Round 1: And there's the bell! Both fighters meet in center ring, and Floyd begins by sticking with his jab. Big right hand from Mayweather misses the mark. Left hand to the body from Pacquiao. Counter uppercut from Floyd catches Manny on the chest. Pacquiao coming out low and aggressive, targeting straight punches to the body so far. Pacquiao extends the jab, and Floyd lands a good counter right hand on Pacman's jaw. Low blow from Pacquiao, and they're already fighting at a very slow, Mayweather pace. Vicious counter right from Mayweather--audible impact on that one. Pacquiao sneaks in a soft left to the face, and they clinch to end the round. 10-9 Mayweather
Round 2: Pacquiao starting very, very aggressively, taking the risk of flinging himself into Mayweather with a pair of left hands. Nothing big landing, but there's a jab from Mayweather. Now Pac corners FLoyd and bangs him with some jabs and right hands in the corner. Roar from the croawd as Pacquiao gets busy in the corner. Making Floyd miss with some of his right hands now, but not getting in much of his own. There's a decent right from Pacquiao as Floyd finds himself backed into the ropes, but Floyd circles out. 10-9 Mayweather, 20-18
Round 3: Pacquiao coming out very aggressive, getting Mayweather flinching with jab feints. A hard left to the body from Pacman, and then one from Mayweather that went a little low. Mayweather lunges forward and runs right into a ramrod Pacquiao jab. Note: we are experiencing technical difficulties, so play-by-play will be limited till they are resolved. 10-9 Pacquiao, 29-28 Mayweather
Round 4:
Round 5: Mayweather immediately starts working his way back into this fight after losing the momentum basdly in the last round.
Round 6: Manny jabs and blocks Floyd’s first counter right of the round. Vicious left hands to the guard of Mayweather, but he lands a right hook to the body. Really throwing with ill intent here, and he gets in a straight left to the jaw as Mayweather retreats. Crushing left straight to the collarbone of Mayweather, and Floyd misses with his counter. Floyd is really holding Pacquiao in the clinches whenever they tie up. Pacquiao gets FLoyd with a wide left hand, and Floyd is forced to lay on the ropes yet again, holding up his gloves but absorbing body shots in the process. Floyd tries to get back with the right hand, but Pac blocks it. Right to the body now, and Pacquiao fires a counter uppercut. Now Pacman lunges in and lands the left downstairs. 10-9 Pacquiao, 57-57
Round 7: Floyd's father and Leonard Ellerbe were incredibly unhappy with Floyd in the corner. Ellerbe actually asked Floyd "What's wrong with you?" at one point. Not a good sign for him. Pacquiao lunges and misses with a few punches. Mayweather lands with a good counter right to the chest and knocks Pacquiao off balance. Mayweather reaches on a right hand. Floyd is managing to slow the pace of this fight once again. Hard jab from Pacquiao. Perfect 1-2 for Pacquiao knocks Mayweather back onto his heels and drives him to the ropes. Another left hand to the chest. And a hard left uppercut to the belly. Counter jab from Pacquiao. Pacquiao may just have won this round on the strength of that last minute, but it was close. 10-9 Pacquiao, 67-66
Round 8: Slow start to this round. Pacquiao lunges in and misses with a left hand, then a left hook. But then, back in center ring, Pac lands a short left. And now a hard straight left to the chin of Mayweather. Floyd looks to be bleeding badly from the mouth or nose. Solid left uppercut to FLoyd's body. Mayweather is taking too much time off here. He may be tired--movements coming more slowly now. Body jab from Mayweather. Pacquiao steps in with a jab and eats a picture perfect counter right. Mayweather is putting serious sting behind his shots in this fight. Solid left hook from Floyd, and he seems to be building momentum. Mayweather jabbing now--a rarity in his southpaw fights. Pacquiao counters a Mayweather counter with his left hand to the stomach. Manny ends the round chasing after Floyd. 10-9 Pacquiao, 77-75
Round 9: Pacquiao rushes Mayeather into the ropes but can't land cleanly. Almost eats a counter right and flails wildly in a counter attempt, landing little but a pair of cuffing shots after they tie up. Nice straight left from Pacquiao to counter the Mayweather jab. Manny whiffs on a lead left and eats a Mayweather right hand. Tries to lunge in again and Floyd shoves him back. Mayweather sticks Pacman with a sharp jab as he tries to get work done against the ropes. Counters the Pacquiao left with his own right, glancing off of Pacquiao's head. Glancing lead right from Floyd. Pacquiao lunges in with a body shot, and stings Mayweather with a right hook right after. Now Mayweather responds with a brutal counter right when he tries to follow up. 10-9 Mayweather, 86-85 Pacquiao
Round 10: Floyd leads first, missing with his classic left hook. Pacquiao feinting and jabbing again, lands a left hand to the gut and a follow-up that seems to catch Floyd just under the chin. Pacquiao tries to jab his way again, but eats a glancing counter from Floyd. Mayweather lands the lead right, but Pacquiao gets back with the counter hook. Pacquiao runs Mayweather into the ropes, but can't get much done. Mayweather moving around a lot more now. Piercing left hand to the beltline from Pacquiao, and there's a nice left hand to the chin. Tries to reengage, and ends up sliding under Mayweather's right hand and into a clinch. Pacquiao lads the jab and slips the inevitable counter right. Floyd tries his check hook at the bell. 10-9 Pacquiao, 96-94
Round 11: Floyd runs out of the corner and swings a killer right hand at Pacquiao's head, followed by a thudding left hook. I haven't seen Floyd go after an opponent with punches like that in some time. There's another hard right from Floyd that missed. Pacquiao looking for the uppercut, but Mayweather glides under it. Pacquiao with the body uppercut and a missed right hook. Floyd countering once again after that early gambit. Pacquiao struggling to land as Mayweather learns his movements. Good left hand to the body from Manny Pacquiao. Floyd stops Pac's advance with a sharp lead right in center ring. Manny feints his way into the corner, flurries without getting anything in, and eats a Mayweather right at range. Left hook from Floyd, and he's taunting Manny with his hands at his waist now. Pacquiao bangs his gloves together as Mayweather runs away, and Floyd answers in kind. 10-9 Mayweather, 105-104 Pacquiao
Round 12: Mayweather slinging straight punches to keep Pacquiao from closing the gab. Pacquiao gets him with a glancing jab. Mayweather blocks the lead left, and pivots out of the corner away from the incoming Pacquiao hook. Manny touches Floyd's chin with a sneaky lead left. Good left hand to the body from Pacman. Pacquiao closing the distance more and more, but Mayweather continues to spin out of the corners and avoid danger. Both fighters feinting and fighting cautiously now. Mayweather really hustling to get away from Pacquiao now, and Manny stings him with a jab. Mayweather seems to think he's got this in the bag. He's barely punching back at Manny, just making him miss. 10-9 Pacquiao, 115-113 Manny Pacquiao