Philadelphia 76ers - Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen

Philly's Finest

Sammy, der alte Dummschwätzer. So wie wir ihn halt kennen. Einmal will er der beste Rebounder der Liga sein, jetzt Allstar. Ich würde diesen Aussagen mehr Wert beimessen, wenn er wenigstens eine starke work-ethic wie ein Iguodala oder Young hätte. Aber so bin ich doch mehr als skeptisch.


Letzte Saison fand ich ihn schon sehr stark. Sollte er doch Brand noch nen Schub bekommen und seine Werte noch steigern wieso nicht? Aber auch ich denke da hat er den Mund zu voll genommen. Trotzdem, Sammy, wenn er Konstant über ne Saison spielt, kann 12/12/3 auflegen. Nur hat er eben immer wieder hänger zwischendrin und das schadet nicht nur ihm, sondern vor allem seinem Team. Ich bin mal gespannt wie es wird wenn er 35+ min neben einem ebenfalls reboundstarken spieler spielt. Reggie hatte ja immer weniger Minuten am Ende zu von daher bin ich gespannt wies über 82 spiele aussieht.


Falls ihrs noch nicht gesehen habt, auf gibts n cooles Video zu nem Elton Brand Interview. Paar lustige Antworten dabei, vor allem als er über den Film ablästert den er zuletzt im Kino gesehen hat^^
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Im moment läuft ein Live Chat mit Kate Fagan, die dieses Jahr den "Deep Sixers Blog" auf übernimmt.

paar interessante Fragen wurden schon gestellt und wenn euch auch noch was einfällt kann man auch selbst Fragen einschicken.:thumb:


Falls ein paar zu spät kommen hier ein paar interessante Fragen und Antworten:

Comment From James]
Other than Elton Brand, which Sixers new acquisition do you see having the biggest impact?

Kate: I think right now that title has to go to Kareem Rush. Not only was he running with the first team yesterday, but Mo Cheeks spoke at length today about his outside shooting ability and offensive ability. Of course, we're about 36 hours into this season. Speaking of Rush, though, he didn't do the conditioning at the end of practice because he was having his right hamstring iced.

Comment From L.A. Steve]
Kate, I know it's early, but have you spoken to Sammy yet? What kind of shape is he in? Did he work on his post game this summer? Did he work with any developmental coaches, or was he on his own again? Did he mention anything about the team Canada debacle? What's the scoop on Sammy D??

Kate: Spoke to Sam a few minutes ago. Love the Haitian accent. Actually, Sam has stated he wants to be an All-Star this season. He looks like he's in good shape. He hasn't stepped out of a drill since I've been there. He spoke a lot about having Brand and Theo Ratliff around and what he thinks that will do for his maturity and consistency. I did not ask about the Canada debacle, only because I've gotten the Sam answer (the past is the past, moving on, you know).

[Comment From AZ Sixer Fan]
Do you think that if Speights doesn't crack the rotation ( which I think may be difficult ) that the would send him to the D League? Doesn't seem like the Sixers have really used this resource in the past.

Kate: I don't think Speights will go to the D-League. Didn't the Sixers send Williams to the D-League for a stint a couple of years ago? While I think it will take Speights a while to earn minutes, I think he is going to stick on the roster. He has a nice 15-foot jumpshot I was admiring today.

[Comment From denversixerfan]
Kate, wondering how Ratliff and Marshall are looking. What roles do you see them playing this year?

Kate: Ratliff has not done the conditioning at the end of practice. But I don't think he is hurt, perhaps it is to avoid injury. I think both those guys, mostly, are going to provide leadership to the front line. I think on the court you'll see Ratliff playing spot minutes, grabbing some rebounds and blocking a few shots, while Marshall will come in to knock down the open shot. Marshall can shoot.

[Comment From Fabian]:jubel:
Is Kareem Rush the favorit right now to get the S5 position as SG (after the first trainings impressions) or do you see Thad Young as our Starting SF on October 29?

Kate: It's really hard to tell from the limited time we can watch practice. Yesterday we watched about 15 minutes, the same today. And a lot of that time they are running, which doesn't give too much of an indication. I think on Friday, at the completely open practice from 6:30-8, we'll really get an idea of what's happening with that 2-3 spot. It appears, though, from early indications, that Andre Iguodala is staying at the three and Rush is the favorite at the two.
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Philly's Finest

Gegen diese Entscheidung hätte ich nichts einzuwenden, wenn man tatsächlich Rush vorerst über Young (und WG) stellt. In der S5 ist er mit den ohnehin starken Offensivspielern als side kick eigentlich perfekt aufgehoben. Erst wenn Thaddeus einen soliden Wurf besitzt (Dribbling hat er ja schon deutlich verbessert), sollte man ihn starten lassen, denn wir wissen, dass Thad unser X-Faktor für diese Saison sein wird. ;)


Ein paar weitere interessante Dinge:

[Comment From Chris]
Will Thad be playing the 4 at all this year? I thought that was a major reason we were faster than most teams last year.

