Orlando Magic - Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen


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Gerüchten zufolge solle eine Delegation der Magic bereits am Montag nach Spanien fliegen um sich mit Fran zu treffen.

tsss....der Kampf gegen DIE Windmühle beginnt.

Kobe 8

Jetzt kommt es noch schlimmer als vorerst angenommen. Vasquez hat nämlich nicht für zwei Jahre in Madrid unterschrieben, sondern für vier Jahre und mehr Geld in Girona. Außerdem soll eine große Buyout-Summe in seinen Vertrag eingebaut werden sein.

Die Offiziellen der Magic kamen da wohl zu Spät. Scheint mir jetzt ebenfalls immer wahrscheinlicher, dass Vasquez vielleicht nie in die NBA wechseln wird.


Die Magic halten lediglich die NBA-Rechte an ihm. Das bedeutet, dass ihn keines der anderen NBA-Teams verpflichten darf. Damit ist allerdings kein Vertrag verbunden, denn der muss erst extra ausgehandelt werden. Dazu wird es nun wohl nicht kommen.


Den Buy-Out müssten die Magic bezahlen, wenn sie ihn vor Ablauf seines Vertrages in Gerona (für EM, ich bevorzuge die katalanische Schreibweise *g*) in die NBA holen wollen


basketball.de Mitarbeiter
Ich frag mich, was das alles soll. Gut, hat man einen Griff ins Klo gemacht, aber soll er doch bleiben, wo der Pfeffer wächst. ich versteh nicht, warum sie da jetzt noch hinterherreisen wollen, wenn er doch schon einen Vertrag unterschrieben hat. Wie sagt man so schön, wer nicht will, der hat schon.

Das sollen sie sich lieber auf die Suche nach jemanden machen, der ähnlich und noch zu haben ist. Ich würd mal n Blick auf die ungedrafteten Spieler machen. Ich denke, dass man da auch fündig werden würde.

Gelöschtes Mitglied 141

Der hässliche Vogel soll sich in seine Hölle verpissen und gut ist.

It's not yet clear if Doug Christie will be released by the Orlando Magic via the amnesty clause or whether he'll be able to negotiate a buyout of the one year (at $8.2 million) left on his contract. What is clear, according to NBA front-office sources, is that the Christies (mandatory reference to wife Jackie) plan and hope to be in Dallas next season if Doug can extricate himself from the Magic.

Les Selvage

Vasquez hat für vier Jahre und 2 Mio € pro Jahr bei Akasvayu Girona. Da ist seit dieser Saison so ein verrückter spanischer Miliardär an der Macht der das Geld mal so richtig zum Fenster rausschmeißt und Vasquez damit mal eben zum Topverdiener Europas macht obwohl er keiner der wirklichen Topspieler ist.....


Getreu dem Motto, "Lieber den Spatz in der Hand, als die Taube auf dem Dach" bleibt Fran (ist das nicht eigentlich ein Frauenname ?) in Spanien.



Rumblings Out Of Orlando
Howard Mass - 2nd August, 2005 3:49 PM

Ahhh! The NBA has finally lifted the dreaded moratorium.

This means signings and trades can finally make some transactions official.

Many already known deals including Keyon Dooling’s four-year $11 million deal with the Magic will become official within the next few days.

Still, there is a lot that could happen besides free agent signings once the curtain lifts. Maybe it will not happen right away but it could happen before the season starts.

From what I have heard from sources, the Magic could be wheeling and dealing several players on their roster.

Here is what I am hearing.

Steve Francis

In one of my previous articles, I created a stir when I said I thought Francis was possibly going to be traded.

Well, those rumblings I hear from people close to the situation have not died down.

However, teams are not offering the farm for Francis. Everyone is trying to get him cheap and while some of the offers are decent, there is no guarantee anything will happen.

The good news here is that my sources tell me they will not give Francis away for nothing.

What to do with Francis is without a doubt that most dividing issue amongst Magic fans.

When I ran a Magic Front Office before the draft on whether fans wanted Francis back, it showed Magic fans have a divided opinion on whether the Magic should trade Steve Francis.

Out of 332 votes cast, 119 (51%) wanted the Magic to trade Francis and 113 (49%) did not.

For those who want him to stay, there is some good news.

The Orlando Sentinel reported a week that Francis has told by management that he is staying put.

