Pekka's take on current situation.
-Matti is the star of the team and Pekka trusts him to keep Finnish ski jumping up. They have totally concentrated to winter with him, he has had a lot more in his plate than only ski jumping but Pekka thinks there has been some much better performances from him during the summer than last summer (they certainly have not been in competitions, I have to add.)
-Pekka thinks he has three jumpers in international top: Matti, Havu and Ville and behind them they are bringing up new generation of younger jumpers. He is especially happy with Anssi and Olli.
-Because the injury situation they are not concentrating in developing individual athletes and do not care at all, how they will do as a team.
-Pekka thinks it was nice that national level athletes jumped well at JyvÀskylÀ, but he thinks it should be taken with a grain of salt, because there is still two months till the winter season starts
ueberleg: Are national level jumpers and A-team having a different calender and Kipru and Sebastian already living winter time and being in their winter shape?)
-Oh, and no one should worry, because of Matti's or orther A-team jumpers jumping. How nice! :zunge2:
Okay, it's good to see, that Pekka finally admits that they may not be doing greater than ever and that they have to adjust their goals. But still keeping up that 'bad luck, injuries they couldn't do anything about'-excuse is getting older and older. Injuries are certainly a problem, but they are not something, that just happens, not on this extent. They can, and should, be prevented, not almost asked for and then used as an excuse. And summer or no summer, his whole A-team should not be underperforming like this. If it would be only Matti, when fine. But no, it's all of them. Even Anssi should have won with much larger margin to Kipru. I'm sure Kipru did jump his better jumps at JyvÀskylÀ, but still... :neinnein: