NBA Trade and Free Agent Rumours - Nur mit Quellenangabe!


dallas schickt dampier zurück nach golden state und kriegt adonyel foyle........dann diop starten und dallas hat 2 harte arbeiter unter den körben..........


Nemanja schrieb:
dallas schickt dampier zurück nach golden state und kriegt adonyel foyle........dann diop starten und dallas hat 2 harte arbeiter unter den körben..........

wer ist das? :crazy: ;)

im ernst, das wär doch schwachsinn... adonal ist genauso überbezahlt und ist noch schlechter. :skepsis:


andreikirilenko schrieb:
Die ganzen Gerüchte hin oder her. Mich würde nur eins freuen wenn Cuban endlich mal die "Sissi" Erika Dampier abgeben würde. :)

schau mal in den titel. das steht rumors mit QUELLENANGABE!
nicht "wirre gedankenspiele".

damp macht, seit diop startet, einen hervorragenden job. die 13 siege in folge sind auch ein resultat von mehr konstanz auf der 5.

und jetzt back to topic.


Moderator TV & Film
Die Pfalz
Einige Leute sollten sich mal zwischendurch wieder ein Mavs-Spiel anschauen, wenn sie glauben die Mavs würden Dampier abgeben. Der bringt von der Bank ne mehr als ordentliche Leistung und is ein gutes Gespann mit Diop, klar is er deutlich überbezahlt, aber die Mavs brauchen nix und bekommen eh keinen besseren Center für ihn.

Da war Ne1 mal wieder schneller. :)

Les Selvage

Der rancis- Trade nach Nyk ist weiter heiß:

Knicks close in on Francis
Deal with Orlando for All-Star nearing completion
Posted: Tuesday February 21, 2006 1:24PM;
Updated: Tuesday February 21, 2006 1:32PM

Could Stevie Franchise soon be bound for Broadway?

The Knicks and Magic are close to a deal that would send three-time All-Star guard Steve Francis to New York for a package of players, according to two league sources. Details of the trade were still being worked out, according to one of the sources, who emphasized that it had yet to be completed. The Magic apparently have decided to wait until the last minute before Thursday's trade deadline to see if any better offers come up.

If the trade goes through, it would represent yet another high-profile acquisition for Knicks president Isiah Thomas, who already has added Larry Brown, Quentin Richardson, Eddy Curry and Jalen Rose this season alone. The 6-foot-3 Francis has averaged 19.4 points, 6.0 rebounds and 6.4 assists over his seven-year NBA career. He would join Stephon Marbury to form a backcourt with a combined five All-Star appearances.

The Knicks apparently are ready to send three players, including two regular members of the rotation, to Orlando in the deal. Neither team's officials will comment on any ongoing trade talks, but it is likely Jamal Crawford and Maurice Taylor would be included. The Magic are in a rebuilding mode, and the 6-5 Crawford is considered an intriguing young talent who would be able to step in and help fill the team's hole at shooting guard. Taylor would likely be included to help make the salaries match Francis' $13.7 million a year.

Francis, who was traded from Houston to Orlando last season as part of the Tracy McGrady deal, has been unhappy with his role this season under new Magic coach Brian Hill. Last month he refused to re-enter a game late in a blowout loss at Seattle, and was suspended two games. He later apologized, but the Magic soon after decided to listen to offers for a possible trade.

Francis, who celebrates his 29th birthday Tuesday, might welcome a change of scenery. He clearly has looked frustrated this season, and heads into the post All-Star break averaging career-lows in points (16.3) rebounds (4.8), assists (5.7) and three-point shooting (25.7 percent). He recently came out and admitted his play had become affected by constant trade rumors.

As of last week, the Nuggets were considered the front-runner to acquire Francis in a trade. But Denver reportedly was leery of picking up the remainder of his contract (three years, $49 million). The Knicks, already owners of the league's highest payroll, have no such concerns.


Hier sind alle Teams mit ihren Spielern, die sie noch abgeben möchten

Atlanta: Al Harrington is having a terrific year, and the Hawks have made a habit of moving free-agent veterans (Rasheed Wallace, Antoine Walker) each of the past two years. But Harrington's price may be too high: Last month the Hawks refused to send him to Denver for Nenê and two No. 1 picks.

Chicago: The Bulls are likely to retain Tim Thomas' $14 million salary through the deadline in order to reap the salary-cap relief his expiring deal will offer this summer. In the meantime, don't be surprised if they pursue other options this week.

