Pierce will Iverson neben sich haben, und drängt Ainge ja fast schon dazu, ihn zu holen. Hoffentlich hört Ainge auf P² und der Trade wird durchgeführt.
“To me, Allen Iverson is one of the top five players in the game,” he said after a press conference to announce his three-year contract extension with the C’s. “Whenever you can add a top five player on your team, I think you’re going to improve. I mean, I admire him as a player. He’s a former MVP. He’s been the scoring champ.
“I just think that when great players get with other great players, they make adjustments. And if we were to add that, I think we both would make the adjustments to make it work.”
Now signed for five more years total (the latter three years will net him $59,387,127), Pierce is looking for good and talented company. He has lobbied Danny Ainge to put together a package for Iverson.
“Oh, yeah, of course I did,” said Pierce, who will undergo minor surgery on his left elbow Aug. 1. “I don’t know how realistic it’s going to be. It’s tough for teams to trade in the division. But it’d be a dream.”
Ainge is listening. After saying earlier that “we know that we have to do a better job of surrounding (Pierce) with better players,” the director of basketball operations said he’s seeking Pierce’s counsel.
“I feel that whenever I look at a major deal such as that, I’d be silly not to talk to someone like Paul,” Ainge said. “What if there was something I didn’t know about a player? I don’t need permission from players to do deals by any stretch, but I certainly explore and communicate with players that might have some information I don’t have on particular players.”
Der Trade würde höchstwahrscheinlich so aussehen:
Green/Jefferson + Rondo/Telfair/West + Wally/Ratliff
Mir persönlich würde Jefferson + Telfair/Rondo + Ratliff am besten gefallen. Green hat sicherlich verdammt viel Talent, aber das haben wir schon auf der 2 und der 3. West ist solide, aber Rondo/Bassy sind wesentlich intressanter. Ratliff wäre als Filler genial, er bringt uns noch 2 Jahre Defense und Blocks, Daly/Hunter können von ihm lernen und dann läuft sein Vertrag aus

Dieser Trade mit Boston würde dann sogar ein Signing mit Jay Williams ermöglichen, was einfach nur perfekt wäre.
Telfair | Williams | Williams
Carney | Green
Iguodala | Korver | Jones
Jefferson | Webber | Randolph
Dalembert | Hunter | Ratliff
Und fertig ist der 14 Mann Kader. ******e wär das geil