Zwei Sachen nerven richtig: Das Ruckeln (wird hoffentlich bald behoben sein) und, dass man Spielzüge kaum laufen kann weil sie ständig abgebrochen werden.
Vielleicht auch dadurch habe ich noch Probleme mit dem Scoring. Ich hatte eben von 119 Punkten 70 in der Zone weil ich kaum per Sprungwurf abschließen konnte. Vor allem die Würfe ins Gesicht fallen fast nie. Da muss ich nochmal an den Slidern schrauben.
Ansonsten passt das mit Whos Slidern und Nogsters Rostern sehr gut.
Ich finde das Auswählen eines Spielzuges nun auch etwas zu umständlich, das hat mir bei 2K9 besser gefallen.
Japp und deswegen ist das Spiel eigentlich unspielbar ohne Patch :wall:
Selbst wenn man die Spielzüge mal durchspielen kann ist wegen dem Frameproblem ein guter Release fast unmöglich un Würfe fallen so eigentlich mehr zufällig als konstant :mensch:.
Bei 119 Punkte und 70 in der Zone hätte ich die Box glaube ich schon ausgemachtmacht doch kein Spass alles in the Paint zu machen .
Just got word that there will be a lot of defensive fixes in this patch:
-Pick and roll will now be covered by help defenders
-The broken double teams where your teammate goes behind you will be fixed
-Updated Help Routines
Just to name a few.
Ich versuchs nochmal möglicherweise wurde es ja überlesen,
kannst du deine Slider, die du derzeit mit nogsters roster nutzt, vielleicht hier oder im Slider-Thread posten?
Da wäre ich dir dankbar für.
Gruß JR E.
EDIT : Via Pared aus dem Operation Sports Forum der in Kontakt mit Entwicklern und Testern bei 2K sports steht :
Das ist nicht in 2K10. Draft Combine ist ein eigenes Minigame, das vor erscheinen von 2K10 in einigen Ländern (nicht in Deutschland, zumindest nicht ohne US-Account) für MS-Points online erhältlich war.
@ straw
welche slider muß ich denn umstellen das meine c´s/pf´s mehr rebounds holen... < 8... die rebound arbeit der cpu ist verdammt gut... ebenfalls bei simulierten spielen... < 13 (dwight, lee, yao...)
Hier also meine Fragen (bezogen auf meine geschilderten Probleme):
1. Welchen Schwierigkeitsgrad spielt ihr?
2. Wie Verteidigt ihr effektiv?
3. Wie kreiert ihr offene Schüsse?
4. Würdet ihr eher Allstar schwerer anpassen oder Superstar leichter und wie?
5. Habt ihr ähnliche Schwierigkeiten?
- Addressed issues in defensive rotations that didn’t function as intended in various situations, with particular attention to both post double team situations as well as in pick-and-roll situations.
- Lead passes into the paint will now result in more tipped/deflected passes as the interior defense is now more aware of these types of passes.
- The CPU now properly respects any changes to the Help Defense slider settings.
- Users can now change quarter length in My Player to any amount of minutes between 5 and 12.
To answer a question that I have received many queries about, these patches do NOT require you to restart your Associations and My Player careers. Good luck with your players and teams!
- The ability for the user to upload their Association stats/standings to the blog interface on has been added.
- Improved game performance in all arenas and camera angles.
- Corrected a framerate issue that was causing noticeable slowdown in the paint in specific arenas.
- Corrected a framerate issue that was causing noticeable slowdown during NBA D-League games.
- Fixed an issue (online and offline) where Coach Settings were not properly saving to the user’s Settings file.
- Addressed an issue where the user would enter into a game where there would either be no crowd present or the opposing team would not appear on the court.
- Fixed an issue where users would get NBA Blacktop rules (no intentional fouls, no 3-in-the-key, etc.) turned on when attempting to play a Quick Game.
- In-game saves should now load up correctly in the Playoffs game mode.
- Users are now able to assign any jersey number to a player, on any team, when playing outside of The Association game mode.
- Games played in the NBA D-League should now have appropriate sized crowds. (Note: this change will not be reflected in existing Associations and My Player careers.)
- Fixed a slowdown issue during stoppages of play with created teams.
- Made a change to where the value for headband colors is stored at. These changes can now be made through Living Roster releases once the patch is released. If you see any discrepancies, make sure and let the 2K Insider know!
- Tuned shooting percentages across the board, particularly (points) in the paint where more shots are now initiated with contact.
- Fixed a soft hang on an inbound where the inbounding player would miss the ball handoff from the referee.
- Addressed issues in defensive rotations that didn’t function as intended in various situations, with particular attention to both post double team situations as well as in pick-and-roll situations.
- Lead passes into the paint will now result in more tipped/deflected passes as the interior defense is now more aware of these types of passes.
- Plays will no longer break when the user strays slightly from the intended path.
- Both User/CPU alley-oop success has been toned down such that only realistic attempts should now be completed.
- Assists should now only be credited to the passer at appropriate times.
- Only 1 timeout is deducted from the total when the CPU calls a timeout for the user.
- The CPU should no longer pass the ball to a teammate when the recipient has a foot out of bounds.
