Orlando Magic - Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen


Zwei weitere Assistant Coach wurden verpflichtet: Morlon Wiley bleibt jetzt doch als einziger vom alten Staff auch im neuen Trainerstab und neuer Big-Man Coach wird Mark Bryant. :ricardo:
Wenn man schon ein unbeschriebenes Blatt nimmt, dann hätte man mal bei Horace Grant fragen sollen.

Außerdem soll das Interesse an Sean May wohl sehr groß sein.
Dwight war wieder bei Ärzten und er wurde auf 7'1" prognostiziert.


warum will boston pierce denn traden?? ich hab die spiele nicht gesehen und kein recap oder so gelesen, aber von den stats her hat er doch gut gespielt...


Quelle: Hier

Francis faces legal nightmare in D.C.

ORLANDO - Maybe the only thing clear at this point about the bar brawl allegedly involving Orlando Magic guard Steve Francis is that the worst is yet to come.

A hearing for the 14-count civil suit filed against Francis and 12 unnamed others is scheduled for Sept. 16, and Francis will have to be present in Superior Court in Washington, D.C. It is then, said attorney Stephanie Moran of Watson and Moran, that a dollar amount will likely be affixed to the civil suit. Assuredly, it will seek millions of dollars in damages.

Another legal nightmare might be looming for Francis. A second civil suit could come in the next few weeks from Ahmad Muhammad, a participant in the brawl who has remained in intensive care for almost a week from injuries suffered in the fight.

The alleged scuffle took place last Sunday at approximately 6 a.m. where Francis was partying after the Mike Tyson-Kevin McBride boxing match. Akbar Muhammad of Essex County, N.J., and Nafis Muhammad-Baker of Landover, Md., are accusing Francis and 12 members of his party of beating them unconscious. They also claim Francis hit Muhammad over the head with a bottle.

The incident still is under investigation by D.C. police, and no charges have been filed. Francis has not spoken publicly about the incident, but his agent, Jeff Fried, tells a dramatically different story.

Fried said Francis was hurried out of the nightclub when a bottle was thrown at him, and that the star guard had no involvement in the fracas. Fried referred to it as "a shakedown of a high-profile athlete," saying the fact a civil suit was filed before the investigation was complete suggests this is nothing more than a cash grab.

Moran said the truth of Francis' participation in the fight will eventually come to light.

"If (Fried) wants to represent that (Francis) was not there, he better make sure that that is factual," Moran said. "We haven't heard from (Francis). All we have heard are the representations from his agent."

Pre-draft workout.

The Magic held a key workout Friday that could shed some light on just how they plan to use the 11th pick in the NBA Draft on June 28. The Magic had power forwards Sean May (North Carolina), Wayne Simien (Kansas) and Charlie Villanueva (Connecticut) on hand for workouts, testing and interviews.

Opinions vary on which player fared the best, but the Magic have made no secret of how much they like May. His stock soared following the NCAA Tournament when he guided UNC to the national championship and won the Most Outstanding Player honors. May helped himself at the Chicago Pre-Draft Camp, proving to be a better athlete than some suspected. His vertical leap was 33 inches and his foot speed was as good as or better than most other power forwards.

"To me, I always thought I was this good, but I guess I got to show it in the tournament," May said. "Playing at Carolina you get a lot of spotlight and you are on TV so much, but because you are surrounded with so many good players, sometimes it's hard to show what you can do. The success I had in the tournament helped me out. And I felt it was best to come out (of college) while I was hot."

If the Magic do draft a power Forward, it would most likely mean they will shift last year's top overall selection, Dwight Howard, to center. Howard bulked up from 240 to 262 pounds last season and has said he feels he can comfortably carry 275 as his body continues to mature. Doctors have told him that his growth plates suggest he will eventually grow to be 7-foot-1.

Quick hits.

Just four months ago, NBA commissioner David Stern and Players Association president Billy Hunter sat on a podium together at the All-Star Game and predicted a labor deal would be completed before the playoffs began. Well, the playoffs are almost done and if there is no deal in 11 days, another lockout will take effect. Fans ultimately won't care until games are missed, but the two sides have wasted valuable time by posturing over the past month. . . . The Cleveland Cavaliers refused to pick up the option on Robert Traylor last week, though he was coming off a solid season and due to make a relatively cheap $1.7 million. Clearly, the Cavs are positioning themselves to make a major run at snagging Michael Redd in free agency. The Cavs feel if they offer him a maximum deal, the Ohio native will choose a return to his home state over going back to Milwaukee. . . . Shaquille O'Neal has to notify the Miami Heat by Tuesday if he plans to opt out of his contract and become a free agent. O'Neal holds a $30.6 million option for next season but is seeking a long-term extension from the Heat.


T-Mac-1 schrieb:
warum will boston pierce denn traden?? ich hab die spiele nicht gesehen und kein recap oder so gelesen, aber von den stats her hat er doch gut gespielt...

Weiß ich persönlich auch nicht wirklich, da ist wohl irgendwas vorgefallen nach Spiel 6 gegen die Pacers in den Playoffs. Dazu kann ricard als Dauerkartenbesitzer sicherlich was sagen. :thumb:


Ein Team aus dem Westen soll übrigens sehr an Deshawn Stevenson interessiert sein. Habe aber keinen Plan, wer das ist und wie das Paket aussehen könnte.


Pierce hatte ein technisches aber das wird kaum der Ausschlag sein. Vielleicht will man in Boston nen rebuilt machen, wenn ie Chancen Walker zu re-signen gering sind.


Fro schrieb:
Ein Team aus dem Westen soll übrigens sehr an Deshawn Stevenson interessiert sein. Habe aber keinen Plan, wer das ist und wie das Paket aussehen könnte.

ich geh jede wette ein das denver an stevenson interesiert ist!! für Nene können sie ihn haben!! :jubel:

Gelöschtes Mitglied 141

Fro schrieb:
Weiß ich persönlich auch nicht wirklich, da ist wohl irgendwas vorgefallen nach Spiel 6 gegen die Pacers in den Playoffs. Dazu kann ricard als Dauerkartenbesitzer sicherlich was sagen. :thumb:

erstmal was allgemeines...Regardless, don't expect to see Pierce in a Portland uniform. A source close to Pierce said, ''Paul will not play for the Trail Blazers." He would not report to Portland, according to the source, and would accept any penalties or fines that resulted.

If Pierce is to be moved this offseason, there are clearly places where he will play and places where he will not.

He always has maintained that he wants to be on a team with a shot at winning a championship.

Celtics SG Paul Pierce admits he was not happy playing for Doc Rivers for much of the season. Rivers has tried to get Pierce to curb his shooting and sacrifice scoring for better team ball movement, especially at crunch time.

To his credit, Pierce maintained his effort and never whined for a trade. Now, he claims the turbulence between Rivers and him is in the past. Still, don't rule out the possibility of the Celtics seeking a new home for Pierce this summer. Despite its Atlantic Division title, Boston would like to focus on its youth movement.


For the record, this is Paul's stat line for game 6 in which he was ejected.

44min FG 7-12 3pt. 0-2 FT 6-6 Rebs 11 Ast 6 Stls 4 Blk 1 Pts 20

If you were to offer me a player who would get ejected in every 4th quarter and would wear a bandage on his head at every post game conference ... but could put up that stat line every night.... against one of the best coached toughest defenses in the NBA....

Die Celtics Fans, zumindest der Grossteil will PP überhauot nicht traden! Er hat halt mal ein bissel Klatrext geredet, aber der Hauptgrund ist bleibt der Vorfall mit Tinsley in Spiel 6. Als Tinsley ihm einen Schlag verpasste! Und er sich wehrte und darauf duschen konnte!

Das mit LaFrentz und Pierce gegen Steve und Cato +#38 wird wohl nix. Blound + Pierce gegen Steve + Christie + Kasun ist wohl eher im Sinne der Kelten!


nahe Hamburg
ihr glaubt das Boston Francis haben will. Jedoch würde Ricky davis mehr spielen. Der Trade würde für Boston den rebuild gut unterstüzen jedoch bin ich nicht ein freund von Francis.

PS: Bin Celtics-Fan

Kobe 8

Das sollte höchstens eine Beta-Version sein, durch etwas anderes kann ich mir das zumindest nicht erklären...


Deron Williams Workout in Orlando

While there's little doubt he'll be the fourth pick in the draft, the team Deron Williams will end up with is becoming one of the draft's biggest mysteries. Utah is one team we've reported hot on his trail. But Williams' latest workout for Orlando on Saturday is especially interesting considering everyone knows he'll be long gone by the time the 11th pick rolls around.

One possible trade scenario would have Orlando sending Jameer Nelson and their 11th pick (and possibly an additional protected first or player) to New Orleans to acquire the 4th pick to take Deron.

With Williams excellent size, strength, and defensive ability, he would be a perfect fit alongside Steve Francis.

New Orleans would like to add a number of talented players, so this deal could potentially help them fill a few holes.


naja eigentlich kein guter trade man gibt auf jeden fall zuviel talent ab aber wenn deron williams wirklich gut neben francis spielen kann und SGs verteidigen kann, würde der trade orlando vllt sogar weiter bringen...