@ Romo:
Deine Überlegung zur Schumi-Taktik funktioniert ganz unabhängig vom Reifen-Reglement nicht. Trulli und Button waren auch auf 2 Stopps und haben ihren 2. Stopp in der 43. Runde (Safety Car-Phase) gemacht und sind danach durchgefahren (was man zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht sicher wissen konnte).
Schumi hatte seinen ersten Stopp in der 26. Runde gemacht und hätte sicher nicht durchfahren können. Er hätte nach der Safety Car-Phase einen solchen Vorsprung auf Trulli rausfahren müssen, dass es zum Stopp gereicht hätte. Glaube nicht, dass das geklappt hätte.
Ich denke Schumi hat damit gerechnet (bzw. drauf gesetzt), dass Trulli und Button nochmal rein müssen. Im Grunde wars auch seine einzige Chance. So hatte er wenigstens eine Chance nach vorne zu kommen. Wäre er zur Safety Car-Phase reingegangen, wäre er sowieso wieder hinter Trulli und Button gewesen. Zu verlieren hatte er mit der Entscheidung, draußen zu bleiben also nichts (Montoya-Kollision mal außen vor gelassen

Zu den Reifen:
Die Fahrer starten den ersten Tainingstag mit max. zwei verschiedenen Trockenreifen-Typen.
Bis 9,00 Uhr des zweiten Trainingstages, müssen sie angeben, mit welchem Typ Trockenreifen sie den Rest des Trainings und das Rennen bestreiten.
Wird während einer Trainingssession oder im Rennen die Strecke vom Renndirektor für feucht erklärt, kann der Fahrer nach Belieben zwischen den verfügbaren Regenreifen oder dem zuvor gewählten Trockenreifentyp wählen (also auch hin und her wechseln).
In voller Länge: (Auszug FIA-Reglement)
75) Quantity and type of tyres :
a) During the Event no driver may use more than forty dry-weather tyres (twenty front and twenty rear) and twenty eight wet-weather tyres (fourteen front and fourteen rear).
If a driver change is made during an Event the tyres allocated to the original driver must be
used by the new driver.
From the forty dry-weather tyres each driver will be allocated twelve (six front and six rear) for use on the first day of practice, these tyres may not be used at any other time during the Event. No more than eight (four front and four rear) of the twelve tyres allocated for the
first day of practice may be of one specification.
Before 09.00 (or 08.00 during Events taking place in North America) on the second day of practice each driver must nominate which specification of tyre he will use for the remainder
of the Event. However, if both free practice sessions on the first day of practice are declared wet this decision may be deferred until 13.00 (or 12.00 during Events taking place in North America).
b) All dry-weather tyres must incorporate circumferential grooves square to the wheel axis and around the entire circumference of the contact surface of each tyre.
c) Each front dry-weather tyre, when new, must incorporate 4 grooves which are :
- arranged symmetrically about the centre of the tyre tread ;
- at least 14mm wide at the contact surface and which taper uniformly to a minimum of 10mm at the lower surface;
- at least 2.5mm deep across the whole lower surface ;
- 50mm (+/- 1.0mm) between centres.
Furthermore, the tread width of the front tyres must not exceed 270mm.
d) Each rear dry-weather tyre, when new, must incorporate 4 grooves which are:
- arranged symmetrically about the centre of the tyre tread ;
2004 F1 Sporting Regulations 11 / 36 12 December 2003
- at least 14mm wide at the contact surface and which taper uniformly to a minimum of 10mm at the lower surface ;
- at least 2.5mm deep across the whole lower surface ;
- 50mm (+/- 1.0mm) between centres.
The measurements referred to in c) and d) above will be taken when the tyre is fitted to a wheel and inflated to 1.4 bar.
e) A wet-weather tyre is one which has been designed for use on a wet or damp track.
All wet-weather tyres must, when new, have a contact area which does not exceed 280cm² when fitted to the front of the car and 440cm² when fitted to the rear. Contact areas will be measured over any square section of the tyre which is normal to and symmetrical about the tyre centre line and which measures 200mm x 200mm when fitted to the front of the car and 250mm x 250mm when fitted to the rear. For the purposes of establishing conformity,
only void areas which are greater than 2.5mm in depth will be considered.
Prior to use at an Event, each tyre manufacturer must provide the technical delegate with a full scale drawing of each type of wet-weather tyre intended for use.
Prior to the start of the qualifying practice session, and subject to the requirements of Articles 127-135, wet-weather tyres may only be used after the track has been declared wet by the race director, following which wet or dry-weather tyres may be used for the remainder of the relevant session.
f) Tyre specifications will be determined by the FIA no later than 1 September of the previous season. Once determined in this way, the specification of the tyres will not be changed during the Championship season without the agreement of the Formula One Commission.
76) Control of tyres :
a) The outer sidewall of all tyres which are to be used at an Event must be marked with a unique identification.
b) Other than in cases of force majeure (accepted as such by the stewards of the meeting), all tyres intended for use at an Event must be presented to the FIA technical delegate for allocation prior to the end of initial scrutineering.
c) From among the forty (twenty front and twenty rear) dry-weather tyres available to each driver, the FIA technical delegate will choose at random sixteen tyres (eight front and eight rear) which are the only dry-weather tyres which such driver may use in the qualifying practice session.
d) At any time during an Event, and at his absolute discretion, the FIA technical delegate may select alternative dry-weather tyres to be used by any team or driver from among the relevant stock of tyres which such team's designated supplier has present at the Event.
e) A competitor wishing to replace one unused tyre by another identical unused one must present both tyres to the FIA technical delegate.
f) The use of tyres without appropriate identification may result in deletion of the relevant driver?s qualifying times or exclusion from the race.
g) The only permitted type of tyre heating devices are blankets which use resistive heating elements.
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