Orlando Magic - Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen


Ob eine Top-FA-Verpflichtung wie Lewis und Carter möglich sind, möchte ich zumindest noch stark anzweifeln.
Wir haben einige FA, die man eigentlich halten müsste (Darko, Dooling, Diener, Hill). Nur weil die jedoch FA sind, heißt es nicht, daß sie nicht gegen die Salary Cap zählen - daß tun sie nämlich, zumindst solange, wie wir noch die Rechte an ihnen haben. Siehe auch Frage 30 im CBA-FAQ von Larry Coon um zu sehen, wer wieviel gegen die Salary Cap zählt.
Unsere FA zählen dann auch so lange gegen die Salary Cap, bis wir entweder deren Vertrag verlängert haben - wenn Darko da wirklich einen dicken Vertrag bekommen sollte, dürfte schon eine ordentliche Portion vom theoretischen Caproom weg sein -, oder man auf die Rechte an ihnen verzichtet. Da wäre die Sachlage dann so, daß wir keine Bird-Rechte mehr hätten und somit auch keine Möglichkeit mehr, über die Salary Cap-Grenze hinaus zu gehen, um unsere eigenen Spieler zu halten. Wir müssten sie also vom restlich verfügbaren Caproom verpflichten. Diese Option wäre wohl nicht wirklich interessant, weil wir dann vielleicht einen Superstar mehr im Kader hätten, wenn wir dafür die Rechte an allen eigenen FA's abtreten, aber dafür keine Bank mehr.


dieses Team ist .....

HI Leute!

Ich bin zurück aus Orlando und was seit Anfang Dezember mit diesem Team abgeht, ist echt nimma normal. Ich konnte 6 Spiele live sehen bzw. die restlichen jetzt im Jänner online & DVD verfolgen – und folgende Punkte sollte man meines Erachtens ändern: Diese Punkte werden vielleicht hinfällig, wenn sich Otis entschließen sollte, Brian Hill endlich zu feuern. Da das aber nicht passieren wird, hier meine Vorschläge:

