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It seems to be press heavy day for Finnish ski jumping today. Urheilulehti had a long article about change NiemelÀ is trying to force for Finnish jumping and how it is going. I haven't have time to read Iltalehti yet, but from headlines it seems that they are ending their closed season regarding Pekka NiemelÀ and guns are drawn.

Urheilulehti is still rather moderate, but expresses also some critical point of views towards NiemelÀ's big plan. Apparently Pekka has taken very tough 'my way or highway' approach for jumpers. Harri (partly because his personal problems, escalating mental issues) got enough already at August. At the same time, Rane was very near to make same decision, but stayed still on board. Matti, Ville, Olli M., Jupe and Havu have bought NiemelÀ's system without much fuss. Harri didn't, Rane not really, Kalle has tried hard, but it is impossible for him without a new personality implantation. Anssi has been able to use his ex-combi-status for him to keep some freedom and is walking tightrope.

Forcing everyone to same mold is something totally new in Finnish system. Always before there has been lot of different outlooks for ski jumping, training etc. and jumpers have been allowed to choose the model that fits them. Great freedom of personality and style was accepted. And if they then did well, it was enough. NiemelÀ has decided, that those times are gone for good and he wants the Team with big T, who trains the same, behaves the same, thinks the same, shares his philosophy of jumping and training etc.

Apparently NiemelÀ has very harshly criticised especially Harri to the press unofficially (he is an easy target) but also Rane. Him of course much more shrouded manner and with more tact, but still. Article goes on about lack of jumpers now that Harri and Rane has been flushed away, no one expects Kalle be able to live with the demands and even Matti will quit (if he does not change his mind.) Talk about Joonas Ikonen and Olli Pekkala and the likes and how they were lost (certainly not Pekka's fault at any way, but the situation he has to live with. The reasons for the situation; quitting B-team five years ago, not working with promising juniors, not even letting them compete at COC even though they would have payed it themselves etc. are also analysed. )

There is also some rather heavy criticism for the national team's equipment project. How it is too expensive, hasn't really worked at least yet and even if they would come up with something good, everyone would just copy it anyway, so they would be better using same equipments as others and saving the money for B-team and other more important matters.

The reporter gives three different points where one could look at this. First point of view being, that while NiemelÀ's plan certainly has it's points, he is just loosing and flushing away too much talent in this situation, because there really are no new promising ones coming at least before Sochi. Second point of view is, that considering the resources Pekka was given, not enough have been achieved. Third point of view is, that given the situation and that NiemelÀ is really changing everything, he should be given time to do his thing and not criticised before 2013 at all.


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Pansendorf im Bumsland
Dunkle Wolken.....

Find ich aber auch nich den richtigen Weg jedem ein und die selbe Trainingsphilo aufzudruecken. Das sin nun mal eingeschliffene Charaktere. Klar, machen gibt das vielleicht neue Impulse (wie Matti) aber zu wems halt absolut nich passt. Da macht man doch nur mehr kaputt damit...


Warrior of Kindness
Lebanon, Kansas
Dunkle Wolken.....

Find ich aber auch nich den richtigen Weg jedem ein und die selbe Trainingsphilo aufzudruecken. Das sin nun mal eingeschliffene Charaktere. Klar, machen gibt das vielleicht neue Impulse (wie Matti) aber zu wems halt absolut nich passt. Da macht man doch nur mehr kaputt damit...

naja bei Matti, dem ht pekka wohl geholfen aber nur, weil der eben jetzt sein Heimtrainer is und so lieb ich Jake auch hab, es lief halt nich, er war nicht der richtige...


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Pansendorf im Bumsland
naja bei Matti, dem ht pekka wohl geholfen aber nur, weil der eben jetzt sein Heimtrainer is und so lieb ich Jake auch hab, es lief halt nich, er war nicht der richtige...
Pekka is ja eh momentan so stolz auf seine "Puijo-Jungs". Wenn ich mich nich irre is der jetzt beider Heimtrainer..Und war der das vor zig Jahren nich schon mal? Zumindest bei Matti bin ich mir nich sicher. Havu hat ja VÀÀtÀinen geformt..:idee:


Warrior of Kindness
Lebanon, Kansas
Ja er war vor Jake da (bzw vor vÀÀvĂ€). Wie weit Havu da schon war, weiß ich nich.
Auf jeden fall mĂŒsste er ja beider Heimtrainer sein, weil Jake ja der trainer von beiden war (und Jupe eigentlich auch :ueberleg: )
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:


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Pansendorf im Bumsland
Frag mich nur wer Havu jetzt so fit gemacht hat..Der wird ja wohl kaum ohne Trainer trainiert haben. Pekka war ja mim Team unterwegs. Der Jenige solle sich bitte mal melden, der kann was......