Cleveland: Drew Gooden will be moved only if doing so will clearly improve the Cavaliers this season. After their second-half collapse last year, they can't afford to do anything that could put their playoff status at risk.

Dallas: The Mavericks usually like to make a move at deadline time, but they would be crazy to mess with their chemistry this time around.

Denver: Winning the division title is their No. 1 priority. Kenyon Martin knows the team has been trying to trade him, and he could be hard to live with if he isn't moved. Earl Watson, Nenê and Voshon Lenard could be dealt individually or as part of a larger package. The Nuggets and Knicks are the team most likely to make trades this week, though not necessarily with each other.

Golden State: Dealing for Carlos Boozer or another low-post scorer could resolve the Warriors' biggest issue while launching them back into the playoff race.

Houston: Everyone knows that the Rockets could use more athletes, but who on their roster is healthy enough or young enough to net anyone capable of making a long-term impact? Their epidemic of injuries has made it difficult to predict how a newcomer would fit into the larger puzzle.

Miami: The Heat have to win now, so if they can conjure up a trade that will improve their skittish chemistry, they'll go for it.

Minnesota: There isn't a move imaginable that can lift the Timberwolves back into contention, but they'll be generating rumors all week.

New Jersey: Acquiring an athletic big man could give the Nets hope of running past Miami in the second round. Alas, that big man probably doesn't exist.

New York: The surest of all things is that the Knicks will make a deal. Yet they've generated so much trade paradoxical speculation and gossip that there's no predicting which way they'll go.

Orlando: Unless they fear that his trade value will plummet, the Magic should be in no hurry to move Steve Francis. Better they spend the next two months taking a read of Darko Milicic before deciding on their next step.

Philadelphia: Someday soon the 76ers will have to start rebuilding, but they probably won't take those drastic (i.e. trading Allen Iverson) steps until summer.

Portland: Ruben Patterson or Theo Ratliff could be attractive to a contender.

Seattle: Flip Murray, Reggie Evans and Vitaly Potapenko are all available. The Sonics need to improve their depth while looking forward to a bounce-back season next year.

Toronto: Will they trade free-agent point guard Mike James? Chris Bosh won't be happy if they do.

Utah: The Jazz will move Boozer either this week or this summer.



ich denke mal dass ca 10 dieser teams traden werden. wer und wen, dass kann jetzt noch keiner wissen und da will ich mich auch nicht festlegen. :)


Es wird erzählt dass man vielleicht einen Deal mit Chicago plant wo man ua. O´Neal für Hinrich abgibt. Bleibt aber wohl nur ein loses Gerücht

ER HAT ES WIEDER GETAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ricardo: :ricardo: :ricardo:

Die Trademaschine Thomas hat wieder zugeschlagen und wird sich Francis von den Magic holen,falls diese bis zur letzten Minute kein besseres Angebot bekommen und dafür ein Paket an Spielen(darunter Crawford und Taylor) nach Florida schicken.

Hier die Quelle von

The Knicks and Magic are close to a deal that would send three-time All-Star guard Steve Francis to New York for a package of players, according to two league sources. Details of the trade were still being worked out, according to one of the sources, who emphasized that it had yet to be completed. The Magic apparently have decided to wait until the last minute before Thursday's trade deadline to see if any better offers come up.

If the trade goes through, it would represent yet another high-profile acquisition for Knicks president Isiah Thomas, who already has added Larry Brown, Quentin Richardson, Eddy Curry and Jalen Rose this season alone. The 6-foot-3 Francis has averaged 19.4 points, 6.0 rebounds and 6.4 assists over his seven-year NBA career. He would join Stephon Marbury to form a backcourt with a combined five All-Star appearances.

The Knicks apparently are ready to send three players, including two regular members of the rotation, to Orlando in the deal. Neither team's officials will comment on any ongoing trade talks, but it is likely Jamal Crawford and Maurice Taylor would be included. The Magic are in a rebuilding mode, and the 6-5 Crawford is considered an intriguing young talent who would be able to step in and help fill the team's hole at shooting guard. Taylor would likely be included to help make the salaries match Francis' $13.7 million a year.

John Dunbar

Maik92 schrieb:
Es wird erzählt dass man vielleicht einen Deal mit Chicago plant wo man ua. O´Neal für Hinrich abgibt. Bleibt aber wohl nur ein loses Gerücht

ER HAT ES WIEDER GETAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ricardo: :ricardo: :ricardo:

Die Trademaschine Thomas hat wieder zugeschlagen und wird sich Francis von den Magic holen,falls diese bis zur letzten Minute kein besseres Angebot bekommen und dafür ein Paket an Spielen(darunter Crawford und Taylor) nach Florida schicken.

