Der GROSSE Wladimir-Thread (Konsequenz, Diabetes, vergiftet, jetzt 6 Monate gesperrt)


im paradies
Die DRITTE !!!!!!!!!! (T)KO Niederlage von WK war schon ein innerer Durchmarsch. Aber die stümperhaften Versuche einiger User hier, nachdem sie ihre Schnoddernase nach dem langen Heulen wieder geputzt haben, die Niederlage in einen eigentlichen Sieg umzuinterpretieren macht dieses KO erst richtig köstlich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:


Aus dem Forum zusammengeschnitten:


by "John Q.Public"

By visiting some of the web sites today that cover boxing it has become obvious some have very little knowledge of day to day activities in the sport. I have read numerous accounts of the Vald Klitscko(42-3, 39 KOs) Lamon Brewster (30-2, 27 KOs) bout, yet most are inaccurate or ill informed. All I have read today on message boards and web sites was Klitschko has a glass jaw. If that is the truth, the Gods honest truth, then why wasn't Klitscko knocked unconscious? Could someone point out to me what round Klitschko was knocked down or unconscious in? I have emailed many today, and am still waiting for someone to reply. If his jaw was that bad Brewster should have had a much easier time with him.


The first subject that should be addressed is the poor officiating by the Referee Robert Byrd. Byrd obviously had an eye on Klitschko from the start of bout, cautioning Klitschko at every turn yet allowing Brewster the same actions. Byrd ruled the first knock down a slip when everyone could clearly see it was not a slip. Even the HBO crew called it a knock down.
The HBO crew pointed out the low blows by Brewster though out the fight, Byrd chose to ignore them never cautioning or reprimanding Brewster. Need I point out again Klitschko was never knocked down in this fight, despite hearing following this fight about "Klitschkos weak jaw". I believe many were caught up in the moment of the bout and chose to believe Klitschko was in fact knocked down. Can anyone tell me what round Klitschko was knocked down in? An official knock down? All I hear is he has a weak chin, a glass jaw. If Klitschko has such a weak chin wouldn't he have been knocked out? He took every hook that Brewster gave him in the 5th round and was never knocked down. The only knock down was the foul after the bell when Klitschko went to the canvas, following the fifth round.That was not an official knock down and Klitschko should have been given a chance to recover. If these web sites want to report that Klitschko ran out of gas, if they want to say he didn't pace himself, he was fatigued, I am with you on that. This story of Klitschko having a weak chin, a glass jaw, thats b u l l s h i t. Michael Grant has a glass jaw, do you see any correlation between Grant and Klitschko? I dont.


The knock down after the bell was a foul. One boxing web site wrote, "Klitschko crumbled to the floor with the referee attempting to hold him up. Klitschko could not get up." I watched the fight several times now and Klitschko was up and returning to his corner when the fight was called. Yes he was very weak. If you want to report that he was weak, had problems with his stamina, I am with you there too, but these reports of him just collapsing and not being able to move, again are just b u l l s h i t !


The standing 8 count Klitschko received in the 5th round could have been called also against Brewster in the previous round. Klitschko received a standing 8, but the idea the ropes were the only thing holding him up, again, b u l l s h i t. He wasn't going down and thats a fact. Hell after listening to the commentators I even believed he was going down. After listening to Roy Jones I believed Klitschko had a chin made of china and had been knocked down 20 times in that fight. Lamply said that Klitschko chin was worse than that of Lewis. If that was the case, Klitschko would have been stretched the way Lewis was against Rahman. Does the younger Klitschko brother have a glass chin? After watching him take a barrage of hits from Brewster in that 5th round, I would say no he doesn't. But will that stop the lies? No it wont.


Am I the only on who is questioning the garbage coming from the mouth of Roy Jones Jr? The self bolstering crap he was full of? Lets set the record straight about Roy Jones and the Klitschkos; One year ago Roy Jones was the WBA champion at heavyweight. The #1 contender was Vitali Klitschko. If Jones felt at that time that either of the Klitschkos couldn't take what they dish, he had the opportunity to show the world. No Jones didn't show the world anything. The fraudulent excuse from Jones for not facing Vitali Klitschko was a motorcycle had fallen on his hand, he was injured. Everyone knew at the time that it was a lie. Last night, hiding behind a HBO microphone Jones reminded me of a little girl hiding behind her mommas skirt. I know Jones has not forgotten the beating Chris Byrd took at the hand of Vlad four years ago. Did he forget that was a 12 round fight, in which Byrd took a 12 round ass kicking? This is the same Chris Byrd whom Roy Jones could have fought in a unification fight at heavyweight but refused to. But that is nothing new, Jones has refused many fights in his career with the well wishes from HBO.


There was no mention last night from Lampley about Corrie Sanders giving up his WBO belt so he could fight Jones Jr. Hey Jim did we forget to mention that on the air? Its true people, Corrie Sanders had signed to fight Jones Jr. Jones had everyone believing that he was about to fight Sanders. When Sanders chose to give up the WBO belt Jones Jr pulled out of the fight, saying there was no reason to fight Sanders. This is the same Sanders who knocked out Vlad Klitschko. I am still puzzled by that move by Jones. If the WBO is an off brand title with no meaning to you, why back out of a fight that you told everyone you were taking? This is classic Roy Jones. Talk the talk, yet never back it up. I am not sure about anyone else but I think it was distasteful the way Jones carried himself last night. Yes people, I concur he will be in the hall of fame some day, and yes before the emails start flooding in, he has talent. This isn't about his talent, its about Jones Jr the person. A two faced, back stabbing weasel who doesn't have an ounce of credibility in his body. What a low life he proved to be after the bout. I thought Lampley did a poor job of challenging the stand Jones took. All I saw was that gleam in the eye of Jim, like he was in love with Jones. Hey Jim, the next time Roy decides to toot his own horn, how bout showing some balls, knock him down a few notches. For a second there last night, I thought it was the "Roy and Jim Love Hour".


Lamon Brewster seems like a decent guy and should be given credit for his win against Vlad Klitschko last night. Despite being a 10-1 underdog and taking a beating for 4 rounds, ultimately he was victorious. Even if Klitschko would have been given time to recover following the foul at the end of the 5th round, I seriously doubt he would have been able to pull it together to win the fight. If nothing more, the out come of this bout sets both fighters up for a nice payday in a rematch. Are you listening Universum?


During the Juda/Spinks bout we got a glimpse of Klitschko warming up in his dressing room. At first I thought I was looking at a white version of Lennox Lewis. Early in the bout it became clear that Emanuel Steward had trained Klitschko in the same manner he had trained Lennox Lewis. Vlad came out of his corner hugging, mugging and holding in ways I had never seen him in do in the past. Being the large man Klitschko is, could it be possible this new method of boxing caused the fatigue in him? I would be interested in hearing Stewards response to this.


I have to admit the result of last nights bout was disappointing too many. Regardless of the outcome, and what you may read around the Internet, Klitschko was the better fighter in the ring. Klitschko was winning the bout for four and a half rounds before fatigue set in. But it wasn't a four and a half round fight, it was a 12 round fight. There is no doubt in the choice Vlad Klitschko has to make next. Vlad is in a corner with no where to go at this point but to a rematch with Lamon Brewster. Vitali, his older brother cant redeem him this time. The only person who can do that is Vlad himself. Vlad Klitschko has two choices before him; Redemption or Retirement.

A.C. McCoy is a freelance journalist who resides in Louisville, Kentucky. To contact A.C. McCoy send comments to

Brewster Over Klitschko By 5th Round “Pass-out”?
Author: Europa 56ko (
Date: 04-12-04 15:48

Brewster Over Klitschko By 5th Round “Pass-out”?

11.04.04 – By Aidan Monaghan - I’m no doctor. But Dr Wladimir Klitschko was not KO’d by Lamon Brewster either, he passed out on him ... seemingly fell asleep. With all due respect to Lamon Brewster, he barely laid a glove on Klitschko during the entire bout, save for a strong left jab to the head and a decent body blow early on. Something is just not right physically with Dr. Klitschko. Even a good 30 seconds before Klitschko began to hopelessly stagger about the ring and before Lamon Brewster initiated his final finishing flurries, Klitschko’s mouth can be seen hanging open and he even seemed to have trouble keeping his eyes open. He was going to sleep.

Yes, Wladimir has had a history of apparent conditioning problems, but none like on Saturday night. And when contrasted with his brisk pace in a KO win over Ray Mercer over 6 rounds 2 years ago, one has to wonder “What suddenly went so wrong and why?” Does the good Doctor have some very serious underlying health condition? (He wasn’t even gasping for breath just prior to the KO, he was just seemingly going to sleep on his feet) A fragile ticker unable to sustain his huge mesomorphic physique? Or was the seeming stamina problem due to the energy that was expended through the much higher rate of foot movement evident early on, a product of the new training regimen of Emanuel Steward?

Only time will tell. But has the clock run out on Wladimir Klitschko - at 28? In any event, a thorough physical examination of this seeming physical specimen might be in order, for his sake. At 28, he has a lot more to lose than a simple boxing match.

