L.A. Lakers - Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen


Ich denke mal, die Lakers haben aus der geplatzten Daniels-Verpflichtung und den PG-Problemen gelernt und werden Banks die MLE über 5 Jahre geben. Meine einzige Sorge ist, dass Phil Bobby Jackson über Banks stellen könnte - Stichwort Veteran-Guard - aber glaube nicht wirklich dran.

Die Aussagen von Banks' Agent halte ich für Taktik.


Dort stimme ich Solomo wieder zu das das Hawks Management stur und dumm wäre,wenn sie Mihm nicht nehmen würden. Er ist der einzige richtige,billige Center den es zurzeit im Westen gibt! Eine schande wäre es,den jungen Center nicht anzunehmen.

also harrington ist damals als go-to-guy (um nicht zu sagen franchise player) nach atlanta gegangen. glaube kaum das man den mit mihm und 2nd round picks bekommt. wenn ich jetzt wüsste das farmer einigermaßen einschlägt und mit banks ein solider auf der 1 kommt, hätte ich keine probleme smush mit ins paket zu schicken.

zwar hätten wir dann mit ihm und lamar mehr oder weniger zwei tweener auf der 3/4, aber immerhin ist al der gesuchte zweite ccorer und entlastet Lamar. shotblocking bringt er dagegen nicht und unsre starting five wäre wohl die schwächste in sachen rejections...

oh man, komme nicht über den tod hinweg. hoffe das sich die laker fellows ordentlich um ihn kümmern...:(


sweet vienna
beileid odoms fam, hab ähnliches durchgemacht. aber lamar hat 3 kids, um die er sich kümmern muss und die ihn jetzt brauchen. life goes on...

al in la wäre unter umständen nicht mal schlecht, kann aber auch nach hinten losgehen.

The Documentary

Farmar Looked Suited for NBA

The former UCLA guard caught the Lakers' eye at the pre-draft camp with his solid play, but he also dressed and acted like a professional.

The flight to Orlando was filled with little kids, their parents, and, closer to the back of the plane, hope.

Many of the passengers were on their way to Disney World, but Jordan Farmar was on a career path.

The UCLA Bruin was headed to the NBA pre-draft camp this month in Florida, and the 6-foot point guard needed to reach new heights in order to guarantee a spot as a first-round selection in the draft.

Which is exactly what he did. No behind-the-back passes. No degree-of-difficulty dunks. He didn't play astoundingly for five-minute stretches and then, just as quickly, disappear.

Just strong, consistent play — finding open teammates, playing the pick-and-roll to perfection — against strong competition. And a 42-inch vertical leap didn't hurt.

Lottery players traditionally skip the camp because of the possibility of holes being exposed in their game, but of the group that participated, Farmar placed in the top two or three players.

"That's when he secured his position in the first round," said Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak, who took Farmar with the 26th pick in Wednesday's draft. "The things that he did at UCLA and the things that he showed us during the [individual] workout, he showed at that level of competition. And that level of competition is certainly better than what he played against at UCLA.

"All those guys are all-conference, they're MVP of their conference. He showed that he's got something special that even shines when the competition gets better and better. Poise is a word a lot of general managers throw around, but for a young guy to have that kind of poise, it's unusual."

Off the court, Farmar also set out to impress.

He made a dedicated decision to wear suits at the pre-draft camp and to individual team workouts around the country, often ironing his own clothes. Much like his father, Damon, did during a minor league baseball career that spanned nine years, Farmar looked and acted professionally, catching the eye of NBA personnel whose jobs hinge on noting every detail, every idiosyncrasy of draftable players.

"I'd see guys coming in T-shirts, shorts and sandals and I'd have a suit," Farmar said. "It would be hot and I'd be sweating, but it was important for me to show I was a professional, very concerned about the way I presented myself. This was a job interview."

His new employers are pleased to have him in the company directory after a two-month period referred to by Farmar as the busiest of his life.

