Nur echt mit Kartoffel
- Beiträge
- 3.395
- Punkte
- 113
Puh... der Hammer, diese Episode.
Das Ricin könnte auch für Elliott/Gretchen sein, falls Gray Matter eine Rolle spielen soll
Also so wie ich das verstanden habe wird die letzte Folge genauso lange wie vorletzte, also "nur" rund 52 Min.
Ich erwarte ein episches Rachegemetzel ersten Ranges fürs Finale, seine Familie will eh nix mehr von Walt wissen, jetzt geht es nur noch darum, Rache zu üben. Motiviert ist Walt jedenfalls.
Mein Body-Count für die letzte Folge:
- Todd, der Psycho
- die restlichen Nazis
- Lydia (hat Skylar bedroht, wenn das Walt rauskriegt ist sie fällig, glaube immer noch das das Ricin für sie ist)
- Walt geht auf jeden Fall drauf, die Frage ist nur wie (nachdem er alle seine Feinde erledigt hat, wird er einsam und allein auf einem Stuhl an einem seiner Hustenanfälle draufgehen, Abgang ala der Pate (3) )
Ich glaube nicht das Elliot und Gretchen was zu befürchten haben. Alle anderen überleben.
"Felina" doesn't feel like a cheat, or a massive misstep, or an overreach. This is one of the greatest shows of my lifetime, and nothing in this concluding chapter changes that.
But it also felt so neat, and so orderly, in such an un-"Breaking Bad" sort of way, that I don't think I can give the show bonus points for its last episode in the same way that "The Shield" or "Six Feet Under" get extra credit for their finales. Most of this last half-season was astonishing, but I don't think Gilligan was just being self-effacing when he said "Ozymandias" was the best episode they ever made. That was, essentially, where the story of Walter White ended. These last two weeks have been an extended epilogue, the first half ("Granite State") gut-wrenching, the second half satisfying and tidy.
I understand why Hardwick, and so many of the people I follow on Twitter, were so pleased with the ending. In an era where the great dramas so often overreach, obfuscate or stumble in their conclusions, this was definitive. These were the final, unmistakable steps on the path Walter White put us on nearly six years ago.
But given everything that Walt had been through, and put us through, over these 62 episodes, I think I might have preferred the whole package be wrapped in a bow that wasn't so tight. "Granite State" suggested a world in which Heisenberg was dead and useless, but "Felina" brought him back to life, briefly more potent than ever before. It's a more cathartic, upbeat conclusion than if the series had ended with Walt getting into Robert Forster's van or living alone in that snowy cabin, but is it ultimately a more fitting one for this series?
Ihr hättet es besser gefunden wenn die Serie mit Ozymandias geendet hätte?