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Box News !!!

Marquez geht ins Welter um Fight gegen Gatti zu erzwingen !!!

Rafael " Big Right Hand " Marquez der Arturo "Never Surrender" Gatti fordert geht jetzt ins Welter um den Fight zu bekommen. Kermit "The Killer" Cintron verzichtet auf den Fight gerne und möchte lieber noch etwas pausieren.
Bösen gerüchten zu folge ist Gatti nur aus angst dem Fight ausgewichen.
Die Boxwelt hofft nun in den nächsten Tagen diesen Superfight mit den Hot Prospect von Aztec Warrior Promotions und den Gnadenlosen Fighter Marquez vom Fightibrandon Gym verkünden zu dürfen.
Diese beiden jungen nachwuchstalente haben eine unglaubliche schlagkraft dieser Fight kann eigentlich nicht über die Runden gehen.
Wird Marquez den körperlichen nachteil wegstecken oder kann er von der scheinbar angeknacksten Psyche Gatti`s profitieren ??? War das vielleicht alles einfach nur eine Trick um die PR anzukurbeln ??? Gatti wollte ja eh ins Welter !!!
Wird Gatti sich dem Fight stellen ???

Fragen über Fragen !!!

Wir dürfen gespannt sein !!!


His Royness schrieb:
Hey Fighti - man könnte meinen ich hab deinem jungen genau den passenden Plan zu meinem geschneidert... :D :p

entweder bin ich einfach zu langsam oder zu doof für deine anspielungen.
Die verstehe ich nie !!!
Sag einfach genau was du meinst !!!



Box News !!!

Machtkampf zwischen Fightibrandon Gym & Uhlan`s Fight Club Germany spitzt sich zu !!!

Es scheint so als wollten die beiden es endgültig wissen. In den nächsten Tagen und Wochen starten das Fightibrandon Gym & Uhlan`s Fight Club Germany eine Fightserie der Superlative. Superlative heisst in diesen Fall nicht das nur Superstars gegeneinander antreten nein es wird eine unmenge Fights zwischen den beiden Gyms geben. Es werden WM, Ranglisten und auch Aufbaukämpfe zwischen den beiden Gyms ausgetragen. Zu den noch unbestätigten Highlights zählen :

A. Brown vs Ottfried "the Storm" Angler bestätigt

S. "The Phantom" O. vs Peter "Easy Rider" Fonda in verhandlung

Big "KO" Punch vs Burgus in verhandlung

Marc Johnson vs "Baby Joe" Mausi in verhandlung

Wir dürfen gespannt sein !!!

His Royness1

fightibrandon schrieb:
entweder bin ich einfach zu langsam oder zu doof für deine anspielungen.
Die verstehe ich nie !!!
Sag einfach genau was du meinst !!!


Naja ich geh inside zum Körper und du feuerst ohne power wiene Maschinenpistole mit 120-140 Schlägen... :eek:

Als ob ich dein passwort wüsste... :D ;)


His Royness schrieb:
Naja ich geh inside zum Körper und du feuerst ohne power wiene Maschinenpistole mit 120-140 Schlägen... :eek:

Als ob ich dein passwort wüsste... :D ;)

Naja, ich meine man muss doch keine Prophet sein um zu wissen das ich ohne Power kämpfe. Okay das ich diesmal nicht vorsichtig agiert habe und du dies scheinbar gewußt hast ist schon merkwürdig :skepsis:
Du hast ja auch schon in einigen Fights nach Punkten gewonnen weil du inside gegangen bist und dabei noch gepunktet hast. Dies wäre dir hier nicht gelungen !!! :belehr:

Hast mir halt mal wieder gezeigt wo Papi den Most holt !!! :thumb:

So ich hab dann mal das Passwort geändert !!! :teufel:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


fightibrandon schrieb:
Naja, ich meine man muss doch keine Prophet sein um zu wissen das ich ohne Power kämpfe. Okay das ich diesmal nicht vorsichtig agiert habe und du dies scheinbar gewußt hast ist schon merkwürdig :skepsis:
Du hast ja auch schon in einigen Fights nach Punkten gewonnen weil du inside gegangen bist und dabei noch gepunktet hast. Dies wäre dir hier nicht gelungen !!! :belehr:

Hast mir halt mal wieder gezeigt wo Papi den Most holt !!! :thumb:

So ich hab dann mal das Passwort geändert !!! :teufel:

Wie lautet das Passwort denn jetzt? :D


fightibrandon schrieb:
Box News !!!

Marquez geht ins Welter um Fight gegen Gatti zu erzwingen !!!

Rafael " Big Right Hand " Marquez der Arturo "Never Surrender" Gatti fordert geht jetzt ins Welter um den Fight zu bekommen. Kermit "The Killer" Cintron verzichtet auf den Fight gerne und möchte lieber noch etwas pausieren.
Bösen gerüchten zu folge ist Gatti nur aus angst dem Fight ausgewichen.
Die Boxwelt hofft nun in den nächsten Tagen diesen Superfight mit den Hot Prospect von Aztec Warrior Promotions und den Gnadenlosen Fighter Marquez vom Fightibrandon Gym verkünden zu dürfen.
Diese beiden jungen nachwuchstalente haben eine unglaubliche schlagkraft dieser Fight kann eigentlich nicht über die Runden gehen.
Wird Marquez den körperlichen nachteil wegstecken oder kann er von der scheinbar angeknacksten Psyche Gatti`s profitieren ??? War das vielleicht alles einfach nur eine Trick um die PR anzukurbeln ??? Gatti wollte ja eh ins Welter !!!
Wird Gatti sich dem Fight stellen ???

Fragen über Fragen !!!

Wir dürfen gespannt sein !!!

Box News !!!

Kampf Marquez vs Gatti steht !!!

Nun ist es sicher !!! Nachdem Marquez den weg ins Welter nicht scheute konnte auch Gatti dem Fight der Knockouter nicht mehr ausweichen.
So treffen am nächsten Mittwoch die beiden Nachwuchstalente im Ring aufeinander !!!

Wir dürfen gespannt sein !!!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Mr. Hemming

Irish Fight News

Am Mittwoch wird es zu einem emotionsgeladenen Kampf zwischen "Irish" Micky Ward und Steve "Cork Warrior" Clancy kommen.
Dabei wird sich heraustellen ob Ward, der aus Promotionszwecken vorgibt Ire zu sein, gegen den Kneipenschläger Clancy aus Dublin bestehen kann.


Mr. Hemming schrieb:
Irish Fight News

Am Mittwoch wird es zu einem emotionsgeladenen Kampf zwischen "Irish" Micky Ward und Steve "Cork Warrior" Clancy kommen.
Dabei wird sich heraustellen ob Ward, der aus Promotionszwecken vorgibt Ire zu sein, gegen den Kneipenschläger Clancy aus Dublin bestehen kann.

Vielleicht sollte er zu Promotionzwecke vorgeben Irre zu sein !!! :D


Böblingen, Göttingen
BubiScholz makes History!!!!!!!

BubiScholz makes History!!!!!!

Am Samstag, 09.07.2005 findet "Die Nacht der schweren Jungs" statt. Schwergewichtsboxen der Weltklasse auf der Berliner Waldbühne:

Hauptkampf ist die lebende Legende BubiScholz in seinem 50. Profikampf (!!!!!!!!) gegen den jungen Berliner Herausforderer Dancer Duehring . Dieser Kampfabend ist eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung von fightibrandon und Bubi-Scholz-Halle.

BubiScholz (29-28-2) 25 KO´s vs W. "The Dancer" Duehring (8-1-0) 7 KO´s
European Heavyweight Title

"The Iron" Mike Tyson (8-4-0) 8 KO´s vs Atze "uppercut" Koslowski (22-22-0) 21 KO´s
German International Title

James "Trashtalking Motherfucker" Toney (16-16-1) 10 KO`s vs Virgo Olle (7-1-1)
WBF Heavyweight Title

Serdar Sahin PRO DEBUT vs Helmut - Der Dackel - Krause PRO DEBUT

Heavy Roy (2-1-0) 1 KO vs Big Bigger Brown (2-0-0) 2 KO´s

Luan "Der Rottweiler" Krasniqi (16-12-0) 16 KO´s vs Tall Man (12-17-5)


BubiScholz schrieb:
BubiScholz makes History!!!!!!

Am Samstag, 09.07.2005 findet "Die Nacht der schweren Jungs" statt. Schwergewichtsboxen der Weltklasse auf der Berliner Waldbühne:

Hauptkampf ist die lebende Legende BubiScholz in seinem 50. Profikampf (!!!!!!!!) gegen den jungen Berliner Herausforderer Dancer Duehring . Dieser Kampfabend ist eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung von fightibrandon und Bubi-Scholz-Halle.

BubiScholz (29-28-2) 25 KO´s vs W. "The Dancer" Duehring (8-1-0) 7 KO´s
European Heavyweight Title

"The Iron" Mike Tyson (8-4-0) 8 KO´s vs Atze "uppercut" Koslowski (22-22-0) 21 KO´s
German International Title

James "Trashtalking Motherfucker" Toney (16-16-1) 10 KO`s vs Virgo Olle (7-1-1)
WBF Heavyweight Title

Serdar Sahin PRO DEBUT vs Helmut - Der Dackel - Krause PRO DEBUT

Heavy Roy (2-1-0) 1 KO vs Big Bigger Brown (2-0-0) 2 KO´s

Luan "Der Rottweiler" Krasniqi (16-12-0) 16 KO´s vs Tall Man (12-17-5)

:jubel: :thumb:

Ich glaube das dies der erste eigene Kampfabend von Bubi Scholz ist.



Nach der heutigen Leistung und 29. Niederlage wird wohl Schluß für Scholz sein.. hier nochmal 5 Klassiker (3 davon gegen meine Jungs) von ihm:

Saturday, March 19
In this corner, standing 6 feet and 3 inches (191 centimeters) tall weighing in at 217 pounds (98 kilograms) with a record of 5 wins, 0 draws, and 1 loss fighting for Don Balla Promotion out of Pensacola, Florida is Kevin `Big Man` Burnett!!

In this corner, standing 6 feet and 6 inches (198 centimeters) tall weighing in at 276 pounds (125 kilograms) with a record of 22 wins, 2 draws, and 26 losses fighting for Bubi-Scholz-Halle out of Hamburg, Germany is BubiScholz!!

This bout is scheduled for 12 rounds.


Big Man is counter-punching (counter-punching).
BubiScholz backpedals (outside).

