Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen


Falls Bin Lu also siegreich sein sollte, wäre es doch ein neuer Rekord?

Vielleicht ... nachdem Loma und Rademacher das ja nicht geschafft haben....

Allerdings geht es hier ja "nur" um den kleinen WBA-Gürtel. Die WBA hat ja mehrere Champs (Super-Champion ist Hekkie Butler) und dementsprechend würde ein solcher Rekord weniger wert sein, wenn man ihn mit dem zweitklassigen WBA-Titel hole.


Ich wusste vom Super-Champion Budler nichts, dies entkräftet es natürlich schon. Ich finde generell dass man diese Super-Titel abschaffen sollte oder man den regulären Belt dann nicht besetzt. Ich denke da an die Beispiele Charr oder morgen Shumenov gegen Altunkaya.
Aber naja.... wenn das Näschen Geld riecht, kommen halt so tolle Einfälle.


Topboxer und Toptalent. :thumb: Neigt allerdings gerne dazu das Training schleifen zu lassen. Aber irgendein Laster haben die meisten Talente irgendwo. :saint: Boxerisch eigentlich sichere Bank zur WM, aber .... aber gibts einige bei ihm. Boxen sehe ich persönlich ihn trotzdem gern. ;)


Auszug aus einem Interview mit mit Kathy Duva
GL: Tell us about Facebook Watch, what made you want to get involved with the platform?

KD: "Actually my daughter Nicole put that deal together. It is the future and if it works we have a platform that we can go back to with as many fights as people want to see. We get to go out world wide to attract an audience and having plenty of eastern Europeans among our ranks it's very appealing to us. I think everybody is out streaming, but they're going behind paywalls. I don't think the sport can survive if the only way you can watch it is if you have to pay for it, but as of now that seems to be the way it works. If Facebook works, and we really hope it does then we're going to have a platform where people can watch for free and I think that's significant. Are plan is to have interesting fights that don't happen on HBO. There's a lot of competition for fights at the highest level that cost millions of dollars; you've got HBO, Showtime, the Super Series, Da Zone, ESPN is buying high level fights, but you've got nobody buying fights that are a few notches down from that yet, but those can still be very important and interesting fights. We're basically looking to replicate what we were doing with NBC."

Golden Boy Promotion ist wohl auch beteiligt.
Die ersten Übertragungen finden schon am 11.August(Rojas vs Diaz) und am 18. August (Barerra vs Monaghan) statt!

ich feiere es und hoffe dass es richtig einschlägt! :jubel::jubel::jubel:


Auszug aus einem Interview mit mit Kathy Duva

Golden Boy Promotion ist wohl auch beteiligt.
Die ersten Übertragungen finden schon am 11.August(Rojas vs Diaz) und am 18. August (Barerra vs Monaghan) statt!

ich feiere es und hoffe dass es richtig einschlägt! :jubel::jubel::jubel:

Showtime macht es ihnen gleich und überträgt nächstes Wochenende schon die undercard von Garcia vs Easter sowohl auf Facebook wie auch auf ihrem Youtube Kanal!:cool:



Je früher es eingeführt wird desto besser und vor allem auch gesünder für beide Parteien in jeglicher Hinsicht!

die Association of Boxing Commission will in den folgenden Wochen nicht nur über das Nachwiegen am Kampftag abstimmen sondern auch gleich einige... ach einfach selber lesen!

Second-day weigh-in proposal for sanctioned title fights headed for vote

A new proposal aimed at addressing extreme weight cutting practices in combat sports will be introduced at the Association of Boxing Commissions annual convention this weekend in Orlando, Florida.

The potential policy changes, which would require a majority vote by ABC members to go into effect, call for a second-day weigh-in ahead of all sanctioned championship fights in boxing.

During this second weigh-in, which would take place the morning of the fight, athletes would not be allowed to weigh more than 10 percent over the contracted weight. If an athlete failed to comply, the contest would still go on, but that athlete would be ineligible to win the championship.

Additionally, offenders would forfeit at least 10 percent of their contracted purse, face the potential of a suspension and, perhaps most notably, be removed from the rankings of all sanctioning bodies until they successfully make weight at a future bout.