1) Trade Arroyo – ich war schon letztes Jahr kein Freund von Carlos. Heuer hat es gut angefangen, wie Jameer schwächelte aber seit Dezember ist es echt unerträglich. Die Combo Jameer/Carlos funktioniert nicht (zumindest nicht unter Brian Hill`s System). Beide wollen sich gegenseitig immer übertrumpfen bzw. agieren überhastet. Mit Travis als Backup von Jameer läuft das Spiel wesentlich flüssiger & Jameer kann sich find ich mehr entfalten, weil er sich nicht „verkrampfen“ muss.
2) Bench Hedo/Hill – einer der beiden sollte auf die Bank gehen, damit ein SG wie JJ oder Bogans/Dooling starten kann. Von der Form her würde ich sagen Hedo sollte klar gebencht werden, aber Hill sollte eh nicht soviel spielen, drum wäre er als 6ter Mann vielleicht ganz gut. Eine 2te Unit mit Diener, Hill, Ariza, Darko, usw.. klingt nicht übel und verfügt über Slasher/Spielintelligenz & Shootern.
3) Fehlende Emotionen – das Team spielt völlig lustlos. Vorbei sind die Momente wo uns Steve-O mit einer Aktion leben einhauchen konnte :( Ariza war da mit Abstand der beste, durch seine Hustle bzw. spektakuläre Spielweise gelang es ihm hin und wieder. Dwight & Jameer haben zwar aufregende Momente aber leider nicht – welche die die ganzen Fans mitreißen. Das Team lebt von Emotionen, weil es noch so jung ist bzw. das pusht logischerweise jeden noch mal. Aber jetzt wo sich keiner was traut bzw. die Lustlosigkeit regiert fehlt eben so eine Person. :belehr:
4) Rotation – sorry aber Brian Hill ist diesem Punkt eine absolute Flasche. JJ spielt viel zu wenig, Augustine hat noch gar keine Minute gespielt obwohl er rebounden kann & immerhin seine Freiwürfe trifft. Darko wird meiner Meinung nach falsch eingesetzt. Travis hat das selbe Problem wie JJ. Outlaw der mal Emotionen bringen kann, spielt kaum. Auch die Lineups sind ein witz. Er lässt sich viel zu viel Zeit beim wechseln, bzw. nimmt die falschen Leute raus. :idiot: :gitche:
5) Dwight Howard – Dwight ist super keine Frage. Und er ist erst 21. Aber das sind keine Ausreden dafür, das er noch immer keine Freiwürfe kann, noch keinen soliden Jumper hat bzw. noch viel zu viele TO begeht. Er will der Leader sein, der in der Crunch Time den Ball haben will – dann muss er erstmal lernen die TO zu reduzieren bzw. FT zu treffen. Auch seine Reboundarbeit lässt zuletzt doch sehr zu wünschen übrig, was nur eine Einstellungssache sein kann. :mad: Das mit TO und FT gilt natürlich auch für Darko & Grant. Alle glauben immer sie müssen dribbeln & schön spielen was mich gleich zum nächsten Punkt bringt
6) Krampfhaft schön spielen – also das bekomm ich echt den dicksten Hals. Wie kann es sein, das immer versucht wird zu dribblen (Big Men), zu schön zu viel zu Passen (Guards, Hill) bzw. immer mit Dunking abschließen zu wollen (Dwight). Sorry aber wir sind nicht die Suns. Wenn wir führen bzw. den Rhythmus haben kommt der Rest sowieso automatisch aber immer diese künstlich schöne vor allem wenn es Spiele kostet, den Gegner wieder stark macht weil die das unterbinden usw.
7) Steve-O - Letztes Jahr haben viele gesagt es lag an Francis warum der Einbruch kam bzw. an seine Dominanz am Court. Und nachdem Trade sah es auch so aus 16-6 letzte Season bzw. heuer 13-4 Start als würde es stimmen, doch Steve-O ist jetzt leider weg, Grant ist endlich fit, Jameer immer noch starter, Ariza war fit, Darko spielt mehr & das Team ist tiefer & trotzdem ist erneut so ein Einbruch da. Meine Theorie: Es liegt am Coaching Staff der den Spieler nicht vermitteln kann, das man trotzdem ernst weiterspielt, alles gibt, sich auf die wichtigen Dinge (TO reduzieren, Reboundarbeit, „richtige“ Spielzüge) zu konzentrieren. Ich sage es lag nicht an Steve-O, der immer noch viele sympathien in Orlando genießt – nur so zur Info. Sicher das Team spielte befreiter auf, nachdem er weg war, weil sie auch nichts mehr zu verlieren hatten, selber Grund warum es heuer am Anfang auch lief, doch sobald es um was geht – wie playoffs – kann man das Team derzeit leider vergessen.

Wie gesagt ich glaube wenn Brian Hill endlich seine Sturheit ablegt bzw. seine Fehler einsieht & dran arbeitet, dann ist das Team besser. Aber seine Sturheit haben ja Penny, Steve-O und auch Spieler damals in Vancouver schon anklingen lassen. Also entweder ein veränderter Brian Hill, oder ein weiterer Trade – wenn angeblich auch nur ein kleiner um die Probleme zu lösen oder ein Coaching Change.

Bin für Kritiken & andere Anregungen/Vorschläge gerne offen




Doppel Nullagent
Man hau mir bloß ab mit Francis. Wir sidn froh das´wir den los sind. Klar liegts hauptsächlich am coaching, aber der Trade war die reinste Erlösung. Francis ist die Pest. Wir gut er ist sieht man ja, dass er nicht mal bei den Knicks den Sprung in die Rotation schafft.
Wir sind *******e, weil wir schlechte Coaches haben. Otis hat gute Arbeit geleistet, nur wurde das leider schlecht umgesetzt. Wir spielen einfach schlecht. Keinen Game Plan, können nicht auf die Taktik des Gegners reagieren, keinen Leader(ich dachte Jameer kann das) und auch wie du schon richtig sagtest, keine Emotionen.
Brian Hill muss weg, aber das ist nicht wahrscheinlich da er mit dem Eigner sich ziemlich gut steht. Also was solls? Bleibt uns nichts weiteres über als zuzusehen wie die Saison in den Sand gesetzt wird.


basketball.de Mitarbeiter
"To say my coach is not doing a good job would be crazy," Smith said. "I think he's doing a fantastic job with what we have."