BubiScholz throws a jab to the jaw.
BubiScholz launches a jab to the head, but Big Man knocks it away .
Big Man waits for BubiScholz to attack.
BubiScholz attacks with a cross but Big Man knocks it away and strikes back with a right to the head.
BubiScholz launches a jab to the head, but Big Man knocks it away .
BubiScholz charges with a jab to the head, but Big Man slips it .
Big Man seems to want BubiScholz to attack.
Big Man tries to land a right to the jaw, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
Big Man throws an uppercut to the nose, but BubiScholz backpedals .
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a jab to the temple.
BubiScholz connects with a jab to the chest.
BubiScholz attacks with a jab to the solar plexus, but falls short .
Big Man lunges with a hook to the eye, but BubiScholz ties him up .
BubiScholz throws a straight right but Big Man slips it and retaliates with a straight right to the jaw.
Big Man drops his arms to tempt BubiScholz to attack.
Big Man lashes out with a right hand to the chin, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
BubiScholz throws a quick jab to the ribs.
BubiScholz throws a jab to the head. Big Man sneers!
Big Man fires a hook to the jaw, but BubiScholz backpedals .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the jaw.
Big Man throws a right hand to the stomach, but BubiScholz backpedals .
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a quick jab to the stomach. Big Man sneers!
Big Man probes with a straight right to the chin, but BubiScholz ties him up .
BubiScholz launches a left but Big Man slips it and hits first with a right hand to the nose.
BubiScholz throws a clean right hand to the face. Big Man ignores it.
BubiScholz connects with a jab to the jaw.
BubiScholz connects with a quick jab to the ribs.
Big Man throws a roundhouse to the head, but BubiScholz backpedals .
Big Man waits patiently for BubiScholz to attack.


According to the Commentators:

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett landed 13 of 43 punches -- 6 power punches, 1 jab, 6 rights. (44 points)
BubiScholz landed 38 of 66 punches -- 1 power punch, 36 jabs, 1 right. (79 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9 by landing more punches.

BubiScholz is winning the fight 10-9.

Big Man doesn't need to rest.

BubiScholz doesn't need to rest.


Big Man is counter-punching (counter-punching).
BubiScholz backpedals (outside).

Big Man tries a hook to the nose, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
BubiScholz connects with a jab to the stomach.
BubiScholz throws a straight right to the mouth.
Big Man taunts BubiScholz to attack.
BubiScholz launches a jab to the head, but Big Man slips it .
BubiScholz launches a right but Big Man slips it and strikes back with a straight right to the chest. BubiScholz sneers!
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a jab to the face.
BubiScholz throws a jab to the stomach.
BubiScholz throws a jab to the chest.
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a jab to the stomach.
BubiScholz tries a jab to the head, but Big Man deflects it .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the ribs. Big Man sneers!
BubiScholz throws a cross but Big Man slips it and hits first with a clean right to the eye.
BubiScholz tries to land a left but Big Man deflects it and counters with a sweeping right to the face. BubiScholz sneers!
BubiScholz charges with a jab to the jaw, but Big Man slips it .
Big Man throws a straight right to the stomach, but BubiScholz ties him up .
Big Man reaches with a right to the head, but doesn't land it very well .
Big Man seems to want BubiScholz to attack.
Big Man lunges with a left to the solar plexus, but BubiScholz ties him up .
BubiScholz fires a straight right but Big Man slips it and strikes first with a sweeping right to the stomach.
BubiScholz attacks with a jab to the chest, but Big Man deflects it .
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a jab to the solar plexus.
Big Man reaches with a roundhouse to the head, but comes up empty .
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a jab to the stomach.
BubiScholz hits Big Man with a jab to the head.
Big Man seems to want BubiScholz to attack.
Big Man lashes out with an overhand right to the chest, but BubiScholz backpedals .
Big Man seems to want BubiScholz to attack.


According to the Commentators:

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett landed 15 of 38 punches -- 7 power punches, 1 jab, 7 rights. (51 points)
BubiScholz landed 39 of 72 punches -- 1 power punch, 37 jabs, 1 right. (81 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9 by landing more punches.

BubiScholz is winning the fight 20-18.

Big Man doesn't need to rest.

BubiScholz doesn't need to rest.


Big Man is counter-punching (counter-punching).
BubiScholz is counter-punching (counter-punching) and he's head hunting.

Big Man lunges with a right hand but BubiScholz knocks it away and hits first with a right hand to the chin.
BubiScholz probes with a hook to the jaw, but Big Man knocks it away .
BubiScholz launches a right hand to the nose, but Big Man slips it .
Big Man attacks with a sweeping right but BubiScholz slips it and strikes back with a stiff sweeping right to the head.
Big Man attempts a right hand to the head, but is ineffective .
Big Man throws a left to the head, but BubiScholz slips it .
BubiScholz launches a right but Big Man slips it and hits back with a quick left to the face.
BubiScholz reaches with a cross but Big Man slips it and counters with a clean right to the eye.
BubiScholz launches a left but Big Man slips it and hits first with a sweeping right to the solar plexus.
Big Man charges with a hook to the stomach, but BubiScholz knocks it away .
Big Man probes with a right hand but BubiScholz slips it and hits first with a straight right to the temple.
BubiScholz tries to land a sweeping right but Big Man deflects it and scores first with a sweeping right to the temple.


According to the Commentators:

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett landed 15 of 39 punches -- 7 power punches, 1 jab, 7 rights. (51 points)
BubiScholz landed 13 of 36 punches -- 7 power punches, 0 jabs, 6 rights. (46 points)

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.

BubiScholz is winning the fight 29-28.

Big Man doesn't need to rest.

BubiScholz remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.


Big Man is counter-punching (counter-punching).
BubiScholz backpedals (outside).

BubiScholz throws a jab to the face. Big Man sneers!
Big Man attempts a cross to the ribs, but BubiScholz backpedals .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the head. Big Man ignores it.
BubiScholz lunges with a sweeping right but Big Man slips it and strikes first with a left to the head.
BubiScholz throws a jab to the nose.
BubiScholz charges with a jab to the jaw, but Big Man slips it .
BubiScholz lashes out with a sweeping right but Big Man slips it and hits first with a right to the jaw.
Big Man taunts BubiScholz to attack.
BubiScholz connects with a jab to the mouth. Big Man ignores it.
BubiScholz fires a jab to the chest, but Big Man slips it .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the face. Big Man sneers!
Big Man seems to want BubiScholz to attack.
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a jab to the solar plexus.
BubiScholz throws a jab to the jaw, but Big Man slips it .
BubiScholz launches a jab to the chin, but Big Man knocks it away .
Big Man throws an uppercut to the temple, but BubiScholz backpedals .
Big Man waits for BubiScholz to attack.
BubiScholz tries to land a sweeping right but Big Man knocks it away and counters with a cross to the head.
Big Man waits patiently for BubiScholz to attack.
Big Man charges with a straight right to the stomach, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the stomach.
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a cross to the face. Big Man sneers!
BubiScholz throws a jab to the stomach.
Big Man tries to land an uppercut to the solar plexus, but BubiScholz backpedals .
Big Man probes with a left to the stomach, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
Big Man probes with a hook to the chest, but misses .
BubiScholz reaches with a jab to the nose, but can't connect .


According to the Commentators:

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett landed 13 of 38 punches -- 6 power punches, 1 jab, 6 rights. (44 points)
BubiScholz landed 37 of 69 punches -- 1 power punch, 35 jabs, 1 right. (77 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9 by landing more punches.

BubiScholz is winning the fight 39-37.

Big Man doesn't need to rest.

BubiScholz grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.


Big Man fights from outside (outside).
BubiScholz is counter-punching (counter-punching) and he's head hunting.

Big Man tags BubiScholz with a hook to the face.
BubiScholz reaches with an uppercut to the head, but he's off balance .
BubiScholz throws a right to the face, but Big Man backpedals .
Big Man throws a sweeping right to the stomach, but doesn't quite connect .
BubiScholz throws a cross to the nose, but doesn't land it very well .
Big Man lashes out with a jab to the head, but BubiScholz slips it .
Big Man connects with a quick left to the stomach.
Big Man annoys BubiScholz with a jab to the temple.
BubiScholz seems to want Big Man to attack.
Big Man lashes out with a jab to the mouth, but BubiScholz slips it .
Big Man attacks with a sweeping right but BubiScholz knocks it away and strikes back with a furious sweeping right to the face.
BubiScholz charges with a hook to the nose, but Big Man ties him up .
Big Man annoys BubiScholz with a quick jab to the stomach.
Big Man fires a right hand to the nose, but BubiScholz slips it .
BubiScholz charges with a hook to the head, but Big Man ties him up .
Big Man reaches with a cross but BubiScholz slips it and hits back with a cross to the eye.
Big Man launches an uppercut to the stomach, but it's short .
Big Man connects with a quick hook to the stomach.
Big Man throws a right to the eye.
Big Man punches BubiScholz with a good roundhouse to the stomach. BubiScholz is hurt! He barely keeps his feet under him!
Big Man annoys BubiScholz with a quick jab to the chest.
BubiScholz charges with a cross to the nose, but only touches with it .
BubiScholz waits patiently for Big Man to attack.


According to the Commentators:

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett landed 30 of 58 punches -- 8 power punches, 15 jabs, 7 rights. (83 points)
BubiScholz landed 7 of 32 punches -- 4 power punches, 0 jabs, 3 rights. (25 points)

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett won the round 10-9 by stunning BubiScholz.

BubiScholz is winning the fight 48-47.

Big Man doesn't need to rest.

BubiScholz grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.


Big Man is counter-punching (counter-punching) and goes to the body.
BubiScholz backpedals (outside).

Big Man launches an uppercut to the stomach, but BubiScholz ties him up .
Big Man launches a right to the stomach, but BubiScholz backpedals .
BubiScholz lashes out with a cross but Big Man slips it and hits first with a sharp left to the solar plexus.
Big Man waits patiently for BubiScholz to attack.
BubiScholz fires a left but Big Man slips it and counters with a left to the stomach. BubiScholz sneers!
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a jab to the head.
BubiScholz lands a jab to the head.
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the temple, but Big Man knocks it away .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the solar plexus. Big Man sneers!
Big Man probes with a roundhouse to the stomach, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a jab to the solar plexus.
BubiScholz lunges with a jab to the stomach, but misses .
BubiScholz attacks with a jab to the mouth, but Big Man knocks it away .
Big Man throws a left to the stomach, but BubiScholz ties him up .
BubiScholz tries a jab to the chin, but Big Man deflects it .
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a jab to the chin. Big Man sneers!
Big Man tries to land a right to the solar plexus, but BubiScholz backpedals .
BubiScholz tries a left but Big Man slips it and hits first with a right hand to the jaw.
BubiScholz throws a jab to the ribs.
Big Man drops his arms to tempt BubiScholz to attack.
Big Man attempts an uppercut to the chest, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the temple. Big Man ignores it.
BubiScholz tries to land a jab to the face, but Big Man knocks it away .
Big Man probes with a hook to the ribs, but BubiScholz ties him up .
BubiScholz throws a right hand to the chin.
BubiScholz tries to land a jab to the face, but misses completely .
BubiScholz attempts a left to the head, but it's weak .
Big Man launches a straight right to the stomach, but is ineffective .
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a jab to the chest.
Big Man taunts BubiScholz to attack.
Big Man drops his arms to tempt BubiScholz to attack.


