Karriereende-Thread 2015


Moderator Wintersport
Michael Lunardi
Er bleibt dem Skispringen aber erhalten als Trainer (laut ihm selbst bei der Nationalmannschaft)

edit: So, vom PC aus geht mehr
THE DAY IS HERE ALSO FOR ME. Now after a long free time I decide to end my career. This adventure started 17 years ago when I was only 5 years old and my dreams were really big. Now it's time to change something in my life, in this season I will start my adventure as a trainer with Italian national ski team. I want to write a lot of things but it's impossible because I would write so much. Ski jumping is my life and because of this I want to continue in this amazing world. In this moment I have a lot of emotions but it's impossible to talk about that. A big THANK YOU for all the people that supported me in this fantastic adventure, for first MY FAMILY because they were always here for me. I'm really happy about this adventure because I have made a lot of experience and I met a lot of fantastic people. My career was not the best but I can say I made my best for this sport. Another time THANK YOU and now it's time to start a new adventure.

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Moderator Wintersport
Wäre sehr sehr schade, aber zu erwarten. Schließlich ist er wieder in keinem Kader...

edit: tut er

Gründe: vor allem die Situation in Frankreich, keine bzw. sehr wenig Unterstützung. Er sagt, als er anfing, waren es ca 10 Springer und 5-6 Trainer Physios etc. Jetzt sind es 3 Springer und 2 Trainer. Er braucht ein Team um sich zu entwickeln. Und er glaubt, dass unter aktuellen Voraussetzungen ein Durchbruch nicht möglich ist. Hinzu kommen finanzielle Aspekte, er kann vom Skispringen nicht leben.

Er bedauert, nie bei Olympia gewesen zu sein.

Er will in Zukunft weiter was mit Sport machen, hat Wirtschaft studiert und will was machen, wo er beides verbinden kann.

Seine Höhepunkte:
-Teamdritter im mixed in courchevel, weil sie ein Team waren
-6. in courchevel, zu Hause, sein erster Trainer aus Kinderzeiten als Stadionsprecher
-Kuusamo 2007, sein 2. Weltcup, er hat in der Quali sein Idol Funaki geschlagen

Seine Gründe für die aktuell schlechte Lage im franz. Skispringen
-kein Nachwuchs, andere Sportarten sind stärker, Leute wie Jason oder Fourcade ziehen die Jugend an
-finanziell keine Förderung (nur Vince hat nen Sponsorenvertrag)
Der Verband will Skispringen unterstützen, hat kein Geld, will erst Ergebnisse sehen. Aber ohne Geld keine Ergebnisse

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I am disappointed with Mayer retirement, he is nice (and japanese :D:)....

But he has made a mistake in the interview about Kuusamo 2007/2008. It was Okabe and not Funaki. I remember, Okabe had a shorter jump than him and it has allowed him to take part to the (unbelievable) competition (with Schlieri 147m jump).
His first quali jump was Klingenthal 2007, the first WC comp on the new hill... He was young...


Moderator Wintersport
Yeah, I really liked Nico, too. He has always been very nice and kind. And even if some of the french coaches or the federation have not been fair to him all the time, he has just kept continuing with training. (Well, in fact, this has been wise, saying something against the french federation can be the end of your career, when you are not the french top-jumper ;) )

Best example for the federation and coaches being unfair to him are the olympic games in Vancouver. In the interview he saidm that he was very dissapointed, that he could not take part in it because of his health. But that's not true.
It was already sure that Chedal, Lazzaroni and Descombes-Sevoie are safe for the OG. And before the Junior Worldchamps in Hinterzarten it was said, that they will take Nico or Mab to the Olympics. They said, they will choose the one, who finished better in the Juniors. And Nico was better in every single jump. But they took Mab to the Olympics with the reason, that he has been to the world championships the year before and has done well. And that's why Nico is so frustrated about the Olympics he has never been to...

I looked up the results for Kuusamo. It has to be Okabe, but Okabe was also qualified for the competition. I am just a little bit surprised, because he always told me, that Funaki was his idol, as he said in the interview. He never talked about Okabe. Maybe he just has given the wrong competition


Okabe's short jump has qualified Nico, but other jumpers who have started after Takanobu had shorter jumps than him, so he was qualified too :)

Yes he also said me than Funaki was his idol.

I know what is wrong. I remember he said me that in Planica 2007 (COC), he has beaten Funaki for the first time and he was happy because Funaki was his idol and after the comp he has even talked to him as he speaks a bit japanese. It was like a dream for him.


He has made a mistake with Planica COC 07 and Kuusamo 07/08. I am sure.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:


Moderator Wintersport
Yes, it has to be Planica. Because Í am sure he knows, that Funaki is his idol and not Okabe ;) And I also had something in my mind with a COC, where he beat Funaki.

