Seitz is a raging bull! (all out)
Martyr fights from outside. (outside)
Martyr punches Seitz with a jab to the jaw.
Martyr jars Seitz with a big jab to the stomach!! The crowd is on its feet!! Seitz grimaces in pain.
Seitz tries a left to the stomach, but Martyr backpedals .
Martyr jars Seitz with a big jab to the head!! The crowd is on its feet!!
Martyr jars Seitz with a big jab to the stomach!! The crowd is on its feet!! Seitz grimaces in pain.
Seitz throws a hook to the face, but Martyr backpedals .
Martyr jars Seitz with a big hook to the ribs!! The crowd is on its feet!! Seitz is hurt!! He falls into a clinch and the ref forces them apart!
Martyr jars Seitz with a big hook to the jaw!! The crowd is on its feet!!
Seitz charges with a left to the head, but Martyr ties him up .
Martyr throws a jab to the head, but Seitz slips it .
... Martyr is raining blows! Seitz isn't defending himself! The Referee stops the fight!
Lace Martyr wins by a Knock Out!!
Time: 1:07
Seitz can't remember which corner is his. He has bleeding over his right eye.
Martyr remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

Gratulation an Lace. Der hat Seitz ganz schön auseinandergenommen
und das in Runde 8
Wenigstens war Seitz nicht aufm Boden
Linhart hat schon wieder gewonnen. So kenn ich denn ja garnicht.
Sollte er wirklich mal zu einem WM-FIGHT kommen???