According to the Commentators:

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett landed 11 of 41 punches -- 5 power punches, 1 jab, 5 rights. (37 points)
BubiScholz landed 35 of 73 punches -- 1 power punch, 33 jabs, 1 right. (73 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9 by landing more punches.

BubiScholz is winning the fight 58-56.

Big Man doesn't need to rest.

BubiScholz is obviously tired.


Big Man is counter-punching (counter-punching) and goes to the body.
BubiScholz is counter-punching (counter-punching) and he's head hunting.

Big Man throws a right to the nose, but it's short .
Big Man probes with a right hand to the solar plexus, but it's soft .
BubiScholz throws a right to the chest, but Big Man slips it .
Big Man attempts a left but BubiScholz deflects it and retaliates with a cross to the mouth.
BubiScholz launches a straight right to the stomach, but Big Man slips it .
Big Man probes with a straight right but BubiScholz slips it and counters with a nice left to the temple.
Big Man launches a hook to the ribs, but fails to score .
BubiScholz throws a sweeping right but Big Man slips it and retaliates with a ferocious right to the solar plexus!! The crowd is on its feet!!
BubiScholz throws an overhand right to the face, but Big Man slips it .
BubiScholz lashes out with a right hand but Big Man slips it and scores first with a quick left to the ribs.
Big Man attacks with a cross to the solar plexus, but misses .
Big Man launches an overhand right to the stomach, but BubiScholz slips it .
Big Man fires an uppercut to the stomach, but is ineffective .
BubiScholz fires an uppercut to the head, but Big Man slips it .
BubiScholz reaches with a left but Big Man slips it and hits first with a sweeping right to the ribs. BubiScholz sneers!


According to the Commentators:

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett landed 11 of 41 punches -- 5 power punches, 1 jab, 5 rights. (37 points)
BubiScholz landed 9 of 35 punches -- 5 power punches, 0 jabs, 4 rights. (32 points)

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.

BubiScholz is winning the fight 67-66.

Big Man doesn't need to rest.

BubiScholz is sucking wind.


Big Man is counter-punching (counter-punching) and goes to the body.
BubiScholz backpedals (outside).

BubiScholz reaches with a jab to the face, but Big Man slips it .
BubiScholz charges with a right hand but Big Man deflects it and hits first with a clean right hand to the chest. BubiScholz sneers!
BubiScholz attacks with a jab to the chin, but Big Man slips it .
BubiScholz lands a right hand to the stomach. Big Man sneers!
Big Man throws a sweeping right to the chest, but can't connect .
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a quick jab to the chest. Big Man ignores it.
BubiScholz throws a jab to the face.
Big Man probes with a cross to the stomach, but BubiScholz backpedals .
BubiScholz tries to land a jab to the head, but misses .
Big Man throws an uppercut to the stomach, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
Big Man attempts a hook to the stomach, but BubiScholz backpedals .
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a jab to the stomach. Big Man sneers!
Big Man waits patiently for BubiScholz to attack.
BubiScholz probes with a jab to the jaw, but Big Man slips it .
BubiScholz annoys Big Man with a jab to the stomach.
BubiScholz throws a right hand but Big Man slips it and hits first with a left to the stomach.
Big Man seems to want BubiScholz to attack.
BubiScholz throws a jab to the eye, but Big Man deflects it .
BubiScholz throws a quick jab to the head.
BubiScholz tries a straight right but Big Man slips it and hits back with an excellent left to the stomach. BubiScholz covers up.
Big Man lashes out with a right to the solar plexus, but BubiScholz ties him up .
BubiScholz launches a jab to the ribs, but fails to score .
BubiScholz connects with a jab to the jaw. Big Man sneers!
Big Man taunts BubiScholz to attack.
Big Man reaches with a hook to the stomach, but only touches with it .
Big Man drops his arms to tempt BubiScholz to attack.
BubiScholz lashes out with a left to the mouth, but Big Man knocks it away .
Big Man fires a left to the ribs, but BubiScholz ties him up .
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the stomach, but Big Man slips it .


According to the Commentators:

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett landed 11 of 38 punches -- 5 power punches, 1 jab, 5 rights. (37 points)
BubiScholz landed 28 of 70 punches -- 1 power punch, 26 jabs, 1 right. (59 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9 by landing more punches.

BubiScholz is winning the fight 77-75.

Big Man doesn't need to rest.

BubiScholz is sucking wind.


Big Man fights from outside (outside).
BubiScholz is counter-punching (counter-punching) and he's head hunting.

Big Man connects with a roundhouse to the stomach. BubiScholz sneers!
Big Man hits with a right hand to the stomach.
Big Man lashes out with a cross but BubiScholz deflects it and hits back with a wild sweeping right to the head. Big Man hangs on until the referee breaks them up.
BubiScholz fires an uppercut to the eye, but Big Man stays out of reach .
Big Man annoys BubiScholz with a quick jab to the head.
Big Man tags BubiScholz with a right hand to the solar plexus.
Big Man hits BubiScholz with a jab to the chest.
Big Man probes with a right to the chest, but only touches with it .
Big Man lands a clean jab to the solar plexus.
Big Man hits with a jab to the stomach.
Big Man throws a right to the chin.

Big Man lands a big uppercut and BubiScholz is knocked off his feet!!









BubiScholz struggles to his feet and the fight goes on!

BubiScholz backs up waiting for Big Man to attack.
BubiScholz lures Big Man to attack.
Big Man tries to land a jab to the solar plexus, but BubiScholz knocks it away .
BubiScholz tries a left to the chin, but Big Man stays out of reach .
Big Man lunges with an uppercut to the eye, but BubiScholz slips it .
BubiScholz probes with a hook to the mouth, but Big Man backpedals .
Big Man lunges with a sweeping right but BubiScholz deflects it and scores first with a left to the stomach. Big Man sneers!
BubiScholz drops his arms to tempt Big Man to attack.
Big Man annoys BubiScholz with a roundhouse to the face.
Big Man annoys BubiScholz with a quick jab to the ribs. BubiScholz ignores it.
BubiScholz probes with a straight right to the head, but Big Man backpedals .
Big Man charges with a jab to the eye, but BubiScholz slips it .
BubiScholz lashes out with a roundhouse to the eye, but Big Man stays out of reach .
Big Man reaches with a jab to the jaw, but misses .
BubiScholz lashes out with a cross to the face, but it's soft .

Big Man lands a vicious haymaker and BubiScholz is knocked off his feet!!










BubiScholz doesn't look like he'll beat the count -- but he does! and the fight goes on!



According to the Commentators:

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett landed 38 of 65 punches -- 9 power punches, 22 jabs, 7 rights. (101 points)
BubiScholz landed 6 of 31 punches -- 3 power punches, 0 jabs, 3 rights. (21 points)

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett won the round 10-7 for repeated knockdowns.

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett is winning the fight 85-84.

Big Man doesn't need to rest. He has bleeding over his right eye.

BubiScholz looks exhausted.


Big Man is counter-punching (counter-punching).
BubiScholz backpedals (outside).

Big Man attacks with a hook to the head, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
BubiScholz throws a left but Big Man knocks it away and retaliates with a vicious right hand to the ribs!! The crowd roars!! BubiScholz grimaces in pain.
Big Man reaches with a roundhouse to the eye, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
Big Man seems to want BubiScholz to attack.
BubiScholz tries a cross but Big Man knocks it away and strikes first with a left to the stomach.
Big Man tries to land a straight right to the head, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
Big Man lunges with an uppercut to the chin, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
BubiScholz launches a right but Big Man slips it and strikes first with a quick sweeping right to the face.
Big Man launches a jab to the chin, but BubiScholz backpedals .
BubiScholz connects with a jab to the head.
Big Man annoys BubiScholz with a quick roundhouse to the nose. BubiScholz stumbles, but remains on his feet! He looks hurt!!
BubiScholz charges with a straight right but Big Man slips it and strikes back with a right hand to the solar plexus.
Big Man charges with a right to the stomach, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
BubiScholz launches a jab to the jaw, but falls short .
BubiScholz tries to land a jab to the jaw, but it's short .
BubiScholz probes with a jab to the head, but Big Man slips it .
BubiScholz probes with a jab to the stomach, but Big Man knocks it away .
BubiScholz throws a sweeping right to the stomach, but falls short .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the jaw, but flails uselessly .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the eye.
Big Man attacks with a hook to the mouth, but BubiScholz backpedals .
Big Man waits for BubiScholz to attack.
BubiScholz lands a jab to the eye.
Big Man backs up waiting for BubiScholz to attack.
Big Man lashes out with a jab to the jaw, but BubiScholz backpedals .
Big Man tries to land a right to the head, but BubiScholz backpedals .
BubiScholz tries a jab to the mouth, but Big Man slips it .


According to the Commentators:

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett landed 18 of 54 punches -- 7 power punches, 5 jabs, 6 rights. (56 points)
BubiScholz landed 13 of 62 punches -- 0 power punches, 13 jabs, 0 right. (26 points)

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett won the round 10-9 by stunning BubiScholz.

Kevin `Big Man` Burnett is winning the fight 95-93.

Big Man doesn't need to rest. He has bleeding over his right eye.

BubiScholz looks exhausted.


Big Man feints and fakes (feinting) and he's head hunting.
BubiScholz backpedals (outside).

Big Man attacks with a cross to the temple, but BubiScholz backpedals .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the ribs, but Big Man slips it .
Big Man tries an uppercut to the mouth, but BubiScholz stays out of reach .
BubiScholz charges with a jab to the mouth, but Big Man knocks it away .
Big Man launches a hook to the nose, but he's off balance .
BubiScholz reaches with a right hand to the ribs, but Big Man takes it in the forearms .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the chest.
Big Man feints with a left but then surprises BubiScholz with a good uppercut to the chin. BubiScholz covers up.
Big Man reaches with a left to the head, but BubiScholz backpedals .
Big Man feints with a left but then throws a sweeping right to the nose.
BubiScholz launches a jab to the chest, but falls short .
Big Man feints with a jab.
BubiScholz launches a jab to the ribs, but Big Man knocks it away .
Big Man reaches with a hook to the eye, but BubiScholz ties him up .
BubiScholz connects with a jab to the stomach. Big Man ignores it.
Big Man pops BubiScholz with an uppercut to the head.
BubiScholz attacks with a jab to the jaw, but doesn't land it very well .
BubiScholz fires a jab to the mouth, but Big Man takes it in the forearms .
BubiScholz charges with a jab to the head, but Big Man slips it .


Big Man lands a huge right haymaker and BubiScholz hurtles to the canvass!!










He's out!!!
Kevin `Big Man` Burnett wins by a Knock Out!!

