nicht bedacht habe, daß es zwischen Francis und den Grizzlies eine unrühmliche Vorgeschichte gibt, daß ist mir bei der Zusammenstellung wirklich nicht eingefallen. :saint:
Es ist wie classic es schon gesagt hat, erstens kommt es anders, und zweitens als man denkt. Passieren wird davon sowieso nicht ein einziger Trade davon, aber mir war langweilig, und ich wollte nicht untätig rumsitzen. :)


Hier nochmal was interessantes, kopiert aus einem anderen Board.
Wo sind die türkischsprachigen User, die mir diese Aussage bestätigen können? :saint:

This was translated by another poster in another board from Turkey....


<<<I had problems with the coach at Orlando. My playing time was cut when I played well. I had never witnessed something like this before. I have talked about this with the GM and the owner. They had enough of him and fired him. >>>


Gelöschtes Mitglied 141

Fro schrieb:
Richtig ist allerdings die Tatsache, daß ich gar nicht bedacht habe, daß es zwischen Francis und den Grizzlies eine unrühmliche Vorgeschichte gibt, daß ist mir bei der Zusammenstellung wirklich nicht eingefallen. :saint:
Es ist wie classic es schon gesagt hat, erstens kommt es anders, und zweitens als man denkt. Passieren wird davon sowieso nicht ein einziger Trade davon, aber mir war langweilig, und ich wollte nicht untätig rumsitzen. :)

Und ich habe mich schon gewundert. Memphis wird unter keinen Umständen einen Spieler wie Francis ins Team integrieren. Das passt nicht zur Philosophie des Teams...auch wenn West als GM aufhört. So einen Balldominaten Spieler will man dort nciht haben. J-Will steht in Memphis zwar schon lange auf der Tradeliste, aber man will ihn nicht durch Francis ersetzte. Imho plant man lanfgristig mit Watson.

Swift wird nur dort unterschreiben , wo er auch in der Starting 5 steht. Holt man Muss hat man gute Chancen Swift zu bekommen, MDL. Magloire war zu schön um wahr zu sein, aber die Hornets wollen ihn wahrscheinlich nicht traden und wenn gegen keinen Spieler wie Cato, da muss mehr her. Sie haben in diesem Sommer mehr als genug Cap Space, dazu einen hohen Draftpick...da meine Schwiegereltren dort wohnen, und mein Schwiederpapa Fan von diesem Saftladen ist, bin ich immer auf dem neuestem Stand. Sie werden wohl Paul oder Williams draften und dann mit ihrer Kohle noch ein Star holen..die Hornetsbrauchen keine Verträge à la Cato. Neuaufbau in diesem Sommer um Magloire.

Für Miller :love: war ich ja schon immer, genau so wie für Battier :love: .

Aber wenn man Mischbrods Interviews verfolgt, bleibt Steve in Orlando und Jameer soll von der Bank kommen.

Trotzdem hast du dir schön Mühe gegeben :jubel: :cool: , irgendetwas muss sich ändern...we`ll see.


basketball.de Mitarbeiter
Aber vielleicht kann man ja trotzdem mit Memphis verhandeln und versuchen neben Swift auch noch Bonzi Wells zu bekommen, der ja bekanntermaßen bei den Grizzlies in Ungnade gefallen ist. Mr. Jackie Christie, zusammen mit Cato und einem Second-Rounder dürfte doch klappen, oder?

Ich weiß, Wells ist ein schwieriger Charakter und die Connection zu Francis als weitere Diva könnte schon böses erahnen lassen, aber ich halte ihn für einen richtigen guten Baller.

Ich finde, Weisbrod braucht auf jeden Fall als erstes den Trainer, den er in seine Entscheidung mit einbezieht und von dem auch die beratende Funktion abverlangt werden kann, denn dieser muss in der nächsten Zeit mit dem Material arbeiten. Außerdem lässt es sich dann einfacher entscheiden, welche Spieler in ein Konzept passen. Und da zB Muss auch schon in Golden State erfolgreich war und dort vielleicht nocht hier und da einen Draht hat, könnte man ja auch in diese Richtung weiterdenken.

Ihr wisst, Jason Richardson ist diesbezüglich schon lange mein Favorite.

Allerdings möchte ich mich auch noch nicht auf Muss festlegen, denn noch haben Flip Saunders oder Maurice Cheeks noch nirgends unterschrieben.


Ich meine, ich hätte irgendwo gelesen, daß Saunders' Angebot für's erste Vertragsjahr momentan bei 8 Millionen Dollar liegt. Damit wäre er mal locker raus aus dem Rennen. Das investiert RDV niemals.


basketball.de Mitarbeiter
Echt? shit! Na dann ist Musselmann wahrscheinlich doch Kandidat Nummer 1. Auf jeden Fall möchte ich nicht Hill haben. Nennt es falschen Stolz oder so, aber man stellt keinen ein, den man mal im Stress gefeuert hat. Und wenn es dann nicht klappt, sagt jeder, er hat's gewusst.

Mal was anderes, was denkt ihr darüber Kwame für n Appel und n Ei zu holen? Ist das sinnlos? Ich hab bei ihm immer das Gefühl, er könnte die Reinkarnation von Jermaine O'Neal werden. Und warum eigentlich nicht den schon mal angeführten Trade nach Washington Francis für Hughes?

