Skiflug WM Planica 19.-21.03



Janne V. und Vili haben aus Nix fast noch Gold gemacht heuer. Möchte wissen ob andre Nationen mit so einem Betteletat noch so erfolgreich gewesen wären.

@Tiger: Wenn man ein wenig Finnisch kann hat man einen wesentlich besseren Einblick als wenn man nur das Gesabbel von den dt. Medien hört.


Warrior of Kindness
Lebanon, Kansas
wichtig ist, dass ihr mal radikale änderungen herbeiführt - siehe deutschland nach rohwein

dem olli z.b. muss klar gemacht werden, dass er bei der nächsten lustlosten graupe mal 5 springen zuschaut

und dem matti muss man sagen, dass für ihn das gleiche gilt, wenn er wieder lustlos keinen telemark setzt

Wir?? Achos ja, ich bin ja näxtes Jahr cheftrainer in Finnland :hihi:


Finnland hat den 3. Platz verdient, nachdem es bei Olympia schon so knapp war. Eigentlich halte ich sie für das stärkste Team, weil sie mit den kleinsten finanziellen Mitteln noch mithalten können.


guck dir doch an: du hast olli, matti, janne a., ville, janne h.: und was kommt dabei raus? fast nichts...

nein trainer und service mann haben es verbockt und es kann nur besser werden

I know you like to provoke, but still this only tells, that you don't know what you are talking about. Väätäinen and Kantee certainly are not one's to be blamed for Finnish unfortunate situation. The errors were made years earlier and Väätäinen and Kantee have been part of the solution, not problem.

Finnish ski jumping financial situation went to ruins because one great error about 5 years ago. After season 2007-08 they had to make great budget cuts. Part of it was for good. They had to let go half of their office workers (and that hadn't been a problem at all) but unfortunately they also had to let go half of their assistant personnel for the team (coaches, physios, servicemen.) For this season they also had to quit almost all training camps, all equipment testing etc. Kantee and Väätäinen have worked like crazies to make that up.

Now it may be little brighter times for Finnish teams financially, and that is really needed. Let's face it. They need to hire two persons just to replace Kantee. Väätäinen is easier to replace (both Niemelä or Nikkola are good candidates), but also he has done amazing work and been amazingly loyal to his employer in very difficult situation.

And why we don't have other jumpers than what you said. That error goes back about five years also. Nikunen concentrated so much to Ahonen's success that he forgot to do anything for young jumpers. They didn't get enough competitions, not enough support. Now it shows. Finland has almost no ski jumpers left who are born between 1985-1990. They were just all lost (expect Muotka, who did combi till two years ago) and there was quite a many talented boys who were born those years, but they were not developed so most of them quit.

Finland have few talented 19 years old and two very talented 15 years old. And now even some money to use to those 12-18 years old. But it will only show at top level about 5 years from now. Now they have to make best from what they have. Ahonen continues a year and will probably be solid top 10 or top 15 jumper. Matti may end his career this summer on continue one year more. Kalle is solid top 30 jumper, but there is probably not that much upside for him. Happonen will be better shape physically next years and may be solid top 15 jumper. Harri had a very difficult year, but he had a amazing training summer last year and that helps a lot for next year. He has to raise his weight anyway for next season, so he may well be physically the strongest Finn next year. This year he was little behind Ahonen and Larinto. Harri still has a huge upside if he is ambitious enough to be really ready to do his best and work with his biggest problems during summer. He has matured a lot so there is hope they will be able to make him believe that he really has to tackle also those problems he doesn't want to.

Ville had a huge sophomore slump, but he still has all the potential. I don't know if next season will be his year in military service. If so, it may bring some challenges for him, but still one can believe for a lot better year for him next. Sami Niemi's situation is difficult. He had a really bad year, but we will see. This will be Olli Muotka's first summer in A-team. I don't know how much he has put work to ski jumping before but now he has a possibility to really concentrate to it, so we will see how much he will develop.

Anyway, situation really looks bit brighter now, but not because Kantee and Väätäinen are leaving but because of the all great rescuing work they did in two years. It may well be that for example Väätäinen will be remembered in Finland as a coach who saved Harri Olli's career. When he started as a head coach, situation with Harri was horrible, now they are in the situation where H. Olli is, if not just one of team, at least in the team, working and being a potential next topjumper of the team.
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I know you like to provoke, but still this only tells, that you don't know what you are talking about. Väätäinen and Kantee certainly are not one's to be blamed for Finnish unfortunate situation. The errors were made years earlier and Väätäinen and Kantee have been part of the solution, not problem.

Finnish ski jumping financial situation went to ruins because one great error about 5 years ago. After season 2007-08 they had to make great budget cuts. Part of it was for good. They had to let go half of their office workers (and that hadn't been a problem at all) but unfortunately they also had to let go half of their assistant personnel for the team (coaches, physios, servicemen.) For this season they also had to quit almost all training camps, all equipment testing etc. Kantee and Väätäinen have worked like crazies to make that up.