Time: 1:55

Big Man doesn't need to rest. He has bleeding over his right eye.

BubiScholz collapses limply onto his stool.


Saturday, May 14
In this corner, standing 6 feet and 7 inches (201 centimeters) tall weighing in at 238 pounds (108 kilograms) with a record of 4 wins, 0 draws, and 1 loss fighting for fightibrandon out of Berlin, Germany is Joe "The Brown Bomber" Louis!!

In this corner, standing 6 feet and 6 inches (198 centimeters) tall weighing in at 282 pounds (128 kilograms) with a record of 23 wins, 2 draws, and 27 losses fighting for Bubi-Scholz-Halle out of Goettingen, Germany is BubiScholz!!

This bout is scheduled for 12 rounds.


The Brown Bomber dances around the ring (using the ring) and goes to the body.
BubiScholz is clinching a lot (clinching) and goes to the body.

BubiScholz reaches with a sweeping right to the chest, but misses completely .
BubiScholz probes with an overhand right to the chin, but The Brown Bomber ducks .
The Brown Bomber reaches with an overhand right to the stomach, but BubiScholz ties him up .
BubiScholz lunges with a hook to the ribs, but The Brown Bomber ducks .
The Brown Bomber tries to land an uppercut to the ribs, but doesn't really connect .
The Brown Bomber tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
The Brown Bomber lunges with an uppercut to the ribs, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
The Brown Bomber tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
The Brown Bomber attempts a right to the temple, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
The Brown Bomber charges with an uppercut to the stomach, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
The Brown Bomber hits with an overhand right to the solar plexus.
The Brown Bomber tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz jars The Brown Bomber with a big uppercut to the stomach!! The crowd is on its feet!!
The Brown Bomber fires a right to the ribs, but doesn't really connect .
The Brown Bomber tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
The Brown Bomber punches BubiScholz with a cross to the ribs.
BubiScholz tags The Brown Bomber with a hook to the chest.
The Brown Bomber charges with a hook to the stomach, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz throws an uppercut to the head. The Brown Bomber sneers!
BubiScholz tries an uppercut to the stomach, but it's short .
The Brown Bomber throws a quick hook to the solar plexus.


According to the Commentators:

Joe "The Brown Bomber" Louis landed 11 of 38 punches -- 8 power punches, 0 jabs, 3 rights. (41 points)
BubiScholz landed 11 of 27 punches -- 10 power punches, 0 jabs, 1 right. (43 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9 by hitting harder.

BubiScholz is winning the fight 10-9.

The Brown Bomber doesn't need to rest.

BubiScholz doesn't need to rest.


The Brown Bomber throws everything he's got! (all out) and he's head hunting.
BubiScholz is clinching a lot (clinching) and goes to the body.

BubiScholz catches The Brown Bomber with a hook to the stomach. The Brown Bomber is knocked into the ropes!! He barely stays on his feet!
The Brown Bomber attacks with a roundhouse to the chin, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz throws a left to the stomach, but fails to score .
BubiScholz jars The Brown Bomber with a big overhand right to the solar plexus!! The crowd is on its feet!!
The Brown Bomber reaches with a hook to the jaw, but BubiScholz falls into a clinch .
The Brown Bomber tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz throws a hook to the temple. The Brown Bomber staggers!! The crowd is going wild!!
The Brown Bomber tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
The referee admonishes BubiScholz to stop clinching.
BubiScholz throws a quick cross to the stomach.
The Brown Bomber jars BubiScholz with a big hook to the temple!! The crowd is on its feet!! BubiScholz grimaces in pain.
The Brown Bomber tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz charges with a hook to the chest, but only touches with it .

BubiScholz annoys The Brown Bomber with an uppercut to the chest.
BubiScholz annoys The Brown Bomber with an uppercut to the chest.

BubiScholz lands a big right blow to the head and The Brown Bomber stumbles to the canvass!!










He's out!!!
BubiScholz wins by a Knock Out!!

Time: 1:06

The Brown Bomber collapses limply onto his stool. He has bleeding below his right eye. He has a fractured nose.

BubiScholz remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.


Saturday, June 26
In this corner, standing 6 feet and 6 inches (198 centimeters) tall weighing in at 253 pounds (115 kilograms) with a record of 8 wins, 0 draws, and 7 losses fighting for Bubi-Scholz-Halle out of Hamburg, Germany is BubiScholz!!

In this corner, standing 6 feet and 5 inches (196 centimeters) tall weighing in at 202 pounds (92 kilograms) with a record of 4 wins, 0 draws, and 1 loss fighting for Moonwalk Center out of Germany is Jason Duncan!!

This bout is scheduled for 12 rounds.


BubiScholz is clinching a lot. (clinching)
Duncan goes for a clinch as soon as the bell rings! (clinching)

BubiScholz launches an overhand right to the solar plexus, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz reaches with a roundhouse to the chest, but it's short .
Duncan attempts an overhand right to the solar plexus, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz attacks with a hook to the stomach, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
Duncan tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan falls into a clinch and hangs on. The referee warns him but he refuses to let go. The referee takes a point away from Duncan!
The referee admonishes BubiScholz to stop clinching.
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan attempts a roundhouse to the stomach, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
The referee warns Duncan about holding and hitting.
BubiScholz charges with a left to the stomach, but fails to score .
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz tries to land an overhand right to the chest, but is ineffective .
The referee admonishes BubiScholz to stop clinching.
BubiScholz fires an uppercut to the stomach.
Duncan tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan lands an overhand right to the ribs. BubiScholz ignores it.
BubiScholz tries to close, but Duncan ties him up.
BubiScholz tries to close, but Duncan ties him up.
The referee admonishes Duncan to stop clinching.


According to the Commentators:

BubiScholz landed 3 of 24 punches -- 2 power punches, 0 jabs, 1 right. (11 points)
Jason Duncan landed 3 of 11 punches -- 3 power punches, 0 jabs, 0 right. (12 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9

BubiScholz is winning the fight 10-9.

BubiScholz doesn't need to rest.

Duncan doesn't need to rest.


BubiScholz is clinching a lot. (clinching)
Duncan is clinching a lot. (clinching)

Duncan attacks with a right to the stomach, but doesn't really connect .
Duncan connects with a clean hook to the stomach.
BubiScholz probes with an overhand right to the stomach, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz surprises Duncan with an excellent roundhouse to the stomach.
Duncan connects with a clean left to the ribs. BubiScholz quickly recovers.
BubiScholz throws an overhand right to the ribs, but Duncan ties him up .
Duncan throws an uppercut to the stomach, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan tries to close, but BubiScholz ties him up.
BubiScholz lunges with a hook to the ribs, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan throws a roundhouse to the chest, but BubiScholz falls into a clinch .
Duncan tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan annoys BubiScholz with an uppercut to the ribs.
Duncan tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan probes with an overhand right to the chin, but falls short .
BubiScholz charges with a left to the eye, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
Duncan tries to land an uppercut to the head, but it's soft .
Duncan tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz throws a hook to the nose, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz launches a hook to the chest, but can't connect .


According to the Commentators:

BubiScholz landed 2 of 27 punches -- 2 power punches, 0 jabs, 0 right. (8 points)
Jason Duncan landed 10 of 29 punches -- 8 power punches, 0 jabs, 2 rights. (38 points)

Jason Duncan won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.

The fight is too close to call at this point.

BubiScholz doesn't need to rest.

Duncan doesn't need to rest.


BubiScholz is clinching a lot. (clinching)
Duncan is clinching a lot. (clinching)

BubiScholz tries to close, but Duncan ties him up.
The referee admonishes BubiScholz to stop clinching.
BubiScholz launches a hook to the chest, but Duncan ties him up .
Duncan tries an uppercut to the stomach, but misses .
The referee admonishes Duncan to stop clinching.
Duncan tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan throws an uppercut to the stomach, but falls short .
Duncan connects with a quick hook to the ribs.
Duncan throws a hook to the chest.
BubiScholz lunges with an uppercut to the chest, but comes up empty .
Duncan tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz surprises Duncan with a good uppercut to the solar plexus. Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up.
BubiScholz charges with an overhand right to the eye, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan reaches with an uppercut to the head, but comes up empty .
BubiScholz attempts an uppercut to the nose, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz throws a cross to the solar plexus, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
Duncan attacks with a left to the face, but BubiScholz falls into a clinch .
Duncan reaches with an uppercut to the chest, but BubiScholz ties him up .
BubiScholz tries to close, but Duncan ties him up.
Duncan tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
The fighters eye each other warily.
Duncan throws a quick sweeping right to the stomach. BubiScholz ignores it.


According to the Commentators:

BubiScholz landed 2 of 23 punches -- 2 power punches, 0 jabs, 0 right. (8 points)
Jason Duncan landed 10 of 28 punches -- 8 power punches, 0 jabs, 2 rights. (38 points)

Jason Duncan won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.

Jason Duncan is winning the fight 29-28.

BubiScholz doesn't need to rest.

Duncan doesn't need to rest. He has a cut over his left eye.


BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)
Duncan is clinching a lot. (clinching)

BubiScholz probes with a sweeping right to the stomach, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz lands a quick uppercut to the temple.
BubiScholz throws a straight right to the head, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz launches a roundhouse to the jaw, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz charges with a jab to the chin, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz reaches with a right hand to the head, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz tries a jab to the mouth, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz tries a jab to the nose, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
Duncan tags BubiScholz with an uppercut to the stomach. BubiScholz ignores it.
BubiScholz tries a roundhouse to the face, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
BubiScholz lands a quick jab to the ribs.
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the head, but doesn't land it very well .
Duncan reaches with a hook to the face, but can't connect .
The referee admonishes Duncan to stop clinching.
BubiScholz probes with a jab to the chest, but doesn't quite connect .
Duncan reaches with an overhand right to the chest, but BubiScholz steps aside .
BubiScholz probes with an uppercut to the head, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan probes with an overhand right to the stomach, but it's short .
BubiScholz throws a left to the stomach, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
BubiScholz fires a jab to the nose, but doesn't quite connect .
BubiScholz launches a jab to the stomach, but doesn't quite connect .
BubiScholz tries to land a jab to the head, but he's off balance .
BubiScholz attempts an uppercut to the stomach, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
Duncan hits BubiScholz with an uppercut to the ribs. BubiScholz ignores it.
BubiScholz punches Duncan with a jab to the stomach.


According to the Commentators:

BubiScholz landed 13 of 76 punches -- 2 power punches, 9 jabs, 2 rights. (32 points)
Jason Duncan landed 7 of 19 punches -- 7 power punches, 0 jabs, 0 right. (28 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9 by throwing more punches.

The fight is too close to call at this point.

BubiScholz doesn't need to rest.

Duncan doesn't need to rest. He has a cut over his left eye.


BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)
Duncan is clinching a lot. (clinching)

BubiScholz throws a jab to the stomach, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
Duncan tries an overhand right to the chest, but BubiScholz quickly backs away .
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the jaw, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz charges with an uppercut to the nose, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
BubiScholz launches a jab to the head, but it's weak .
BubiScholz strikes with a jab to the head. Duncan covers up.
BubiScholz lunges with a jab to the temple, but is ineffective .
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the stomach, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz reaches with a left to the head, but he's off balance .
Duncan tries a hook to the head, but it's short .
BubiScholz lunges with a jab to the jaw, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz tags Duncan with a quick jab to the head.
Duncan scores with an uppercut to the stomach.
BubiScholz fires a jab to the head, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
Duncan throws a roundhouse to the stomach, but BubiScholz deftly avoids it .
BubiScholz launches a hook to the solar plexus, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz tries an uppercut to the head, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz annoys Duncan with a quick hook to the jaw.
Duncan fires a hook to the stomach, but fails to score .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the face, but is ineffective .
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz tries to close, but Duncan ties him up.
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan reaches with an uppercut to the stomach, but BubiScholz leaps aside .
BubiScholz attempts a left to the chin, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
The referee warns Duncan about holding and hitting.
BubiScholz launches an uppercut to the ribs, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
BubiScholz lashes out with a straight right to the ribs, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
Duncan lands a hook to the ribs. BubiScholz sneers!


According to the Commentators:

BubiScholz landed 12 of 71 punches -- 2 power punches, 8 jabs, 2 rights. (30 points)
Jason Duncan landed 6 of 24 punches -- 6 power punches, 0 jabs, 0 right. (24 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9 by throwing more punches.

BubiScholz is winning the fight 48-47.

BubiScholz doesn't need to rest.

Duncan doesn't need to rest. He has a cut over his left eye. He has bleeding over his right eye.


BubiScholz is clinching a lot. (clinching)
Duncan is clinching a lot. (clinching)

BubiScholz throws an overhand right to the stomach, but can't connect .
Duncan tags BubiScholz with a hook to the ribs.
BubiScholz launches a hook to the stomach, but it's short .
Duncan attacks with a roundhouse to the ribs, but BubiScholz falls into a clinch .
Duncan tries to close, but BubiScholz ties him up.
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz attempts a hook to the stomach, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz probes with an overhand right to the ribs, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
Duncan throws a roundhouse to the solar plexus, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan lands a quick uppercut to the solar plexus.
BubiScholz charges with an uppercut to the nose, but Duncan ties him up .
Duncan tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan reaches with a left to the stomach, but BubiScholz falls into a clinch .
BubiScholz tries to close, but Duncan ties him up.
Duncan tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz attacks with a left to the ribs, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz lashes out with a hook to the stomach, but comes up empty .
Duncan throws a hook to the ribs, but BubiScholz ties him up .
Duncan throws a hook to the mouth, but it's short .
BubiScholz lashes out with a wild uppercut to the stomach.


According to the Commentators:

BubiScholz landed 4 of 33 punches -- 3 power punches, 0 jabs, 1 right. (15 points)
Jason Duncan landed 8 of 29 punches -- 7 power punches, 0 jabs, 1 right. (31 points)

Jason Duncan won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.

The fight is too close to call at this point.

BubiScholz doesn't need to rest.

Duncan remains standing while the trainer wipes him down. He has a cut over his left eye. He has bleeding over his right eye.


BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)
Duncan is clinching a lot. (clinching)

Duncan probes with an uppercut to the chest, but BubiScholz evades it .
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz lashes out with a jab to the eye, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz tries a jab to the eye, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
Duncan fires a hook to the chin.
BubiScholz throws a quick jab to the temple.
BubiScholz tries to close, but Duncan ties him up.
BubiScholz attacks with a cross to the chin, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
Duncan reaches with an uppercut to the stomach, but BubiScholz quickly backs away .
Duncan attacks with a hook to the solar plexus, but BubiScholz escapes .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the stomach, but Duncan ties him up .
The referee warns Duncan about holding and hitting.
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the stomach, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the temple, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
Duncan tries to land a hook to the ribs, but BubiScholz narrowly avoids it .
BubiScholz attacks with a jab to the chin, but doesn't really connect .
BubiScholz tries to land a jab to the face, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
BubiScholz annoys Duncan with a jab to the stomach.
BubiScholz throws a right hand to the nose, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz attempts a hook to the stomach, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
BubiScholz attacks with an uppercut to the head, but he's off balance .
Duncan annoys BubiScholz with a roundhouse to the chest. BubiScholz sneers!
BubiScholz probes with a hook to the head, but Duncan hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz throws a sweeping right to the stomach, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
Duncan throws an uppercut to the head, but doesn't quite connect .
BubiScholz probes with a right hand to the mouth, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz takes charge with a hook to the stomach.


According to the Commentators:

BubiScholz landed 11 of 66 punches -- 2 power punches, 7 jabs, 2 rights. (28 points)
Jason Duncan landed 6 of 25 punches -- 6 power punches, 0 jabs, 0 right. (24 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9 by throwing more punches.

BubiScholz is winning the fight 67-66.

BubiScholz remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

Duncan remains standing while the trainer wipes him down. He has a cut over his left eye. He has bleeding over his right eye.


BubiScholz is clinching a lot. (clinching)
Duncan is clinching a lot. (clinching)

Duncan tries to close, but BubiScholz ties him up.
Duncan fires an uppercut to the chin, but goes wide .
Duncan annoys BubiScholz with a hook to the stomach.
The referee admonishes Duncan to stop clinching.
Duncan tries an overhand right to the stomach, but BubiScholz falls into a clinch .
The referee admonishes Duncan to stop clinching.
Duncan tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
The referee admonishes BubiScholz to stop clinching.
BubiScholz charges with a hook to the stomach, but is ineffective .
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz attempts a roundhouse to the nose, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
BubiScholz catches Duncan with an uppercut to the head.
Duncan lunges with a hook to the stomach, but falls short .
Duncan tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz fires a straight right to the stomach, but Duncan falls into a clinch .
BubiScholz fires a roundhouse to the solar plexus, but Duncan ties him up .
Duncan launches an uppercut to the stomach, but he's off balance .
BubiScholz tries to attack, but Duncan hangs on until the referee separates them.
Duncan attempts a straight right to the stomach, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
Duncan scores with an uppercut to the solar plexus.
BubiScholz charges with an uppercut to the stomach, but Duncan falls into a clinch .


According to the Commentators:

BubiScholz landed 2 of 22 punches -- 2 power punches, 0 jabs, 0 right. (8 points)
Jason Duncan landed 7 of 25 punches -- 6 power punches, 0 jabs, 1 right. (27 points)

Jason Duncan won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.

The fight is too close to call at this point.

BubiScholz remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

Duncan remains standing while the trainer wipes him down. He has a cut over his left eye. He has bleeding over his right eye.


BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)
Duncan goes toe-to-toe. (inside)

Duncan attempts a sweeping right to the chin, but BubiScholz escapes .
BubiScholz lunges with a hook to the stomach, but Duncan blocks it .
BubiScholz lashes out with a jab to the stomach, but Duncan covers up .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the head, but misses .
BubiScholz throws a cross to the stomach, but misses completely .
Duncan launches a right hand to the face, but misses completely .
BubiScholz probes with an uppercut to the temple, but is ineffective .
BubiScholz surprises Duncan with a good jab to the head.
Duncan tries to land a jab to the chin, but BubiScholz leaps aside .
BubiScholz tries to land a jab to the head, but Duncan ducks .
Duncan lands a jab to the mouth.
BubiScholz throws a jab to the head, but Duncan slips it .
Duncan lunges with an overhand right to the nose, but misses .
BubiScholz throws a hook to the face.
Duncan throws a right hand to the head. BubiScholz ignores it.
Duncan fires a hook to the nose, but BubiScholz deftly avoids it .
Duncan attacks with a jab to the temple, but BubiScholz quickly backs away .
BubiScholz throws a hook to the jaw, but falls short .
Duncan attacks with a jab to the chin, but BubiScholz escapes .
Duncan throws a quick hook to the temple. BubiScholz ignores it.
BubiScholz throws a jab to the ribs.
BubiScholz reaches with a jab to the head, but Duncan ties him up .
Duncan launches a right to the head, but BubiScholz dodges .
Duncan annoys BubiScholz with a clean right to the nose.
BubiScholz attacks with a left to the eye, but Duncan ties him up .
Duncan throws a hook to the head, but BubiScholz quickly backs away .
BubiScholz charges with a jab to the jaw, but Duncan ducks .


According to the Commentators:

BubiScholz landed 12 of 57 punches -- 2 power punches, 8 jabs, 2 rights. (30 points)
Jason Duncan landed 14 of 48 punches -- 4 power punches, 6 jabs, 4 rights. (40 points)

Jason Duncan won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.

Jason Duncan is winning the fight 86-85.

BubiScholz remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

Duncan remains standing while the trainer wipes him down. He has a cut over his left eye. He has bleeding over his right eye.


BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)
Duncan goes toe-to-toe. (inside)

BubiScholz attacks with a jab to the chest, but Duncan covers up .
BubiScholz attacks with a jab to the head, but Duncan ducks .
Duncan lashes out with a straight right to the nose, but doesn't quite connect .
BubiScholz reaches with a jab to the eye, but Duncan knocks it away .
BubiScholz throws a cross to the stomach, but Duncan covers up .
BubiScholz probes with a hook to the jaw, but Duncan slips it .
BubiScholz launches a jab to the stomach, but doesn't land it very well .
BubiScholz attacks with a left to the mouth, but Duncan ducks .
Duncan throws a right to the nose.
Duncan reaches with a right to the jaw, but BubiScholz quickly backs away .
Duncan launches an overhand right to the head, but BubiScholz backpedals .
BubiScholz tries a jab to the stomach, but Duncan knocks it away .
BubiScholz hits Duncan with a jab to the head.
BubiScholz fires a right to the solar plexus, but Duncan ducks .
BubiScholz launches a right to the stomach, but Duncan covers up .
Duncan charges with a jab to the eye, but BubiScholz narrowly avoids it .
BubiScholz hits with an uppercut to the temple.
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the chin, but Duncan ties him up .
Duncan tries a jab to the head, but BubiScholz retreats .
BubiScholz fires a jab to the temple, but doesn't really connect .
BubiScholz throws an uppercut to the eye, but goes wide .
Duncan attempts a sweeping right to the temple, but BubiScholz escapes .
Duncan annoys BubiScholz with a straight right to the head.
Duncan fires an uppercut to the mouth. BubiScholz covers up.
BubiScholz attacks with a hook to the head, but Duncan blocks it .
Duncan launches a jab to the head, but flails uselessly .
Duncan reaches with an overhand right to the mouth, but BubiScholz steps aside .
Duncan annoys BubiScholz with a quick jab to the stomach.
BubiScholz throws a quick jab to the head.
Duncan reaches with an uppercut to the head, but BubiScholz escapes .


