Mann, war das ein Fight !!!
Fighti T. tries to land a left to the head, but Scala ducks .
Fighti T. throws a hook to the solar plexus. Scala seems dazed. He's out on his feet!!
Fighti T. lands a quick uppercut to the head. Scala supports himself on the ropes! He's hurt!!!
Scala annoys Fighti T. with a hook to the eye. Fighti T. is hurt! He barely keeps his feet under him!
Scala attacks with an uppercut to the mouth, but Fighti T. ties him up .
Fighti T. annoys Scala with a left to the face.
Scala throws a cross to the head.
Scala lands a big right blow to the head and Fighti T. is flattened!! The Referee stops the fight!!
Nevio Scala wins by a Knock Out!!
Time: 0:51
Scala collapses limply onto his stool. He has swelling around his left eye. He has his right eye badly swollen. He has a serious cut over his left eye.
Fighti T. can't remember which corner is his. He has swelling around his right eye. He has bleeding below his left eye.
Habe den Kampf genau so erwartet, bis auf das ende
Wollte halt gleich schnell schluss machen! :cry:
Bald wird wieder gesiegt, so :teufel:
Fighti T. tries to land a left to the head, but Scala ducks .
Fighti T. throws a hook to the solar plexus. Scala seems dazed. He's out on his feet!!
Fighti T. lands a quick uppercut to the head. Scala supports himself on the ropes! He's hurt!!!
Scala annoys Fighti T. with a hook to the eye. Fighti T. is hurt! He barely keeps his feet under him!
Scala attacks with an uppercut to the mouth, but Fighti T. ties him up .
Fighti T. annoys Scala with a left to the face.
Scala throws a cross to the head.
Scala lands a big right blow to the head and Fighti T. is flattened!! The Referee stops the fight!!
Nevio Scala wins by a Knock Out!!
Time: 0:51
Scala collapses limply onto his stool. He has swelling around his left eye. He has his right eye badly swollen. He has a serious cut over his left eye.
Fighti T. can't remember which corner is his. He has swelling around his right eye. He has bleeding below his left eye.
Habe den Kampf genau so erwartet, bis auf das ende
Wollte halt gleich schnell schluss machen! :cry:
Bald wird wieder gesiegt, so :teufel:
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