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richtig! hier in 'schland sagt man: das saugt!
Ja sicher hab ich das Spiel gesehen. Schade, dass es für die Spanier im Endeffekt nicht gereicht hat. Ein zweiter starker PG (lies: Calderon) neben Rubio hätte ihnen gut zu Gesicht gestanden.
Hättest du was dagegen, wenn ich nochmal auf dich zurück kommen würde, wenn der Onlineshop wieder Trikots in vernünftigen Größen führt?
Das ist schwer zu sagen ohne dass sie gegeneinander gespielt haben. Aber die Möglichkeit besteht definitiv. Ich wüsste nicht wann ein europäischer Spieler mit 16 Jahren jemals so gut war.
Ich find' ihn immer wieder lustig...• Ricky Rubio started for Calderón and was solid, if not great. But the feat itself? Do I need to remind you he's the same age as Jamie Lynn Spears? Imagine Team USA picking Chris Paul and a high school kid as its point guards, then Paul missing the gold-medal game and the teenager holding his own? How many commercials would he be filming right now? Twenty? The nonstop Pistol Pete comparisons are beneath Rubio; his defensive instincts, playmaking and athleticism bring him closer to a hybrid of Scottie Pippen and a young Magic—if they happened to look like one of the Jonas Brothers. I love Ricky to the point that I might move to whatever NBA city gets him. You think I'm kidding.
Even prior to his injury, it would have taken some pretty special circumstances to get Rubio out of his contract, which currently sports a seven million Euro buyout.
With that in mind, and considering everything we've heard during our time in Spain, we now expect Rubio to stay at Joventut for at least another season, if not two, which is when his contract expires.
It's possible that Joventut decides to up Rubio"s salary from the laughable sum of 80,000 Euro he's currently making-which probably makes him the most under-paid player in Europe- but it's unlikely they will shorten the contract or accept an NBA affordable buyout prior to 2011.
All things considered, why would they?
Rubio himself reportedly told Brandon Jennings (possibly in a photo shoot for Slam magazine?) that he expects to wait until the 2010 draft, at least according to Jennings himself.
Ich hoffe, dass Rubio ein herausragendes Spiel macht und ALBA mit einem gewinnt.