đŸ‡«đŸ‡ź Thread fĂŒr Finnen Fans


Warrior of Kindness
Lebanon, Kansas
It is also very obvious that lately one name has not been mentioned at all. When they speak about bindings, they speak how it's a project made with Tampere University of Technology, the name of the professor involved is also often mentioned, but they do not mention the name of someone they are actually paying monthly salary and who was very much hyped during summer. If you look Finnish press and Pekka and others talking, you would think that Finnish team's technician/coach has just disappeared from the face of the earth.

Which wouldnÂŽt be the worst thing! :duck:

Soll er mal lieber weiter Kameramann fĂŒr Sigmund und Thiele spielen, kann er ja anscheinend besser.


zu hause
Matti hat ĂŒber ihn in seinem letzten Blog geschrieben, wie gut es lĂ€uft und das einige Neuerungen eingetreten sind und er die Zusammenarbeit gut finde :)


zu hause
ich frag mich manchmal woher diese ganzen spekulationen kommen! Manche scheinen ja hier total eng mit dem finnischen verband in kontakt zu stehen und sich mit der finanzpolitik auszukennen. Marre, where did you get this news? I think there are a lot of speculations in it!
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ich frag mich manchmal woher diese ganzen spekulationen kommen! Manche scheinen ja hier total eng mit dem finnischen verband in kontakt zu stehen und sich mit der finanzpolitik auszukennen. Marre, where did you get this news? I think there are a lot of speculations in it!

Which part of it?

I hope, I made clear, that part of Rane and Oslo was totally my speculation.

About the money, it comes from various public Finnish sources. Most recent being a interview with Ilkka Tiilikainen in Urheilulehti. Part of who are using the bindings (and how many they have been able to make till now), are from Pekka NiemelÀ's interviews and from MTV3 news. Part, there I hoped they can save in equipments next season is my own hope, because this year they had to nix COC middle of season because of the money problems (source Ilkka Tiilikainen), and I think COC would be more important than equipment thing. Part, there I note that Hofer's name has not been mentioned in any news concerning new bindings lately, is just from reading those news. There was also rumour from unnamed source early in season published in Urheilulehti, that things with Hofer are not going as well as Finnish team hoped (mainly that he is not as good as they thought he was.)
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zu hause
Which part of it?

I hope, I made clear, that part of Rane and Oslo was totally my speculation.

About the money, it comes from various public Finnish sources. Most recent being a interview with Ilkka Tiilikainen in Urheilulehti. Part of who are using the bindings (and how many they have been able to make till now), are from Pekka NiemelÀ's interviews and from MTV3 news. Part, there I hoped they can save in equipments next season is my own hope, because this year they had to nix COC middle of season because of the money problems (source Ilkka Tiilikainen), and I think COC would be more important than equipment thing. Part, there I note that Hofer's name has not been mentioned in any news concerning new bindings lately, is just from reading those news. There was also rumour from unnamed source early in season published in Urheilulehti, that things with Hofer are not going as well as Finnish team hoped (mainly that he is not as good as they thought he was.)
Yes, i meant the equipment thing for me coc is also important! But they need also the equipment. And you need faults to learn from that. Probably the anonym person is just one of them whithout benefits from the new binding. Maybe it is more time needed to try new things. But to say everything went wrong is to early. Think about mattis last season. Also about ville before his injury. He was also jumping with the new binding. You can see at a video on youtube. Ville is jumping with a cam at his ski in klingenthal. And the papers are finnish media. They just write about kalle if they want to. Same with hofer. I think they just write about they favourites and just about guys from the own country.


Yes, i meant the equipment thing for me coc is also important! But they need also the equipment. And you need faults to learn from that. Probably the anonym person is just one of them whithout benefits from the new binding. Maybe it is more time needed to try new things. But to say everything went wrong is to early. Think about mattis last season. Also about ville before his injury. He was also jumping with the new binding. You can see at a video on youtube. Ville is jumping with a cam at his ski in klingenthal. And the papers are finnish media. They just write about kalle if they want to. Same with hofer. I think they just write about they favourites and just about guys from the own country.

Ville was not jumping with National team binding (source Pekka NiemelÀ.) He was jumping with commercial binding like all the other top jumpers (source Pekka NiemelÀ in several interviews.) You have to understand that there is two different 'new bindings' in Finland used. One is the commercial binding also other countries use. Other is special National team binding that Matti uses (and maybe now also Olli and Anssi) and Rane used earlier at the season (source NiemelÀ.) Now Rane and Havu are using old bindings (source Rane.) The commercial bindings don't cost that much. It is this own binding project, that is expensive (source NiemelÀ.)

They started it, because they wanted to be forerunners with equipment (source NiemelÀ.) They put heavily resources to that (source NiemelÀ and Tiilikainen during the summer) and hoped it would bring advantage. Till early february, they had made bindings for Matti and Rane in that project (source NiemelÀ.) All the others were using commercial bindings. For Oslo, they were able to make bindings in their project also for Olli and Anssi (source NiemelÀ.)

I agree that this kind of project could be beneficiary on the long run - if they could afford it. But now they had to nix COC because money run out (source Tiilikainen.) It is also said, that next year will also be financially hard so they may need to prioritise even more.

Finnish media mainly writes about what the team gives them. Very seldom they take their own inventive. And that only, if there is something really juicy. If NiemelÀ doesn't mention Hofer when he talks about the bindings and how they develop them with the professor from Tampere etc. they don't write about Hofer, because he is not mentioned. And they certainly wrote lots and lots of him during the summer so it's not because he is Austrian...

The anonymous person telling, that Hofer is not what they expected can very well be one of the people, who, or whose trainees, hasn't been given any benefits from the project (that being anyone but Matti and Rane and their personal coaches.) it doesn't mean it is total bullshit.
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zu hause
Okay, it is said by pekka, i know. But i am not this kind of persons who think that the finnish team make all public. And the media is the same in every country they write what they want to and I know from personal reasons, they write not everything what the guys told them, just what seems to be interesting. I also understand the binding thing. But i read at the beginning of the season that ville also use an own binding which is unique. And in my opinion it is better to support everyone as an individuall person.


Okay, it is said by pekka, i know. But i am not this kind of persons who think that the finnish team make all public.

I don't believe Pekka would be so callous, that he would lie, that Ville was not using their home-made binding if he in fact had been doing so. He was specifically asked that, because Ville got hurt and binding may have had something to do with it. Pekka very strongly told, that Ville was using commercial binding and it had nothing to do with National team project.
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And Havu's knee not hurt. :phew:

Uotila and Nieminen were too cryptic when they talked about what Havu actually said to Porttila. He had said that he took the jump down because of the knee, landing felt on the knee, but it didn't get hurt. Uotila and Nieminen left that last part out... :neinnein:
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linker Spinner
Pansendorf im Bumsland
And Havu's knee not hurt. :phew:

Uotila and Nieminen were too cryptic when they talked about what Havu actually said to Porttila. He had said that he took the jump down because of the knee, landing felt on the knee, but it didn't get hurt. Uotila and Nieminen left that last part out... :neinnein:
Mit dem Knie is schon alles ok...Jeder der da bei 240 auf dem Hang aufschlÀgt spuehrt seine Knie (und nicht nur die). Havu is nen ganz Grosser. Heut hat er sich nach seinen schweren Verletzungen und dem Comeback die Krone aufgesetzt. Auch wenn er natuerlich nicht gewonnen hat.