If you want, we can help you for the names.
That is what @You is already doing in writing the results here, thanks for that. Very nice to be able to see the competition in Video.
If you want, we can help you for the names.
Thanks.Resultate sind jetzt eingearbeitet. Fragen beantworte ich gern.
Yuka Setô is in difficulty.
The video is not available anymore ?Here is a video from the HBC Cup competition on Monday, women and men. Picture quality not so good, but at least it is something.
I really love Yûmu style, he is one of the most talented jumpers from the last 20 years. I wish he could jump in WC again. He could become the older jumper (all nations) to score WC poins.But she is selected for the upcoming competitions...
Asahi seems to be talented. The commentators in Sapporo, Harada Masahiko and Ogiwara Tsugiharu, said that we could expect something of him in the future and that his father, former jumper Sakano Yukio, was supporting him in any possible way.
From the distance it is difficult to reckon how widely he is known. I only have the openly accessible sources on the internet, no personal sources.
But speaking of Harada, Yûmu has obviously not recovered yet ...
Are there other young japanese considerer as big talents ? I follow results on small hills but I don't know what it is thinking in Japan.
54 | ITO Daiki |
![]() | 51 | -1173 | 7 |
55 | HUBER Stefan |
![]() | 50 | -1174 | 3 |
56 | ZOGRAFSKI Władimir |
![]() | 40 | -1184 | 6 |
56 | KYTOSAHO Niko |
![]() | 40 | -1184 | 4 |
56 | HAAGEN David |
![]() | 40 | -1184 | 2 |
59 | AIGRO Artti |
![]() | 39 | -1185 | 6 |
59 | BARTOL Tilen |
![]() | 39 | -1185 | 3 |
61 | NAKAMURA Naoki |
![]() | 37 | - |
Naoki kehrt nach Japan zurück (er selbst auf Twitter). Schade, dass er nicht noch in Europa bleibt, so quasi im Wartestand. Er hatte ja einige gute Sprünge, war nur viel zu instabil.
They have always been in a distance from the centre of skijumping and had to struggle to be a normal part, the only non-European team that was competitive. But now, not only no international competitions can be held in Japan, they cannot use the COC to remain inside the action. This will, no doubt, have consequences for the years to come. Once you are out you will stay out, at least for some time. There is a risk to lose contact to the world in terms of competitiveness.
The Kobayashi brothers and the Satôs are
Of course, I was thinking about these two jumpers to say that Japan will lose the 5th spot.Well, it's not sure. But there are two athlets who are supposed to overtake Ito: Niko Kytosaho and Tilen Bartol.