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Pansendorf im Bumsland
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Mal ehrlich. Was hĂ€tte Hapa denn davon wenn er Mittel zum Zweck sein soll Pekka abzusĂ€gen. Wenn das nich wirklich so wĂ€re (was ich mir durchaus vorstellen kann und was wir damals streckenweise ja schon vermutet haben) wĂŒrde der doch nich freiwillig den Weg in die Öffentlichkeit suchen. Gerade er NICHT. Oder seh ich das falsch? Hapa, der perfekte SĂŒndenbock. Wie geil ist das denn? :donk:
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Warrior of Kindness
Lebanon, Kansas
Da muss doch jetzt akut wieder was gewesen sein!
Hapa hat ja nun wirklich nichts davon einfach so alte Kamellen wieder aufzuwÀrmen.
Da brodelts mal wieder...


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Pansendorf im Bumsland
bitch fight! :party:
Man hat sich anscheinend vorerst gegen eine gemeinsame Lösung entschieden..Köstlich. :hihi:


zu hause
Hammer, alle anderen Teams konzentrieren sich auf Meisterschaften oder fahren in den Urlaub und im Team Finnland werden sich die Köpfe eingehauen... :neinnein:

Masa hat das schon richtig gemacht :pffft:


Nothing new, everyone is only referring to the IS story. But now I have read the whole story. Not much more than I already told. Expect Pekka strongly implies this is KykkÀnen & Co.'s attck towards him. He also tells that Hapa is impossible and while he has protected him before, now he considers telling all. Not sure what that all is, though, because he tells that Hapa was only eight days total with the National Team at his time. He also tells that at least once during those eight days Hapa didn't do his warm up before jumping. (Really, I do believe Hapa was very difficult, but that sounds like rather petty thing to tell after two years...)

Hapa also really tries to provoke. While he says that if someone else than Pekka would had been a new coach after Löde he would probably still be a jumper, he also says that he is happy he quit and was saved from the embarrassment of this season. He also says that Pekka is technically too old fashioned and is too focused to the high jumping tests and not interested enough about aerodynamics. He also thinks that Pekka has managed to train the whole team to total the mental lock.

About Kuusamo he says that he was totally done before that and should not had been there at all. Motivation was gone and he didn't even want to jump any more. About his current situation he tells that he has been living mostly from his savings, has not came up anything worthwhile to do yet, has been in bars (too) often and being trainer interests him (he also proposes himself a next head coach :D: :hihi: As I said, he is in the full provoking mood.) Picture anyway tells, that he has change his habits after last autumn at least a bit, he is not chubby or puffy at all now. Also the reporter tells that Hapa doesn't seem anxious any more (the reporter is one of the two Hapa trusts at least some.)
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Pansendorf im Bumsland
Das is alles? Ach Gottchen. Hapa kritisiert Pekkas Trainingsmethoden, im Gegenzug vermutet Pekka Verschwörungen gegen ihn seitens des KykkÀnen-Clans? Weis der sich nicht anders zu wehren frag ich mich da als zu sagen "dann pack ich halt aus was damals in Kuusamo vor 100, Àh 2 Jahren war"? Andererseits, ich könnt Herrn O. auch schon wieder in den A* treten.

Muss das denn sein, Jungs? :neinnein:



Mostly yes. If I remember correctly (I do not have a paper right here now), Hapa also said that he was afraid that it would not end well for him from the moment he heard Pekka would be a coach. And that Pekka is not that good coach for Finland. And that he doesn't understand why Pekka kept HautamÀki on the team whole season even though he didn't jump well and was not too motivated and didn't try some new guys instead. And that while Anssi has jumped okay, he would still had only been a team's sixth best with those results in spring 2008, which was only four years ago.

And Pekka goes on and on, how he could tell how awful Hapa really is and how he has been protected by coaches (but doesn't tell anything concrete other than what I already told.) He also tells that while he has met Hapa few times during the last year, he has not said anything like this to him (which is why he things it's someone else putting words to Hapa's mouth.)
I have to say, that Hapa really 'kerjÀÀ verta nenÀstÀÀn' (How do you say that in English :hÀh:, well provokes like hell and damn the consequences anyway), so I'm a little afraid how this will end.


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Pansendorf im Bumsland
Mostly yes. If I remember correctly (I do not have a paper right here now), Hapa also said that he was afraid that it would not end well for him from the moment he heard Pekka would be a coach. And that Pekka is not that good coach for Finland. And that he doesn't understand why Pekka kept HautamÀki on the team whole season even though he didn't jump well and was not too motivated and didn't try some new guys instead. And that while Anssi has jumped okay, he would still had only been a team's sixth best with those results in spring 2008, which was only four years ago.

Jihaa, someone whos frankly telling the truth. Finally. At least as far as I can see this things. And I guess Pekka is just pissed about it and more it comes from Hapa.

And Pekka goes on and on, how he could tell how awful Hapa really is and how he has been protected by coaches (but doesn't tell anything concrete other than what I already told.) He also tells that while he has met Hapa few times during the last year, he has not said anything like this to him (which is why he things it's someone else putting words to Hapa's mouth.)
I have to say, that Hapa really 'kerjÀÀ verta nenÀstÀÀn' (How do you say that in English :hÀh:, well provokes like hell and damn the consequences anyway), so I'm a little afraid how this will end.
I wonder why Hapa comes out with this now. Why he? Provoking this way for whatever reasons. I don't know. :hmpf:

Did you mean "Poke ones nose into everything."?


Die MĂ€dels hatten ihre Meisterschaft gestern:


btw: Wenn Harri Interesse am Trainer sein hat, soll er sich halt um die entsprechende Ausbildung kĂŒmmern. Wenn er schon aus seiner Begabung nix macht. Nich nur so rum leben wie Gott in Frankreich. ;)

Heikinen und Eronen springen auch noch? :irre: Eronen ist laut FIS not active und Heikinen wird 20 und hat noch keinen internationalen Wettkampf absolviert. Und wo waren KykkÀnen und Tuomisto?

Olli hat wegen NiemelÀ aufgehört: http://skijumping.de/news,id2133,harri-olli-habe-wegen-pekka-niemelae-aufgehoert.html


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Pansendorf im Bumsland
Heikinen und Eronen springen auch noch? :irre: Eronen ist laut FIS not active und Heikinen wird 20 und hat noch keinen internationalen Wettkampf absolviert. Und wo waren KykkÀnen und Tuomisto?

Olli hat wegen NiemelÀ aufgehört: http://skijumping.de/news,id2133,harri-olli-habe-wegen-pekka-niemelae-aufgehoert.html
Setz nich so viel auf die nationalen Meisterschaften. Wenn man noch in einen Anzug passt kann man da mit machen. Grad bei den MĂ€dels. Die wĂŒrden sonst gar keine Konkurenz zusammen bekommen. Deswegen ist das Springen auch auf der K70.

Und ja, zu dem Link sag ich jetzt weiter nichts weil er unnötig ist. Kann man alles hier im Thread nachlesen. Und das noch viel detaillierter. :rolleyes: