đŸ‡«đŸ‡ź Thread fĂŒr Finnen Fans


Dass grade ER die Fresse auf macht ĂŒberrascht mich. Ist er eigentlich gar nicht so der Typ fĂŒr.

Well, they say he has a self sacrificing streak of a mile wide... Urheilulehti propose him for the "Martyr of the Year"-award (we have those X of the Year-parties coming soon.)

Ich hoffe er wird jetzt nicht raus gekante(e)t, sprich gekĂŒndigt. Finds aber geil, dass es eine Mail auch im Namen der Athleten gewesen sein soll. Bisher haben die auch immer alle ihren Mund gehalten. Vielleicht kommt es noch dazu, dass DIE endlich reden. Ich warte da seit Jahren drauf. :rolleyes:
Apparently they had all wrote the email together and agreed. But Pekka was very quick to back-pedal and pretend he had nothing to do with it and somehow also jumpers have kept their mouths shut and left Vili alone under the fire. Reilunpelinkerho koossa taas... :pffft: I hope jumpers get their mouths open tomorrow even though I other wise think they should really not wash their dirty laundry so publicly.
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Wow da bin ich eine Woche nicht da und schon liesst man solche Sachen :brauen:
Aber echt super von Villi einer muss mal anfangen den Mund aufzumachen :up:


I hope jumpers get their mouths open tomorrow even though I other wise think they should really not wash their dirty laundry so publicly.

This one I take back. Finnjumping is trying to appease the situation and if it possible to find a compromise in this, jumpers should not risk that by talking now.

Tiilikainen declines to talk about this more in public and also Haataja was quite diplomatic while talking to press later (some little sarcasm but otherwise quite conciliatory.) Haataja also said, that they are middle of new sponsor talk and this kind on fighting is not good for those and hope for truce at least for this weekend. They will sit down and talk about this next week. It also seems that Vili will not obtain his martyr's crown yet. Haataja says they are also next week considering disciplining Kantee - on rather anticlimactic way; with written reprimand.That is not the substance in which martyrs are made :aetsch: Totally different thing is, how this will influence Vili's future. The impact may be much worse :(


And, they threw Vili for wolves:
(or maybe wolves just attacked anyway, it's Silvennoinen after all.) :neinnein:

Now it was Vili alone, who wrote that email and anyone else had nothing to do with it. Yep, yep. :up:

And Silvennoinen has gotten his revenge from that one time he made the fool of himself by attacking Kantee and Hapa. Kantee is now whimsical, odd bird and problematic person (have I heard these same attributes from Silvennoinen before, but concerning someone else... :idee:) and it's probably all his fault. Silvennoinen also uses all the common propaganda techniques to denigrate Vili. When they had this story on their sport frontpage, what else had they put up there, but a big picture of Vili and Hapa together? Certainly not because they don't have any newer photos of Vili but because that handy little 'guilty by association' effect. Absolutely fabulous! :donk:

Tomorrow Finnjumping's board will make decisions on any discipline they may dole out. Haataja decided to disqualify himself from the decision, because it could be seen as a revenge if he would be a one to decide any possible punishments. They will also sit down with the team and try to sort this out. It's still most probable that they will not at least officially sack Kantee, but unfortunately I wouldn't be too surprised if Vili would be on sick leave for the 4H or 'decide to resign himself.' :hmpf:
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And today's developments in this saga :pffft::

-Tiilikainen and Lappi had a "good and open" meeting with NiemelĂ€, Nikkola, Kantee and Örri last night between 2-4 a.m (that just happened to be most convenient time for all ;))
-Finnjumping board will have a phone meeting in Thursday and there they will make any possible decisions
-Ville Larinto and Janne Ahonen came out to support Kantee. Ville tells how Finnjumping has not supported his rehab anyway, how he gets by with what insurances have covered, his own sponsors have paid some medical costs and Lahti Pelicans' (hockey team) physiotherapist Juha Nakari (yeah, that same Juha Nakari who used to be ski jumpers physio in season 09-10) has worked with him in his free time for free and Pelicans have let them use their gyms and equipments etc. for free. Ville's dad Jari also agrees with Kantee that Haataja should go, because he doesn't understand anything about sport and every day life of athletes.
-Rane had to change his normal revenue for coming public. He usually gives his interviews for MTV3 affiliate Iltalehti, but now he went to Ilta-Sanomat with his criticism for Finnjumping. I'm guessing he was really not happy how Iltalehti treated Vili.

By the way. Yesterday I wrote that last post without seeing the whole paperversion of the story (because I didn't want to give them any money to get to read Silvennoinen's rubbish) and I saw the paper today. It was even worse than I thought from the web material. Silvennoinen really attacks Vili with all he could and with some more. About the only thing about Vili he doesn't bad mouth is his singing. He does diss Vili's education, personality, weight, grammar and spelling (I think he forgot which one of them was the reporter and which one the ski jumping trainer...), sport career, tells his only accomplishment in life is to be Rane's friend and that is the only reason he has been hired and goes on telling that while silly little jumpers may side with Vili in this, 'the masters' (meaning people in Finnjumping and SHL's boards, head coach etc.) have for years took an attitude that he is just silly 'Little-Ville', who should not to be taken seriously in anyway.

It seems that Santtu S. really knows how to hold the grudge and go for the revenge when he has a smallest chance. Only good thing is, that I'm sure these tirades will some day come back and bite his ass hard. He may find it very difficult to work with many Finnish jumpers after this. Attacking Hapa was the one thing, attacking Vili is totally different.

EDIT: The newest info is, that Tiilikainen says that absolutely no one will be dismissed and every employee in Finnjumping will continue till spring (meaning both Kantee and Haataja are still firmly on board.) (source for this is MTV3)
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The countrys best jumper has to pay his rehab from his own money...this can't be true..:down::down::down::down:


And Christmas peace came to Finnish jumping - at least for the few days. I'm sure next crisis/scandal is right back of the corner, but probably they will manage without any biggie till Boxing Day... Hopefully! :duck:

Vili got his warning, everyone continues in their jobs and everyone have boards trust. How nice! :pffft:

By the way, now it ended up so, that the jumpers didn't know anything about anything (yeah right), other coaches than Vili aybe new something or maybe not (and Pekka of course did Pekkas, he turned off his phone and didn't answer the reporters requests' for calling back. It seems to be his favourite way to handle tough situations.) So it was just old silly Vili being his over-emotional self and other wise everything is fine and dandy. Oh and the team spirit is better than ever. :n8:

Till the next storm in a glass of water. :party:

(Yeah, I'm still feeling cynical and over-stressed and even felt like punching a Joulupukki today while Christmas shopping :down:)

Oh, and Yeti, that was a longer story and I hAve a feeling the story has as many different sides and outlooks as there is parties, or more. Ville's medical costs etc. are mostly paid by insurance and one got the feeling that Larintos really weren't even expecting Finnjumping being able to help. And what help Finnjumping would have given, they didn't want (because they had that part better covered with Nakari being so nice and helping them out.) But yeah, it sucks, that Finnjumping is broke and that they have very little money and resources for rehabs and even more importantly, preventing injuries. Before there was also a lack of will to do so (in Nikunen's era, when it seemed they had all the jumpers they would ever need and some more), but nowadays they are so short on jumpers I'm sure the will (at least some of it) is there, resources not so much.
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Finnland scheint den Weg Schwedens zu gehen - schade um diese ehemals große Skisprungenation.


Vili hat so verdammt Recht. Endlich sprichts mal einer aus!

@Vili: :up::up::up::up:


linker Spinner
Pansendorf im Bumsland
Vili hat so verdammt Recht. Endlich sprichts mal einer aus!