According to the Commentators:

BubiScholz landed 10 of 64 punches -- 2 power punches, 6 jabs, 2 rights. (26 points)
Jason Duncan landed 14 of 48 punches -- 4 power punches, 6 jabs, 4 rights. (40 points)

Jason Duncan won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.

Jason Duncan is winning the fight 96-94.

BubiScholz remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

Duncan remains standing while the trainer wipes him down. He has a cut over his left eye. He has bleeding over his right eye.


BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)
Duncan goes toe-to-toe. (inside)

Duncan lands an uppercut to the face.
Duncan throws a quick jab to the head. BubiScholz ignores it.
BubiScholz charges with a right to the chest, but Duncan blocks it .
Duncan lashes out with a straight right to the face, but BubiScholz slips it .
BubiScholz tries a jab to the eye, but Duncan knocks it away .
BubiScholz lashes out with a sweeping right to the face, but Duncan ties him up .
Duncan annoys BubiScholz with a jab to the stomach. BubiScholz sneers!
Duncan lashes out with a sweeping right to the head, but BubiScholz escapes .
Duncan fires a sweeping right to the head, but is ineffective .
Duncan charges with a jab to the head, but BubiScholz quickly backs away .
Duncan charges with a left to the temple, but BubiScholz retreats .
Duncan attacks with an uppercut to the eye, but BubiScholz dodges .
Duncan annoys BubiScholz with a left to the mouth.
Duncan hits with a hook to the eye.
BubiScholz throws a jab to the head. Duncan sneers!
Duncan lunges with a jab to the head, but BubiScholz retreats .
Duncan attempts a jab to the head, but BubiScholz steps aside .
BubiScholz hits with an uppercut to the chin.
Duncan throws a hook to the nose, but BubiScholz dodges .
BubiScholz attacks with a jab to the nose, but Duncan covers up .
BubiScholz tags Duncan with a jab to the stomach.
BubiScholz charges with an uppercut to the ribs, but Duncan ducks .
BubiScholz charges with a jab to the mouth, but Duncan ducks .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the head, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz tries to land a roundhouse to the temple, but falls short .
BubiScholz tries to land a jab to the solar plexus, but Duncan ducks .
Duncan launches an overhand right to the chin, but BubiScholz steps aside .


According to the Commentators:

BubiScholz landed 11 of 45 punches -- 2 power punches, 7 jabs, 2 rights. (28 points)
Jason Duncan landed 18 of 57 punches -- 5 power punches, 8 jabs, 5 rights. (51 points)

Jason Duncan won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.

Jason Duncan is winning the fight 106-103.

BubiScholz remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

Duncan remains standing while the trainer wipes him down. He has a cut over his left eye. He has bleeding over his right eye. He has a bloody nose.


BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)
Duncan goes toe-to-toe. (inside)

BubiScholz lunges with a hook to the face, but Duncan knocks it away .
Duncan reaches with a hook to the stomach, but BubiScholz ducks .
BubiScholz attempts a straight right to the face, but Duncan blocks it .
Duncan throws a hook to the eye.
BubiScholz attacks with an uppercut to the stomach, but it's too slow .
Duncan reaches with a right hand to the temple, but BubiScholz slips it .
BubiScholz throws a cross to the solar plexus, but it's weak .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the stomach, but Duncan ducks .
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the mouth, but it's short .
BubiScholz tries to land a left to the temple, but it's short .
BubiScholz connects with a quick jab to the head. Duncan ignores it.
BubiScholz throws a jab to the chest, but Duncan blocks it .
Duncan fires a sharp overhand right to the head.
BubiScholz charges with a hook to the head, but Duncan ties him up .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the head, but Duncan ducks .
Duncan throws a left to the mouth, but BubiScholz leaps aside .
BubiScholz probes with a jab to the temple, but Duncan knocks it away .
BubiScholz tries to land a jab to the solar plexus, but falls short .
BubiScholz attacks with a hook to the stomach. Duncan quickly recovers.
Duncan lands an uppercut to the mouth. BubiScholz sneers!
BubiScholz whacks Duncan with a stiff jab to the eye.
Duncan tries a straight right to the head, but is ineffective .
Duncan lunges with a hook to the nose, but BubiScholz steps aside .
Duncan connects with a cross to the jaw.
BubiScholz throws a jab to the ribs, but Duncan blocks it .
Duncan tags BubiScholz with a right hand to the mouth.
Duncan lashes out with a left to the face, but BubiScholz backpedals .
Duncan reaches with a hook to the eye, but BubiScholz escapes .
Duncan tries to land an uppercut to the head, but BubiScholz dodges .


According to the Commentators:

BubiScholz landed 12 of 64 punches -- 2 power punches, 8 jabs, 2 rights. (30 points)
Jason Duncan landed 18 of 48 punches -- 10 power punches, 0 jabs, 8 rights. (64 points)

Jason Duncan won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.

Jason Duncan is winning the fight 116-112.

BubiScholz grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.

Duncan grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool. He has a cut over his left eye. He has bleeding over his right eye. He has a bloody nose.


The judges' decisions are:

Judge Roy Bean scores the fight as follows:

Round 1: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 2: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 3: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 4: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 5: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 6: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 7: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 8: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 9: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 10: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 11: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 12: Jason Duncan 10-9

Total Score: Jason Duncan 116-112

Judge Judy scores the fight as follows:

Round 1: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 2: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 3: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 4: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 5: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 6: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 7: A 10-10 tie.
Round 8: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 9: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 10: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 11: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 12: Jason Duncan 10-9

Total Score: Jason Duncan 117-112

Judge Lao Mang Chen scores the fight as follows:

Round 1: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 2: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 3: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 4: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 5: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 6: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 7: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 8: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 9: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 10: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 11: Jason Duncan 10-9
Round 12: Jason Duncan 10-9

Total Score: Jason Duncan 116-112

Jason Duncan wins by decision!


(Anmerkung: Duncan ist der einzigste von Scholz' Gegnern, der es bis jetzt geschafft hat, WM zu werden)


Saturday, March 20
In this corner, standing 6 feet and 2 inches (188 centimeters) tall weighing in at 202 pounds (92 kilograms) with a record of 0 wins, 0 draws, and 0 losses fighting for Cologne Boxing out of Cologne, Germany is Evander Holyfield!!

In this corner, standing 6 feet and 6 inches (198 centimeters) tall weighing in at 255 pounds (116 kilograms) with a record of 0 wins, 0 draws, and 1 loss fighting for BubiScholzHalle out of Germany is BubiScholz!!

This bout is scheduled for 12 rounds.


Holyfield fights from outside. (outside)
BubiScholz is clinching a lot. (clinching)

Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a quick jab to the head.
Holyfield throws a quick jab to the jaw.
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a quick hook to the mouth. BubiScholz sneers!
Holyfield tries to land a jab to the chin, but BubiScholz falls into a clinch .
Holyfield lands a jab to the face. BubiScholz ignores it.
BubiScholz attacks with a sharp uppercut to the chest.
Holyfield lands a jab to the head.
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a hook to the head.
BubiScholz attempts an uppercut to the stomach, but it's weak .
BubiScholz reaches with an overhand right to the stomach, but is ineffective .
BubiScholz charges with a hook to the solar plexus, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
Holyfield lunges with a hook to the mouth, but BubiScholz falls into a clinch .
The referee warns BubiScholz about holding and hitting.
Holyfield reaches with a jab to the solar plexus, but he's off balance .
Holyfield tries to close, but BubiScholz ties him up.
Holyfield reaches with a jab to the head, but it's weak .
Holyfield charges with a jab to the stomach, but flails uselessly .
The referee admonishes BubiScholz to stop clinching.
BubiScholz punches Holyfield with an uppercut to the stomach.
Holyfield throws a jab to the head.
BubiScholz fires an uppercut to the stomach, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield launches a jab to the stomach, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
BubiScholz tries a roundhouse to the ribs, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
Holyfield tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
Holyfield fires an overhand right to the stomach, but falls short .
Holyfield probes with a sweeping right to the stomach, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
Holyfield connects with a sweeping right to the head.
Holyfield throws a jab to the jaw.


According to the Commentators:

Evander Holyfield landed 34 of 65 punches -- 5 power punches, 24 jabs, 5 rights. (83 points)
BubiScholz landed 6 of 24 punches -- 6 power punches, 0 jabs, 0 right. (24 points)

Evander Holyfield won the round 10-9 by landing more punches.

Evander Holyfield is winning the fight 10-9.

Holyfield doesn't need to rest.

BubiScholz doesn't need to rest.


Holyfield fights from outside. (outside)
BubiScholz is clinching a lot. (clinching)

BubiScholz fires a roundhouse to the ribs.
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a jab to the chin.
Holyfield attacks with a jab to the solar plexus, but falls short .
Holyfield lashes out with a jab to the stomach, but fails to score .
BubiScholz lashes out with an excellent uppercut to the stomach.
Holyfield throws an uppercut to the chest, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
The referee admonishes BubiScholz to stop clinching.
BubiScholz attacks with an uppercut to the mouth, but it's soft .
Holyfield tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
Holyfield tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz probes with a hook to the chest, but goes wide .
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a hook to the temple.
Holyfield throws a jab to the stomach, but fails to score .
Holyfield reaches with a jab to the head, but doesn't land it very well .
Holyfield throws an overhand right to the ribs. BubiScholz sneers!
Holyfield reaches with a hook to the temple, but it's soft .
Holyfield throws a quick jab to the nose. BubiScholz sneers!
The referee warns BubiScholz about holding and hitting.
Holyfield connects with a sweeping right to the ribs.
Holyfield reaches with a jab to the chest, but is ineffective .
BubiScholz throws an uppercut to the head, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
Holyfield tries a sweeping right to the nose, but it's short .
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a jab to the chest.
Holyfield launches a jab to the jaw, but misses completely .
Holyfield lashes out with a cross to the solar plexus, but BubiScholz falls into a clinch .
Holyfield throws a jab to the head.
BubiScholz lashes out with an overhand right to the stomach, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
Holyfield throws a jab to the solar plexus.


According to the Commentators:

Evander Holyfield landed 33 of 72 punches -- 5 power punches, 23 jabs, 5 rights. (81 points)
BubiScholz landed 6 of 23 punches -- 6 power punches, 0 jabs, 0 right. (24 points)

Evander Holyfield won the round 10-9 by landing more punches.

Evander Holyfield is winning the fight 20-18.

Holyfield doesn't need to rest.

BubiScholz remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.