- Bad passes should be less inaccurate now. They still happen with similar frequency, but some passes can be recovered now.
- CPU players now have better logic behind their turbo energy management (which will keep them fresher for key moments in the game).
- CPU players should now be more aware of being called for 3 second violations.
- Defensive assist is now turned off when the ball is not in play.
- The CPU now properly respects any changes to the Help Defense slider settings.
- The dribbler should no longer teleport back a few feet on the court following a two player steal attempt.
- Players with unique free throw stances (ex., Paul Pierce) will no longer slide into position to shoot the free throw.
- Point Guards should no longer end up out of bounds during baseline inbounds coming out of a timeout or dead ball.
- Fixed a case where the PG would run in a circle (in anticipation of receiving the ball) in the backcourt during transitions.
- Players should no longer get stuck in the post in a single player hold-ball animation (often leading to a 24-second violation) when trying to drive to the basket.
- Fixed an issue where the user was unable to give certain players their player-specific animation packages.
- Fixed an issue with a baseline layup where opposing defenders weren’t able to create contact when the animation played out.
- Addressed a specific dunk animation that would sometimes not result in a made basket despite a successful dunk.
- The user should now notice more over-the-back calls on rebounds when the boxed out player attempts a rebound.
- A good number of other changes aimed towards increasing user satisfaction have also been made in this release. These will be apparent as you play the game (ex. The referee will now utilize a bounce pass rather than a chest pass when passing the ball to the shooter during free throw situations, plays will now start quicker when the user manually calls a play, etc.).
- During NBA Today/Association games, the ‘Upcoming Schedule’ overlay will no longer obstruct
- Fixed an issue where the substitution overlay would sometimes briefly cover the action on the court.
- Blank overlays should no longer quickly appear/disappear during gameplay.
- Highlight/Halftime/Player of the Game/Replay options should now be working properly in Arena Music Manager.
- Player specific custom sound events should now be working properly in Arena Music Manager.
- Improved performance and stability for all online game types.
- Corrected an issue in Team-Up play where all players would sometimes see the same player (PG) listed in all substitution slots.
- Ranked game difficulty has been changed to SuperStar for Team-Up games.
- Removed the spotlights for online play only to improve performance during stoppages of play.
- Corrected an issue with the My Player Pick-Up games that would sometimes cause games to diverge upon initiation.
- Fixed an issue where online Association games would diverge at halftime if neither user skipped through the presentation sequence.
- Fixed an issue in Crew games where the wrong team would be credited with the win after one Crew quit out of the game.
- Fixed a hang that would sometimes occur when making substitutions during an online Association game.
- Fatigue should now behave as expected during private Team-Up games.
- Fixed a hang in Who’s Online that would occur when the user scrolled quickly with a large number of friends on the list.
- Replays uploaded via GameTrack should now play properly when viewed at
- Fixed an issue with the Screenshot Upload feature that would sometimes upload an incorrect screenshot.
- Fixed an issue where a user’s consecutive win streak would get reset to zero if the user won a game where his/her opponent quit out of the active game.
- Fixed an issue in private matches with friends where all users would disconnect when attempting to play a second game.
- Fixed an issue where games in online leagues would diverge if users made changes to the default roster.
- Addressed an issue where completed ranked games would sometimes not report the results to the server.
- Fixed an issue that would cause a clone of the user’s player to be created when changing teams at the end of the Summer Circuit. Existing cloned players will be removed with this patch.
- Users can now change quarter length in My Player to any amount of minutes between 5 and 12.
- Tuned the substitution logic such that users should no longer be substituted out only to be substituted in at the next dead ball.
- The logic that determines whether or not you get an invite to Training Camp, make the NBA team, and get an invite from an NBA team while in the NBA D-League have all been changed to be a little more forgiving.
- Resolved an issue where the 2K Insider was not informing the user of his/her contract status at the conclusion of a 10-day contract.
- Animation packages will no longer be reset to the ‘best’ package every time a corresponding attribute is upgraded.
- The user’s ‘Drills Remaining’ value will now be properly saved as new drills are accumulated throughout the NBA/D-League season.
- The ability for the user to upload their Association stats/standings to the blog interface on has been added.
- Fixed an issue where player ratings would drop upon the successful completion of a Development Drill.
- Tuned the Player Progression system such that Shot Tendencies will progress/regress over a player’s career. Additionally, general Player Progression/Regression has been slightly increased as well.
- Fixed an issue where the number of players the user had sent down to their D-League affiliate wasn’t getting reset despite recalling players back to their NBA team.
- Fixed an issue where draft classes loaded in future years would change the age of the prospects inside the draft class. They should now have the same age they were created with.
- 10-day contracts should now work in year 2 and beyond.
- Lower rated players should now be more accepting of the ‘Role Player’ role.
- Stats accumulated during NBA D-League games will no longer register as Season/Career Highs for players.
- Corrected an issue where users were able to continue drafting players once the NBA Draft had ended.
- Users should no longer have an obstructed view of the court when performing Development Drills.
- Users should no longer be able to see the overall rating of players during the NBA Draft.
- Corrected an issue where backloaded contracts were getting incorrectly multiplied in the latter years of the contract.