Fresh schrieb:Vince Carter :
" I don't know who took it out of context but what I said was kids were going to try to be like Kobe Bryant and try to score 81 points in their high school basketball game," Carter said. "But they can't. There's only one guy who can do that and he did it. Next to Wilt. And maybe Michael Jordan.
Carter was shocked to find out some people took that to mean he was knocking Bryant.
"Why would I do that? This guy just accomplished something we'll never see for awhile, unless he does it again. In a world where guys are always getting publicity for the negative things they've done in their life, this is something that every player who steps on the floor as a basketball player should say, 'Wow.' That's what I said.
"It was never once meant to be something negative. It's like when you go to a R-rated movie and they say, 'Don't try this at home.' But this was an accomplishment. Why should anyone hate on any player who scores 81 points?"
Vincent Bonsignore, (818) 713-3612
er ist einfach nur neidisch! auch wenn er es nicht zugeben will.
jeder war wohl neidisch an dem abend.
Carter hat es nie auf das Level von Kobe Bryant geschafft, obwohl er ein verdammt guter baller ist, was er gerade in New Jersey beweist.
vielleicht schafft er es noch, aber die zeit wird ihm davonrennen.
ich habe so das ungute gefühl, dass carter vielleicht einer der guten spieler bleiben wird, die nie eine trophy gewinnen werden.
schade für ihn.