Im allgemeinen kann sowas ja zwei Bedeutungen haben.

Variante A: (die nicht so gut ist) Das Management steht tatsächlich hinter Hill und wir dürfen uns auf verpasste Playoffs freuen.

Variante B: (die erhoffte) Wir haben schon nächste Woche einen neuen Trainer.


Wer wäre denn als Coach überhaupt verfügbar wenn Hill weg wäre?

Smith hat sich als sehr kompetenter Mann erwiesen, siehe die Trades usw. Ich glaub schon das er sieht das Brian Hill nur Mist baut im Moment.


Ich habe die letzten Tage mal ein paar Bekannte angezwackt, was sie so gehört haben aus dem Umfeld. Einhellige Meinung, und ich zitiere: "It basically comes down to this: The team has tuned Coach Hill out."

Als Gründe werden vor allem seine cholerischen Ausfälle genannt, und weil er die jungen Spieler wie ein Drillseargent im Training, während des Spiels und bei jeder anderen Gelegenheit anschnauzt, als gäbe es kein Morgen. Er gibt immer den Spielern die Schuld für Fehler und gesteht sich selber keine Fehler ein, haut die Spieler ständig in die Pfanne usw. Geduldiges Teaching ist nicht so wirklich sein Ding scheinbar. Sieht also nicht gut aus.
Ob Otis den Mut hat, ihn zu entlassen? Mit Sicherheit. Ob er allerdings von DeVos und dem Bachelor die Erlaubnis bekommt... Ich glaube nicht. Brian Hill ist ja vor allem deswegen geholt worden, um die Community wieder zurück zu gewinnen, um die Arena zu bekommen. Damit dürfte die Saison allerdings dann auch den Bach runtergehen.
Man kann nur hoffen, daß sich DeVos noch an Shaq's Abgang erinnert. Da war diese widerliche Art von Hill auch einer der Hauptgründe. Dwight ist momentan der frustrierteste im Team, weil er vermehrt die Schläge von ihm abbekommt. Das sieht man auch an der ganzen Körperhaltung. Vor einigen Spielen hat der Coach ihn ja während einer Auszeit so zusammengeschissen, daß Grant ihn danach erstmal "aufmuntern" musste.


Doppel Nullagent
Gott ey, diese Pissbacke. Ich hoffe es fällt ein Meteorit auf sein Haus.

Einfach lächerlich wie er die Mannschaft vercoacht, aber was solls....wir reden ja schon seit dem 5.Spieltag davon. Nur damals hiess es zumeist: solange wie Gewinnen ist alles in Butter.
Die Zeichen waren allerdings schon damals mehr als deutlich.


Zwar etwas lang, aber durchaus interessant:

Already armed with a few completed interviews of former NBA players, I sat infront of my TV watching the Magic play the Atlanta Hawks hoping that Penny Hardaway would grant my last interview request before doing this story. As of yet Hardaway has not come to a decision and this story has begun to grow legs of its own. To understand Coach Brian Hill you have to go back in time to the only NBA finals the Orlando Magic have ever been a part of. The Magic were riding high with the "why not us, why not now?" motto drummed up by owner Rich DeVos. Up until the opening tip off of the NBA finals the Magic had not had to play any teams with a dominant big man in the middle. It semed at the time all Hill had to do was play his inside out game with Shaq and all the cards would fall in to place. Every player had a specific role with the team and each starter was young and highly talented. But then the world came crashing down on the Magic and they were swept out of the playoffs 4-0 by the Houston Rockets. A lot of fans and media immediately pointed the finger at the players. Many cited that if Nick had made his free throws in the first game it would have been a different seriess and possibly a different outcome. This is where my story has to begin. I have taken the time to get interviews with 2 former Magic players and one former Grizzly in an attempt to perhaps understand why teams led by Brian Hill either perform extremely well or fall on their face. This story was to be published on another website and since I have so far been unable to get an interview with Penny Hardaway, it did not meet the deadline and thus I am completing it and posting it on here with the hope that it will have a final ending on it once I speak with Penny, for this reason I will use this forum as a summation of the events without quoting the specific players until I can verify what they said with Penny.