Two weeks after the Bruins lost to Florida in the NCAA championship game, Farmar announced he would try the draft without hiring an agent, leaving open the possibility of returning to UCLA. His decision to leave school early was met with lukewarm reaction.

Most general managers pegged him as a bubble candidate for the first round, perilous territory. First-round picks get guaranteed money for at least two years. Second-round picks get an invitation to training camp and little else until they prove themselves worthy.

Farmar first worked out for the Lakers three weeks ago.

"At that time, there were a lot of other players that were deciding whether to keep their name in or take their name out," Kupchak said. "My advice to Coach [Ben] Howland was that [Farmar] should stay in school because you don't know if a guy was going to be drafted 26th or 35th. In my opinion, and Coach would agree, if you're a lottery pick, hey, come on out. If not, you might be 18 to 20. If you're late in the first round, you may end up in an area you don't want to end up in."

Farmar is now guaranteed at least $1.6 million over his first two seasons. The Lakers could then pick up third- and fourth-year options at $1.1 million and $1.9 million.

Unlike past Lakers draft picks who had to travel from New Jersey and Slovenia, Farmar's Thursday afternoon drive to El Segundo to meet with team officials and then with the local media was quick and painless, except for a little freeway traffic.

He wore jersey No. 1 at UCLA and at Woodland Hills Taft High, but he posed for pictures with No. 5 because Smush Parker wears No. 1. (Kupchak informed Farmar that another jersey number had recently become available, but he added, "I'm not sure picking No. 8 would be the way to start your career.")

Just the same, Kobe Bryant was part of the welcoming committee, calling Farmar early Thursday just as Farmar was … ironing one of his suits.

"I looked at the number and didn't recognize it," Farmar said. "At first I thought it was somebody playing around. He kept talking and saying congratulations, which was good."

There's still work to do. Coach Phil Jackson strongly suggested in his meeting with Farmar that good on-ball defense would be critical to his success.

Kupchak said on draft night that the Lakers aren't really counting on him next season, or even necessarily the one after that.

In the bigger picture, though, Farmar managed to turn himself from borderline material into first-round territory. From Taft High to UCLA to the Lakers, all via that camp in Orlando.

"I showed I was a little stronger than people thought, a little more athletic than people thought," Farmar said. "I think that was big for me just to show up there. A lot of guys tried to dodge that, like something is going to get exposed. I had nothing to hide."

Is n ganz netter Bericht:thumb: .


Irgendwie macht mir das, was ich bisher mitbekommen habe, den Jordan Farmar sympathisch. Mein Gefühl sagt mir, der wird sich zerreissen, um für die Lakers auflaufen zu können, und meistens kann ich mich da drauf verlassen.


Beileid auch von meiner Seite. Auch wenn ich Lamar und seine Familie nicht persönlich kenne, tut es mir wirklich leid. We are feeling with you, L.A.mar.

The Documentary

Solomo schrieb:
Irgendwie macht mir das, was ich bisher mitbekommen habe, den Jordan Farmar sympathisch. Mein Gefühl sagt mir, der wird sich zerreissen, um für die Lakers auflaufen zu können, und meistens kann ich mich da drauf verlassen.

Der Junge ist heiss.
Der ist wie wir.
Als ob er ne WILD CARD für die Lakers geschenkt bekommen hat. Ja so fühlt er sich grad. Wenn der Junge nächste Saison groß Auftrumpht,dann bin ich der erste der seiN Jersey mit der #5 hat.:D


beleid auch von meiner seite. das ist wirklich bitter für ihn. das ist so ziemlich das beschissenste was einem passieren kann.


Das nimmt einen richtig mit. Solch Schreckliches darf man keinem wünschen, dass was Odom da widerfahren ist, ist so ziemlich das Schlimmste, was einem passieren kann. Ich finde das extrem traurig und könnte mir gut vorstellen, dass solche Tragödie sich auf den eher mental labilen Lamar Odom sportlich auswirkt. Es bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass ich mich irren werde.