Wlad: I was suddenly weak!
Author: carlos mother (
Date: 04-12-04 17:03

Wlad: I was suddenly weak!

April 12, 2004

By Lisa Scott

Photo: Roger Williams
On Saturday night, Wladimir Klitschko looked to be well on his way to winning the vacant WBO heavyweight title as he easily manhandled underdog, Lamon Brewster (30-2; 27 KO's). However, something was amiss in the 28 year old Klitschko (42-3; 39 KO's). Upon returning to his corner after the first round, Klitschko appeared to be exhausted and as the bout wore on, his energy gauge quickly plummeted towards sub zero levels. Eventually, referee Robert Byrd waved the fight off at the conclusion of the fifth round when Klitschko was barely able to walk back to his corner.

Past performance wins against Jameel McCline (TKO10) and Chris Byrd (UD12), proved that stamina was never an issue for the 6'7" Ukranian fighter.

Immediately after the fight, Klitschko was taken to the hospital for observation and tests. His exhaustion was so acute that he was unable to speak.

Fightnews spoke to Klitschko yesterday afternoon to see how he was and to get his explanation regarding this odd turn of events. He stated: "I have absolutely no explanation why I became so weak during the fight. From the middle of the first round, I was totally exhausted. As the rounds went on I became weaker and weaker and I don't know why. I did not become weak because of the punches. I know this because in the third round, I received a punch - but I saw that punch and it did not effect me. I didn't become weak because of it. In the fourth round, I knocked Lamon down twice and I knew I had him hurt. I knew I was going to win the fight. But, I could not finish him because I was so weak. Eventually, we both fell to the canvas. But, I was so weak that I couldn't get up. In fact, the referee grabbed my arm to help me. If he did not do that, I would not have made it back to my corner. I have no idea why this happened.

"Also, my trainer Emanuel Steward has no idea either. He told me that in all his years, in hundreds of fights, that he has never seen any situation like that, where a fighter becomes totally weakened early in the first round. In the middle of the first round, my legs felt like rubber. I did not have the feeling as if I punched myself out. The feeling was much, much different. In training for this fight, my pace was a lot higher than in the fight. I was throwing much more combinations and didn't have any problem with weakness. I know fighters can punch themselves out and over pace themselves - but that doesn't happen in the first round! After the fight, I went to the hospital and when I came back to my hotel room, I slept for over 10 hours!

"At the hospital, the CAT scans were normal and everything else was fine. I will know the official results of my blood test tomorrow (Monday) or Tuesday. But, I have no explanation for my sudden weakness and I'm not looking for excuses. I lost the fight and I congratulate Lamon on his victory."

Early Sunday morning, rumors were actively circulated that Klitschko's preliminary blood work detected abnormal levels of blood sugar - and the presence of a viral infection. However, such is inconclusive until the final test results are released. It is standard practice for Doctors to administer second and third blood tests if the preliminary blood work discovers an irregularity. Generally, pre-fight medicals are intended to disclose any abnormalities


@ Franz und Rauschenbach: Gratulation. Die ersten zwei auf meiner Ignore-List.


bin erstaunt, hier "Rematch" zu lesen. seit wann gehen denn die Begriffe "Wladimir Klitschko" und "Rematch" auch nur annähernd zusammen?

zur "Diabetes": endlich wurde das "Eigentlich" (deutsche Übersetzung des Wortes "Klitschko", wie mir manchmal scheint) gefunden!:rolleyes:

Buster D


Ich was zwar nicht was hier vorher abgelaufen ist, aber was bitte soll das ganze Zeug aus dem Forum. So weit ich weiß ist das auch ein öffentliches Forum und jeder kann sich dort beteiligen wenn er will.

Ich sehe daher keinen Grund, dass Du uns mit Auszügen aus dem Forum "beglückst". Wenn es jemand interessiert, beteiligt er sich dort an der Diskussion.

Oder wurdest Du hierher geschickt, um uns zu bekehren? ;)



Da halten sich selbst die Götter den Bauch vor Lachen, die unbesiegbaren Riesen haben fünf Niederlagen zu Buche stehen, diese heißen dann im Quacksprech der Fanlein und UBP`s : Dehydradation, Spinatus, Laggypansch, Cheadbatt, Overpest/ Wettkampfdiabetes.......:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Irgendwie ist das agieren dieser Betügerbande schon fast wieder genial!!!:thumb:



im paradies
Original geschrieben von terry [/i]
Die DRITTE !!!!!!!!!! (T)KO Niederlage von WK war schon ein innerer Durchmarsch. Aber die stümperhaften Versuche einiger User hier, nachdem sie ihre Schnoddernase nach dem langen Heulen wieder geputzt haben, die Niederlage in einen eigentlichen Sieg umzuinterpretieren macht dieses KO erst richtig köstlich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

@ Charly 3

läuft die Schnoddernase noch?