Going back to the time where the Magic got swept by the Rockets, the media was piling on the players and the players, namely Shaq, felt the coaches needed to share in the responsibility of the loss. Unfortunately, from many players perspectives, Coach Hill never took any of the heat for the loss. Immediately repercussions were felt that would last for a while and in the end haunt the Magic. At some point during the summer of 1995 Shaq came to the Magic management and let his feelings be known that he felt Brian Hill was not the right coach for him or the team. He was not openly trying to get Hill fired, he just let it be known he wanted to be coached by someone with a different style and a chmpionship track record. At the time management did not feel it was necessary to make a change since they had come off a longplayoff run, that in their mind was still a success eventhough the Magic did not win the Championship. Rumblings continued to plague the team during the 1996-1996 season. Shaq watched as Phil Jackson coached the Chicago Bulls to one of the all-time great records in NBA history. The magic were bounced from the playoffs by the Bulls that season and it was the last time Shaq ever wore a Magic uniform. During the summer of 1996 a lot was being writtne about the rift between Penny and Shaq and how Shaq felt disrecpected. This "fued" was really a media creation but in Shaq's mind it was very real but it was not necessarrily direct at Penny, but directed at Coach Brian Hill. As I was told, Brian Hill really favored Penny Hardaway. If there was ever a problem with the team on the court or in practice, Brian Hill rode Shaq the hardest and really never let Penny shoulder any blame, while giving him all the fame. When it came time to negotiate a new contract with Shaq in the summer of 1996, one of the biggest problems shaq had with the Magic is their insistence on not changing the coach. In management's mind, Coach Hill was just as much of the reason for success as was Peny as was Shaq. That equally they collectively were responsible for the success of the Magic, just not one person. Because of this and other reasons, Shaq made the decision to not resign with the Magic.

When the 1996-1997 season began, a lot of pressure was being put on Hardaway to now spread his wings and take his rightful place on the NBA throne unseating Michael Jordan. Many believed in the Magic organization that Shaq held back the growth of Penny and no one was more sure of this than Coach Brian Hill. Sure the loss of Shaq was devastating, but they still had Penny. Coach Hill really felt he could have just as good of team with Penny being the focal point of the offense. This caused a lot of problems between Penny and his teammates because he was now viewed as the REASON Shaq wanted to leave Orlando. As the season progessed and Shaq was no longer around to bear the brunt of Coach Hill's frustrations, Penny was the focus of all of Coach Hill's blowups, frustrations and player turmoil. Coach Hill put Penny in the position to be everything to the team and held him personally accountable when the team faultered. This was a lot to put on any player. The weight of the world was thrust upon Penny's shoulders because of Brian Hill. It was Brian Hill that favored Penny over Shaq during Shaq's tenure. It was because of this that Penny was villified in the press for Shaq leaving and never once did Coach Hill stand up and take any responsibility for it. A lot more could be written here that this pressure caused Penny to return too early from his first knee surgery causing an even bigger problem with his knee and thus destroying the prime of his career. Horace grant saw this first hand and because of this later on in his own career he encouraged then teammate Steven Hunter to not come back from surgery just to help the team and used Penny as an example of what could happen. This was the pressure Coach Hill put on to Penny Haradaway because it seems in Coach Hill's mind he stuck up for Penny and had a belief in him that was greater than that in Shaq. Penny to him was the next Michael Jordan. Penny was the $300,000 sports car, Shaq was the $300,000 bull-dozer. It finally came down to Penny feeling so much heat from Shaq leaving and that he was Brian Hill's boy that he had to show loyalty to his teammates instead of the overbearing Coach Hill.

