L.A. Lakers - Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen

Kobe 8

mariofour schrieb:
Ich denke, Kobe 8 meinte, dass man Grgurich vorziehen sollte, wenn die Alternative "Pippen oder Grgurich" lautet...

So sieht es aus.

Ich bin mir nicht sicher, dass Rambis und Bertka B² (Bynum&Brown) großartig weiterbringen können, da wäre Grgurich perfekt. Er wird sich anscheinend am Ende zwischen Denver und den Lakers entscheiden. Zumindest laut unserem Lakers-Insider Lionel.


Wer ist den in Phil's aktuellem Coaching Staff? Frank Hamblen, Brian Shaw, Kurt Rambis, und wer noch? Sind 4 Assistantstrainer das erlaubte Maximum?

Weiß jemand wer damals bei den Bulls Phil unterstützte? Tex Winter, Dennis Rodman-Dolmetscher Jack Haley :mad: , ....

Kobe 8

Ich glaube, dass man sich so viele Assistants halten kann, wie man will. Nur ist bei Phil das Limit laut Zeitungsberichten bei Vier.


Unsere Summer-League-Jungs haben ihren Spaß...


Kobe 8

dio schrieb:
wer sind denn die jungs da?

Ich stelle mal Vermutungen an (von Links nach Rechts):

Andrew Bynum (die Hand, die dort noch ins Bild guckt) - Eric Sandrin - Sasha Vujacic (hinten) - Tony Bobbitt - Will Conroy (vorne) - Marcus Douthit (hinten) - Smush Parker


Die tun bloß etwas für die Teamchemie! :D

Und was ist mit dem halben Kopf neben Vujacic und Douthit? Kommt mir ein wenig bekannt vor!


Wenn die Teamchemie früher auch schon so gestimmt hätte, dann wäre Kobe im wahrsten Sinne des Worte von Shaq s LOVE erdrückt worden. :crazy:

Black Mamba

So gepostet bei CL!

July 16, 2005 latimes.com : Sports Print E-mail story Most E-mailed

Divac Says He Hasn't Made Retirement Decision
By Mike Bresnahan, Times Staff Writer

The Lakers have added youth and size over the last three weeks, but aging center Vlade Divac said he is not yet ready to be nudged out of the low-post picture.

Divac, who played only 15 games last season because of back problems, contested a report from a Belgrade news agency that said he had decided to retire.


"Sept. 30, that's when I'm going to decide what I'm going to do," Divac said Friday.

The Lakers and Divac agreed last month to postpone a decision on his future until that date, giving both sides time to monitor his health.

Divac, 37, had back surgery in January and averaged only 2.3 points last season. The Lakers could bring him back for $5.4 million, buy him out for $2 million or trade him to a team that could release him immediately to clear cap space.

Divac has said he would play only for the Lakers.


Kwame Brown, acquired from the Washington Wizards in a sign-and-trade deal, referred to the events of the week as a "resurrection" and acknowledged he had acted unprofessionally at times in his four years in the league.

Over the years, he had rebuffed Michael Jordan's demands, bristled when challenged by player-friendly Coach Eddie Jordan and underperformed on the court, averaging 7.7 points and 5.5 rebounds thus far.

"I'm not concerned with how I will be remembered in Washington," Brown told the Washington Post. "I'm concerned with how I'm remembered from this point on. It's about starting over and building a new legacy. This is a resurrection.

"I did some unprofessional things. If you live your life with regrets, you'll never move on. All the stuff that happened to me is ultimately going to make the person and the player that I'm going to become."


The Lakers will receive swingman Laron Profit from the Wizards as an additional part of the trade.

Profit, drafted in 1999 out of Maryland, has played parts of three NBA seasons and averaged 3.2 points in 42 games for the Wizards last season. Profit, 6 feet 5 and 204 pounds, will be a training-camp invitee.

Also dann 2 gegen 2! kann vielleicht jemand mehr über Profit sagen?


Wherever, Dude...
KobeBryant8 schrieb:
kann vielleicht jemand mehr über Profit sagen?
War ein ziemlicher College-Star bei Maryland, hat aber für die NBA nicht die richtige Größe. Profit ist zwar ein guter Spieler, aber von der Spielanlage her eine Art Point Forward, und dafür mit 1,96m viel zu klein. Das ließe sich alles verkraften, wenn er einen guten Distanzwurf hätte...hat er aber nicht und deshalb denke ich, dass nach dem Camp Ende sein dürfte für ihn...

Black Mamba

mariofour schrieb:
War ein ziemlicher College-Star bei Maryland, hat aber für die NBA nicht die richtige Größe. Profit ist zwar ein guter Spieler, aber von der Spielanlage her eine Art Point Forward, und dafür mit 1,96m viel zu klein. Das ließe sich alles verkraften, wenn er einen guten Distanzwurf hätte...hat er aber nicht und deshalb denke ich, dass nach dem Camp Ende sein dürfte für ihn...

ok vielen dank :thumb: !

hat sich dann wohl nicht gelohnt ihn mit einzubeziehen! aber vielleicht musste man es ja aufgrund von SC!

who cares wir haben brown bekommen :D :belehr: :thumb:

Kobe 8

Das einzig interessante an ihm dürfte seine Defense sein. Wenn er sich dort durchsetzen kann, schafft er es vielleicht ins Team, aber derzeit würde ich seine Chancen auf einen Platz im Roster bei 0,0000001% einschätzen, zumal die Lakers schon wenig Platz im Roster haben und Von Wafer und Smush Parker voraussichtlich ins Team kommen sollen...


Wherever, Dude...
Kobe 8 schrieb:
Das einzig interessante an ihm dürfte seine Defense sein. Wenn er sich dort durchsetzen kann, schafft er es vielleicht ins Team, aber derzeit würde ich seine Chancen auf einen Platz im Roster bei 0,0000001% einschätzen, zumal die Lakers schon wenig Platz im Roster haben und Von Wafer und Smush Parker voraussichtlich ins Team kommen sollen...
Von Wafer :laugh2: ist Kobe Bryant für ganz arme...ich prognostiziere, dass das nix gibt mit dem... ;)

Kobe 8

Smush spielt ne sehr gute Summer League derzeit. Stark in der Defense, gutem Wurf, wenn er die Balance behält und nicht zurückfällt, extrem lern-bereit und macht einen super Job beim Spielaufbau. Eher ein Jason Terry für arme, aber mit mehr Größe.

Hier mal sein Scouting Report:

Name: Von Wafer
Player comparison: Jason Terry

1. Height – 6’4”
2. Wingspan – Guestimated; 6’8”
3. Weight - 205
4. Body Fat – N/A

1. Lateral movement – Very good. Tonight he was facing tough assignments in Dahntay Jones and Andre Emmett. Did an excellent job defensively, forcing them into tough shots and denying penetration. Great job vs. Keith Langford, #1 option SG for Kansas. Defense never bothered him.
2. Initial quickness - NBA quickness. Repeatedly beating Emmett and Dahntay Jones, Keith Langford off the dribble.
3. Top speed – Fast. Like, Byron Scott fast.
4. Vertical leap – Excellent. Monster facial showed it tonight. Jumps quickly. Explodes to the basket. I'm guessing a 37" vert.
5. Reflexes – Quick. Allowed him to capture some steals and react quickly to loose balls. Very quick hands. Underated thief off the dribble.
6. Strength – Very skinny arms, but great leg strength.
7. Conditioning – Never looked winded
8. Footwork – From the perimeter, very solid. Has a good base for a jumpshot and fading away.
9. Balance – Very good. Didn’t get pushed on penetration.

Skill Level:
1. Offense
• Perimeter Play
• Dribble penetration – Quick off the dribble. Drove well to the basket and excelled in penetration. Keeps his head up, and when he draws the defense, attracts strong defensive attention and hits the bigman in the paint. Really puts zip on the passes. Hands must be ready at all times.
• Post play – N/A
• Off-the-ball – Good footwork off the ball. Can play like a natural SG. Has good PG instincts to drive and dish. Excellent job keeping his head up in transition, continually hitting Turiaf, Douthit, and Bynum in transition.
• Short game (0’-7’) – Fouled every time he attacked the basket. He can finish well.
• Midrange game (8’-18’) - Limited
• Long range (19’-23'9" or longer) – Showed a pull up jumpshot off of screens, jumpshots off of high pick and roll situations, pull up jumpshots off the dribble. Underrated shooter. Slight mechanics problems with a quick release. Falls in love with the fadeaway a bit too much. When he shows great shot selection within the context of the offense, it's money. When the play breaks down (which is 70% of the time), will try and create a shot. Pretty good at it too.

2. Defense
• Man to man defense
Position – Very solid. Kept up well with strong lateral quickness. Forced players to change direction or take a tough shot.
Anticipation – Surprising. Quick hands allow him to steal the ball off the dribble or when exposed.
• Off-the-ball defense
Position – Solid. Didn’t get beat by backdoor cuts.
Anticipation – Showed good ability to read the pass and cut the lane.
• Team defense
Position - Solid
Anticipation – N/A

1. Offensive
• Box-out – N/A
• Hustle – N/A
• Energy level – N/A
• Position – N/A
2. Defensive
• Box-out – Doesn’t box out.
• Hustle – Hustles well after loose balls.
• Energy level – Exerts high quickness when chasing the ball. Good steam.
• Position – Usually out of position for rebounding. Translates to “conservative” defensive philosophies.

• Leadership – N/A
• Attitude – Good attitude. High effort all over the floor.
• Work Ethic – N/A
• Competitiveness – Very competitive. Almost played at a different speed (alongside Turiaf) with his quiet intensity.
• Unselfishness – Took several bad shots out of the context of the offense. Some heat checks in the 3rd quarter led to a shooting slump.
• Toughness – Strong competitor on both ends of the floor.
• Mental – N/A
• Physical – Good PG frame. Could use more upper body strength for consistent range on his shot with extended minutes.


Wherever, Dude...
Kobe 8 schrieb:
Smush spielt ne sehr gute Summer League derzeit. Stark in der Defense, gutem Wurf, wenn er die Balance behält und nicht zurückfällt, extrem lern-bereit und macht einen super Job beim Spielaufbau. Eher ein Jason Terry für arme, aber mit mehr Größe.

