Golota left the hospital. He has 11 stiches inside the face and 12 outside. "Golota wanted to fight Saleta with the injury, but Sam and Ziggy Rozalsky refused to fight with such injury and no boxing commision would allow him to fight with this kind of injury. It will take 2 months to heal up from the injury. Saleta is so angry and also claims, that Golota did itself and is so mad at Golota and talks shit. Rozalski want to kick his ass Very Happy Saleta will fight on the card and replacement will be found soon.
Yes, his jab looked great on sparring sessions. Looked like old Golota's jab. Many of you don't know, but after car accident he couldn't move his hand and operation after Ruiz fight made great things. Finally Golota could hit very hard and bring back his muscles in this hand. I was hoping Golota would show it with Brewster, but he did it again.
Maybe Golota will fight at Adamek-Urlich undercard in October."
Ich zitiere unkommentiert joecool vom esb-forum
Eine polnische Freundin von mir hat die polnischen Internet-Zeitungen durchgecheckt. Golota hatte offensichtlich den Kopfschutz nicht richtig festgeschnallt, denn bei einem Schlag seines Sparringpartners Obed Sullivan brach der Helm, drehte sich und schlitzte ihm die Augenbraue auf.
Saleta sagt, Golota habe es absichtlich getan, um ihn zu "ducken". Golotas Manager sagte, er selbst könne ja die verbleibenden zwei Wochen für Golota ins Training. Dies reiche locker, um Saleta in den Arsch zu treten.
In einem polnischen Boxforum sagte ein user, Golota habe seinen Rekord aus dem Brewster-Kampf unterboten: Er sei gleich zwei Wochen vor dem Kampf K.O. gegangen.