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Mantis schrieb:Vielleicht hat er sich entschieden für Serbien zu spielen, geht ja bekanntlich sowas...
dann müsste er aber offiziell serbe sein und nicht slovene
Mantis schrieb:Vielleicht hat er sich entschieden für Serbien zu spielen, geht ja bekanntlich sowas...
lastsamurai schrieb:Erstmal Glückwunsch an die Lakers-Fans zu diesem Saisonauftakt!
Aber sagt mal: hab ich Halluzinationen??? Kobe mit 7 Schüssen in 35 Minuten? Der wird doch jetzt nicht plötzlich zu nem Teamspieler werden wie Mike?
Kado schrieb:wie ist eigentlich die derzeitige lage bei streamtv? kann man da wieder bezahlen? mit creditkarte wahrscheinlich, oder? und haben sie bisher viele lakers-games gezeigt? überlege mir, ob ich ein abo kaufe.
danke für die hilfe
Was denn nun?Sorry, we are not accepting any more members at this time. DO NOT paypal anyone from ppvtvonline or any other email address! These people are trying to scam you!
benny blanco schrieb:nein, er muss es nicht werden, denn er war es schon immer. wie oft habe ich schon mit schlaumeiern darüber diskutieren müssen, dass kobe kein ego ist wie die medien ihn darstellen. wenn er ein fähiges team um sich herum hat, dann nimmt er sich auch gerne zurück (das bedeutet jetzt nicht dass er jeden abend 7-10 würfe nehmen wird)
fofkb8 schrieb:sehe ich etwas anders da ich kobe mag und iverson nich so sehr oder was is los? es reden immer alles davon das kobe ein egozocker sei.... aber warum regt sich bei iverson da niemand drüber auf? wenn ich da etwas vergessen habe, dann bitte ich um aufklärung
BBplaya schrieb:stream TV soll sogar alle spiele der lakers übertragen, da viele im forum gepostet haben, sich nur anzumelden wenn es lakers spiele gibt...auf channel 11 laufen sie immer...bildqualität ist mittelmässig, ton gut...vor allem flüssiger als TVU...
ACHTUNG: StreamTV kann man in Europa zurzeit nur mit Visa bezahlen.
1 Monat 6$ + 2$Gebühr, also 8$
3 Monate 14$ + 2$ gebühr, also 16$...
sollte für jeden machbar sein ;-)
zudem übertragen sie ja auch andere NBA spiele...
gratisspiele per stream...programm hier:
Crap schrieb:Und was hat Montenegro mit Slovenien am Hut?
Flash3 schrieb:Offtopic:
Da du dich wohl mit StreamTV länger befasst als ich, hier zwei Fragen an dich:
1.) Wie funktioniert denn das mit der erneuten Anmeldung. Wenn ich beim Login-Fenster unten auf Register klicke, erscheint folgende Meldung:
Was denn nun?
2.) Wie sieht's mit anderen Teams aus? Werden auch viele Spiele anderer Mannschaft - insbesondere der Hornets- gestreamt?
danke schön! also dann müsste das spiel gegen die blazers auch auf channel 11 gezeigt werden. wie kann ich eigentlich das programm eines einzelnen channels sehen?
kann ich die angegebenen spiele auf der oben genannten seite alle mitm TVU anschauen, das heißt "empfängt" mein TVU Prog alle Spiele dort auf dieser Seite, oder muss ich noch nen anderen weg kennen?
KingKobe schrieb:eigentlich ist es ein MUST-WIN aber in dieser liga kann jeder jeden schlagen.warten wir es ab.
Wobbly Bryant shows he's willing to share
November 8, 2006
After a decade of watching Kobe Bryant on a basketball court, I thought I had seen it all.
I've watched him act surreal. I've watched him act supernatural. I've watched him act scatterbrained. I've watched him act selfish.
But, three games into his rushed return this fall, I'm watching what might be Kobe Bryant's most eye-popping performance of all.
I'm watching him act human.
Tuesday night, first quarter against the Minnesota Timberwolves, lights down, stars out, crowd oohing.
Kobe throwing up an off-balance air ball.
Kobe throwing up a layup with his feet seemingly stuck to the hardwood.
Kobe trying to make a move on overmatched Trenton Hassell but stumbling and knocking the rock out of bounds.
"It's the new ball!" shout some fans. "It's the new ball!"
No, it's the new Kobe.
Trying to come back on a surgically repaired right knee that clearly isn't ready.
Working though training camp kinks amid regular-season expectations.
Undergoing what should be a private rehabilitation under national scrutiny.
Unafraid to damage his reputation or scoring average.
Losing himself in the team.
"Maybe a few years ago, I might have looked at things different," Bryant said this week after practice. "But it's not about me. It's about us."
He's said this before. He's never shown it like he's showing it now.
Can you imagine one of the NBA's highest-flying players unafraid to play on a knee still so weak, that last week one of his dunk attempts was blocked by the rim?
"Yeah, man, that stunk, but sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself," he said about the play against Seattle. "My teammates are still giving me grief about that one."
Can you imagine one of the NBA's quickest players unashamed to play on reflexes so rusty, a drive to the basket can look like a run through quicksand?
"Hey, I'm just glad when I can turn the corner," he said.
How about one of the NBA's proudest players attempting a comeback on legs so uncertain, after two games, his league-leading 35-point scoring average of last season had been nearly cut in half?
"Going from 35 points to, like 15 points? That's tough," Bryant said. "I know a lot of guys wouldn't want to deal with that. But like I said, this is not about me."
Bryant knows the young Lakers are better with him on the court, even as their waiter or busboy.
"I'm taking great pride in helping us pick apart a defense, helping us grow as a team," he said.
Bryant knows that one of his passes (21 assists in three games), one of his double-team drawing drives, one of his looks, is worth every cringe.
"Right before the season, I received an e-mail from my high school coach," he said. "Just go out there and do what you do. Go out there and win."
Bryant has always loved to win.
We thought we saw it during all those times when he carried the team on his giant back.
We're seeing it even more now, when he is carrying them on his wobbly legs.
One numeral no longer dominates the back of his jersey. Two numerals now share it.
On the court, voluntarily putting himself in a position where he is less than perfect, he is showing that ego can also share.
His coach, Phil Jackson, openly admits he's not close to being ready.
"He has quite a ways to go before playing the kind of basketball we're used to seeing out there," he said.
The lack of his familiar athleticism speaks for itself, with Bryant pulling up on fast breaks to pass, and stopping short on drives to shoot.
"He doesn't have all of his stuff back," Jackson said.
Yet Bryant is back anyway, only with new stuff, cool stuff, sometimes even better stuff.
One three-possession sequence in the third quarter of the Lakers' 95-88 victory over the Timberwolves went like this:
Bryant rushes up to cheer Andrew Bynum and Luke Walton after their second effort leads to a basket.
Bryant throws a perfect bounce pass to Bynum for a basket
Bryant throws another perfect pass to Walton for a basket.
Of course, as it has often happened during this first week of the season, Bryant's heroics were followed by his humanity.
Moments after that previous sequence, he was charging past Marko Jaric on a fast break, one on one … and he couldn't finish. Jaric was able to stay close enough to foul him, which led to two free throws, but still.
How many prideful NBA players in his position would show up without even wearing a knee brace to prove to everyone that they are playing hurt?
"I don't need a brace, and I don't need to make people think I'm in pain," he said. "I just need to play."
If Bryant wanted, he could hire nine former NBA players to run up and down with him at the Toyota Center for a couple of weeks until he is in better shape.
Heck, Bryant could always do what another Laker once did, and just refuse to take the court if there was any chance of physical embarrassment.
Yep, that was Shaquille O'Neal. And, yeah, those 12 games he missed after toe surgery at the start of the 2002 season eventually cost them a fourth consecutive championship.
The other night against Seattle, after falling down on another shaky layup, Bryant jokingly continued his rehabilitation by performing several push-ups on the court.
A proud player laughed at himself. A charmed city cheered.
Redemption schrieb:Aber wir haben Glück, denn Steve Blake spielt nicht mehr bei den Trailblazers. Heute kann Andrew Bynum einen Center nach dem anderen auseinander nehmen. Erst Magloire, dann Przybilla, dann LaFrentz, ...![]()
Alles andere als ein Sieg wäre überraschend, unnötig und dämlich.
[...] and I don't need to make people think I'm in pain," he said. "I just need to play."
Brandon Roy Update
From Trail Blazers General Manager and President Steve Patterson:
There was good news following Brandon Roy’s MRI on Tuesday, which came up negative for any major issue and only revealed an impingement in his left talus (heel) bone.
Roy was given a cortisone injection to relieve the pain, and will be held out of Wednesday’s game against the Lakers as a precaution.
His shoe will be fitted for an orthotic insertion and Roy is listed as probable for Friday’s game vs. the Hornets.