New York Knicks - Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen

John Dunbar

TommyPoint15 schrieb:
Außerdem denke ich, dass das 94 er Team noch viel besser war als das 99er...
Hab ich was anderes behauptet? Ich hab das 94er Team einmal gesehen, daher erlaube ich mir dazu kein Urteil. Wenn mir aber irgendwelche lächerlichen Unterstellungen von Leuten gemacht werden die meinen, sie könnten andere herabsetzen nur weil die juenger sind werd ich bitterböse :)


Hm, wenn ich das Restprogramm sehe und wie die letzten Spiele gelaufen sind, sind maximal 2 Siege drin. Ich würde mich aber auch nicht wundern, wenn gar keins mehr gewonnen wird. :saint:


nette wette, ich tippe höchstens auf einen sieg aber hoffe dass sie alles verlieren, das gibt ihnen mehr zu denken es sei denn die wissen was das überhaupt ist. :laugh2:

John Dunbar

The Matrix schrieb:
nette wette, ich tippe höchstens auf einen sieg aber hoffe dass sie alles verlieren, das gibt ihnen mehr zu denken es sei denn die wissen was das überhaupt ist. :laugh2:
Also wenn die Knicks aus Fehlern lernen wuerden, wären alle Beteiligten inzwischen Genies. Von daher sage ich, sie lernen nicht daraus.

Nate Robinson Almost Sent To D-League
New York Daily News - The New York Daily News is reporting that rookie guard Nate Robinson had become such a nuisance for Larry Brown that the coach considered sending him to the Developmental League last month to work on his game and improve his attitude.

The only thing which kept Robinson on the Knicks roster was GM Isiah Thomas, whom Brown spoke to, who felt that Robinson would benefit from practicing with veteran teammates.

On Sunday, Robinson said he felt "awkward" trying to conform to Brown's wishes of being less demonstrative.

"I was not doing some of the things like I do, like getting my teammates hyped," Robinson said on Sunday. "I felt if I did that, Coach would be mad at me."

Assuming Brown returns to coach next season, Robinson is a prime candidate to be traded. The Knicks have an abundance of guards and Brown isn't convinced that Robinson, Stephon Marbury or Steve Francis is suited to be the full-time point guard.
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Come-and-get-it schrieb:
Ich meinte ja gar nicht dich ;)

EDIT: OH, wieder gespamt. Wie wärs wenn wir darauf wetten, wieviele Siege die Knicks noch schaffen. ich tippe auf zwei

Man könnte ja einen Vergelich anstellen, wieviel unabsichtliche Spams Du noch hinbekommst bzw. wieviel Siege die Knicks noch einfahren werden ;)

John Dunbar

TommyPoint15 schrieb:
Man könnte ja einen Vergelich anstellen, wieviel unabsichtliche Spams Du noch hinbekommst bzw. wieviel Siege die Knicks noch einfahren werden ;)

Oh verdammt! :D

Mal im Ernst, mit was anderem kann man den Thread gar nicht mehr fuellen, sonst werd ich deppresiv. Jetzt legt sich Brown auch noch mit dem greaten Nate an.


Come-and-get-it schrieb:

Oh verdammt! :D

Mal im Ernst, mit was anderem kann man den Thread gar nicht mehr fuellen, sonst werd ich deppresiv. Jetzt legt sich Brown auch noch mit dem greaten Nate an.

by the way, wie findest du steve nash so? :D

Flaming Mo

We are missing extremely important things, that's out of of question. We lack some defenders, gritty physical guys, we lack outside shooters and a backup PG (certainly only a minor weakness).

Now with that said of course our team isn't as bad as our record says. If you only look at our potential and keep in mind what thinsg went wrong for us this season, then you can put our record in persepective.

The tough thing now is to find the players you can count on and to find the players who aren't believing in the program. We need to keep some of these question mark players who were shaky this season because a total shakeup would just be wrong. We got young players and we got players who have a future in New York.