I was told that when the team was winning under Coach Hill everyone bought in to everything Coach Hill tried to do, but as soon as there was a bump in the road, the players quickly grew tired of his micromanaging style of coaching. I was told Shaq covered up a great deal of these problems players would have had with Coach Hill because he was determined to make his mark on the league. Shaq was a team player, but he was revered by his teammates and his play earned their respect. Penny was much the same way, and when it came down to it, the team would have won regardless who was coaching on the sidelines and Shaq knew it. Shaq was just the first one vocal enough to realize they were out coached by the Rockets and recognized the Magic would not win a Championship with Coach Hill at the helm. According to my interiews, it all came crashing down on Coach Hill after a loss to the Hornets in Charlotte. I was told that at that time the players let their feelings get aired out. PLayers let Hill know they did not like his micromanagement and as I was told "a lot of things were said that still needs to be kept in that locker room. It was not pretty." Accordingly players felt that management would make an immediate change, but that did not happen. Only then did Penny become the focal point and voice of the players. and I quote, "Penny was our team leader, he was a good teammate, never went off and did his own thing like the papers said." (the rest of this interview with source and quotes will come later after I interview Penny).

Fast-forward to later in 1997 after Brian Hill was fired and then hired on as the Grizzlies new head coach. He was hired because many in the Grizzly organization felt he was a good developer of young talent and pointed to his W-L record while a coach of the Orlando Magic. Few then failed to realized that it was under the direction of Coach Matt Guokas who developed Nick Anderson, Dennis Scott and the first year of Shaq. Few also recognized that until John Gabriel traded Scott Skiles Brian Hill refused to play Penny at the PG position over Skiles. John Gabriel at the time was so insistent on having Penny play the PG position he traded Skiles and a first round pick for a second round pick. Have you ever heard of such a lopsided trade? When Coach Hill became the coach of the Grizzlies his top priority was to develop Mike Bibby as the starting point guard. Hill made progress in his first season with the Grizzlies, but by the time he was fired, Hill had led the Grizzlies to worst record in the league and players were starting to voice concerns over his coaching style. This became such a problem that when Coach Hill was fired this is the statement made by then GM Stu Jackson. " ''I believe this team has the talent level to play better and the capability to compete harder and I felt that a coaching change was necessary in order to facilitate improvement,'' Jackson said at a news conference at the team's suburban Vancouver training facility." Once Hill was replaced players commented how they grew tired of Hill's micromanagement style and that it became a "mental strain" on every player during the game having to worry about checking the bench at each posession and worry they would be benched if they screwed up the called play. Does this sound familar???

Heading in to this season the Magic had already dealt with a situation just like the Mike Bibby situation in Vancouver. That situation was with Steve Francis. Sure Steve had warts, but he was traded because he and Coach "Brain" Hill could not co-exist. Steve needs to be in a free flowing offense that is up-tempo and possibly fast break style. Coach "Brain" Hill wants a methodical, slow, always look at the bench for a play call type of offense. After the trade last year and the Magic went 16-6 most felt that Brian Hill was the man to run the ship. But what few recognized until Coach Hill started to discuss it in training camp is that after the trade very few plays were called by the bench and a very small part of Coach Hill's play book was used at all after the trade because he could not intstruct and teach it in a short time. So the 16-6 record was largely a reflecion of players playing freely and using their talents to become a good team. That team took that ocnfidence in to this season. Even when the team started off 13-4 there were signs of problems. To his own detriment Brian Hill wanted perfection out of his team and continued to ride them hard during the winning times. Instead of focusing on the good thins that were accomplished Hill focused on the missed plays he called and continually has harped on the point guards to run the offsense the way he designed it and the way he calls it. The effect this seemingly had was a rapid decline in the production out of our point guards. The same thing that happened to Mike Bibby in Vancouver. During the 13-4 streak the Magic were getting 25 points and 7 rebounds from their point guard position. As the season has progressed, the point guard play has gotten worse and you can see each game the confusion while the PG's have to constantly look over to the bench for a play. Then to make maters worse, Brian Hill magnifies areas of the game he feels are mistakes and berates and chastizes players in the game and you can bet in the locker room as well. There has been several visible episodes on the Magic sidelines this season where Brian Hill has displayed his lack of self control and his Napoleon/Tryant overbearing personality that makes the most Magic fans sick. If that is the toll his antics have taken just on the common fan, immagine what it has done to the players he is trying to coach.

