Iverson and Dalembert made the flight to Milwaukee yesterday afternoon and whether they play will be game-time decisions at the Bradley Center.
Iverson felt ill during Monday's 103-91 win over the visiting New Orleans Hornets and left the game in the third quarter after playing a season-low 34 minutes. He said that he felt dizzy and sick, especially in the second half.
Iverson did not attend yesterday's practice at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. The Sixers sent their medical staff to his house.
According to a team spokesman, Iverson will be evaluated after this morning's shoot-around.
As for Dalembert, he will be making his first road trip of the season. He did not play in the first 12 games because of a strained right quadriceps.
Dalembert practiced yesterday. According to Sixers president and general manager Billy King, the center is medically cleared to play.
Dalembert fears returning too soon and aggravating the injury. The 6-foot-11 Dalembert said he was close to suiting up for Monday's game against New Orleans but decided against it at the last minute.
"I was going to do it, but I have to be smart," Dalembert said yesterday after practice. "I don't want to just go out and play five minutes. I want to play and not hold back."
Even though Dalembert is anxious to play, he wants to make the decision with his head, not his heart.
"I don't want to get in a game and get hurt again," he said.
sam und allen sind also mitgeflogen, jetzt heist es nur abwarten ob beide spielen werden, bei iverson gehe ich davon aus das er starten wird(dazu noch gegen seinen lieblingsgegner

)...eine erkältung hält ihn bestimmt nicht vom spielen ab auch wenn ich nichts dagegen hätte wenn er sich ne auszeit nehmen würde.
sam kann ruhig noch ne woche aussetzen, so schlecht stehen wir nicht da als das man ihn unbedingt benötigt. freuen würds mich aber trotzdem wenn er auflaufen könnte.