@Vili: :up::up::up::up:
Seh ich genauso. Ich hÀtte es ihm nicht zu getraut, hab nun aber umso mehr Respekt vor ihm. Scheint aber so, als wÀre es ein klassisches Eigentor was mit der Abmahnung mundtot gemacht wurde. Die Wurzel allen Uebels ist Finnjumping, die definitiv gen 0 tendierende Ahnung von Unternehmens- und Finanzmanagement haben. :rolleyes: Kann doch nicht sein, dass man immer noch nicht-finnische Sponsoren zum Beispiel ablehnt. Wo denen doch das Wasser schon ueber dem Kopf steht. :donk: Und zu Pekka sag ich glaub ich in Zukunft einfach nix mehr.


NOK-Chef Niemi-Nikkola bemĂ€ngelt die mentale StĂ€rke der finnischen Skispringer und ist besorgt ĂŒber das mangelde Selbstvertrauen.


Doch langsam Gegenwind fuer Pekka...?!

I'm having very mixed feelings about this.

I'm very pleased that someone finally said aloud my pet peeve. Injuries are not some force of nature, that just happens. They can and should be prevented. And instant re-injuries are almost criminal negligence of that principle. That is something Finnish trainers have failed miserably. And I have certainly heard enough of injuries being used as an excuse.

On the other hand Niemi-Nikkola is being awfully hypocrite in this. Yeah, Finnish NOK doesn't have sky high budget, but they are not broke in any means. Season 2009-10, just before Vancouver, Finnish team's financial situation was even much worse than it is now. And they really had a medal chance in V. Still NOK came to rescue with so little and so late, it was meaningless. And while they certainly took and paid enough people to travel to V., who had absolutely nothing to do with Finland's possibilities for success, they were not willing to pay for two people who could have made a significant difference for Finnish ski jumping results. Big enough to even mean medal or two. (Those people being Rane's osteopath and Hapa's personal trainer.) (Yeah, lot of could haves, should haves, but still...)

I also find it terrible idea to take this time to come out with this and put more pressure to Pekka. Pekka has shown before, that he is not the one to better under the pressure but the opposite. He is already in terrible situation and probably feels very alone and persecuted right now. To be honest, I worry, that putting more pressure to him, could end up Ville coming back even earlier than otherwise. Everyone can see, that Pekka's time as a headcoach has not been a success story. His contract is up (if you forget an optio) this spring. If Finnjumping is having any viable other candidates, I have difficult time seeing Pekka continuing. So no need to smoke him out now, if that is what they want. It has became very evident, that Pekka is not a type of coach, who can take what he is given and work with it and take a maximum out of it. In fact he kind of seems to have the same problem as Kalle Keituri (as ironic as that is.) He is always looking (and being envious) to other tables and forgetting to work with what he has and with his own strengths. That is also the reason, why I don't believe that Kojo would be a saviour many believe he would be in this situation. Even if Finnjumping could afford his salary, also Kojo needs quite a lot of waste material to turn things gold. And Finland has absolutely nothing left to waste.

In fact, I kind of hope, they would (secretly) call this season quits. Keep Ville out of hills and in rehab. Take Havu out of WC and back to rehab, if he is having even a slightest problem with his knee (as some reports have said.) Let Anssi be our new face for the season, guilt Matti to do a one last favour and hang on till the bitter end at Planica, take two youngest (Sami N. and Jarkko M.) of the ones we still do have and take one of them at the time with to just see the hills and jump training and quali jumps, if nothing else. There is two years till Sotchi. The most important thing is, that neither Ville or Havu get hurt again. If healthy, if no lasting damage, both could be solid top 10 jumpers in two years. Anssi has every chance to be solid top 10-20 jumper. It would need no miracles of either Sami or Jarkko getting to top 20-25 level. That would make Finland able to fight bronze medal in Team. And if someone would be able to kick one button-eye's ass back in gear and to the pro-sport, that would of course be nice (though of course also difficult.) We have not yet lost this totally, but there is no room for further errors.

And after all; my other pet peeve: Do they always have to do all this so publicly? Could they not handle this behind the close doors? Do they always have to be dramaqueens in absolutely everything? And middle of 4 Hills, of course. :donk:
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