Ich hab gedacht ich post's einfach hier. Hilton Armstrong, unser #12, über sein großes Basketballer-Vorbild als Kind:

Hilton Armstrong schrieb:
Probably Lamar Odom. I like him. He’s just a good guy, he’s cool and he’s just a good player. He’s tall, but he can handle the ball pretty well and he can shoot.


Und bei der Aussage von ihm kann sich jeder denken, was er will. Benny wird sich halt seinen Teil dazudenken. In Verbindung mit dem ersten Post, wird bb wohl jetzt Lachgas-a-like wirken.

Hilton Armstrong schrieb:
I’m a clown. I’m a jokester. I’m always laughing and joking or playing around and doing something silly. A lot of people see me aggressive on the court, but off the court I’m a completely different person. I’m nice. Everybody likes to smile when they’re around me.

Wie war das mit Lamar Odom, Clown? ;) :clown:


Kobe 8

Übrigens auch sehr interessant:

Farmar vs. White
The only player's name who I mentioned in my story Wednesday as a possible Lakers first-round draftee was Cincinnati's James White.

Mitch Kupchak on draft night: "We did not think Jordan Farmar would be available. ... It wasn’t a player we were prepared to take."

Bill McCandless, White's agent, to the Cincinnati Enquirer: "We were a little surprised about the Lakers. We had all but a promise. What does that mean? Nothing."

White wound up going five picks after the Lakers took Farmar -- with the first pick of the second round, drafted by Portland on behalf of Indiana and Larry Bird. This will be one to watch as the years go by: Will Farmar or White turn out to be the better pro?

It was just last year that the Lakers passed on the obviously more NBA-ready Danny Granger in the draft to gamble on high-schooler Andrew Bynum at No. 10 -- and Granger fell to Bird and the Pacers at No. 17. Granger turned out to be one of the league's better rookies, although Bynum's upside is such that he would be considered the more valuable asset currently, even though he's not ready to perform.

The Lakers had twice worked out White, a great 6-foot-7 athlete with stunning hops, and were sold on him, but brought Farmar in for a second workout also Tuesday. Then it turned out the hometown kid slipped to them on draft night. The Lakers wound up dealing for their great mid-sized athlete in 6-5 Maurice Evans later on draft night; we'll see if Phil Jackson can tap into something in Evans that Minnesota, Sacramento and Detroit haven't gotten.

Da die Lakers für ihren Second Rounder am Ende noch Maurice Evans bekommen haben, bin ich sehr glücklich, dass Farmar noch gefallen ist. Mo Evans ist, wie ich schon gesagt hatte, ein ähnlicher Spieler, wie White es für die Lakers gewesen wäre.

Übrigens hat Phillum Jordan angewiesen, zu allererst an seiner On-Ball-Defense zu arbeiten und Farmar hat ja auch schon selbst gesagt, dass er ein Lock-Down-Defender werden will. Wie gesagt, seine leteral quickness ist durchaus vorhanden, wie sich in Orlando gezeigt hat. Und Kareem Rush war in seiner Rookie-Saison auch ein grausamer Verteidiger und war dann nach zwei Jahren zum zweitbesten Perimeter-Defender hinter Kobe aufgestiegen. Also hoffen wir auf das beste... :saint:

Und das mit Eddie Griffin hat sich jetzt wohl erledigt. Der hat nämlich letztens wieder mal einen Verkehrsunfall verursacht....als er betrunken Auto fuhr....während er sich einen Porno reinzog....und masturbierte! :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

That's what I call versatility! :jubel:

Kobe 8

Okay, da mariofour mich vorhin schon ermahnt hat und ich den Fehler auch immer gerne mal mache, üben wir jetzt alle "Jordan Farmar" schreiben... :p

Jordan Farmar | Jordan Farmar | Jordan Farmar | Jordan Farmar | Jordan Farmar | Jordan Farmar | Jordan Farmar | Jordan Farmar | Jordan Farmar | Jordan Farmar | Jordan Farmar




kobe will cassell!!!meint ihr wir sollten ihn verpflichten oder doch eher marcus banks?
cassell würde höchstens 2jahre was taugen...mit banks hätten wir unser problem auf der 1 langfristig gelöst.
ich wäre eher für banks.aber das interessiert niemanden in LA;)
kobe´s meinung wird dort wie ich glaube sehr hoch gestuft.bleibt die frage wen phil haben will.