"We're not asking for the moon -- 10 percent is a big number," Andy Foster, executive officer of the California State Athletic Commission, told ESPN. "If a fight is 147 pounds, for example, fighters have 14.7 pounds of rehydration to work with. The problem is that based on our data, we have a significant amount of fighters who are coming in more than that.

"Another thing we're going to do, and we feel this is extremely important, is we're going to put into language somewhere that extreme weight cutting is cheating. Until someone labels this for what it is, it's not considered cheating. We're going to do that, and we're trying to do it this year."

Earlier this year, Foster held a weight cutting summit with boxing sanctioning bodies WBA, WBC, WBO and IBF. The ABC has authority under boxing's Muhammad Ali Act to implement these changes on its own, but the sanctioning bodies have generally expressed support for it.

Some measures are already in place in the sport of boxing. The IBF, for example, implements a second-day weigh-in, but waives it for unified title fights involving more than one sanctioning body. The WBC uses 30-day and 7-day weigh-ins to monitor athletes' weight.

"California and the ABC held a summit, which we participated in with great enthusiasm and expressed our full support," said WBC president Mauricio Sulaiman. "The WBC will fully collaborate and support."

Extreme weight cutting remains an issue in all combat sports, however. Just this month, a WBC junior welterweight title fight was canceled at the last minute when challenger Danny O'Connor was hospitalized for severe dehydration as he attempted to cut weight.

"We have to address what we can address and this is a step in the right direction," Foster said. "If you miss weight, you get kicked out of the ratings. I think that's generally a good, basic idea. That should have been happening a long time ago."

One concern around a second-day weigh-in is that it may encourage athletes to cut weight the day of a fight. Foster says he understands that concern but ultimately believes athletes will trend toward coming into fight week lighter, as opposed to cutting weight that close to a contest.

If the ABC passes the new proposal, it would not go into effect until Jan. 1, 2019. Both Foster and ABC president Mike Mazzulli said they are optimistic the proposal will pass.

As far as addressing the same issue in mixed martial arts -- where weight cutting culture is arguably worse -- the ABC does not hold the authority to issue a unilateral change as it does in boxing.

That said, Foster and Mazzulli have taken measures within their own jurisdictions to curb weight cutting in MMA and believe all combat sports are headed for a day when extreme weight cutting is treated as essentially performance enhancing.

"It's baby steps right now," Mazzulli said. "We're doing this in boxing and we know it needs to happen in MMA as well. We need to start somewhere, and part of this is educating the fighters so they know this is going to happen. Just like the culture around drug testing years ago, they are going to know they can't cheat on this. This is a starting point, and I believe we will have the votes to get it done."


Finde ich grundsätzlich eine gute Idee. Über die 10% »Übergewicht« am Morgen des Kampftages wird bestimmt noch diskutiert werden. Die Handhabe der WBC mit dem 30 Tage und 7 Tage Wiegen vor dem Kampf sollte dann auch fest integriert werden. Da dies mit den passenden Werten die Sache erst komplett machen würde.


Rigondeaux hat sich aus der Versenkung zurückgemeldet und behauptet, dass Loma am Tage ihres Kampfes 160 Pfund (ca. 72,5 kg) gewogen hätte. In der Hinsicht gehe ich mal 100 % mit Baum konform: keine Macht den Drogen!


Die Garcia-Easter Card im staples center hätte auch ruhig noch 1-2 gute Fights mehr bieten können :sleep:


Rigondeaux hat sich aus der Versenkung zurückgemeldet und behauptet, dass Loma am Tage ihres Kampfes 160 Pfund (ca. 72,5 kg) gewogen hätte. In der Hinsicht gehe ich mal 100 % mit Baum konform: keine Macht den Drogen!
160 Pfund?:laugh: Das wird ihm kein Mensch glauben! Schade dass Rigo so ein schlechter Verlierer ist. Wenn verlieren so schlimm für ihn ist hätte er im Kampf sich mal mehr reinhängen sollen und etwas mehr Risiko gehen sollen.


Werden die matchroom-Veranstaltungen innerhalb der USA, welche auf DAZN-USA übertragen werden, auch uns hier in DE zugänglich sein über DAZN? Ich meine im Hinterkopf zu haben, dass es nicht so ist. Kann das wer bestätigen?