Holyfield fights from outside. (outside)
BubiScholz is clinching a lot. (clinching)

BubiScholz whacks Holyfield with a heavy overhand right to the chest!
Holyfield lashes out with a jab to the nose, but it's short .
BubiScholz lunges with an overhand right to the ribs, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield connects with a jab to the head. BubiScholz sneers!
Holyfield probes with a jab to the head, but doesn't really connect .
BubiScholz lunges with an uppercut to the chest, but falls short .
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a quick uppercut to the jaw.
Holyfield throws a cross to the chest.
Holyfield tries to close, but BubiScholz ties him up.
The referee admonishes BubiScholz to stop clinching.
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a jab to the stomach. BubiScholz sneers!
Holyfield fires a sweeping right to the head, but BubiScholz falls into a clinch .
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a quick uppercut to the head. BubiScholz sneers!
Holyfield tries to close, but BubiScholz ties him up.
Holyfield tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz fires an uppercut to the stomach, but doesn't really connect .
BubiScholz fires a hook to the face, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield fires a jab to the jaw, but doesn't quite connect .
Holyfield lunges with a jab to the head, but BubiScholz ties him up .
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a quick jab to the ribs.
Holyfield throws a clean jab to the head.
BubiScholz lunges with an uppercut to the jaw, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield hits BubiScholz with a quick jab to the chin.
Holyfield charges with an uppercut to the chin, but BubiScholz falls into a clinch .


According to the Commentators:

Evander Holyfield landed 30 of 52 punches -- 4 power punches, 22 jabs, 4 rights. (72 points)
BubiScholz landed 4 of 23 punches -- 4 power punches, 0 jabs, 0 right. (16 points)

Evander Holyfield won the round 10-9 by landing more punches.

Evander Holyfield is winning the fight 30-27.

Holyfield remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

BubiScholz remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.


Holyfield backpedals. (outside)
BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)

BubiScholz launches a jab to the eye, but only touches with it .
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the solar plexus, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz connects with a jab to the chest.
BubiScholz throws a hook to the mouth, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz throws a left to the eye, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
Holyfield fires a cross to the solar plexus, but he's off balance .
BubiScholz attacks with a jab to the head, but falls short .
Holyfield throws a quick jab to the nose.
BubiScholz lashes out with a cross to the temple, but it's short .
BubiScholz lashes out with a jab to the head, but doesn't land it very well .
BubiScholz charges with a right hand to the face, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz hits Holyfield with a hook to the chest.
BubiScholz tries a jab to the head, but falls short .
BubiScholz probes with a jab to the face, but misses .
BubiScholz annoys Holyfield with a jab to the head.
BubiScholz charges with a jab to the stomach, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz fires an uppercut to the stomach, but Holyfield ties him up .
Holyfield throws a jab to the head, but BubiScholz steps aside .
BubiScholz tries an uppercut to the stomach, but Holyfield backpedals .


According to the Commentators:

Evander Holyfield landed 2 of 9 punches -- 0 power punches, 2 jabs, 0 right. (4 points)
BubiScholz landed 12 of 63 punches -- 2 power punches, 8 jabs, 2 rights. (30 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9 by throwing more punches.

Evander Holyfield is winning the fight 39-37.

Holyfield remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

BubiScholz grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.


Holyfield backpedals. (outside)
BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)

BubiScholz reaches with an uppercut to the chin, but it's weak .
BubiScholz annoys Holyfield with a jab to the chin.
BubiScholz tries a jab to the nose, but goes wide .
BubiScholz tries to land a jab to the head, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield attempts a right hand to the face, but BubiScholz leaps aside .
BubiScholz lunges with an uppercut to the chin, but doesn't quite connect .
BubiScholz hits with a jab to the head.
BubiScholz reaches with a jab to the head, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
Holyfield throws a jab to the solar plexus. BubiScholz sneers!
BubiScholz annoys Holyfield with an uppercut to the ribs.
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the temple, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz probes with a jab to the chest, but it's weak .
BubiScholz probes with a sweeping right to the ribs, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz attacks with a jab to the stomach, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz charges with a right to the chin, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz probes with a straight right to the jaw, but Holyfield ties him up .
Holyfield tries a jab to the stomach, but BubiScholz retreats .
BubiScholz lashes out with a hook to the head, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz launches a jab to the jaw, but Holyfield ties him up .


According to the Commentators:

Evander Holyfield landed 2 of 10 punches -- 0 power punches, 2 jabs, 0 right. (4 points)
BubiScholz landed 12 of 63 punches -- 2 power punches, 8 jabs, 2 rights. (30 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9 by throwing more punches.

Evander Holyfield is winning the fight 48-47.

Holyfield remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

BubiScholz is obviously tired.


Holyfield backpedals. (outside)
BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)

BubiScholz annoys Holyfield with a jab to the head.
BubiScholz reaches with a right to the face, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz connects with an uppercut to the nose.
BubiScholz launches a cross to the chin, but only touches with it .
BubiScholz probes with a jab to the eye, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz tries a jab to the mouth, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz scores with a jab to the solar plexus.
Holyfield tries a jab to the stomach, but BubiScholz steps aside .
BubiScholz reaches with an uppercut to the face, but flails uselessly .
BubiScholz launches a jab to the stomach, but it's short .
BubiScholz throws a sweeping right to the chin, but falls short .
BubiScholz tries a jab to the face, but flails uselessly .
BubiScholz tries to land a jab to the head, but it's short .
BubiScholz lashes out with an uppercut to the chest, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz lashes out with a jab to the eye, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
Holyfield lands a jab to the solar plexus.
BubiScholz charges with a roundhouse to the solar plexus, but Holyfield stays out of reach .


According to the Commentators:

Evander Holyfield landed 4 of 9 punches -- 1 power punch, 2 jabs, 1 right. (11 points)
BubiScholz landed 11 of 57 punches -- 2 power punches, 7 jabs, 2 rights. (28 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9 by throwing more punches.

The fight is too close to call at this point.

Holyfield remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

BubiScholz is obviously tired.


Holyfield backpedals. (outside)
BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)

BubiScholz attempts a jab to the chest, but he's off balance .
BubiScholz tries a jab to the head, but Holyfield ties him up .
Holyfield throws a jab to the ribs.
BubiScholz lunges with a jab to the solar plexus, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz throws a roundhouse to the nose, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz charges with a straight right to the face, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the nose, but he's off balance .
BubiScholz scores with a jab to the solar plexus.
BubiScholz tries to land an overhand right to the head, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz throws an overhand right to the chest, but only touches with it .
BubiScholz annoys Holyfield with a hook to the nose.
BubiScholz launches a jab to the stomach, but is ineffective .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the chin, but it's too slow .
BubiScholz tries to land a hook to the solar plexus, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz throws a left to the nose, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz reaches with a right to the head, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz lashes out with a jab to the chest, but Holyfield ties him up .
Holyfield reaches with a jab to the mouth, but BubiScholz escapes .
BubiScholz throws a left to the head, but flails uselessly .
BubiScholz lashes out with a jab to the head, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz annoys Holyfield with a quick jab to the head.
BubiScholz lashes out with a jab to the mouth, but doesn't really connect .


According to the Commentators:

Evander Holyfield landed 4 of 9 punches -- 1 power punch, 2 jabs, 1 right. (11 points)
BubiScholz landed 12 of 78 punches -- 2 power punches, 8 jabs, 2 rights. (30 points)

BubiScholz won the round 10-9 by throwing more punches.

BubiScholz is winning the fight 67-66.

Holyfield remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

BubiScholz is slowing down.


Holyfield fights from outside. (outside)
BubiScholz is clinching a lot. (clinching)

Holyfield tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz tries an uppercut to the stomach, but Holyfield ties him up .
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a quick jab to the chest.
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a left to the chest.
Holyfield attempts a jab to the ribs, but BubiScholz ties him up .
Holyfield charges with a jab to the stomach, but BubiScholz ties him up .
Holyfield lashes out with a jab to the jaw, but is ineffective .
BubiScholz fires a roundhouse to the stomach, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
Holyfield tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
BubiScholz punches Holyfield with a wild hook to the stomach.
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a jab to the stomach.
Holyfield throws a jab to the mouth. BubiScholz sneers!
Holyfield charges with a left to the ribs, but only touches with it .
Holyfield tags BubiScholz with a jab to the head.
BubiScholz tries a roundhouse to the solar plexus, but Holyfield ties him up .
Holyfield throws a quick jab to the temple.
Holyfield tries a jab to the solar plexus, but flails uselessly .
BubiScholz charges with a hook to the stomach, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield connects with a quick jab to the stomach. BubiScholz ignores it.
Holyfield tries to attack, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee separates them.
Holyfield throws a hook to the jaw.
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a jab to the ribs.
Holyfield probes with a jab to the eye, but BubiScholz hangs on until the referee breaks them up .
Holyfield throws a straight right to the eye.
Holyfield tries to close, but BubiScholz ties him up.
Holyfield attempts a jab to the temple, but doesn't really connect .
BubiScholz attempts an overhand right to the stomach, but it's too slow .
Holyfield tries an uppercut to the chin, but BubiScholz ties him up .
Holyfield throws a quick jab to the head. BubiScholz sneers!
Holyfield tags BubiScholz with a jab to the stomach.
Holyfield connects with an uppercut to the eye.


According to the Commentators:

Evander Holyfield landed 52 of 84 punches -- 6 power punches, 40 jabs, 6 rights. (122 points)
BubiScholz landed 3 of 23 punches -- 3 power punches, 0 jabs, 0 right. (12 points)

Evander Holyfield won the round 10-9 by landing more punches.

The fight is too close to call at this point.

Holyfield remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

BubiScholz is slowing down.


Holyfield fights from outside. (outside)
BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)

Holyfield attacks with a jab to the stomach, but BubiScholz quickly backs away .
Holyfield lashes out with a right to the eye, but BubiScholz quickly backs away .
Holyfield connects with a jab to the nose.
BubiScholz annoys Holyfield with a jab to the jaw. Holyfield sneers!
BubiScholz throws a sweeping right to the jaw, but goes wide .
Holyfield connects with a jab to the nose.
BubiScholz charges with a jab to the head, but fails to score .
BubiScholz probes with a right hand to the stomach, but it's soft .
Holyfield connects with a jab to the face.
BubiScholz probes with a jab to the solar plexus, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz probes with a straight right to the head, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield tries a jab to the head, but BubiScholz quickly backs away .
Holyfield tags BubiScholz with a quick uppercut to the face. BubiScholz ignores it.
Holyfield launches a jab to the ribs, but BubiScholz escapes .
Holyfield tries a jab to the temple, but BubiScholz escapes .
Holyfield hits BubiScholz with a quick left to the stomach.
Holyfield throws a left to the chin. BubiScholz sneers!
Holyfield fires an overhand right to the solar plexus, but BubiScholz avoids it .
Holyfield throws a hook to the nose. BubiScholz sneers!
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a jab to the jaw.
BubiScholz attacks with an uppercut to the stomach, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz attacks with a jab to the eye, but Holyfield ties him up .
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a quick jab to the eye.
BubiScholz launches a jab to the stomach, but it's too slow .
Holyfield launches a jab to the chest, but BubiScholz slips it .
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the solar plexus, but can't connect .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the mouth, but can't connect .
BubiScholz tries a jab to the solar plexus, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz pops Holyfield with a nice jab to the ribs. Holyfield hangs on until the referee breaks them up.
BubiScholz launches a hook to the face, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield lands a quick jab to the solar plexus.
BubiScholz annoys Holyfield with an uppercut to the stomach.
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a jab to the mouth.
Holyfield connects with a jab to the mouth.
Holyfield fires a jab to the head, but he's off balance .
BubiScholz reaches with a hook to the ribs, but misses .
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a jab to the solar plexus. BubiScholz sneers!


