Wo Dirk recht hat hat er nunmal recht. Und die ganzen Kritiker ob in den USA oder auch hier zu Lande gehen mir schon lange auf die Eier
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The Mavericks have big decisions to make before the NBA draft June 28, and free agency begins July 1. But no decision may be bigger than what to do with center Brendan Haywood.
It's been widely speculated that the Mavericks will use the one-time amnesty provision to remove Haywood from the salary cap. But a rare clause in Haywood's contract could make that move unnecessary.
Haywood has what one NBA executive called "the best spread provision in the NBA'' in his contract. In layman's terms, any team that waives Haywood can spread out the payments for the remainder of his contract until 2026, according to an NBA source.
That means the team that owns his rights and waives him would be responsible for no more than $2 million per year over the next 14 years.
That clause in the deal is a huge incentive when it comes to including Haywood as a possible sweetener in trade talks that are going fast and furious as teams gear up for the frenzy that will begin as soon as the NBA finals end. Other teams see that as a very appealing contract.
On paper, Haywood's contract would appear to be an albatross. He's guaranteed money over the next three seasons, escalating from $8.349 million in 2012-13 to $9.073 million the following season and $9.798 million in 2014-15. His final season, at $10.522 million, is not guaranteed.
But the fact that the $27.22 million that is guaranteed can be spread out over more than a decade, if a team so desires, is a huge advantage for a team looking for salary-cap protection if they also are looking for a functional center.
Haywood averaged 5.2 points and six rebounds in 21.2 minutes per game this season.
What the spread provision in his contract allows is for the Mavericks possibly to use Haywood and other assets to facilitate sign-and-trades for free agents, which wouldn't further eat into their money under the salary cap.
Garnett passt in meinen Augen nicht unbedingt neben Dirk. In der Offensive wäre das sicherlich fantastisch, aber in der Defensive? In der Eastern Conference mag das vielleicht noch gut gehen, aber im Westen? Will man einben Garnett wirklich dauerhaft gegen Center wie Bynum, Bogut, Cousins, Marc Gasol, Pau Gasol (sollte er z.B. nach Houston getradet werden) stellen? Kann mir kaum vorstellen, das das gut geht, vor allem in den Playoffs.
Gut machst du das Terrylein. Jetzt müssen sie es nur noch schaffen, dir genau den gewünschten Deal nicht anzubieten..
Ich lese gar nichts von den Mavs..