Thomas Shelby
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Spielt bei United doch keine Rolle. Die kaufen diesen Sommer einfach wieder Spieler für 300 Mio und starten nächste Saison dann voll durch - (wie jedes Jahr. :laugh: )
Gut das Liverpool gewonnen hat! Bin sehr gespannt darauf wie die sich nächstes Jahr in der CL schlagen werden.
ein HF unter Klopp ist immer drin und 10 Stück fangen die von Bayern und co. auch nicht, who dive or feign injury could face two-match suspensions from the start of next season after the Football Association voted in favour of introducing retrospective bans. The new offence of “successful deception of a match official” is based on a law already used in Scotland and was approved at the FA’s annual general meeting at Wembley.
Incidents will be reviewed by a panel comprising a former manager, an ex-player and former referee, who will watch the footage independently. If they are unanimous in believing a player deceived a match official, the sanction will be a two-match ban. This process is similar to the one already used for red-card offences which were missed at the time but caught on camera, and the cases will be fast-tracked.
The FA said: “Although attempts to deceive the referee by feigning injury or pretending to have been fouled is a cautionable offence for unsporting behaviour, the fact that the act of simulation has succeeded in deceiving a match official and, therefore, led to a penalty and/or dismissal, justifies a more severe penalty which would act as a deterrent.”
If a player admits to a charge of successfully deceiving an official, or is found to have done so, any yellow or red card given to an opposing player, as a result of the deceit, can be rescinded. The new rule will apply across English football and has been supported by the English Football League, the League Managers Association, the Premier League and the Professional Footballers’ Association.
Was? Chongs Frisur? Sensationell...wie sieht das ganze denn auf dem Platz aus?