Kate: Let's answer a few Thad Young questions with this one. I just spoke to him and asked him if he thought he had a feel for what position the coaches would like him to play. He said "3/4" and then smiled. I said, thanks so much for narrowing that down. And then he said, "well, last season I was more of a 4/3." I think he will play at both spots. The thing keeping him from the 3 spot right now is his ball-handling. He's working on it.

[Comment From 127sixer59]
kate you mentioned some watching some shooting drills and indicated speights has good form. anyone else nailing some mid-range/showing a good stroke (know it's just early practice): does ivey have type of shot?

Kate: 127, glad you could join us. Hope the meeting went well. You know who actually was consistently making mid-range shots? Reggie Evans. :laugh2: (Ich sag nur Detroit^^) It wasn't the prettiest thing I've ever seen. Ivey has never been known for his shot -- or so people say. From watching him, the impression I got was that he didn't have a natural shot from as far as the three-point line. It looks good, though, from about a step or two inside.

[Comment From denversixerfan]
3pt shooting has still got to be a concern. Maybe I'm wrong but I would think they need more than just Rush to stretch the D. Who else do you look at to step up and knock down some shots to keep the D from packing it in?

Kate: I keep bringing up this "outside shooting" thing as a concern, too, especially when speaking with Mo Cheeks. His first point is that he isn't a big believer in the 3-point shot. Just never been his thing, as a coach. I still think they need to have guys that can make that shot, though. I think Donyell Marshall is a guy to look at as a "defense stretcher" so to speak. He really has been an effective outside shooter the last three seasons (and we all remember that game he had agains the Sixers as a Raptor). 12 threes, right?


Mo Cheeks zeigt sich sichtlich beeindruckt von Rush:

MORE NEWS: Cheeks specifically mentioned that Kareem Rush shot the heck out of the ball during the night session. He also said Donyell Marshall hit some shots, too.

"We're trying to get out and run with Rush and Marshall spreading the floor," Cheeks said. "Kareem made a ton of shots tonight and with Elton on the block that really spreads things out."

Die Anzeichen verdichten sich das Rush wohl wirklich als SG auflaufen könnte/wird, und die Combo aus LW und Thad von der Bank zusammen kommen (schätz mal auch meist zur gleichen Zeit für Rush und Sammy oder so)

Iguodala ist leicht angeschlagen und hat gestern beide Trainings ausgesetzt. Heute sollte er antscheinend wieder mitmachen. Zumal heute nur 1 Training angesetzt ist.


So gestern war das 2 Spiel Black Jerseys vs. White. Diesmal statt nur kurz 4x 10Minuten.

Black Team: MIller - Young (als SG aufgelaufen) - Iguodala - Brand - DAlembert
Bank: Marshall, Ivey, Jared Reiner, Antywane Robinson.

White Team: Lou - Rush - Green - Evans - Ratliff
Bank: Marreese Speights, Mo Rice, Andre Emmett, Cory Underwood.

Am Ende gewann das Black Team mit 100 - 87

Black Team: 24 27 22 27=100

White Team: 27 13 25 22=87

Extrem beeindruckt war Mo Cheeks von Young:

What -- I should say 'Who' -- stood out the most in tonight's action was Thad Young. He played fantastic. I can't think of anything he didn't do. He hit a three-pointer, he crashed the offensive boards, he finished in transition, he came off the curl cut, he defended, he rebounded ...

''Thaddeus was very good,'' Cheeks said after Young put up 26 points. ''Not one time did we actually run a play for him. He was very active, playing the way he always plays, (being) around the ball, tipping the ball.''

Am Ende war er sogar Topscorer des Black TEams mit 26pkt.
Beim White Team ist Green für 29pkt! explodiert. ER hat ja seit der Brand verpflichtung an seinem Jumper intensiv gearbeitet laut eigenen Aussagen und das hat antscheinend schon sehr gut geklappt in dem Spiel.

Marshall hatte am Ende 17pkt.

Schon gestern war Thad Young im "1st Team" und heute auch wieder und Mo zeigt sich beeindruckt. Ich denke gestern hat er sich wirklich fast schon sicher reingespielt. Der junge macht 26pkt ohne ein play gelaufen zu bekommen, auch wenns nur ein Trainingsspiel war schon beeindruckend. Zudem überraschend das Cheeks in auf SG hat spielen lassen.

Bin schon gespannt auf MIttwoch vs .Celtics:jubel:


Noch weitere Stats:

Brand und Miller mit jeweils 12pkt, Iguodala mit 15

Lou mit 18pkt
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Philly's Finest

Fliegst du schon wieder in die USA?
Japp, vom 28.10 bis zum 5.11. bin ich in Phila.