Nevertheless: Team France lost a great member with Nico. In fact, after Chedal, Nico has always been my favourite guy in this team. Maybe just because he is not as "french" as the others are ;)


Moderator Wintersport
Es hat sich ja angedeutet und ich glaub, sie hat es bis zum Schluss nicht wahr haben wollen. Sie hatte so oft das Knie kaputt. Und ihr Kniespezialist hat ihr geraten aufzuhören, wenn sie jemals wieder schmerzfrei leben will. Das war Mitte Mai, da schrieb sie noch, sie will die nächste Meniskus-OP abwarten. Aber jetzt scheint ihr Verstand dann doch gesiegt zu haben

Da var siste spikeren i kista satt. For over seks år siden gikk jeg i mot enkelte legers anbefalinger om å fortsette hoppkarrieren. Men nå som også de fremste ekspertene på feltet, sier "nok er nok," så tør jeg ikke annet enn å lytte denne gangen og ta hensyn til helsa.Det har vært tungt å måtte innse at hopplivet er over, men likevel kan jeg se tilbake på mange gode idrettsminner. Er nok ganske sikker på at jeg om 20år skal være glad jeg valgte å legge skia på hylla i dag. Slik at jeg fortsatt kan leve ut andre drømmer i livet som krever to bein å stå på.
Har i dag gjennomgått en operasjon hvor jeg har fjernet brusk og finpusset menisk, fikk også bekreftelse i dag på at Fremre korsbånd er helt borte, og deler av bakre er også borte. Skulle jeg fortsette karrieren, ville jeg vært nødt til å gjennomgått 3 nye operasjoner for å få satt inn nye korsbånd. For deretter ville sjansen for kunne bli skihopper igjen 50/50, med også en mulighet for at kneet blir dårligere funksjonelt enn det er i dag. Den risikoen er jeg ikke villig til å ta. Er også innforstått med at man ikke blir best i en idrett som utvikler seg enormt, med kun ett bein å stole på.
Jeg har vært utrolig heldig som har vært en del av verdens beste idrett og miljø i flere år. Takk til Christian, Jermund, Thomas, Erik og Karli for for å bidratt enormt for at jeg skulle fly lengst ned i bakken. takk til mine nærmeste treningsvenninner line og Maren, dere har uten tvil gjort treningshverdagen mye mer givende, underholdene og lærerik. takk til sponsorer, støtteapparat, familie, treningsveninner/kamerater, og spesielt mamma og pappa som alltid har stilt opp i medgang og motgang. Ingen tvil om at jeg vil savne å fly sammen med dere alle! Nye eventyr utenfor idrettskarieren står nå for tur! Takk for meg

I've decided to retire as a skijumper. My meniscus surgery is now done. The norwegian knee specialist advice me now to retire from skijumping, becuse me knee will never be 100% normal. The prehistory from my serious injury from 2008/2009 is the reason for the complications. The doctors Told me that the future for my knee is not really good, and if i retire as a skijumper now, i still can have some hope to keep a lot of future pain away. I will miss you all!

Das ist ihr Post bei Facebook. Der englische Teil unten sagt ja das wichtigste, der norwegische ist allerdings viel persönlicher. Wort wörtlich übersetzen kann ich es nicht, aber sinngemäß.

Sie hat 6 Jahre lang die verschiedensten Ärzte aufgesucht, um die Skisprungkarriere fortsetzen zu können. Aber nun haben auch die führenden Spezialisten geraten, aufzuhören. Jetzt glaubt sie, dass sie es diesmal sein lässt und aufhört. Es war sehr schwer für Gyda einzusehen, dass das Skisprungleben vorbei ist, aber wenigstens kann sie auf viele tolle Sportmomente zurück blicken. Sie ist sich sicher, dass sie in 20 Jahren froh ist, die Ski an den Nagel gehängt zu haben. Durch die Entscheidung kann sie andere Träume verwirklichen, für die sie immer 2 Beine zum stehen braucht.
Bei ihrer Meniskus OP hat man festgestellt, dass ein Kreuzband völlig "verschwunden" ist und Teile vom anderen auch. Sie bräuchte 3 weitere OPs um die Kreuzbänder herzustellen. Und selbst dann stehen die Chancen 50/50, ob sie springen kann. Und würde sie weiter springen wäre es wahrscheinlich, dass das Knie noch weniger funktionieren würde als heute. Das Risiko ist ihr zu groß.

Dann bedankt sie sich bei ihren Trainern, bei Line und Maren, Sponsoren, ihren Eltern etc. Für die Unterstützung und die tolle Zeit. Sie wird alle vermissen, aber jetzt stehen neue Herausforderungen außerhalb des Skisprungsports an