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Herr Rauschenbach

ich beantrage das boxingpress trauerband nach diesem erschütternden erlebnis. die farbe des forums sollte von gelb/grau auf schwarz/weiß zu ehren wladis geändert werden. alle öffentlichen gebäude (inkl dem schrebergartenvereinen) solltenzukünftig die fahnen auf halbmast setzen.;)

an alle, die jetzt vor enttäuschung blind amok laufen:

kommt mal wieder runter und sucht euch eine andere zielschiebe. obwohl ein knockout mit seinen standard 2-3 zeilen beleidigung ist der beachtung ja nichteinmal wert.

und sabataichen, beruhig dich doch mal wieder. ich verfasse solche postings mit diesem inhalt nicht erst seit gestern. sich zu freuen, dass jemand zu brei geprügelt wird ist immer noch eine andere ebene als einfach aussagen und im boxsport einmalige aktionen in einer humoristischen weise als das zu entlarven was sie sind, einfach nur grotesk und lächerlich.

unterstellt dir eigentlich jemand ein schw+++++tscher von anderen tigerfans (markus, dawid) zu sein?


Charlie 3

Zitat: @ Franz und Rauschenbach: Gratulation. Die ersten zwei auf meiner Ignore-List.

Bitte bitte nicht das überlebe ich nicht, noch dazu mit Rauschenbach diesem Kasperl, da komme ich womöglich aus dem lachen nicht heraus!!!!;)

Ich habe seit der Niederlage Wladimirs einige sachliche Interpertationsversuche der Niederlage und der Gründe dafür abgegeben, welche sicherlich der Sache wesentlich näher kommen als jedes Fangeschluchze und blöder Bemäntelungsversuche, antworte zuersteinmal auf diese falls du dazu imstande bist, bevor du auf beleidigt spielst!!



Re: Rematch

Original geschrieben von Jockey
Zu 90% gehen Rückkämpfe genauso aus wie der Vorkampf!
Bestes Beispiel: Hollyfield-Tyson!!!!
ganz egal!

auch wenn er verliert hat er mut bewiesen!das reicht fürs erste.


@ Rhesusaffe

unterstellt dir eigentlich jemand ein schw+++++tscher von anderen tigerfans (markus, dawid) zu sein?

Nein, da gibt es ein Unterschied. Markus, Dawid und ich bewundern uns nicht gegenseitig sondern den Dariusz - du jedoch, guter Rauschenbach bewunderst Franz und kriechst ihm ständig in den Ar***.



im paradies
Lieber Franz,

bitte weise nicht noch auf deine schleimigen Versuche hin, bei denen du Hintergründe des WK KOs sachlich beleuchten wolltest. Das ist der Niederlage nicht angemessen. Es war sowas von voraussehbar, dass WK enttarnt wird, dass es keiner Erklärungsversuche bedarf! Das selbst mittelmässige Boxer dazu in der Lage sind ist auch nicht besonders neu!


Original geschrieben von cus
ich habe diabestes typ 1 also nicht typ 2 ( der sogenannte alters zucker kann man aber auch als jüngere person bekommen ,bekommt man meistens mit tabletten in den griff ist auch weiterer hochleistungssport möglich, kenne selber einen profi eishockyspieler) , typ eins sowie ich ihn habe muss man mit insulin spritzen behandeln und zwar vor jeden essen und bevor man schlafen geht, tägliche häufig blutzucker messen . die bauchspeicheldrüse ist defenetiv kaputt und produziert das lebenswichtige insulin nicht mehr der wo den zucker abbaut. sollte klitschko typ 1 haben ist meiner meinung nach seine karriere beendet , sechsfacher zuckerwert das bedeutet 600 , 100 währen normal. ich bin mit 600 schon mal ins koma gefallen mit 12 jahre ist aber schon ewig her.:)

wenn das stimmt mit den 600 tipp ich mal starck an typ 1 diabetes.

was ich nicht verstehe wenn klitschko im krankenhaus wahr können die sofort festellen ob er diabetes hatt oder nicht sie brauchen nur das blut nach den HBA 1 c (langzeitwert , zuckerspiegel) messen ,bei uns im labor dauert das im höchst fall 1 stunde . und dann weis man ob er diabetes hat oder nicht . warum die dann schreiben man weis es nicht versteh ich überhaupt nicht , ich denke klitschko weis es schon .