Kobe 8

Ob das wirklich so ist, wird noch abzuwarten sein. Vassey erzählt auch öfter mal Unsinn bei XtraSports.

Und selbst wenn, er macht nicht die Entscheidungen. Mitch will unbedingt Banks, Jimmy Buss und Phil Jackson weiß ich nicht. Könnte mir bei Jackson aber auch fast vorstellen, dass er einen Randy Brown Typen im Team haben will. Jimmy Buss wird denke ich auch eher auf die Jugend setzen wollen.

Aber was weiß ich schon ;)
Ich hoffe zumindest auf Banks. Der bringt uns längerfristig etwas...

The Documentary

Kobe will Cassell denke ich mal haben,weil er weiß wie er tickt und weil er ihn im Trikot der Lakers sehen will,so wie er bei den Clippers gezockt hat.
Kobe liebt es einen "zweiten" scorer neben sich zu haben.

Jedoch tendiere ich auch eher wie manch andere hier zu dem jungen Banks,da ich ihn stärker einschätze. Er ist doch erst 24 oder? Er hat noch gut 9-10 Jahre Liga,wenn nicht mehr vor sich.
Cassell kann nur noch 2 Jahre schaffen in meinen Augen und selbst wenn er 17,7 PPG weiter macht und gut passt...es kommt bald eine zeit,da gibt es viel bessere Point Guards die ,die old school pg´s dominieren werden: In dem falle Marcus Banks!

Pick Banks
Not Cassell!

The Documentary

ein paar prognosen über die Lakers/Cassell Story von espn::

Adding to the Cassell intrigue is the Lakers' alleged interest. One theory reverberating in the Staples Center hallways suggests that the 36-year-old, if he receives no more than a one-year offer from the Clips, will spite them by signing a multiyear deal with the glamorous team in the building, even though the Lakers' starting price can't rise above $5 million mid-level. Lakers skeptics dismiss the viability of that theory, figuring that Cassell's camp wants that notion out there merely to put pressure on Clippers owner Donald T. Sterling.

My take? I don't think Cassell is kidding. Kobe Bryant and Sam I Am would be a rather nasty combination, and Phil Jackson is certainly lusting for some additional veteran know-how after Kobe's kids couldn't finish off Phoenix after taking a 3-1 series lead.

Then there's this variable: Word is that Cassell is hiring David Falk to handle these negotiations. Which is either good news for the Clips, since Falk also represents Elton Brand, or a clear signal that Sam I Am will not be settling for a one-year deal.

• More than one executive who spoke to ESPN.com expressed surprise about this, but it appears to be a reality: Indiana's Peja Stojakovic has scarcely been mentioned lately in GM circles. Call it a strong sign that most teams see Peja as a lock to re-sign with the Pacers.

We've discussed previously that Stojakovic and best friend Vlade Divac would love to reunite in Los Angeles, with Divac now serving in the Lakers' front office, but that would require a sign-and-trade. If L.A. didn't have enough to tempt Indiana when Ron Artest was available, its chances of concocting a deal for the shooter Kobe so badly needs probably aren't worth discussing.

benny blanco

Flash3 schrieb:
Und bei der Aussage von ihm kann sich jeder denken, was er will. Benny wird sich halt seinen Teil dazudenken. In Verbindung mit dem ersten Post, wird bb wohl jetzt Lachgas-a-like wirken.

was soll das bedeuten? was soll ich mir dazudenken?