Tyson Chandler
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andyBull2 schrieb:LaMarcus Aldrige oder vllt Sheldon Williams. Der 2. ist übrigens mein Lieblingspick.![]()
Sources: Clippers Will Look To Deal Maggette For Draft Pick
hoop4life schrieb:habe das hier im orlando-thread aufgegabelt...was denkt ihr darüber, könnte maggette ein großer SG sein, wie in die bulls suchen? ist der vertag zu teuer und was würdet ihr dafür abgeben? wie sieht es mit maggettes defense aus?
Tyson Chandler schrieb:Ich will ihn nicht. [...]
hoop4life schrieb:ok, dass ist eine ansage!![]()
zur rotation, denke nicht das maggettes verpflichtung automatisch den abschied von gordon bedeuten würde. denk mal an eine 3-guard-rotation mit hinrich-gordon-maggette, sprich gordon würde auch einige zeit auf der eins spielen mit maggette auf der zwei, während hinrich sich eine pause gönnt auf der bank. dabei wäre es zweitranging wer nun starter ist, gordon oder maggette, denn beide würden satt minuten bekommen und wir hätten einen starken energizer auf der bank.
hoop4life schrieb:ich sage nicht, dass ich unbedingt maggette will, aber wenn man günstig rankommt wäre es eine überlegung wert. wobei wohl sein vertrag das größte problem wäre, auf lange sicht.
jemand gerade hier, der eine aussage zu maggettes defense machen kann?
basketballboards.net schrieb:There are very few players that can get to the FT line like Maggette. I would love for him to be on this team. I think he's a bargain at 7 million a year and definetely worth the draft pick. He's a guy who's not afraid to get the rim and draw contact. One, he's a big athletic guard (6'6" 225lb) and two addresses the FT issue. He also qualifies under the Pax "will be a star in his prime as the rest of the Bulls are hitting theirs."
The only issue is his durability (63 games per season, 36 game this season)
basketballboards.net schrieb:Is it just me or do others thing Maggette might be a chemistry killer, ala Antoine Walker? Maybe its a Chicago thing, but it always seems like kids who come up through the Chicago system are either stars or chemistry killers. I love Corey Maggettes body and game, its his mind I dont like. He hasnt met a shot that he doesnt like and his defense leaves alot to be desired. Its not a secret that LA got better AFTER he got hurt. But the kid can finish at the rim, is built like a Greek Adonis and spends more time at the line then a drunk in a bar. Maybe Skiles is what the kid needs. But he is basically a one on one player right now and I wouldnt trade the NY pick for him, and I am not sure I would trade 16 for him unless LA was atleast willing to consider taking fatboy off our hands as well.
basketballboards.net schrieb:great post. I agree he may be a chemistry killer. What else can be the reason as to why the clippers are trading him? His contract isn't that big but it looks like he's a blackhole in their offense. Maggette probably has 0 percent body fat. It's disgusting.
Maybe the bulls can absorb that because we have a very unselfish team. However, Paxson does not want anything that can taint the bulls fragile young minds. I can see Maggette or any star really, averaging 27-29 ppg on the Bulls.
basketballboards.net schrieb:I used to be a big Maggette fan. I still think he's a good player, but I don't know how he'd fit into our offense. He is definitely mainly an isolation player who either uncorks the jumper or puts his head down and tries to get to the rim. With our pick and rolls, ball movement, and weaving, he might not have his comfort zone. The rumor is that he's not a quck learner as far as picking up and executing a gameplan. That's just hearsay, but there may be something to it, considering that the Clips did fine without him and are using him off the bench now.
He does bring things we could use:
-gets to the FT line as much (per minute) as nearly anyone, and hits them at a 70+% clip.
-is capable of playing solid defense on big guards (but doesn't always put forth the effort)
-pretty versatile scorer. Can shoot the jumper fairly well, get to the rim, and pull up
I'm on the fence. He's a better player than we can expect to get with the 16th pick, definitely. Heck, he might be better than whoever we get with NY's pick. But his salary would eat into the cap space and I'm not sure he'd be a great fit. It's a bit of a roll of the dice. For just the pick, I think I'd do it. I wouldn't touch the core to add him. Putting Duhon in the deal...that's a tossup.
Wenn ihr Duhon loswerden wollt, könnt ihr ihn gerne zu den Lakers schicken. Das schwarze Loch namens Smuuuush auf der 1 ist echt nicht mehr feierlichTyson Chandler schrieb:Ein package Duhon, Harrington und den #16 pick wäre sinnvoll, aber würden wir danach wirklich gestärkt hervorgehen? Ich weiß es nicht.
Bin zwar kein Bullsfan, aber setz Dir schonmal nen Helm auf. Kannst mir ruhig glauben, was ich im Lakersthread geschrieben habe. No way!heiko2183 schrieb:ein paket aus mihm/cook/smush/picks/cash für hinrich
was meint ihr?