Still, co-assistant general manager Otis Smith denied our report about Keyon Dooling being offered a contract and the next day a report leaked that Dooling had agreed to sign with the Magic.

So, the Magic could be saying this as it is there approach to keep things tight-lipped.

I would not mind seeing Francis back as maybe new head coach Brian Hill can control him better than Johnny Davis did.

For now though, it is wait and see thing but do not be surprised if a move is made.

Some possible destinations include Boston, Dallas, Denver, and Minnesota.

Like I said though, teams are trying to get Francis cheap so unless something changes, Francis will be here in Orlando next season.

Doug Christie

There has been speculation that the Magic will waive Christie for luxury tax relief but if this happens, they will not have his valuable expiring contract to use in a possible trade.

The Magic will have until August 15 to exercise this option.

As of right now, Christie wants to go to a team in the Western Conference, but the Magic are said to be open to keeping him as head coach Brian Hill likes him as a player.

They might also want to keep him on the roster until the trade deadline when this years Baron Davis could become available but that is unlikely.

The most likely scenario sends him out of town one way or another as the Magic do not want a player on their roster who does not want to be here.

To me, it is just a matter of time before he is sent packing.

If Christie is traded, it is unclear what the Magic would get but I’m told it could be anything and not necessarily a bloated contract.

Kelvin Cato

Last season, Kelvin Cato started out great with his shotblocking and other aspects of the game.

Then, he injured his shoulder and was never the same.

As of now, Cato is projected to be the starting center provided that he heels from shoulder surgery, which he may not do in time for the season. Reports on the shoulder are mixed though so we will have to wait and see.

While nothing has been mentioned from sources on a possible Cato deal, some possible options might include Mavericks center Erick Dampier, Warriors center Adonal Foyle, Utah forward Carlos Boozer, Hornets forward P.J. Brown, and Grizzlies center Lorenzen Wright.

To be honest, none of the above options probably will happen but I wanted to throw some players out there that could become available.

Roster Outlook

Point Guard

Jameer Nelson- Despite what the reports say, I do expect him to be the started “IF” and that is a big if, he is not traded.

I have heard rumblings that Nelson could be on the move but expect him to be here when the season starts.

Keyon Dooling- While it was reported that Dooling would be given “A good chance to start”, look for him to come off the bench and give this team 15 to 20 minutes a night.

Dooling still might have some upside but he is more of a third guard than a starter.

If you want a good comparison think of a taller and more athletic version of former Magic guard Darrell Armstrong.

Travis Diener- He has got to be the steal of the 2nd round and perhaps the entire draft. Diener reminds some of Scott Skiles and he really impressed me in summer league play.

This guy throws lightning quick passes and can simply shoot the lights out of the ball.

If Diener was two inches taller, he would have possibly been off the board after the lottery picks.

Even if you are upset with the Vacquez pick, you have to love this one.

Shooting Guard

Steve Francis- The rumors have not died down about him being moved.

DeShawn Stevenson- Hopefully he can follow up what was a great finish to the year. If he can develop a consistent jump shot, he will grow even more as a player.

Then again, the end of last season might have only been a phase.

Hopefully, this is not the case.

Doug Christie- Will not be here when the season starts.

Small Forward

Grant Hill- Will only build on last season and provide great leadership on and off the floor.

Hedo Turkoglu- One of the best sixth men in the game. It was a brilliant move to pick him up last summer.

Stacey Augmon- Augmon is still under contract as he exercised his player option on his contract for next season. Do not look for him to return though. The Magic will probably use him as filler in a deal or release him before the season starts.

Power Forward

Dwight Howard- He will play a more vocal point in the offense next season. It might take a bit to adjust to that role but Dwight will do just fine.

This will be another step in watching this young man develop into a star.

Pat Garrity- Hopefully, coach Hill can get him some spot up shots. If not, there is not much for Garrity here in Orlando.


Kelvin Cato- Might not be ready for the beginning of the season and could also still be shipped out in a trade.

Tony Battie- The perfect backup bigman.

Mario Kasun- Can he get consistent minutes next season? I have always liked him and now is the time for him to step up.

Fran Vazquez

When I first heard the Magic were going to select Vazquez on the radio, I was a little disappointed because I was hoping for New Mexico forward Danny Granger, who was next on the Magic’s draft board.

Still, the Magic did need some size and a physical bigman to pair with Dwight Howard on the frontline.

