das hat wine&gold heute gepostet:
"Shaqtus did convey to Lebron last night that he indeed was hoping that he could have made it to CLE this past deadline. He was telling Lebron how he wants to end his career on his terms, and would like to go out on top. With a team like the Cavs. If he can win one more title, he'd call it a career, is basically what he said."
danach hat jemand gefragt ob shaq dieses jahr in der offseason kommt und er hat folgendes drauf geantwortet:
"No. I think he'd love it if it were to happen, though. I don't think that Shaq would necassarliy be one of our first options to tell you the truth."
"Shaqtus did convey to Lebron last night that he indeed was hoping that he could have made it to CLE this past deadline. He was telling Lebron how he wants to end his career on his terms, and would like to go out on top. With a team like the Cavs. If he can win one more title, he'd call it a career, is basically what he said."
danach hat jemand gefragt ob shaq dieses jahr in der offseason kommt und er hat folgendes drauf geantwortet:
"No. I think he'd love it if it were to happen, though. I don't think that Shaq would necassarliy be one of our first options to tell you the truth."