typ 1 diabetiger müssen mindestens halbjährig einen test machen beim doktor und eine bestätigung ans landratsamt schicken sonst wird der führerschein entzogen.
auch weis ich von uns im labor das man amateur boxer oder wahren es profiboxer na egal keine erlaubnis bekommen zum boxen.
auch wenn klitschko weiterboxen darf wo ich bezweifle bei typ 1 ,wenn er es überhaupt hat??
dann wird er konditionell nie gut sein, und ich denke eine karriere als weltmeister fast nicht möglich.
@ cus

ganz recht,man kann den langzeitspiegel messen,ist aber in vielen spitälern keine routine.nach diesem wert wird esrt bei verdacht auf diabetes typI ( oder juveniler diabetes mellitus) gesucht.kann sein das der diesmal noch nicht bestimmt wurde.

Herr Rauschenbach

man muss das ganze geschehen noch einmal revue passieren lassen:

die interviews marke letzte chance, neuer trainer, ubp theater k2, dieser ko, plötzlich hatte wladi schon in runde 1 gummibeine, dann gibt es überhöhte zuckerwerte, jetzt haben wir plötzlich eine diabetis...wenn man dies rückblickend und in verbindung mit dem sanders desaster sieht, kommen einem bei dem ganzen klitschko rummel die tränen vor lachen.

für mich sind sie einfach nur noch die klitsch-clowns.:laugh2:

was ich mich allerdings schon nicht erst seit so morgen frage, was ist hier eigentlich erst los, wenn vitali von sanders verdroschen wird???


Orbis Terrarum
Original geschrieben von terry
Aber die stümperhaften Versuche einiger User hier, nachdem sie ihre Schnoddernase nach dem langen Heulen wieder geputzt haben, die Niederlage in einen eigentlichen Sieg umzuinterpretieren macht dieses KO erst richtig köstlich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Weichimir wird der erste Diabetes Boxer der noch einmal um den bedeutenden WBO Titel kämpfen wird. Bestimmt gibt es noch einen schwächeren JOURNEYMAN als Brewster der den großen Weichimir um den großen WBO Waldmeistertitel herausfordern wird. Es geht doch nichts über eine Krabbelstunde mit Weichimir und die anschließenden Verschwörungstheorien seiner verunsicherten Supporter.


Original geschrieben von Franz

Da halten sich selbst die Götter den Bauch vor Lachen, die unbesiegbaren Riesen haben fünf Niederlagen zu Buche stehen, diese heißen dann im Quacksprech der Fanlein und UBP`s : Dehydradation, Spinatus, Laggypansch, Cheadbatt, Overpest/ Wettkampfdiabetes.......:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Irgendwie ist das agieren dieser Betügerbande schon fast wieder genial!!!:thumb:


franz , vergiss es kleiner hater . samstag in einer woche ist schluß mit lustig :belehr: , dann wird einer der härtesten puncher aller zeiten anfangen alle titel zu vereinen - :thumb:



Zitat: bitte weise nicht noch auf deine schleimigen Versuche hin, bei denen du Hintergründe des WK KOs sachlich beleuchten wolltest. Das ist der Niederlage nicht angemessen. Es war sowas von voraussehbar, dass WK enttarnt wird, dass keiner Erklärungsversuche bedarf! Das selbst mittelmässige Boxer dazu in der Lage sind ist auch nicht besonders neu!

Vereinfachen wir das ganze einmal, was waren die Gründe für die Niederlagen ( Oder waren es "eigentlich"gar keine Niederlagen gegen.

1. Purrity

Ich würde mich schon mit jeweils ein zwei erklärenden Sätzen zufrieden geben.



im paradies

auch wenn ich dein Aussehen (pic) bewundere:

Hier ist der WLADIMIR Klitschko Thread!!!! Der ist ausschliesslich für die Belustigung über WLADIMIR da. :belehr:

Der Lacherthread über VITALI Klitschko kommt erst in 2 Wochen!!!! :belehr:

Und zwar im Einklang mit dem R.I.P. Thread für BEIDE Klitschkos! :jubel:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Herr Rauschenbach


sehr interessant. woher weißt du, dass ich eine franz büste und statue von ihm besitze?:laugh2:


ist dir kleingeist eigentlich schon mal in den sinn gekommen, dass manche leute nun einmal den gleichen humor teilen und sich über die gleichen dinge absolut köstlich amüsieren können?
ich weiß noch ganz genau nach dem lewis kampf, ich habe damals tränen aufgrund der forumssprüche gelacht. 2 wochen danach habe ich beim bloßen lesen des wortes cheadbatt immer noch einen lachkrampf bekommen.