Vazquez seemed to fit this mold nicely along with a decent offensive game.

Then, the moratorium get kept getting extended and with Vazquez’s team in Spain wanting to see the new collective bargaining agreement before they would agree to a buyout, things stalled and apparently Vazquez got cold feet and you know the rest of the story.

While Vazquez did sign a four-year deal with his new team in Spain, it likely has a buyout clause that the Magic might be able to work out.

Maybe Vazquez does not come over this season but he might in another season.

Do not give up hope on either of these options though as things can change.

For now though, look for the Magic to sign a free agent bigman or two with what is left of the Mid-Level Exception worth around $5 million after the Dooling signing and then a lower level exception worth $1.8 million to spend.

It is possible that Andrew Declercq will re-sign with the team and a possible option might be Brian Grant, who is likely to be waived by the Lakers.

Some other options like Robert Traylor have been mentioned as well.

In the end, The Magic will sign someone to help out in the frontcourt, just no word on who yet.

bitte??????????? die magic denken nicht wirklich im ernst daran jameer nelson zu traden!!! :kotz:
das wäre doch wahnsinn.aber normal gehts dort eh nicht zu.
daran glaube ich nicht.nelson hat mächtig stark aufgespielt letztes jahr u meiner meinung nach wäre es blödsinn ihn zu traden. der rest hört sich ja ganz interessant an aber eher unwahrscheinlich (siehe lorenzen wright,carlos boozer).

Gelöschtes Mitglied 141

Nix mit Zaza

Hawks pursue Pachulia
August 3
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (registration required): "Sources confirmed Tuesday that the Hawks had offered Pachulia a four-year, $4 million deal. Under terms of the collective bargaining agreement, after Pachulia signs the offer, the Bucks have seven days to either match the offer or let Pachulia, a restricted free agent, go to the Hawks."

:wall: :cry: :wall: :cry:


Also in die Play-Offs kommen sie mit der Truppe nicht. Habe gelesen, dass Doug Christie, im Fall dessen er gewaived wird, mit den Dallas Mavericks in Verbindung gebracht wird, die Interesse an ihm bekundet haben sollen.


Murphy schrieb:
Habe gelesen, dass Doug Christie, im Fall dessen er gewaived wird, mit den Dallas Mavericks in Verbindung gebracht wird, die Interesse an ihm bekundet haben sollen.

Sollten sie Mr. Jackie Christie auch noch diesen Gefallen tun nach den ganzen Dingen die er sich rausgenommen hat, dann ist den Verantwortlichen nicht mehr zu helfen. Wenn er getradet werden will, dann soll er sich mit Leistungen auf dem Platz dafür empfehlen. Wenn er daß nicht will, dann sitzt er am Ende der Bank und fertig. Und wenn er dann trotzdem weiterhin rumzickt, dann gibt's Geldstrafe um Geldstrafe. Von diesen beiden Divas sollte man sich nicht auf der Nase herumtanzen lassen.


Achja: Preaching to the choir? :laugh2:



Murphy schrieb:
Also in die Play-Offs kommen sie mit der Truppe nicht. Habe gelesen, dass Doug Christie, im Fall dessen er gewaived wird, mit den Dallas Mavericks in Verbindung gebracht wird, die Interesse an ihm bekundet haben sollen.

christie sollte man nicht so einfach raus lassen. bis zur trading deadline kann man ihn noch behalten u irgendwas bekommt man immer für nen auslaufenden vertrag.oder wie fro gesagt hat,christie im rdv sportscomplex im keller einsperren u abwarten.

@fro: schöne sigantur :) .

Gelöschtes Mitglied 141

Noch einmal was zu unserem Steal im Draft.

Dwight Howard soll sich vor dem Draft für May ausgesprochen haben und zwar recht deutlich. Grant Hill war für Granger oder May.... :wall: :wall: :wall:

Von Francis habe ich nix gehört, aber der war bestimmt für einen warmen Bruder. :D


ricard schrieb:
Noch einmal was zu unserem Steal im Draft.

Dwight Howard soll sich vor dem Draft für May ausgesprochen haben und zwar recht deutlich. Grant Hill war für Granger oder May.... :wall: :wall: :wall:

Von Francis habe ich nix gehört, aber der war bestimmt für einen warmen Bruder. :D

War Rudy Gay überhaupt angemeldet ? :confused: