Rafael Nadal

Wo steht Nadal Ende 2024 in der Weltrangliste?

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Vor Nadal kann man nur den Hut ziehen, seine Gegner bislang schlichtweg überfordert.


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"Good evening, everybody. First thing I have to say is many congratulations to Novak and his team."

"It has been a very emotional two weeks, even if tonight wasn’t my best night. It’s been a very important two weeks. I have been going through tough moments in last two years – I had to retire in two events last year including here and that was painful. Even if tonight was not my night, to me it’s so important to be where I am today, coming back from injury."

"I really believe I played a great two weeks of tennis. That’s going to be a good inspiration for myself for what’s coming. Thanks to all my team. I can only say one thing – I am going to keep working and keep fighting hard to become a better player. Every moment, keep fighting. I’ve been trying since long time."

"Sometimes its been difficult for me in terms of injuries and sometimes in opponents like tonight, but I will keep practising."




Rafael Nadal spricht in der Pressekonferenz unter anderem über seine Final-Niederlage gegen Novak Djokovic.

Q. Was that the best that Novak has ever played against you?
RAFAEL NADAL: Difficult for me to have a clear opinion. I think, of course, he played I think fantastic. At the same time is true that when he’s playing that way, I think I needed something else. I was not able to have that extra thing tonight, being honest, no?

Yeah, was unbelievable the way that he played, no doubt about that. But at the same time is true that probably physically I was not able. I played fantastic tennis during both weeks, is true, but probably playing that well, I didn’t suffer much during the both weeks. Five months without competing, having that big challenge in front of me, I needed something else. That something else probably today, I don’t have it yet. That’s my feeling, to compete at this super high level.

I think I was playing great during the both weeks in offensive positions. In defensive positions, I practiced what I practiced. I practiced well, very well I think, but because of the things that happened to me in terms of surgery, then what happened in Abu Dhabi, I was not able to work that much the defensive game. I worked a lot on the offensive game, but not that much on the defensive game.

To play against a player like him, playing the way he played tonight, I needed that defensive game to finally have the chance to be offensive, no? When he was hitting, is true that maybe was difficult to beat him even if I was at my 100%. But probably will be a little bit more fight.

Q. When you’re talking about needing something else against him, is it the offensive game only or other things you need to do differently or better?
RAFAEL NADAL: We are 32. I am 32 and a half. Is not the first meeting that we had. Is not the first time that he beat me that way. The only thing that I said is even if I was playing so well and I had a great two weeks, being honest, I can’t be sad. Will be not fair to be sad. I played against a player that today was better than me. That’s no doubt about that. That’s all.

I have been lot of months without having the chance to practice, without having the chance to compete. And have been two positive weeks. The only thing probably that I need is time and more matches. You know, my feeling was I have been always in offensive position during two weeks, during six matches. Today I know that will not happen. Of course, he played better than what probably he played during the rest of the tournament. Being honest, I saw him the tournament more or less. He probably played the best match so far. Playing that well, is so difficult for everybody, for everyone, when he plays that level, is so difficult to fight for victories against him.

But if I am able to run 100% and to resist every ball, then you find ways. The things that looks easy for him become little bit more difficult when you have to do it one more time, one more time and one more time. I was not able to push him to do it one more, one more, one more every time. That’s my feeling.

What I need is I need time, I need work, and I need more weeks like this one. That’s really the only thing that I hope is to have the chance to keep practicing well and to have the chance to keep playing with healthy conditions. Like this, I believe the level of tennis have been great. Probably the only thing that remained a little bit more to me was normally the best thing that I have. Is something that I am not worried much. Only thing is about time.

Q. Stefanos felt destroyed against you.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, but Stefanos is so young. He don’t have been destroyed enough times to know that that can happen on a tennis court. I am not new on this. I know these kind of things happens. Even to the best players of the history happened. I don’t say I have been destroyed. I have been playing against a player that was at the highest level possible, in my opinion, tonight. A player playing like this is difficult to win.

He was better than me tonight. That’s the sport. We can talk a lot, but when the player did almost everything better than you, you can’t complain much. The only thing that you can say is congrats to the opponent, well done. For my side being very happy, big personal satisfaction about the two weeks, you can’t imagine — is nice and easy now playing the final here, looks always that. But I have been going through very tough moments. After the US Open, I didn’t had the chance to play for three weeks or four weeks for the knee. Then I came back, and two days or three days before Bercy, I felt the feet, that something going wrong. I went to Bercy, had a strain in the abdominal. Then I came back, had to do surgery to the feet because a small portion of the ankle was gone. Is all the time under a tough process of things.