Larry Brown tried the right thing. In order to improve the team in the important areas he wanted to break everything down and built up a team that plays "the right way". Listen folks, this isn't any kind of phrase or stupid talk, this is winning basketball. Ask the Spurs, ask the Pistons, ask previous champions. Defense, team play, execution... that stuff will win in the end and it is the only way to go. You can play certain ways and win some games, get in the playoffs here and there but that's what we shouldn't be about. You can have an average record like Milwaukee, Philly or whatever teams are in the middle of the pack. But that won't help us in the long run and it won't help our players in the long run. Chicago is trying to do the same thing. That's the right way to start a team and the right philosophy to start off things. It's the best base for a winning club.

Certain circumstances made a turnaround this season impossible here in NY. First of all there is the structure of the roster. We have a lot of young kids who have to learn the NBA game first before thinking about others stuff. We had veterans who have never been held accountable for years. QRich came from a very special system. We had a lot of injuries to key players. Marbs isn't the same since the 6 game win streak. Curry had no offseason, Q had a bad back. Second, of course, Larry didn't do his best job. He said it numerous times and I'll give him this season in my book. No problem. Third there is the losing mentality we already had. Marbury for example felt a lot of pressure and expected things to change quicker than it was possible. A lot of stuff got hand in hand, LB and Steph clashed here, Ariza talk there, Isiah critic here, losses there. And there you have a situation which is tough to rebuild in.

I blame everyone on the team, some more, some less. Larry Brown and Marbury were supposed to lead but they didn't, they get some more blame. Our rookies deserve slim to none blame. Other guys did bad, others did a little better. Isiah has his part of the cake, too. Sure. The Francis trade was a desaster in my eyes. Didn't help us long term, short term, any term. But that's another story.

Now we got to be careful and not be detracted by all the critics and the phrase how we reached rock bottom and stuff. Who cares?? Look at the team, look at the pieces and find keepers and goners. Patience has to be one major goal for the offseason, not jumping the gun and we got to realize that not everything is as bad as it looks...

Sorry, hatte keine Lust alles zu übersetzen.


geht doch

Die Niederlage gegen die Wizards könnte eigentlich auch nochmal die Wiederholung der Niederlage gegen das gleiche Team am 25. Februar gewesen sein.
Nichts hat sich geändert, bis auf die Trikots der Wizard, die Oldschool noch beschissener aussehen.

Tut mir leid, aber was will man mehr über die Knicks schreiben?
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Pink_Floydian schrieb:
geht doch

Die Niederlage gegen die Wizards könnte eigentlich auch nochmal die Wiederholung der Niederlage gegen das gleiche Team am 25. Februar gewesen sein.
Nichts hat sich geändert, bis auf die Trikots der Wizard, die Oldschool noch beschissener aussehen.

Tut mir leid, aber was will man mehr über die Knicks schreiben?

Garnichts. Ausser das ich mir eine weitere Analyse zu den Knicks in der FIVE wünschen würde. Die Situation hat sich seit dem letzten Artikel ja merklich verschlechtert und mich würden Insiderinfos und eine journalistische Meinung sehr dazu interssieren.

John Dunbar

Also ein letztes Mal poste ich hier noch meine Meinung (in der Gewissheit, dass sie nicht umgesetzt wird):

Umbruch! Zuersteinmal muessen Namen wie Brown und Thomas weg.
Francis, Marbury und wie sie alle heißen, sie alle muessen weg. Egal was man dafuer bekommt, meinetwegen nehm Rubens Boumtje-Boumtje, wäre mir so egal, hauptsache diese riesigen Verträge sind raus aus New York City! Und dann, meinetwegen fahrt 0 Siege ein, drauf geschissen, wenn man endlich mal einen Draftpick hat der was bringt. Danach beginnt eine lange, lange Leidenszeit, die ich aber mit Freuden gegen das eintauschen wuerde, was immoment abgeht.

Ich weiß, mehr als unrealistisch, fuer mich aber der einzige verbleibende Weg aus dieser Katastrophe


Nahe den Polen
Come-and-get-it schrieb:
Wenn mir aber irgendwelche lächerlichen Unterstellungen von Leuten gemacht werden die meinen, sie könnten andere herabsetzen nur weil die juenger sind werd ich bitterböse :)
Eine letzte Antwort bekommst du noch: Ich habe ausschließlich deinen Einzeiler von vor ein paar Tagen kritisiert, da ich ihn für sinnlos und wenig diskussionsanregend befand. Dein Alter hast du doch hiermit
Wie lange zieh ich mir dieses Team schon rein?!
indirekt selbst ins Spiel gebracht; dass fand ich widerum lächerlich, denn sehr lange wirst du die Knicks mit deinen 17 Jahren ja nun noch nicht verfolgen.
Ziemlich blöd, dass es nun so viele Posts gebraucht hat, um das zu klären, meine Intention hinter der Kritik an deinem Beitrag war nämlich lediglich die, dich dazu anzuregen, deine Thesen/Meinungen etwa zu untermauern und nicht einfach so in den Raum zu schmeißen. Den herablassenden Unterton hätte ich mir dabei vielleicht sparen können -tut mir Leid, wenn dich das irgendwie getroffen haben sollte-, zu meiner Aussage, dass solche Beiträge sinnfrei sind, stehe ich nachwievor.

@topic: Hier mal ein mMn recht treffender Artikel zur Situation von Steve Francis. Lange geht das alles nicht mehr "gut", im nächsten Sommer könnte doch einiges passieren.


Ist das jetzt das Sichern eines Platzes im Team für die nächste Saison oder haben ein paar Spieler doch kapiert, von wo aus es in New York am meisten stinkt?

It isn't just Larry Brown who is disgusted by the Knicks' lack of professionalism and pride. Several players expressed similar thoughts during a postgame team meeting that included Brown, Quentin Richardson and Malik Rose, accusing some Knicks of not caring and not competing.
"I played for the Clippers and we were bad, but I don't remember being around anything like this," Richardson said following Washington's 105-90 victory last night. "I never lost games like this. It seems like we don't care."
Rose, who won two championships with the San Antonio Spurs, couldn't let another dreadful performance pass without saying something.

"Will it make a difference, I don't know," Rose said. "My gut is, I doubt it to be honest. It's at the point where I have to say something. If it falls on deaf ears so be it."

When asked why his message would fall on deaf ears, Rose added: "Maybe some guys don't want to hear it, some guys don't want to do it. At this point I don't really care. I'm going to do what I can to make this team better. I can't control people's attitudes at this point in the year. They're so set in what we've been doing. If you want to do it that way, do it."

Rose, who last week called the season an embarrassment, was visibly upset throughout the game and took his frustration out by kicking the scorer's table. Earlier this season, Richardson wanted to take his frustration out on Stephon Marbury before being restrained by teammates.
"I can't even explain it, man," Richardson said. "I've had a horrible season but I'm going to come out and play hard. You can tell I want to win, you can tell I care about the way we're losing and the whole situation. It just feels bad because you don't feel that the whole team feels that way."
Brown never sounded so embarrassed by his team's performance and attitude, saying, "Somehow you got to find five guys that care enough to compete. You got to hope you have enough pride to compete. I never in my life thought I'd have to be in a position where you're begging guys to play.

"I've never been in anything close to this. It's my responsibility."

A majority of the players, led by Marbury, tuned out Brown long ago. Now, players are acting insubordinate toward him and displaying a lack of respect. Players openly talk back to Brown during games or just ignore him completely.

Nate Robinson's relationship with Brown is deteriorating. After being criticized for taking ill-advised shots, Robinson attempted just one shot in 26 minutes last night. Robinson's defiant behavior was similar to what Marbury did during a game against Orlando in December.

"I told (Nate) it's just as selfish not taking an open shot as it is not passing the ball," Brown said.

Brown went on to call the game "one of the worst" while Steve Francis compared the mood around the team to a funeral. Richardson made a point to defend Brown and place the blame on the players.

"This has been going on the whole season so I don't want to say that coach is losing the team," he said. "I take my hat off to coach and the whole coaching staff. I don't know how they made it this far with us.

"I think a lot of people in that position would say forget it. None of the coaches have done that."
Quelle (wie schon bei Peyn wieder die New York Daily News)