Hier sind übrigens die Nominierungen für die ATP Awards 2010:
ATP World Tour No. 1: (geht automatisch an Nadal, weil er das Jahr als Nr. 1 beendet)
Bei folgenden Kategorien stimmen die Spieler selbst ab:
Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award:
(The player who, throughout the year, conducted himself at the highest level of professionalism and integrity, who competed with his fellow players with the utmost spirit of fairness and who promoted the game through his off-court activities.)
- Federer
- Nadal
- Dent
- Cilic
Most Improved Player of the Year:
(The player who reached a significantly higher ranking by year's end and who demonstrated an increasingly improved level of performance through the year.)
- Berdych (von 20 auf 7)
- Golubev (von 133 auf 33)
- Gulbis (von 90 auf 26) kann es kaum glauben

- Melzer (von 28 auf 12)
Newcomer of the Year:
(The player who, based on his ranking move in 2010, has made the biggest impact on the ATP World Tour.)
- Berankis (von 320 auf 114)
- De Bakker (von 96 auf 47)
- Dolgopolov (von 131 auf 55)
- Kamke (von 254 auf 88)
Comeback Player of the Year:
(The player who has overcome serious injury in re-establishing himself as one of the top players on the ATP World Tour.)
- Fish (von 55 auf 19)
- Haase (von 447 auf 69)
- Nalbandian (von 64 auf 24)

- Nishikori (von 418 auf 119)
Tennis Forum user of the year:
(based on most postings and competency)
- gentleman
- rÖsHti
- Tommy
- Drago
- Lumpi
- Spielberg
- Puperkatzi
- Tony Jaa
- Gordo
- big D
- Rhaegar
- Matt
- John Lennon
- Aronofsky
- xEr
- earl monroe
- twinpeaks
- jkd
- elpres
- Patrick