Then when you want to start the season, what happened for me in the thigh at the beginning of the season, is a lot of issues. Even if I always say that I am a positive, believing that the things can go better all the time, that’s tough. That’s mentally tough. It’s painful that you can’t do the things that you need to do to be 100% fit.

If we analyze all this stuff, have been probably better impossible two weeks for me, even if tonight was not my day, because the opponent played too good, and I was not ready to face that level tonight. But I believe that I can be ready in a couple of months if I am able to keep practicing and to keep competing at that level.

Q. You said you need more conditioning, more matches. What will you do with your schedule? Will you pack matches in?
RAFAEL NADAL: I need matches, but I can’t go crazy to play matches. I have my age. I have my calendar. I have my priorities. My priority now is come back home, have some rest. I played good tennis for couple of weeks. Now is the time to be back, to have a good physical work, keep working on the things that worked very well here. Step by step, working on the things that I need a little bit more. That’s the mobility, the defensive positions, the recovery from positions that are difficult to come back. That is something that I have naturally good, but I need to practice and need to be able to do it at that highest level.

Then my next step is Acapulco. That’s my goal. Is a tournament that I like to play. I had some success there. I am excited to come back to Acapulco. I have Acapulco, I have Indian Wells, and that’s my calendar today. The only thing I am sure I am not going to play something before these two events. That’s my calendar today. Then we see. Depend how things go, I keep going or I take a rest to play on clay.

I know that the season is long. My first priority at all, more than winning titles or not, is be happy. To be happy, I need to be healthy. I going to do the things that give me better chance to be healthy more than anything. That’s the priority. If I am healthy, I am competitive, I am happy, I have the chance to win tournaments. If not, things change 100%.



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Ja, Rafa ist in Acapulco angekommen und trifft, wie bereits 2017 nach einer Australian-Open-Finalniederlage, im ersten Match nach seiner Rückkehr auf die Tour auf Mischa Zverev. Damals setzte er sich glatt in zwei Sätzen durch.

Der weitere Weg könnte für den Spanier der Reihe nach über Nick Kyrgios, Stan Wawrinka und John Isner führen. Trotz der Tatsache, dass der Belag der langsamste aller ATP-500-Turniere auf HC ist, dürfte er sich nicht allzu sehr über seine äusserst knifflige Auslosung gefreut haben. ;)

Vamos Rafa :)


Bin gespannt auf die Performance von Rafa. Die Australien Open waren ja bis auf das Finale beeindruckent. Mal schauen ob er ein ähnliches Level in Acapulco zeigen kann (Aufschlag, schnelles Spiel). Trotz seines augenscheinlich relativ schweren Draw glaube ich das er eine gute Chance hat ins Finale zu kommen. Zverev sollte kein Problem sein, danach könnte Kyrgios warten, der aber schon lange nicht das zeigt was er könnte und wahrscheinlich nicht gegen Seppi weiterkommt. Das erste richtig schwere Match wird das gegen Wavrinka sein, der eine ansteigende Form besitzt.


Bin gespannt auf die Performance von Rafa. Die Australien Open waren ja bis auf das Finale beeindruckent. Mal schauen ob er ein ähnliches Level in Acapulco zeigen kann (Aufschlag, schnelles Spiel). Trotz seines augenscheinlich relativ schweren Draw glaube ich das er eine gute Chance hat ins Finale zu kommen. Zverev sollte kein Problem sein, danach könnte Kyrgios warten, der aber schon lange nicht das zeigt was er könnte und wahrscheinlich nicht gegen Seppi weiterkommt. Das erste richtig schwere Match wird das gegen Wavrinka sein, der eine ansteigende Form besitzt.

Ja bei den Australian Open war er bis zum Finale sehr sehr beeindruckend. Sein Aufschlag gefiel mir da sehr gut! Leider im Finale dann der falsche Gegner.😕



Wie ich erst heute gelesen habe, hat sich Rafa in der vergangenen Woche in Gozumel beim Training unglücklich an der Hand verletzt und erst am Montag nach einer Trainingseinheit beschlossen, gegen Mischa Zverev anzutreten. Während des Spiels, das er in zwei Sätzen gewonnen hat, gab es offensichtlich keine Probleme mit der Hand.