According to the Commentators:

Evander Holyfield landed 51 of 82 punches -- 6 power punches, 39 jabs, 6 rights. (120 points)
BubiScholz landed 12 of 62 punches -- 2 power punches, 8 jabs, 2 rights. (30 points)

Evander Holyfield won the round 10-9 by landing more punches.

Evander Holyfield is winning the fight 86-85.

Holyfield remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

BubiScholz looks exhausted.


Holyfield fights from outside. (outside)
BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)

BubiScholz throws a sweeping right to the ribs, but doesn't land it very well .
Holyfield attempts a jab to the temple, but BubiScholz deftly avoids it .
Holyfield lands a quick jab to the jaw.
BubiScholz throws a cross to the head. Holyfield ignores it.
BubiScholz throws a roundhouse to the nose, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield launches a jab to the jaw, but falls short .
BubiScholz probes with a jab to the head, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz launches a jab to the face, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield throws a jab to the chin.
BubiScholz reaches with a jab to the jaw, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
Holyfield throws a quick jab to the face.
Holyfield throws a quick jab to the face.
BubiScholz reaches with a right hand to the chin, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz launches a jab to the head, but it's short .
BubiScholz attacks with a jab to the temple, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield tags BubiScholz with an overhand right to the head.
BubiScholz lunges with a jab to the nose, but falls short .
BubiScholz reaches with a hook to the temple, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz reaches with a hook to the ribs, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield throws a jab to the face.
Holyfield lands a jab to the jaw. BubiScholz quickly recovers.
Holyfield reaches with a jab to the head, but BubiScholz backpedals .
Holyfield throws a quick sweeping right to the jaw.
BubiScholz tries a jab to the head, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz tries a sweeping right to the temple, but is ineffective .
BubiScholz fires a jab to the jaw. Holyfield covers up.
Holyfield reaches with a jab to the chest, but BubiScholz dodges .
Holyfield throws a jab to the solar plexus.
Holyfield probes with a roundhouse to the nose, but BubiScholz narrowly avoids it .
BubiScholz probes with a jab to the stomach, but he's off balance .
Holyfield connects with a jab to the stomach. BubiScholz sneers!
BubiScholz throws a hook to the temple, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz reaches with a right hand to the chest, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield connects with a right hand to the mouth. BubiScholz ignores it.
Holyfield lands a quick roundhouse to the eye.
Holyfield lashes out with a left to the head, but BubiScholz quickly backs away .
BubiScholz tries a jab to the stomach, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
Holyfield reaches with a jab to the nose, but falls short .
Holyfield connects with a jab to the stomach. BubiScholz ignores it.
Holyfield hits BubiScholz with a jab to the temple.


According to the Commentators:

Evander Holyfield landed 54 of 82 punches -- 6 power punches, 42 jabs, 6 rights. (126 points)
BubiScholz landed 7 of 74 punches -- 1 power punch, 5 jabs, 1 right. (17 points)

Evander Holyfield won the round 10-9 by landing more punches.

Evander Holyfield is winning the fight 96-94.

Holyfield remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

BubiScholz collapses limply onto his stool.


Holyfield fights from outside. (outside)
BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)

Holyfield charges with a jab to the head, but doesn't quite connect .
Holyfield hits BubiScholz with an overhand right to the stomach.
Holyfield lunges with a jab to the solar plexus, but BubiScholz steps aside .
Holyfield throws a jab to the mouth.
BubiScholz launches an uppercut to the solar plexus, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the ribs, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the stomach, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz lunges with a jab to the solar plexus, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz tries to land a straight right to the head, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield tags BubiScholz with a clean jab to the ribs.
Holyfield charges with a left to the eye, but BubiScholz backpedals .
Holyfield throws a jab to the solar plexus.
BubiScholz attempts a hook to the head, but only touches with it .
Holyfield fires a jab to the head, but BubiScholz escapes .
Holyfield connects with a quick jab to the face.
BubiScholz tries to land a jab to the head, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz attempts a sweeping right to the ribs, but it's soft .
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a jab to the head. BubiScholz sneers!
BubiScholz charges with a jab to the chin, but Holyfield backpedals .
Holyfield throws a jab to the eye, but BubiScholz leaps aside .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the stomach, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
Holyfield lands a clean overhand right to the face.
BubiScholz tries to land a straight right to the chest, but falls short .
Holyfield probes with a jab to the chest, but can't connect .
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a right hand to the head.
BubiScholz attacks with a roundhouse to the nose, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a quick jab to the ribs.
Holyfield probes with a jab to the stomach, but BubiScholz ducks .
BubiScholz hits with a jab to the chest.
BubiScholz tries a right hand to the temple, but goes wide .
BubiScholz charges with a hook to the chest, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
Holyfield annoys BubiScholz with a jab to the chin.
Holyfield connects with a clean sweeping right to the stomach.
BubiScholz lashes out with a jab to the eye, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz probes with a jab to the chest, but Holyfield ties him up .
Holyfield tries to land an uppercut to the stomach, but BubiScholz ducks .
Holyfield hits BubiScholz with a clean jab to the head.


According to the Commentators:

Evander Holyfield landed 49 of 79 punches -- 6 power punches, 37 jabs, 6 rights. (116 points)
BubiScholz landed 5 of 67 punches -- 1 power punch, 3 jabs, 1 right. (13 points)

Evander Holyfield won the round 10-9 by landing more punches.

Evander Holyfield is winning the fight 106-103.

Holyfield remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

BubiScholz requires medical attention from his trainer.


Holyfield backpedals. (outside)
BubiScholz dances around the ring. (using the ring)

BubiScholz fires a straight right to the temple, but Holyfield ties him up .
Holyfield tags BubiScholz with a clean jab to the head.
Holyfield charges with a jab to the stomach, but BubiScholz deftly avoids it .
BubiScholz lands a quick jab to the solar plexus.
BubiScholz lashes out with an uppercut to the stomach, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the ribs, but falls short .
BubiScholz fires a jab to the stomach, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz throws a right to the jaw, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the stomach, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz tries a jab to the head, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz charges with a jab to the stomach, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz fires a jab to the face, but it's too slow .
BubiScholz throws a left to the chest, but it's short .
BubiScholz tries to land a hook to the head, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz throws a jab to the stomach, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz lashes out with a jab to the head, but Holyfield backpedals .
BubiScholz charges with an uppercut to the temple, but Holyfield ties him up .
BubiScholz charges with a right to the stomach, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz attempts a jab to the temple, but Holyfield stays out of reach .
BubiScholz probes with an overhand right to the ribs, but it's too slow .


According to the Commentators:

Evander Holyfield landed 4 of 9 punches -- 1 power punch, 2 jabs, 1 right. (11 points)
BubiScholz landed 1 of 67 punches -- 0 power punches, 1 jab, 0 right. (2 points)

Evander Holyfield won the round 10-9 with more accurate punching.

Evander Holyfield is winning the fight 116-112.

Holyfield remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

BubiScholz requires medical attention from his trainer.


The judges' decisions are:

Judge Roy Bean scores the fight as follows:

Round 1: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 2: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 3: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 4: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 5: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 6: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 7: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 8: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 9: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 10: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 11: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 12: Evander Holyfield 10-9

Total Score: Evander Holyfield 116-112

Judge Judy scores the fight as follows:

Round 1: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 2: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 3: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 4: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 5: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 6: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 7: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 8: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 9: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 10: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 11: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 12: Evander Holyfield 10-9

Total Score: Evander Holyfield 116-112

Judge Lao Mang Chen scores the fight as follows:

Round 1: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 2: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 3: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 4: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 5: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 6: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 7: BubiScholz 10-9
Round 8: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 9: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 10: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 11: Evander Holyfield 10-9
Round 12: Evander Holyfield 10-9

Total Score: Evander Holyfield 116-112

Evander Holyfield wins by decision!


So.. das war ein kleiner Tribut an den wohl besten Journeyman in der HW Geschichte dieser Region :D ;) :thumb: :wavey:

Johnny Brasco

@ HR:
13 zu 13... :D

Das war aber echt 'ne richtig knappe Geschichte...
If hisstuns - mystuns > 0 then 5H/10/5 (inside)?

Aber nicht mit Boris... :D
Viele von solchen Schlachten macht der alte Mann aber auch nicht mehr mit...


Ballagoal schrieb:
So.. das war ein kleiner Tribut an den wohl besten Journeyman in der HW Geschichte dieser Region :D ;) :thumb: :wavey:

Wirklich ein feiner Zug von dir Balla !!! :thumb:

Ich glaube aber die Kurzform hätte es auch getan und die eingefleischten Fans hätte sich ja dann die Fights auf Vivi ansehen können.

Bemerkenswert war sein Comeback nach langer Pause.

W. " The Dancer " Duehring ( fightibrandon) - 6 feet 3 inches - Heavyweight bout on July 9, week 291: lost by KO in round 12 (1:22 ) Score: 102-107, 102-107, 102-108 highlights

vs The Allmighty ( Cornholio Boxing Gym) - 6 feet 10 inches - Heavyweight bout on July 2, week 290: won by KO in round 1 (1:08 ) Earned $12,672 . highlights

vs The Allmighty ( Cornholio Boxing Gym) - 6 feet 10 inches - Heavyweight bout on June 25, week 289: won by KO in round 1 (2:07 ) Earned $13,750 . highlights

vs Tall Man ( Cornholio Boxing Gym) - 7 feet 1 inch - Heavyweight bout on June 18, week 288: won by KO in round 1 (2:19 ) highlights

vs Tall Man ( Cornholio Boxing Gym) - 7 feet 1 inch - Heavyweight bout on June 11, week 287: won by KO in round 1 (2:18 ) highlights

vs Tall Man ( Cornholio Boxing Gym) - 7 feet 1 inch - Heavyweight bout on June 4, week 286: won by KO in round 1 (2:24 ) Earned $88 . highlights

vs Tall Man ( Cornholio Boxing Gym) - 7 feet 1 inch - Heavyweight bout on May 28, week 285: lost by unanimous decision. Score: 111-116, 111-116, 111-116 highlights

und irgendwie glaube ich noch nicht das schluß ist !!!

Er will es noch einmal wissen !!!