(mal so ein klares Konzept ist in Arbeit bei mir, mache gerade noch Brainstorming ;0) )

Gelöschtes Mitglied 141

classic schrieb:
Echt? shit! Na dann ist Musselmann wahrscheinlich doch Kandidat Nummer 1. Auf jeden Fall möchte ich nicht Hill haben. Nennt es falschen Stolz oder so, aber man stellt keinen ein, den man mal im Stress gefeuert hat. Und wenn es dann nicht klappt, sagt jeder, er hat's gewusst.

Mal was anderes, was denkt ihr darüber Kwame für n Appel und n Ei zu holen? Ist das sinnlos? Ich hab bei ihm immer das Gefühl, er könnte die Reinkarnation von Jermaine O'Neal werden. Und warum eigentlich nicht den schon mal angeführten Trade nach Washington Francis für Hughes?

(mal so ein klares Konzept ist in Arbeit bei mir, mache gerade noch Brainstorming ;0) )

Ne Hill will ich auch nicht in Orlando sehen...am Ende steht noch Nick Anderson an der Freiwurflinie und vergibt 4 Stück in Folge und wir verkacken wieder die Finals.

Kwame, für ein Appel und n Ei...sofort. Vll. blüht er ja an der Seite von Dwight richtig auf und profitiert von seiner Einstellung und derer von Grant.

Hughes...ich weiss nciht, ob er nicht der Typ Spieler ist, der rihctig aufdreht, weil er einen fetten Max-Contract will. Und was sollen die Wiz mit "2 PG" im Backcourt!


Neue "Nachrichten" vom "Insider"

Recently I posted a short note about the Magic's interest in Nate McMillan. Since then I have found out that McMillan's agent contact the Magic after Davis was fired.

Apparrently, and I am not sure on the specifics because I do not follow the Sonics, McMillan was not happy in Seattle because of his contract issues that surfaced at the beginning of last season.

I am assuming he must not be under contract after this season. Anyway, from what I understand at the time Davis was fired his agent contacted Weis and express Nate's interest in the Head Coach position. From what was discussed back then, Nate is concerned that although the Sonics were making a push in to the playoffs, that the team is not going to be able to resign Ray Allen or any of their Free Agents.

Today I got a call from my family member and was told that he saw Lonnie Cooper, who he said is McMillan's agent, at RDV today. He said Cooper was there early morning and then left with Tward.. I was told that the word was Cooper was there to talk about McMillan and Paul Silas.

Furthermore, I found out that the toughest coaching job to fill this summer may just be the Cleveland job. Ever since LBJ fired his agents and restructured his company, the word around the available coaches is that LBJ is planning on bolting to a big city when his contract is up. He apparrently is still fuming over Silas being fired and really hates the new Cleveland ownership.

This may be a story/rumor that is spinning out of control, but what is happening is that prospective coaches are shying away from Cleveland unless they are just using them for bargaining power.

Oh and for the "Who will we use our MLE on?" Well from what I understand that is part of the discussion with every prospective coach. Not sure if this is a great way to do things, but Weis is looking at each prospective coach as to what their likeability will be with possible new players and who might they attract. So far I have understood the Magic have interest in Jerome James, Stromile Swift, Ray Allen (as an S&T possibility), Gerald Wallace, Kwame Brown & depending on the new coach Ilgauskas.

Believe it or not there are talks about possibly pursuing Ray Allen trying to work an S&T. This may be part of looking at McMillan too, but there are some serious discussions about Allen playing the 2 spot for the Magic if there is an equal interest from Allen.

I am sure that all of the things on the table write now for Weis and the Magic have to be mind boggling to say the least. With each prospective coach comes many issues to consider.

First and most obvious is how they would plan to coach the Magic players and how they will want to run the offense.

Second is the track record the coach has with working with young teams.

Third how the coach is like or not liked by other NBA players.

Fourth how the coach feels about the Magic's personel, what influences the new coach would want in tweaking or changing any of it, what value the coach brings in attracting potential free agents this year and years down the road.

Then finally after all those questions are answered and a coach is picked, then you have to get down to developing an offseason plan. Who to target with the MLE, what are your trade possibilities and what kind of player or player(s) you want out of the draft. Then put on top of all of this the possibility of a lockout. Damn, it has to suck for the Magic because this is by far one of the most important offseasons for the Magic's long term future.

Oh well I will post more if I hear anything. But I understand the decision for a new head coach may drag out until after the nba lottery. A theory on that is to see what the lottery luck may bring and then be able to better talk to the draft possibilities with prospective coaches.

A quick word on Phil Jackson, it does look like the only home for him may be in LA. However, LA may end up with a bad pool of available coaches if they do not get Phil. Apparrently in his discussions with other NBA teams, Phil's agent is more concerned over what the new CBA will be like and how that will affect a teams ability to sign new players that he wants to wait it out on his decision. One reason is Phil's heart would like to rebuild the Knicks, but he knows the only chance of that happening is with a new CBA agreement that may allow the Knicks new ways to circumvent the cap or buyout players, etc. The other issue in New York seems to be that Phil wants a great deal of controll over personel issues. Of which Thomas controlls now and is not likely to give up the type of controll Phil wants. After I was told that, I kind of put 2 and 2 together and realized that the Magic never had a chance unless they were to fire Weis and offer Phil a GM/Head Coach job.