Hier mal sein Scouting Report:
Der Vergleich mit Terry hinkt, aber ganz gewaltig...wirst du schon noch sehen, denke ich.

Kobe 8

Mal sehen, vorerst vertraue ich erstmal dem Lakers Draft-Spezialisten...

Übrigens hier noch einmal der Scouting Report für Smuuuuuuuuuuuush Parker:

Name: William "Smush" Parker
Player comparison: Polished Leandro Barbosa/Improved Keyon Dooling

1. Height – 6’2.5" w/o shoes. 6'4" w/shoes
2. Wingspan – 6’10”
3. Weight - 205
4. Body Fat – N/A

1. Lateral movement – Excellent. Has kept up with little PGs every SPL game. Anthony Roberson is the most notable name. Full-court press for 25 minutes. Very tough to do.
2. Initial quickness - NBA quickness. Good, not great.
3. Top speed – Fast. Would excel in transition as a finisher as well.
4. Vertical leap – Excellent. He'd be an underdog in a dunk contest. As high as Bryant. Quick off the feet.
5. Reflexes – Quick. Good hands. Has stolen the ball from the PG w/full-court press pressure in 2 of the 4 games.
6. Strength – Very skinny arms, but great leg strength.
7. Conditioning – Tires out on back to back games. A given due to the level of effort on both ends of the floor, especially defensively.
8. Footwork – Good. Isn't prone to traveling. Fundamental shots from the perimeter and drive.
9. Balance – Very good. Didn’t get pushed on penetration. Nothing off-balanced.

Skill Level:
1. Offense
• Perimeter Play
• Dribble penetration – Good first step. Doesn't really look to penetrate, but blend in within the offense. Good decision-maker who has exhibited a short 5' tear drop shot along with excellent dunking ability. Has even shown semi-transition speed, where after a made basket... will push the ball. With the defense at their heels, will attack the basket and be aggressive to score or create a play.
• Post play – Could improve post entry pass play. Rather conservative. More confortable when he's absolutely sure that the pass will be caught.
• Off-the-ball – Good footwork off the ball. Good spot up shooter. Opens up a passing lane to a driving player.
• Short game (0’-7’) – 5' Teardrop and dunking ability in his arsenal.
• Midrange game (8’-18’) - Good. Straight up jumpshot. Pulls back on the shot a bit too much, but the shots drop from 16'-19' w/ consistency.
• Long range (19’-23'9" or longer) – Spot up jumpshooter. Doesn't shoot off-the-dribble. Could use more arm strength. A bit short. 20' is definitely his mark.

2. Defense
• Man to man defense
Position – Excellent at the SPL level. Keeps up with starting guards, little guards. When the Lakers need a defensive stop, he's in the game and forcing turnovers. VERY important.
Anticipation – Surprising. Quick hands allow him to steal the ball off the dribble or when exposed.
• Off-the-ball defense
Position – Solid. Didn’t get beat by backdoor cuts.
Anticipation – Showed good ability to read the pass and cut the lane. Strength is in man-defense, rather than off-the-ball.
• Team defense
Position - Good.
Anticipation – Rotates well defensively clogging the paint when necessary. Contests shots.

1. Offensive
• Box-out – N/A
• Hustle – N/A
• Energy level – N/A
• Position – N/A
2. Defensive
• Box-out – Doesn’t box out.
• Hustle – Hustles well after loose balls.
• Energy level – Average
• Position – Usually out of position for rebounding.

• Leadership – N/A
• Attitude – Good attitude. Quiet demeanor every game. A joker. "Save that ball! Save that ball! Thank you!" DB knows what that means.
• Work Ethic – Obvious improvement has shown with the dramatic improvement done overseas in Greece. Helped his decision-making, man-defense, and shot consistency.
• Competitiveness – Very competitive. When the game is on the line, will step up.
• Unselfishness – Rarely takes bad shots. Unselfish player who doesn't demand the ball.
• Toughness – Strong competitor on both ends of the floor.
• Mental – N/A
• Physical – Good PG frame. Could use more upper body strength for consistent range on his shot with extended minutes.

Summary: Good backup PG. 2-way player. Not as quick as Barbosa, not as explosive as Dooling to the basket. Definitely NBA level athleticism and certainly above average (8/10) overall. With continued improved skills, would really be a borderline starting PG in the triangle offense. I would've preferred him over Fisher. Uses his length well and moves his feet defensively.... hounds all over the floor. Good shot selection. Good decision-making. Only spectacular when he steals in full-court press situations and throws down a 2-hand reverse dunk. 80s defense. Doesn't rely on the handcheck along the perimeter which prevents foul trouble. Absolutely a vital requirement of PGs. Consistent game to game assume he has adequate rest. Litterally the same size as Romain Sato and every bit as good athletically. Not as TO prone as he used to be.

Downsides: Could definitely use more strength, especially the upperbody. Could show more aggresiveness when attacking the basket. Needs to be more vocal on both ends of the floor. Needs to polish his handle that much further to NBA level guards.
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