As History is sure to repeat itself, the problems on this Magic team will not easily be solved. The biggest problem is how the hands are tied in the front office. The Magic are doing their best to secure a new arena and firing Brian Hill at any point until the deal gets done could posibly be a blow hard to recover from. The other part to the equation is the Magic will need a fall guy and unfortunately I can already hear the drums beating on Otis Smith. Smith has done a fantastic job assembling talent and managing the cap, the problem is there has to be a neck to choke and the RDV family will refuse to choke the neck of Brian Hill. It comes down to what can be done. Does Otis trade players he once had a lot of faith in just to get Brian Hill to play the players he really want to see more court time? It seems like this is one of the few answers to the many problems. The best case scenario is that Brian Hill recognizes that his return to the Magic is not working out and that he has lost the players. If he can be a man and go to RDV and then ask to be moved in to the front office that would be the best thing. Even the best coaches realize when they are losing their team. Just this season Pat Riley stepped aside for this reason and disguised it behind medical attention that he needed. Everything can always be handled in a professional manner when all sides see where the problems are. But I think in this case, like in so many other times in Brian Hill's life he has blinders on and does not see he is more of the problem than the players are. Players hate to be micromanaged. Players like to show their skill and play freely on the court atleast during some parts of the game. Otis is a former player and I am sure he has to recognize this.

While everyone around the internet is posting a new "Fire Brian Hill" thread. Hopefully we can all realize as Magic fans that this time around Firing Brian Hill will be a lot harder to do. This time around we need to hope that cooler heads will prevail and that in the best interest of the Magic Brian Hill will do what is best for the team. We all recognize that this year was not going to be "THE YEAR" the Magic regain their perch atop the NBA. This needs to be a time where we support our team regardless and give Otis the chance to finish the job this summer and complete the roster with the cap space he has preached about. Hopefully by then Coach Hill will come to his senses and try to become a better coach for the players he has and not try to be a coach everyone hates.


Wenn ich mir das Spiel heute wieder anschaue: Womit hat Dwight das eigentlich verdient? Was hat er den Schiris getan? Vier Fouls, davon alle Offensivfouls? Lasst den Jungen doch spielen... Meine Güte.


The Magic Man
Hast du die Fouls gesehen oder beurteilst du nur ne Boxscore? Weil Dwight ja schon ein Talent hat sich möglichst kopflos zu bewegen ;)


Even if Howard is left off the All-Star roster -- and that's not likely to happen -- the 6-foot-11, 268-pounder still will make an appearance at NBA All-Star Weekend. His agent, Aaron Goodwin, was notified earlier this week that Howard had been chosen to participate in the dunk contest.

Nunja, mir wäre es lieber, er nimmt da nicht dran teil. Lieber an Freiwürfen arbeiten. ;)


Soll ich mal ein Carepaket nach orlando fertig machen? Hab da noch was im Schrank:



Ist das die alte Ausgabe von Stockton und Malone? Die sollte doch Deron überreicht bekommen :D


Doppel Nullagent
Ist das die alte Ausgabe von Stockton und Malone? Die sollte doch Deron überreicht bekommen :D

Kein Plan....ich weiss nur, dass mir irgendwie nen Finals Sweep gegen den amtierenden Meister immer noch lieber ist, als nach 2:0 Führung in den Finals von nem "low above the radar"-team noch gebügelt zu werden. :D


Kein Plan....ich weiss nur, dass mir irgendwie nen Finals Sweep gegen den amtierenden Meister immer noch lieber ist, als nach 2:0 Führung in den Finals von nem "low above the radar"-team noch gebügelt zu werden. :D

Tja, wenn Stern was will, dann kriegt er das auch...kann das Team noch so gut sein... :saint:

PS: Mal sehen, wann das Offtopic-Geblubber anfängt...