"There are things I can't control. Hopefully I can find in the matches the level I couldn't find in practice."

Nächster Gegner ist Nick Kyrgios, der Andreas Seppi in zwei Sätzen besiegt hat.

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Indian Wells wird oft als fünftes Grand-Slam-Turnier bezeichnet. Aber Rafa, der dieses Turnier dreimal gewonnen hat (2007, 2009, 2013) und 2011 im Finale stand, hat dazu seine ganz eigene Meinung:

“This tournament is important enough to stand on its own name. I love not being in a big city and the calm we have out here in the desert. I love the views and the organisation here is one of the best.”

Five Rafa Stats from Indian Wells:
First Match: 2004, Nadal def. Lars Burgsmuller 6-2, 6-3
First Title: 2007, Nadal def. Novak Djokovic 6-2, 7-5
Record: 50-10
Top 10 record : 9-6
6-0 Sets Won: 5

Nach einem Freilos trifft Rafa auf Jared Donaldson (H2H 1:0), der wegen einer Knieverletzung sieben Monate pausieren musste, und bei seinem Comeback in der 1. Runde gegen Tatsuma Ito in zwei Sätzen erfolgreich war.

Vamos Rafa :)


Bin mal gespannt, ob Rafa überhaupt Miami spielen wird. Auf eine Frage dahingehend in der PK meinte er ja, dass er sein Schedule entsprechend seiner körperlichen Verfassung planen wird. Insbesondere nach letztem Jahr achte er da noch mehr drauf. Er würde am liebsten sehr viel spielen, weiß aber dass das nicht mehr geht. Obwohl 2018 ergebnistechnisch sehr erfolgreich war, war das für ihn sehr frustrierend. Ist halt ein großer Unterschied, ob du sowieso nur 9 Events spielen willst oder ob du gerne ein volles Schedule spielen willst, aber dir Verletzungen einen Schnitt durch die Rechnung machen...


Rafa, mit den Tränen kämpfend, an der Medienkonferenz in Indian Wells, nach seinem Rückzug vom Halbfinale gegen Roger Federer:

"For me it’s not about only today. It’s about what it means for me to have to pull out in a tournament that I love so much, like this one, and in the semifinals after playing well during the whole tournament. You can imagine that I can’t be happy. Sometimes it’s tough and frustrating for me personally to go through all this stuff."

"I have to accept the situation, even if today is a sad moment for me. I try to be always positive and grateful with all the things that tennis has given to me and life has given to me. I can’t complain much, because I feel very fortunate for all the things that I’ve done in this life and happened to me in the world of tennis. It’s normal that after all those things you go through, there are sad and tough moments, too."

""I’m just going to keep going, and I’m just going to keep doing the things that work well for me and accepting that sometimes these issues can happen. So all the things that are in my hands I am doing well. The things that I can’t control, I can’t control. But I don’t have doubts today that I will be ready for Monte Carlo."

Vamos Rafa!


Das ging dann aber doch recht schnell, freut mich dass Rafa so rasch auf den Court zurückkehren konnte! Ist ein gutes Zeichen für seine geliebte Sandplatzsaison, ich rechne wieder mit einem bärenstarken Rafa der sich aber sicherlich strecken muss, um alle Erfolge des Vorjahres wiederholen zu können. Mit Thiem und einem Rattenschwanz an jungen Herausforderern + einem gereizten Djokovic wird das sicher nicht einfach, aber für einen Rafa Nadal ist auf Sand nichts unmöglich :)


Nadals größtes Problem ist neben starken Gegnern vor allem auch einfach sein Körper. Er konnte oftmals auch gegen Gegner bestehen, die ihm eigentlich überlegen waren. Durch sein grenzenloses Selbstvertrauen und der Gewissheit jede Partie über Körper und Willen drehen zu können.

Die spielerische Klasse zeigt er natürlich noch des Öfteren. Das mit dem grenzenlosen Selbstvertrauen ist längst nicht mehr so, am ehesten noch auf der roten Asche.



ATP Clay Court Things - Nach dem 15. Roland-Garros-Titel könnte es durchaus sein, dass Rafa gross in der Bildmitte platziert wird :D:D:D
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