đŸ‡«đŸ‡ź Thread fĂŒr Finnen Fans


FĂŒr eine WM sollte als Kriterium nicht die Form ĂŒber den ganzen Winter zĂ€hlen, sondern vorallem die letzten WettkĂ€mpfe. Das ist viel aussagekrĂ€ftiger.....
Aber wenn man der Liebling ist, dann zÀhlt das nicht zwingend...

Ich hoffe Rane findet seine Form wirklich, sonst sieht es dunkelschwarz aus fĂŒr den Teamwettbewerb...

Skispringen - NĂŒchtern - Finne

Was sieht hier seltsam aus? :zunge2:;)

Du kannst da zwei Sachen miteinander kombinieren, bei allen drei wird es schwierig *ggg* :D:


Good news from Rane. He will jump at Vikersund! I think that sounds promising. If he feels good enough to jump that hill, he certainly is confident with his jump.

It's more than probable that Olli will not jump even one competition at Oslo. But I'm starting to worry Pekka as Finnish coach. It seems quite clear, that he has favourites. Or maybe it's fairer to say, that some jumpers have been more open to his new system than others. And of course he wants to reward those, who work hard in the guidelines he has given. But the problem is, that for the reason or the other, three of four last season's top jumpers have been in ruins this year. If it would only be Hapa, it would be easy to explain with personal problems (and being lazy.) If it would have been only Rane, it could be explained with motivational issues (and being lazy.) If it would have been only Kalle, it could be explained with difficult character and loosing his nerve with changes (and being lazy.) But it is all three! And they all have one thing in common. They are strong-willed, critical and independent thinkers and one way or the other from Lahti.

I have absolutely nothing against Ville or Havu. They are exemplary young athletes and I'm very happy, how well they have done this season. But we are not Austria. We don't have legions of villes and havus just waiting the place in National team. In fact even some of our most immediate promises (Sami Niemi for example) fit more to the Harri, Rane, Kalle category than with Ville's and Havu's one. Just now I'm very afraid that while Pekka's system certainly brings up a lot of good things, it may cause just too much damage goods on the process. Harri is already out, Kalle may as well be. Rane is saved only because of the name, and I have a great difficulty to believe, he wants to continue like this. Cost of Pekka's system starts to feel very high.

Last spring, Pekka was hailed for his people skills. Now it starts to feel different. He has essentially lost half of his team, he seems to not be at speaking terms with some of the most prominent personal coaches, his actions and talk of his jumpers seems very passive-aggressive immediately if there is a problem, he has not been able to handle difficult situations efficiently (whole Hapa thing has been an epic fail. Yes, Hapa may have been deeply troubled and impossible to work with, but how Pekka handled it, was just not a good decorum, at all.) For the outsider it seems there is clear favourites system going on etc.

I'm worried.


linker Spinner
Pansendorf im Bumsland
It's more than probable that Olli will not jump even one competition at Oslo. But I'm starting to worry Pekka as Finnish coach. It seems quite clear, that he has favourites. Or maybe it's fairer to say, that some jumpers have been more open to his new system than others. And of course he wants to reward those, who work hard in the guidelines he has given. But the problem is, that for the reason or the other, three of four last season's top jumpers have been in ruins this year. If it would only be Hapa, it would be easy to explain with personal problems (and being lazy.) If it would have been only Rane, it could be explained with motivational issues (and being lazy.) If it would have been only Kalle, it could be explained with difficult character and loosing his nerve with changes (and being lazy.) But it is all three! And they all have one thing in common. They are strong-willed, critical and independent thinkers and one way or the other from Lahti.


Marre you're right, if one or two are getting so bad, there are good reasons. But three? And one of them was never so bad?
There must be a mistake in the system...

I have to learn better finnish... I understood, that Rane will stay at home.. But google told me then, that Rane is going to the football world championship (???????)


linker Spinner
Pansendorf im Bumsland
Das is halt diese Gleichmacherei...In Frankreich hat das vielleicht funktioniert...Aber hier zu versuchen, dummes Beispiel: Harri oder Rane in die gleiche Schublade zu stecken wie Havu das kann nicht funktionieren. Die ticken doch ganz unterschiedlich. Dass Olli ueberhaupt noch nich tickt is klar, der war vor kurzer Zeit noch Kombinierer und ueberhaupt scheint er ziemlich einfach in der Haltung zu sein. Pekka mag das glaub ich wenn sich Springer drehen und wenden lassen. Wenn am Ende der Saison der Strich gemacht wird, wird er nicht mehr auf der haben-Seite haben als VÀÀtÀinen. Bin ich mir 99 Prozent sicher.


I still have to say, I have one more pet peeve with Pekka. When things are difficult, he does not seem to handle them up front and straight. This was very evident with Hapa case in several ways. But it is also clear right now.

Pekka talked beforehand a lot how Ober was very important in decision with Olli and Kalle. Now he has made his decision and given the team for Oslo in the time of his own choosing. And there was no comments about the choice in the press release. It's evident that reporters have not been able to get hold on Pekka after the press release. They still have no comments in their news or they have Kari Ylianttila's comments (and those are only about Rane.) And there is no way, he didn't know, the media wants his reasoning and comments for his choices. It's Finnish ski jumping team for World Championships. If he didn't know, that it would be considered a big news and the press would want to talk with him about the matter, he is either extremely ignorant or in denial. If he was too busy to answer his phone today, he should not have been giving the press release today.

This is not a way to run things.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:

Rising Sun

Mountain Girl
wow, das ist ja toll dass rane in vikersund startet! hoffentlich lĂ€uft es auch gut fĂŒr ihn, damit er selbstvertrauen fĂŒr die wm sammeln kann :)

hm, kalle tut mir auch leid, aber ich gehe eh davon aus dass die anderen 4 alle wettkÀmpfe springen. und immerhin haben die weiblichen fans so ne freude wenn olli dabei ist :hihi:


Warrior of Kindness
Lebanon, Kansas
ach Pekka....
Es war ein toller Wettkampf von den Jungs. Die anderen Nationen sind alle mit ihrem Team fĂŒr die Weltmeisterschaften gestartet und wir hatten nicht Janne Ahonen und Anssi Koivuranta im Aufgebot. Das lĂ€sst uns an unsere Chancen in der Zukunft glauben“, so NiemelĂ€.

Opitmismus rulez!!


Da ist mir so ein Trainer lieber, als einer mit 10 Tage Regenwetter, der die letzten Springer mit sowas noch anstecken wĂŒrde.

Aber ich freu mich schon total auf Vikersund, meine beiden Jannes wieder verreint.:party::party:;)


Ich wÀre mir an seiner Stelle auch nicht so sicher, dass das bei den Norwegern oder den Deutschen das WM Team war. ;)


Dieses Wochenende habe ich Ruhe :)
Keine Einladung und Kinder bei den Grosseltern... Jetzt muss ich nur noch meinen Mann ĂŒberreden dass er basteln MUSS :)

Havu und Rane wieder einmal am gleichen Springen :)