Das alles ist finanziell machbar, wenn man dort jemanden kennt und gratis übernachten kann. ;) Ansonsten wird es sicherlich auch Unterkünfte geben, die man selbst für kleines Geld bekommen kann. Mit 1000 Euro (in erster Linie Flug und Tickets) kommt man imo für eine Woche locker durch.


nur hat nich jeder 1000€ zum verpulvern :D

naja also wenn man ein philly-spiel besucht ist das ja nicht gerade verpulvert oder?
außer es geht gegen minnesota (sry t-wolvesfans; in ein paar jahren seid ihr auch wieder vorne) da steht ja das ergebnis von vornerein fest wenn jefferson nicht gerade einen hammertag erwischt


1000€ in ner woche klingt schnell nach verpulvern...außer es ist eher ne einmalige sache in der man was großes erleben will...

wenn mans aber 3 mal im jahr macht, kanns schnell verpulvern sein...aber das muss jeder für sich selbst entscheiden (ich mach bestimmt auch sachen, die andere als geld verpulvern bezeichnen würden)


Wie geht das denn jetzt eigentlich mit Wachovia weiter?
Ich kenne deren Finanzlage nicht genau, aber die stecken doch jetzt auch in der Krise mit drin.
Weiß da jemand was, ob das Auswirkungen auf die Sixers bzw. deren Spielstätte haben wird?


Die wurden übernommen und das Stadium bzw. die Halle wird vielleicht umbenannt.

Citi heißt glaub die Firma die die gekauft haben. Vielleicht Citi Center oder gleich City Center oder so?:D


Sixers cutten die ersten Trainingscamp "Einladungen".

Maureece Rice, Corey Underwood und Andre Emmett hats erwischt. Keine wirklichen Überraschungen, denke die letzten 2 werden auch noch gecuttet und wir werden mit 14 in die Saison starten, so wie es Stefanski ja eigentlich schon angekündigt hat.


Paar interessante Dinge ausm Live chat:

[Comment From Warren]
Kate, I was fortunate enough to meet Kyle Korver last weekend in Philly during a fundraiser. I mentioned to him being a free agent after this season, would he be open to the idea of returning to philly, he said he would. We would love to have him back and that sweet shooting touch, he would be more effective with a dominant low post presence like Elton Brand who commands a double team.

Kate: Just thought I would post that so people could read it.

[Comment From kewlbyrd]
Kate, has any of the holdovers from last year improved there three point shooting?

Kate: Lou's shot looks improved ... to me. Green's is a little better. The jury is still out on Iguodala. I think the improvement will come mostly with the additions: Marshall and Rush.

[Comment From Jack (philly)]
I don't understand why there would be any debate about moving Iguodala to the 2, move young to his natural position(3) and keep miller running point. With Brand and Sam at the 4 & 5, respectively, the sixers would have a great mix of size, speed and athleticism at the sg, sf and c positions and would have proven veterans that know the game (miller and brand) serving as the focal points on the perimeter and in the paint.

Kate: Jack, I agree with you, to a point. I don't think the Sixers will have any problem winning regular season games with this lineup. But come playoff time (and isn't that what everyone thinks about this team, that they are playoff bound?) the game slows down so much. Heck, last season's series with the Pistons is a prime example. At that time, they are going to need to have other lineups to spread the court for Brand.

[Comment From billybudd08]
Kate- Thanks for these chats and your coverage as a whole. The volume of reporting you're bringing is fabulous. Now my question: Andre Miller has been notorious for showing up at camp out of shape and then working his way into shape through camp, pre-season and even the early part of camp. Did he show up to this camp out of shape?

Auch eine Sorge von mir, da er letzte Saison einen wirklich schlechten Start hatte...

Kate: I guess I can't speak for how Andre Miller practices when he is in tip-top shape, but he certainly appears to be fine. I don't think anyone should worry about Andre Miller. This guy works harder than just about anyone in the league. He is, more often than not, the last guy to leave the gym.

[Comment From Chuck F.]
Have you asked Andre Miller why he never gets any elevation off his jumpshot?

Kate: Would you ask Andre Miller why he never gets any elevation on his jumper?? I can imagine the stone-faced look I'd get in response. Andre only shoots when he is wide open, so it's not as if he has to clear a defender. But it is interesting.


[Comment From Nigel in DC]
I read on a forum that at the open practice Brand and Evans didn't seem to have fun with each other. Where on the other hand, Elton seemed comfortable with Sam. I know Reggie and Brand had a physical series against each other 2 years ago with the Nuggets and Clippers. Could you give us you impression on their relation among the two?

Kate: Thanks for prodding me on that one, Nigel, I missed it! Okay, yes, you're right, Brand and Evans have gotten into when they played for different teams. They're both physical. I spoke to Brand about his relationship with Evans now, and he acknowledged that he didn't like playing against him (aggressive, pushing, etc, etc), but that he is darn happy to be on his team. Don't believe the gossip, these two are fine. Evans will make Brand even better, and vice versa.
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kommt auf Würds auch voll gern gucken, muss aber um halb sieben aus den Federn. Vielleicht gibts ja irgendwo ne Wiederholung