Now it may be little brighter times for Finnish teams financially, and that is really needed. Let's face it. They need to hire two persons just to replace Kantee. Väätäinen is easier to replace (both Niemelä or Nikkola are good candidates), but also he has done amazing work and been amazingly loyal to his employer in very difficult situation.

And why we don't have other jumpers than what you said. That error goes back about five years also. Nikunen concentrated so much to Ahonen's success that he forgot to do anything for young jumpers. They didn't get enough competitions, not enough support. Now it shows. Finland has almost no ski jumpers left who are born between 1985-1990. They were just all lost (expect Muotka, who did combi till two years ago) and there was quite a many talented boys who were born those years, but they were not developed so most of them quit.

Finland have few talented 19 years old and two very talented 15 years old. And now even some money to use to those 12-18 years old. But it will only show at top level about 5 years from now. Now they have to make best from what they have. Ahonen continues a year and will probably be solid top 10 or top 15 jumper. Matti may end his career this summer on continue one year more. Kalle is solid top 30 jumper, but there is probably not that much upside for him. Happonen will be better shape physically next years and may be solid top 15 jumper. Harri had a very difficult year, but he had a amazing training summer last year and that helps a lot for next year. He has to raise his weight anyway for next season, so he may well be physically the strongest Finn next year. This year he was little behind Ahonen and Larinto. Harri still has a huge upside if he is ambitious enough to be really ready to do his best and work with his biggest problems during summer. He has matured a lot so there is hope they will be able to make him believe that he really has to tackle also those problems he doesn't want to.

Ville had a huge sophomore slump, but he still has all the potential. I don't know if next season will be his year in military service. If so, it may bring some challenges for him, but still one can believe for a lot better year for him next. Sami Niemi's situation is difficult. He had a really bad year, but we will see. This will be Olli Muotka's first summer in A-team. I don't know how much he has put work to ski jumping before but now he has a possibility to really concentrate to it, so we will see how much he will develop.

Anyway, situation really looks bit brighter now, but not because Kantee and Väätäinen are leaving but because of the all great rescuing work they did in two years. It may well be that for example Väätäinen will be remembered in Finland as a coach who saved Harri Olli's career. When he started as a head coach, situation with Harri was horrible, now they are in the situation where H. Olli is, if not just one of team, at least in the team, working and being a potential next topjumper of the team.

Du hast recht! Ich provoziere gerne: auch um die Teams wieder zu neuen Höchstleistungen anzustacheln: bei norwegen ist mir das vor jahren auch gelungen


so, leider doch kein WR. Das Wetter hat heute leider nicht mitgespielt. Aber auch mit Rückenwind setzen die bei knapp 230m noch nen perfekten Telemark, das ist sensationell.

Dieses Jahr waren die Bedingungen für den WR da, wenn man ammanns 233,5 aus dem Vorjahr mit den 236,5 von gestern vergleicht, sieht man dass die Schanze, möglicherweise sogar besser als 2005, für einen neuen Weltrekord bereit gewesen wäre. Aber es war immer noch eine WM und keine komplette Weitenjagd, durch die Gateregel war mir eigentlich schon lange klar, dass der rekord wenn dann nur im Team fallen wird, im Einzel wäre das ein "ausrutscher" gewesen, und bei Hajek haben ja wirklich nur 3m gefehlt....

Dennoch ein tolles Flugwochenend, das Wetter spielte eigentlich bis auf heute perfekt mit, und was den WR betrifft: Die schanze wurde umgebaut, es scheint als wären dann nächstes Jahr, bei optimaler Präparation und Windsituation die 240m drin. Wenngleich der kick von früher in Planica, speziell im Teamfliegen, durch das abraben der Vorbaukante bei 90m, etwas entschärft wurde ;). Wie oft wurde früher auf dem Vorbau ein gutes Teamergebnis verspielt, zuletzt war es mal Koch, aber auch Widhoelzl hatte da mal so seine Sorgen. Komisch, mir fallen nur österreicher ein :D


ich finde alles in allem war es ein schönes fliegen,außer dass die jury zu viel an den gates gefummelt hat, bei hajeks flug auf 236m is mir fast das herz stehen geblieben :D:


so, zurück von planica. war ein sehr schöner wettkampf, nur das wetter war nicht optimal, das war letztes jahr schöner.

trotz des rückenwindes gabs einige schöne flüge.

stimmung war auch ganz gut, vor alle wenn man nur 2m neben dem Morgi-fanclub steht.

freue mich schon auf das nächste jahr in planica.


Moderator Wintersport
Nur hat Tom recht schnell gemerkt, dass da nicht mehr als 3 Häärchen wachsen *g* Wollte wohl nicht hinter Matti und janne zurückstecken *g*


Lange Guste
Hat jemand vielleicht ein Foto, auf dem beide Porno-Finnen zu sehen sind? :D:
Also natürlich mit Bärten :D:


Egal wie man es nennt, so ein Gestrüpp gehört nicht ins Gesicht!