Hier die Quelle von

The Knicks and Magic are close to a deal that would send three-time All-Star guard Steve Francis to New York for a package of players, according to two league sources. Details of the trade were still being worked out, according to one of the sources, who emphasized that it had yet to be completed. The Magic apparently have decided to wait until the last minute before Thursday's trade deadline to see if any better offers come up.

If the trade goes through, it would represent yet another high-profile acquisition for Knicks president Isiah Thomas, who already has added Larry Brown, Quentin Richardson, Eddy Curry and Jalen Rose this season alone. The 6-foot-3 Francis has averaged 19.4 points, 6.0 rebounds and 6.4 assists over his seven-year NBA career. He would join Stephon Marbury to form a backcourt with a combined five All-Star appearances.

The Knicks apparently are ready to send three players, including two regular members of the rotation, to Orlando in the deal. Neither team's officials will comment on any ongoing trade talks, but it is likely Jamal Crawford and Maurice Taylor would be included. The Magic are in a rebuilding mode, and the 6-5 Crawford is considered an intriguing young talent who would be able to step in and help fill the team's hole at shooting guard. Taylor would likely be included to help make the salaries match Francis' $13.7 million a year.
Preiset Thomas! Von nun an bin ich mir sicher: Es gibt keinen Plan. Isiah ist einfach ein verrueckter Professor der mit den Knicks macht was er will. Mein Gott, Marbury und Francis von den anderen ganz zu schweigen. Ich bin bloß froh, dass ich mir das schönreden von The Matrix nicht anhören muss.

Max Power

Come-and-get-it schrieb:
hmm ... bei jedem isiah trade denke ich wieder - "Das ist der Tiefpunkt." Aber ich habe das Gefühl, jeder Trade, den er macht, ist noch mal um Welten sinnloser als der zuvor. Der Mann hat ein einfach unglaubliches Talent sich in Sachen Planlosigkeit immer wieder selbst zu überbieten. :D

und während die nba welt den kopf schüttelt, sitzen treue knicks fan zuhause, in der stetigen hoffnung "vielleicht weiß der was über diese spieler, was sonst niemand weiß" ...

ich freue mich auf den tag, an dem isiah beschließt, frye, lee und ariza für einen alten, überbezahlten rollenspieler abgibt ... dann wird er wohl geteert und gefedert :D


Juchu,Marbury und Francis im Backcourt! :idiot: Zeke, u make my Day! :crazy:

BTW: Mein 500.Post...und dann auch noch wegen Zeke!


Hot rumors, angeblich kurz vor dem Abschluss:
Penny und ein 1st Rounder für Miles und Ratliff
Ariza, Lee, Crawford und Mo Taylor für Francis und Dooling, Isiah wollte Battie
Quelle jeweils: ESPN Sportcenter

Fro schrieb:
Hot rumors, angeblich kurz vor dem Abschluss:
Penny und ein 1st Rounder für Miles und Ratliff
Ariza, Lee, Crawford und Mo Taylor für Francis und Dooling, Isiah wollte Battie
Quelle jeweils: ESPN Sportcenter

vier neue spieler in der rotation mitten in der saison. argh.

trotzdem: bis auf den pick mag ich die trades für ny.

miles/j rose/woods
frye/m rose/

viele headcases, aber auch viel talent und sehr viele variationsmöglichkeiten. und mit viel variieren hat larry brown ja eh recht wenig probleme

edit: das gerücht Nene für Przybilla und Outlaw wäre dann für Portland natürlich unmöglich. beide center weg für nene und penny...


Fro schrieb:
Penny und ein 1st Rounder für Miles und Ratliff

warum sollte portland das machen? miles und ratliff sind ja nicht unbedingt ladenhüter und so wie miles am anfang der saison gespielt hat, :crazy:

für ny wäre das der ca. 23. sf :crazy:

Fro schrieb:
Ariza, Lee, Crawford und Mo Taylor für Francis und Dooling

dazu fällt mir nichts mehr ein! :idiot: francis und marbury im backcourt, dooling als sicherer ballhandler von der bank :crazy:

wenn man in ny schon nach namen geht, warum holt man dann nicht gleich noch world b. free und julius irving? dann hätte man die showtime-truppe komplett und man könnte endlich den globetrotters aus harlem konkurrenz machen!